using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using LibGit2Sharp.Core; namespace LibGit2Sharp { /// /// Base class for all custom managed backends for the libgit2 object database (ODB). /// /// If the derived backend implements , the /// method will be honored and invoked upon the disposal of the repository. /// /// public abstract class OdbBackend { /// /// Invoked by libgit2 when this backend is no longer needed. /// internal void Free() { if (nativeBackendPointer == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(nativeBackendPointer, GitOdbBackend.GCHandleOffset)).Free(); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(nativeBackendPointer); nativeBackendPointer = IntPtr.Zero; } /// /// In your subclass, override this member to provide the list of actions your backend supports. /// protected abstract OdbBackendOperations SupportedOperations { get; } /// /// Call this method from your implementations of Read and ReadPrefix to allocate a buffer in /// which to return the object's data. /// /// The bytes to be copied to the stream. /// /// A Stream already filled with the content of provided the byte array. /// Do not dispose this object before returning it. /// protected UnmanagedMemoryStream AllocateAndBuildFrom(byte[] bytes) { var stream = Allocate(bytes.Length); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); return stream; } /// /// Call this method from your implementations of Read and ReadPrefix to allocate a buffer in /// which to return the object's data. /// /// Number of bytes to allocate /// A Stream for you to write to and then return. Do not dispose this object before returning it. protected unsafe UnmanagedMemoryStream Allocate(long size) { if (size < 0 || (UIntPtr.Size == sizeof(int) && size > int.MaxValue)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size"); } IntPtr buffer = Proxy.git_odb_backend_malloc(this.GitOdbBackendPointer, new UIntPtr((ulong)size)); return new UnmanagedMemoryStream((byte*)buffer, 0, size, FileAccess.ReadWrite); } /// /// Requests that this backend read an object. /// public abstract int Read( ObjectId id, out UnmanagedMemoryStream data, out ObjectType objectType); /// /// Requests that this backend read an object. The object ID may not be complete (may be a prefix). /// public abstract int ReadPrefix( string shortSha, out ObjectId oid, out UnmanagedMemoryStream data, out ObjectType objectType); /// /// Requests that this backend read an object's header (length and object type) but not its contents. /// public abstract int ReadHeader( ObjectId id, out int length, out ObjectType objectType); /// /// Requests that this backend write an object to the backing store. /// public abstract int Write( ObjectId id, Stream dataStream, long length, ObjectType objectType); /// /// Requests that this backend read an object. Returns a stream so that the caller can read the data in chunks. /// public abstract int ReadStream( ObjectId id, out OdbBackendStream stream); /// /// Requests that this backend write an object to the backing store. Returns a stream so that the caller can write /// the data in chunks. /// public abstract int WriteStream( long length, ObjectType objectType, out OdbBackendStream stream); /// /// Requests that this backend check if an object ID exists. /// public abstract bool Exists(ObjectId id); /// /// Requests that this backend check if an object ID exists. The object ID may not be complete (may be a prefix). /// public abstract int ExistsPrefix(string shortSha, out ObjectId found); /// /// Requests that this backend enumerate all items in the backing store. /// public abstract int ForEach(ForEachCallback callback); /// /// The signature of the callback method provided to the Foreach method. /// /// The object ID of the object in the backing store. /// A non-negative result indicates the enumeration should continue. Otherwise, the enumeration should stop. public delegate int ForEachCallback(ObjectId oid); private IntPtr nativeBackendPointer; internal IntPtr GitOdbBackendPointer { get { if (IntPtr.Zero == nativeBackendPointer) { var nativeBackend = new GitOdbBackend(); nativeBackend.Version = 1; // The "free" entry point is always provided. nativeBackend.Free = BackendEntryPoints.FreeCallback; var supportedOperations = this.SupportedOperations; if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.Read) != 0) { nativeBackend.Read = BackendEntryPoints.ReadCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.ReadPrefix) != 0) { nativeBackend.ReadPrefix = BackendEntryPoints.ReadPrefixCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.ReadHeader) != 0) { nativeBackend.ReadHeader = BackendEntryPoints.ReadHeaderCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.ReadStream) != 0) { nativeBackend.ReadStream = BackendEntryPoints.ReadStreamCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.Write) != 0) { nativeBackend.Write = BackendEntryPoints.WriteCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.WriteStream) != 