# set the base tools directory $toolsLocalPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Tools" $bootStrapperPath = Join-Path $toolsLocalPath "bootstrap.ps1" # if the boot-strapper script doesn't exist copy it to the tools path if ((Test-Path $bootStrapperPath) -eq 0) { if ((Test-Path $toolsLocalPath) -eq 0) { mkdir $toolsLocalPath | Out-Null } cp (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "bootstrap.ps1") $bootStrapperPath } # now execute it & $bootStrapperPath $PSScriptRoot $toolsLocalPath | Out-File (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "bootstrap.log") if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Output "Boot-strapping failed with exit code $LastExitCode, see bootstrap.log for more information." exit $LastExitCode } # execute the tool using the dotnet.exe host $dotNetExe = Join-Path $toolsLocalPath "dotnetcli\dotnet.exe" & $dotNetExe $args exit $LastExitCode