// // admin.cs: Mono collaborative documentation adminsitration tool. // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza // // (C) 2003 Novell, Inc. // using Gtk; using GtkSharp; using Glade; using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Collections; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Monodoc { class AdminDriver { static int Main (string [] args) { bool real_server = true; if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONODOCTESTING") != null) real_server = false; Settings.RunningGUI = true; Application.Init (); Admin admin = new Admin (real_server); Application.Run (); return 0; } } class Admin { Glade.XML ui; [Widget] Window main_window; [Widget] ScrolledWindow container, review_container; [Widget] Statusbar statusbar; [Widget] Notebook notebook; [Widget] TextView text_ondisk; [Widget] TextView text_diff; [Widget] TextView text_current; uint contextid; HTML html, html_review; ContributionsSoap d; string login = SettingsHandler.Settings.Email; string pass = SettingsHandler.Settings.Key; PendingChange [] changes; public Admin (bool real_server) { LoadProviders (); ui = new Glade.XML (null, "admin.glade", "main_window", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); contextid = statusbar.GetContextId (""); main_window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (OnDeleteEvent); d = new ContributionsSoap (); if (real_server) d.Url = "http://www.go-mono.com/docs/server.asmx"; html = new HTML (); html.LinkClicked += new LinkClickedHandler (LinkClicked); html.Show (); html.SetSizeRequest (700, 500); container.Add (html); html_review = new HTML (); html_review.LinkClicked += new LinkClickedHandler (ReviewLinkClicked); html_review.Show (); review_container.Add (html_review); } bool Decouple (string prefix, string url, out int id, out int serial) { if (!url.StartsWith (prefix)){ id = 0; serial = 0; return false; } string rest = url.Substring (prefix.Length); int p = rest.IndexOf ('$'); string sid = rest.Substring (0, p); string sserial = rest.Substring (p+1); id = int.Parse (sid); serial = int.Parse (sserial); return true; } void LinkClicked (object o, LinkClickedArgs args) { string url = args.Url; int id, serial; Console.WriteLine ("Got: " + url); if (Decouple ("review:", url, out id, out serial)){ RenderReview (id, serial); return; } Console.WriteLine ("Unhandled url: " + url); } class FileAction { public GlobalChangeset globalset; public DocSetChangeset docset; public FileChangeset fileset; public FileAction (GlobalChangeset gs, DocSetChangeset ds, FileChangeset fs) { globalset = gs; docset = ds; fileset = fs; } } class ItemAction { public GlobalChangeset globalset; public DocSetChangeset docset; public FileChangeset fileset; public Change change; public ItemAction (GlobalChangeset gs, DocSetChangeset ds, FileChangeset fs, Change c) { globalset = gs; docset = ds; fileset = fs; change = c; } } void ApplyFile (FileAction fa) { XmlDocument d = LoadDocument (fa.docset, fa.fileset.RealFile); foreach (Change c in fa.fileset.Changes){ XmlNode old = d.SelectSingleNode (c.XPath); if (old != null) old.ParentNode.ReplaceChild (d.ImportNode (c.NewNode, true), old); } SaveDocument (d, fa.docset, fa.fileset); } void ApplyItem (ItemAction fa) { XmlDocument d = LoadDocument (fa.docset, fa.fileset.RealFile); XmlNode old = d.SelectSingleNode (fa.change.XPath); if (old != null) old.ParentNode.ReplaceChild (d.ImportNode (fa.change.NewNode, true), old); SaveDocument (d, fa.docset, fa.fileset); } static void WriteNode (string file, string str) { using (FileStream s = File.Create (file)){ using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (s)){ sw.Write (str); } } } void DiffChangeItem (ItemAction fa) { XmlDocument d = LoadDocument (fa.docset, fa.fileset.RealFile); XmlNode orig = d.SelectSingleNode (fa.change.XPath); XmlNode newn = fa.change.NewNode; text_ondisk.Buffer.Text = orig.InnerXml; text_current.Buffer.Text = newn.InnerXml; WriteNode ("/tmp/file-1", orig.InnerXml); WriteNode ("/tmp/file-2", newn.InnerXml); Process diffp = new Process (); diffp.StartInfo.FileName = "diff"; diffp.StartInfo.Arguments = "-uw /tmp/file-1 /tmp/file-2"; diffp.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; diffp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; diffp.Start (); text_diff.Buffer.Text = "=" + diffp.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); diffp.WaitForExit (); } void SaveDocument (XmlDocument d, DocSetChangeset docset, FileChangeset fileset) { string basedir = (string) providers [docset.DocSet]; string file = basedir + "/" + fileset.RealFile; d.Save (file); RenderReview (current_id, current_serial); } void ReviewLinkClicked (object o, LinkClickedArgs args) { string url = args.Url; int id, serial; if (Decouple ("flag-done:", url, out id, out serial)){ d.UpdateStatus (login, pass, id, serial, 1); notebook.Page = 0; return; } if (url.StartsWith ("apply-file:")){ string rest = url.Substring (11); ApplyFile ((FileAction) action_map [Int32.Parse (rest)]); return; } if (url.StartsWith ("apply-change:")){ string rest = url.Substring (13); ApplyItem ((ItemAction) action_map [Int32.Parse (rest)]); return; } if (url.StartsWith ("diff-change:")){ string rest = url.Substring (12); DiffChangeItem ((ItemAction) action_map [Int32.Parse (rest)]); notebook.Page = 2; } Console.WriteLine ("Unhandled url: " + url); } Hashtable cache = new Hashtable (); GlobalChangeset LoadReview (int id, int serial) { string key = String.Format ("{0}:{1}", id, serial); if (cache [key] != null) return (GlobalChangeset) cache [key]; // // Download contribution // XmlNode n = d.FetchContribution (login, pass, id, serial); // // Parse into GlobalChangeset // XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.AppendChild (doc.ImportNode (n, true)); XmlNodeReader r = new XmlNodeReader (doc); GlobalChangeset s; try { s = (GlobalChangeset) GlobalChangeset.serializer.Deserialize (r); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + e); Status = "Invalid contribution obtained from server: " + key; return null; } cache [key] = s; return s; } Hashtable action_map; int current_id, current_serial; // // Renders the id/serial representation for review by the administrator. // void RenderReview (int id, int serial) { current_id = id; current_serial = serial; notebook.Page = 1; GlobalChangeset globalset; globalset = LoadReview (id, serial); HTMLStream s = html_review.Begin ("text/html"); s.Write (""); if (globalset == null){ s.Write ("No data found"); html_review.End (s, HTMLStreamStatus.Ok); return; } int key = 0; action_map = new Hashtable (); // // First make sure we dont have sources that we dont know about, // so a contribution can not be flagged as done by accident // bool allow_flag_as_done = true; foreach (DocSetChangeset docset in globalset.DocSetChangesets){ if (!providers.Contains (docset.DocSet)){ s.Write (String.Format ("Warning: Skipping {0}", docset.DocSet)); allow_flag_as_done = false; continue; } } if (allow_flag_as_done) s.Write (String.Format ("

