using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Assertions; using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Metadata; namespace Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies { class DynamicDependencyMethod { public static void Main () { new B (); // Needed to avoid lazy body marking stubbing B.Method (); B.SameContext (); B.Broken (); B.Conditional (); } [KeptMember (".ctor()")] class B { [Kept] int field; [Kept] void Method2 (out sbyte arg) { arg = 1; } [Kept] [DynamicDependency ("Dependency1()", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("Dependency2``1(``0[],System.Int32", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("Dependency3", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("RecursiveDependency", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("#ctor()", typeof (C))] // To avoid lazy body marking stubbing [DynamicDependency ("field", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("NextOne(Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.DynamicDependencyMethod.Nested@)", typeof (Nested))] [DynamicDependency ("#cctor()", typeof (Nested))] // Dependency on a property itself should be expressed as a dependency on one or both accessor methods [DynamicDependency ("get_Property()", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("get_Property2", typeof (C))] [DynamicDependency ("M``1(Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.DynamicDependencyMethod.Complex.S{" + "Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.DynamicDependencyMethod.Complex.G{" + "Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.DynamicDependencyMethod.Complex.A,``0}}" + "[0:,0:,0:][][][0:,0:]@)", typeof (Complex))] public static void Method () { } [Kept] [DynamicDependency ("field")] [DynamicDependency ("Method2(System.SByte@)")] public static void SameContext () { } [Kept] [ExpectedWarning ("IL2037", "MissingMethod", "'Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.C'")] [DynamicDependency ("MissingMethod", typeof (C))] [ExpectedWarning ("IL2037", "Dependency2``1(``0,System.Int32,System.Object)", "'Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.C'")] [DynamicDependency ("Dependency2``1(``0,System.Int32,System.Object)", typeof (C))] [ExpectedWarning ("IL2037", "''", "'Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.DynamicDependencyMethod.B'")] [DynamicDependency ("")] [ExpectedWarning ("IL2037", "#ctor()", "'Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.DynamicDependencyMethod.NestedStruct'")] [DynamicDependency ("#ctor()", typeof (NestedStruct))] [ExpectedWarning ("IL2037", "#cctor()", "'Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.DynamicDependencies.C'")] [DynamicDependency ("#cctor()", typeof (C))] [ExpectedWarning ("IL2036", "NonExistentType")] [DynamicDependency ("method", "NonExistentType", "test")] public static void Broken () { } [Kept] [DynamicDependency ("ConditionalTest()", typeof (C), Condition = "don't have it")] public static void Conditional () { } } class Nested { [Kept] private static void NextOne (ref Nested arg1) { } [Kept] static Nested () { } } class Complex { [Kept] public struct S { } [Kept] public class A { } [Kept] public class G { } [Kept] public void M (ref S>[,][][][,,] a) { } } struct NestedStruct { public string Name; public NestedStruct (string name) { Name = name; } } } [KeptMember (".ctor()")] class C { [Kept] internal string field; [Kept] internal void Dependency1 () { } internal void Dependency1 (long arg1) { } [Kept] internal void Dependency2 (T[] arg1, int arg2) { } [Kept] internal void Dependency3 (string str) { } [Kept] [DynamicDependency ("#ctor", typeof (NestedInC))] internal void RecursiveDependency () { } [KeptMember (".ctor()")] class NestedInC { } [Kept] [KeptBackingField] internal string Property { [Kept] get; set; } [Kept] [KeptBackingField] internal string Property2 { [Kept] get; set; } // For now, Condition has no effect: [Kept] internal void ConditionalTest () { } } }