0) { nativeBackend.WriteStream = BackendEntryPoints.WriteStreamCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.Exists) != 0) { nativeBackend.Exists = BackendEntryPoints.ExistsCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.ExistsPrefix) != 0) { nativeBackend.ExistsPrefix = BackendEntryPoints.ExistsPrefixCallback; } if ((supportedOperations & OdbBackendOperations.ForEach) != 0) { nativeBackend.Foreach = BackendEntryPoints.ForEachCallback; } nativeBackend.GCHandle = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(GCHandle.Alloc(this)); nativeBackendPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(nativeBackend)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(nativeBackend, nativeBackendPointer, false); } return nativeBackendPointer; } } private static class BackendEntryPoints { // Because our GitOdbBackend structure exists on the managed heap only for a short time (to be marshaled // to native memory with StructureToPtr), we need to bind to static delegates. If at construction time // we were to bind to the methods directly, that's the same as newing up a fresh delegate every time. // Those delegates won't be rooted in the object graph and can be collected as soon as StructureToPtr finishes. public static readonly GitOdbBackend.read_callback ReadCallback = Read; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.read_prefix_callback ReadPrefixCallback = ReadPrefix; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.read_header_callback ReadHeaderCallback = ReadHeader; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.readstream_callback ReadStreamCallback = ReadStream; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.write_callback WriteCallback = Write; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.writestream_callback WriteStreamCallback = WriteStream; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.exists_callback ExistsCallback = Exists; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.exists_prefix_callback ExistsPrefixCallback = ExistsPrefix; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.foreach_callback ForEachCallback = Foreach; public static readonly GitOdbBackend.free_callback FreeCallback = Free; private static OdbBackend MarshalOdbBackend(IntPtr backendPtr) { var intPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(backendPtr, GitOdbBackend.GCHandleOffset); var odbBackend = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(intPtr).Target as OdbBackend; if (odbBackend == null) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Reference, "Cannot retrieve the managed OdbBackend."); return null; } return odbBackend; } private unsafe static int Read( out IntPtr buffer_p, out UIntPtr len_p, out GitObjectType type_p, IntPtr backend, ref GitOid oid) { buffer_p = IntPtr.Zero; len_p = UIntPtr.Zero; type_p = GitObjectType.Bad; OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } UnmanagedMemoryStream memoryStream = null; try { ObjectType objectType; int toReturn = odbBackend.Read(new ObjectId(oid), out memoryStream, out objectType); if (toReturn != 0) { return toReturn; } if (memoryStream == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } len_p = new UIntPtr((ulong)memoryStream.Capacity); type_p = objectType.ToGitObjectType(); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); buffer_p = new IntPtr(memoryStream.PositionPointer); } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } finally { if (memoryStream != null) { memoryStream.Dispose(); } } return (int)GitErrorCode.Ok; } private unsafe static int ReadPrefix( out GitOid out_oid, out IntPtr buffer_p, out UIntPtr len_p, out GitObjectType type_p, IntPtr backend, ref GitOid short_oid, UIntPtr len) { out_oid = default(GitOid); buffer_p = IntPtr.Zero; len_p = UIntPtr.Zero; type_p = GitObjectType.Bad; OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } UnmanagedMemoryStream memoryStream = null; try { var shortSha = ObjectId.ToString(short_oid.Id, (int) len); ObjectId oid; ObjectType objectType; int toReturn = odbBackend.ReadPrefix(shortSha, out oid, out memoryStream, out objectType); if (toReturn != 0) { return toReturn; } if (memoryStream == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } out_oid.Id = oid.RawId; len_p = new UIntPtr((ulong)memoryStream.Capacity); type_p = objectType.ToGitObjectType(); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); buffer_p = new IntPtr(memoryStream.PositionPointer); } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } finally { if (memoryStream != null) { memoryStream.Dispose(); } } return (int)GitErrorCode.Ok; } private static int ReadHeader( out UIntPtr len_p, out GitObjectType type_p, IntPtr backend, ref GitOid oid) { len_p = UIntPtr.Zero; type_p = GitObjectType.Bad; OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } try { int length; ObjectType objectType; int toReturn = odbBackend.ReadHeader(new ObjectId(oid), out length, out objectType); if (toReturn != 0) { return toReturn; } len_p = new UIntPtr((uint)length); type_p = objectType.ToGitObjectType(); } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } return (int)GitErrorCode.Ok; } private static unsafe int Write( IntPtr backend, ref GitOid oid, IntPtr data, UIntPtr len, GitObjectType type) { long length = ConverToLong(len); OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } try { using (var stream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream((byte*)data, length)) { return odbBackend.Write(new ObjectId(oid), stream, length, type.ToObjectType()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } } private static int WriteStream( out IntPtr stream_out, IntPtr backend, UIntPtr len, GitObjectType type) { stream_out = IntPtr.Zero; long length = ConverToLong(len); OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } ObjectType objectType = type.ToObjectType(); try { OdbBackendStream stream; int toReturn = odbBackend.WriteStream(length, objectType, out stream); if (toReturn == 0) { stream_out = stream.GitOdbBackendStreamPointer; } return toReturn; } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } } private static int ReadStream( out IntPtr stream_out, IntPtr backend, ref GitOid oid) { stream_out = IntPtr.Zero; OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } try { OdbBackendStream stream; int toReturn = odbBackend.ReadStream(new ObjectId(oid), out stream); if (toReturn == 0) { stream_out = stream.GitOdbBackendStreamPointer; } return toReturn; } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } } private static bool Exists( IntPtr backend, ref GitOid oid) { OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return false; // Weird } try { return odbBackend.Exists(new ObjectId(oid)); } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return false; } } private static int ExistsPrefix( ref GitOid found_oid, IntPtr backend, ref GitOid short_oid, UIntPtr len) { OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } try { ObjectId found; var shortSha = ObjectId.ToString(short_oid.Id, (int)len); found_oid.Id = ObjectId.Zero.RawId; int result = odbBackend.ExistsPrefix(shortSha, out found); if (result == (int) GitErrorCode.Ok) { found_oid.Id = found.RawId; } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } } private static int Foreach( IntPtr backend, GitOdbBackend.foreach_callback_callback cb, IntPtr data) { OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } try { return odbBackend.ForEach(new ForeachState(cb, data).ManagedCallback); } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); return (int)GitErrorCode.Error; } } private static void Free( IntPtr backend) { OdbBackend odbBackend = MarshalOdbBackend(backend); if (odbBackend == null) { return; } try { odbBackend.Free(); var disposable = odbBackend as IDisposable; if (disposable == null) { return; } disposable.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Proxy.giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory.Odb, ex); } } private class ForeachState { public ForeachState(GitOdbBackend.foreach_callback_callback cb, IntPtr data) { this.cb = cb; = data; this.ManagedCallback = CallbackMethod; } private unsafe int CallbackMethod(ObjectId id) { var oid = id.RawId; fixed(void* ptr = &oid[0]) { return cb(new IntPtr(ptr), data); } } public readonly ForEachCallback ManagedCallback; private readonly GitOdbBackend.foreach_callback_callback cb; private readonly IntPtr data; } } internal static long ConverToLong(UIntPtr len) { if (len.ToUInt64() > long.MaxValue) { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Provided length ({0}) exceeds long.MaxValue ({1}).", len.ToUInt64(), long.MaxValue)); } return (long)len.ToUInt64(); } /// /// Flags used by subclasses of OdbBackend to indicate which operations they support. /// [Flags] protected enum OdbBackendOperations { /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the Read method. /// Read = 1, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the ReadPrefix method. /// ReadPrefix = 2, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the ReadHeader method. /// ReadHeader = 4, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the Write method. /// Write = 8, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the ReadStream method. /// ReadStream = 16, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the WriteStream method. /// WriteStream = 32, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the Exists method. /// Exists = 64, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the ExistsPrefix method. /// ExistsPrefix = 128, /// /// This OdbBackend declares that it supports the Foreach method. /// ForEach = 256, } /// /// Libgit2 expected backend return codes. /// protected enum ReturnCode { /// /// No error has occured. /// GIT_OK = 0, /// /// No object matching the oid, or short oid, can be found in the backend. /// GIT_ENOTFOUND = -3, /// /// The given short oid is ambiguous. /// GIT_EAMBIGUOUS = -5, /// /// Interruption of the foreach() callback is requested. /// GIT_EUSER = -7, } } }