<# .SYNOPSIS Builds a version of libgit2 and copies it to Lib/NativeBinaries. .PARAMETER sha Desired libgit2 version. This is run through `git rev-parse`, so branch names are okay too. .PARAMETER vs Version of Visual Studio project files to generate. Cmake supports "10" (default), "11" and "12". .PARAMETER libgit2Name The base name (i.e without the file extension) of the libgit2 DLL to generate. Default is to use git2-$suffix, where $suffix is the first 7 characters of the SHA1 of the corresponding libgi2 commit as the suffix. .PARAMETER test If set, run the libgit2 tests on the desired version. .PARAMETER debug If set, build the "Debug" configuration of libgit2, rather than "RelWithDebInfo" (default). #> Param( [string]$sha = 'HEAD', [string]$vs = '10', [string]$libgit2Name = '', [switch]$test, [switch]$debug ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $self = Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $libgit2sharpDirectory = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $libgit2Directory = Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "libgit2" $x86Directory = Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Lib\NativeBinaries\x86" $x64Directory = Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Lib\NativeBinaries\amd64" $build_clar = 'OFF' if ($test.IsPresent) { $build_clar = 'ON' } $configuration = "RelWithDebInfo" if ($debug.IsPresent) { $configuration = "Debug" } function Run-Command([scriptblock]$Command, [switch]$Fatal, [switch]$Quiet) { $output = "" if ($Quiet) { $output = & $Command 2>&1 } else { & $Command } if (!$Fatal) { return } $exitCode = 0 if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $exitCode = $LastExitCode } elseif (!$?) { $exitCode = 1 } else { return } $error = "``$Command`` failed" if ($output) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow $output $error += ". See output above." } Throw $error } function Find-CMake { # Look for cmake.exe in $Env:PATH. $cmake = @(Get-Command cmake.exe)[0] 2>$null if ($cmake) { $cmake = $cmake.Definition } else { # Look for the highest-versioned cmake.exe in its default location. $cmake = @(Resolve-Path (Join-Path ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "CMake *\bin\cmake.exe")) if ($cmake) { $cmake = $cmake[-1].Path } } if (!$cmake) { throw "Error: Can't find cmake.exe" } $cmake } function Find-Git { $git = @(Get-Command git)[0] 2>$null if ($git) { $git = $git.Definition Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray "Using git: $git" & $git --version | write-host -ForegroundColor Gray return $git } throw "Error: Can't find git" } Push-Location $libgit2Directory function Ensure-Property($expected, $propertyValue, $propertyName, $path) { if ($propertyValue -eq $expected) { return } throw "Error: Invalid '$propertyName' property in generated '$path' (Expected: $expected - Actual: $propertyValue)" } function Assert-Consistent-Naming($expected, $path) { $dll = get-item $path Ensure-Property $expected $dll.Name "Name" $dll.Fullname Ensure-Property $expected $dll.VersionInfo.InternalName "VersionInfo.InternalName" $dll.Fullname Ensure-Property $expected $dll.VersionInfo.OriginalFilename "VersionInfo.OriginalFilename" $dll.Fullname } & { trap { Pop-Location break } $cmake = Find-CMake $ctest = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $cmake) "ctest.exe" $git = Find-Git Write-Output "Fetching..." Run-Command -Quiet { & $git fetch } Write-Output "Verifying $sha..." $sha = & $git rev-parse $sha if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { write-host -foregroundcolor red "Error: invalid SHA. USAGE: $self " popd break } if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($libgit2Name)) { $binaryFilename = $libgit2Name } else { $binaryFilename = "git2-" + $sha.Substring(0,7) } Write-Output "Checking out $sha..." Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $git checkout $sha } Write-Output "Building 32-bit..." Run-Command -Quiet { & remove-item build -recurse -force } Run-Command -Quiet { & mkdir build } cd build Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake -G "Visual Studio $vs" -D ENABLE_TRACE=ON -D "BUILD_CLAR=$build_clar" -D "LIBGIT2_FILENAME=$binaryFilename" -DSTDCALL=ON .. } Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake --build . --config $configuration } if ($test.IsPresent) { Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $ctest -V . } } cd $configuration Assert-Consistent-Naming "$binaryFilename.dll" "*.dll" Run-Command -Quiet { & rm *.exp } Run-Command -Quiet { & rm $x86Directory\* } Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & copy -fo * $x86Directory } Write-Output "Building 64-bit..." cd .. Run-Command -Quiet { & mkdir build64 } cd build64 Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake -G "Visual Studio $vs Win64" -D THREADSAFE=ON -D ENABLE_TRACE=ON -D "BUILD_CLAR=$build_clar" -D "LIBGIT2_FILENAME=$binaryFilename" -DSTDCALL=ON ../.. } Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake --build . --config $configuration } if ($test.IsPresent) { Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $ctest -V . } } cd $configuration Assert-Consistent-Naming "$binaryFilename.dll" "*.dll" Run-Command -Quiet { & rm *.exp } Run-Command -Quiet { & rm $x64Directory\* } Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & copy -fo * $x64Directory } pop-location $dllNameClass = @" namespace LibGit2Sharp.Core { internal static class NativeDllName { public const string Name = "$binaryFilename"; } } "@ sc -Encoding ASCII (Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Libgit2sharp\Core\NativeDllName.cs") $dllNameClass sc -Encoding ASCII (Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Libgit2sharp\libgit2_hash.txt") $sha $buildProperties = @" NativeBinaries\amd64\$binaryFilename.dll PreserveNewest NativeBinaries\amd64\$binaryFilename.pdb PreserveNewest NativeBinaries\x86\$binaryFilename.dll PreserveNewest NativeBinaries\x86\$binaryFilename.pdb PreserveNewest "@ sc -Encoding UTF8 (Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "nuget.package\build\LibGit2Sharp.props") $buildProperties Write-Output "Done!" } exit