Changes: [Flag as Done]

", id, serial)); foreach (DocSetChangeset docset in globalset.DocSetChangesets){ if (!providers.Contains (docset.DocSet)) continue; if (docset == null){ s.Write ("Null?"); continue; } string ds; ds = String.Format ("
Docset: {0}
", docset.DocSet); foreach (FileChangeset fileset in docset.FileChangesets){ string fs, es = null; fs = String.Format ("

[Apply] File: {1}
", key, fileset.RealFile); action_map [key++] = new FileAction (globalset, docset, fileset); if (fileset.RealFile == null){ s.Write (String.Format ("Warning: invalid contribution, its missing filename")); continue; } XmlDocument d = LoadDocument (docset, fileset.RealFile); foreach (Change c in fileset.Changes){ XmlNode orig = d.SelectSingleNode (c.XPath); XmlNode newn = c.NewNode; if (orig == null){ s.Write (String.Format ("Warning, node {0} does not exist", c.XPath)); continue; } if (ds != null) { s.Write (ds); ds = null; } if (fs != null) { s.Write (fs); fs = null; es = "
"; } string original_text = orig.InnerXml; string new_text = c.NewNode.InnerXml; if (original_text == new_text){ //s.Write ("Applied
"); continue; } int p = c.XPath.LastIndexOf ("/"); s.Write (String.Format ("[Diff]", key)); s.Write (String.Format ("[Apply]: {1} ", key, c.XPath)); if (c.FromVersion != RootTree.MonodocVersion) s.Write ("FROM OLD VERSION"); action_map [key++] = new ItemAction (globalset, docset, fileset, c); s.Write (""); s.Write (""); s.Write (String.Format ("", Htmlize (original_text))); s.Write (""); s.Write ("
{0}"); s.Write (Htmlize (new_text)); s.Write ("
"); } if (es != null) s.Write (es); } } s.Write (""); html_review.End (s, HTMLStreamStatus.Ok); } // // Colorizes the ECMA XML documentation into some pretty HTML // string Htmlize (string s) { string r = s.Replace ("<", "<").Replace (">", ">").Replace ("<", "<").Replace ("/para>", "para>

"); return r; } // // Loads the `file' from a DocSetChangeset // XmlDocument LoadDocument (DocSetChangeset ds, string file) { XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument (); string basedir = (string) providers [ds.DocSet]; d.Load (basedir + "/" + file); return d; } void OnDeleteEvent (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); } void RenderChanges () { notebook.Page = 0; HTMLStream s = html.Begin ("text/html"); if (changes != null){ s.Write ("

Pending Changes

"); int i = 0; foreach (PendingChange ch in changes){ s.Write (String.Format ("{3}: {2}
", ch.ID, ch.Serial, ch.Login, i++)); } } else { s.Write ("

No pending changes on the server

"); } html.End (s, HTMLStreamStatus.Ok); } void OnCheckUpdatesClicked (object o, EventArgs args) { Status = "Loading"; try { changes = d.GetPendingChanges (login, pass); if (changes == null) Status = "No changes available"; else Status = "Changes loaded: " + changes.Length + " contributions"; RenderChanges (); } catch (Exception e){ Status = "There was a failure trying to fetch the status from the server"; Console.WriteLine (e); } } string Status { set { statusbar.Pop (contextid); statusbar.Push (contextid, value); } } Hashtable providers = new Hashtable (); public void LoadProviders () { string config_dir = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); string monodoc_dir = System.IO.Path.Combine (config_dir, "monodoc"); string settings_file = System.IO.Path.Combine (monodoc_dir, "providers.xml"); XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer (typeof (Providers)); Providers p; if (File.Exists (settings_file)) p = (Providers) ser.Deserialize (new XmlTextReader (settings_file)); else { Console.WriteLine ("File {0} does not exist", settings_file); Console.WriteLine ("Format is:"); Console.WriteLine (@" "); Environment.Exit (1); return; } for (int i = 0; i < p.Locations.Length; i++){ providers [p.Locations [i].Name] = p.Locations [i].Path; } } } /// /// Configuration Loading /// public class ProviderLocation { [XmlAttribute] public string Name; [XmlAttribute] public string Path; } public class Providers { [XmlElement ("Location", typeof (ProviderLocation))] public ProviderLocation [] Locations; } }