# top-most EditorConfig file root = true [*.cs] indent_style = tab indent_size = 4 csharp_new_line_before_open_brace = types,methods csharp_new_line_before_else = false csharp_new_line_before_catch = false csharp_new_line_before_finally = false csharp_new_line_before_members_in_object_initializers = true csharp_new_line_before_members_in_anonymous_types = true csharp_new_line_between_query_expression_clauses = true csharp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements = true csharp_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis = true csharp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis = true csharp_space_before_open_square_brackets = false csharp_space_after_cast = true csharp_indent_switch_labels = false # Sort using and Import directives with System.* appearing first dotnet_sort_system_directives_first = true # Prefer property-like constructs to have an expression-body csharp_style_expression_bodied_properties = true:none csharp_style_expression_bodied_indexers = true:none csharp_style_expression_bodied_accessors = true:none # Suggest more modern language features when available csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_is_with_cast_check = true:suggestion csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_as_with_null_check = true:suggestion csharp_style_inlined_variable_declaration = true:suggestion csharp_style_throw_expression = true:suggestion csharp_style_conditional_delegate_call = true:suggestion # Avoid redundant accessibility modifiers when they're default dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = omit_if_default:suggestion ### Code Style Analyzers # IDE0004: Remove unnecessary cast dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0004.severity = warning # IDE0005: Remove unnecessary usings/imports dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0005.severity = warning # IDE0019: Use pattern matching dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0019.severity = warning # IDE0020: Use pattern matching dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0020.severity = warning # IDE0029: Null check can be simplified dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0029.severity = warning # IDE0031: Null check can be simplified dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0031.severity = warning # IDE0035: Remove unreachable code dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0035.severity = warning # IDE0036: Order modifiers dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0036.severity = warning # IDE0039: Prefer local functions over anonymous functions dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0039.severity = warning # IDE0041: Null check can be simplified dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0041.severity = warning # IDE0043: Format string contains invalid placeholder dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0043.severity = warning # IDE0044: Make field readonly dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0044.severity = warning # IDE0047: Parentheses can be removed dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0047.severity = warning # IDE0051: Remove unused private members (no reads or writes) dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0051.severity = warning # IDE0052: Remove unread private member dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0052.severity = warning # IDE0053: Prefer expression bodies for lambdas dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0053.severity = warning # IDE0054: Use compound assignment dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0054.severity = warning # IDE0059: Unnecessary assignment to a value dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0059.severity = warning # IDE0060: Remove unused parameter dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0060.severity = warning # IDE0065: Using directives to be placed outside the namespace dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0065.severity = warning # IDE0073: File header dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0073.severity = suggestion file_header_template = Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.\nThe .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. # IDE0074: Use compound assignment dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0074.severity = warning # IDE0082: Convert typeof to nameof dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0082.severity = warning # IDE0083: Use is not pattern matching #dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0083.severity = warning // requires new C# for Mono # IDE0110: Remove unnecessary discard dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0110.severity = warning ## CA analyzer rules dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-performance.severity = warning dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-maintainability.severity = warning dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-reliability.severity = warning dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-usage.severity = warning #dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-style.severity = warning # call GC.SuppressFinalize(object) dotnet_diagnostic.CA1816.severity = none # CA1834: Use 'StringBuilder.Append(char)' dotnet_diagnostic.CA1834.severity = none # RS2008 Ignore analyzer release tracking dotnet_diagnostic.RS2008.severity = none # Exception type is not sufficiently specific dotnet_diagnostic.CA2201.severity = none # xUnit1004: Test methods should not be skipped dotnet_diagnostic.xUnit1004.severity = none [src/linker/ref/**/*.cs] # CA1822: Mark members as static dotnet_diagnostic.CA1822.severity = none # IDE0060: Remove unused parameter dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0060.severity = none [test/**/*.cs] dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0060.severity = none [external**] dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.severity = none generated_code = true