// // browser.cs: Mono documentation browser // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. // // TODO: // using Gtk; using Glade; using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Collections; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml; namespace Monodoc { class Driver { static int Main (string [] args) { string topic = null; bool useGecko = true; bool remote_mode = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++){ switch (args [i]){ case "--html": if (i+1 == args.Length){ Console.WriteLine ("--html needed argument"); return 1; } Node n; RootTree help_tree = RootTree.LoadTree (); string res = help_tree.RenderUrl (args [i+1], out n); if (res != null){ Console.WriteLine (res); return 0; } else { return 1; } case "--make-index": RootTree.MakeIndex (); return 0; case "--make-search-index": RootTree.MakeSearchIndex (); return 0; case "--about": Console.WriteLine ("Mono Documentation Browser"); Version ver = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetName ().Version; if (ver != null) Console.WriteLine (ver.ToString ()); return 0; case "--help": Console.WriteLine ("Options are:\n"+ "browser [--html TOPIC] [--make-index] [TOPIC] [--merge-changes CHANGE_FILE TARGET_DIR+] [--about]"); return 0; case "--merge-changes": if (i+2 == args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("--merge-changes 2+ args"); return 1; } ArrayList targetDirs = new ArrayList (); for (int j = i+2; j < args.Length; j++) targetDirs.Add (args [j]); EditMerger e = new EditMerger ( GlobalChangeset.LoadFromFile (args [i+1]), targetDirs ); e.Merge (); return 0; case "--edit": if (i+1 == args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: --edit path, where path is to the location of Monodoc-format XML documentation files."); return 1; } RootTree.UncompiledHelpSources.Add(args[i+1]); i++; break; case "--remote-mode": //In this mode, monodoc will accept urls on stdin //Used for integeration with monodevelop remote_mode = true; break; case "--no-gecko": useGecko = false; break; default: topic = args [i]; break; } } SettingsHandler.CheckUpgrade (); Settings.RunningGUI = true; Application.Init (); Browser browser = new Browser (useGecko); if (topic != null) browser.LoadUrl (topic); Thread in_thread = null; if (remote_mode) { in_thread = new Thread (delegate () { while (true) { string url = Console.ReadLine (); if (url == null) return; Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate { browser.LoadUrl (url); browser.MainWindow.Present (); }); } }); in_thread.Start (); } Application.Run (); if (in_thread != null) in_thread.Abort (); return 0; } } public class Browser { Glade.XML ui; public Gtk.Window MainWindow; Style bar_style; [Glade.Widget] public Window window1; [Glade.Widget] TreeView reference_tree; [Glade.Widget] TreeView bookmark_tree; [Glade.Widget] public Statusbar statusbar; [Glade.Widget] public Button back_button, forward_button; public Entry index_entry; [Glade.Widget] CheckMenuItem editing1; [Glade.Widget] CheckMenuItem showinheritedmembers; [Glade.Widget] CheckMenuItem comments1; [Glade.Widget] MenuItem postcomment; [Glade.Widget] public MenuItem cut1; [Glade.Widget] public MenuItem paste1; [Glade.Widget] public MenuItem print; public Notebook tabs_nb; public Tab CurrentTab; bool HoldCtrl; public bool UseGecko; [Glade.Widget] public MenuItem bookmarksMenu; [Glade.Widget] MenuItem view1; MenuItem textLarger; MenuItem textSmaller; MenuItem textNormal; [Glade.Widget] VBox help_container; [Glade.Widget] EventBox bar_eb, index_eb; [Glade.Widget] Label subtitle_label; [Glade.Widget] Notebook nb; [Glade.Widget] Box title_label_box; ELabel title_label; // Bookmark Manager BookmarkManager bookmark_manager; // // Accessed from the IndexBrowser class // internal VBox search_box; internal Frame matches; [Glade.Widget] internal VBox index_vbox; Gdk.Pixbuf monodoc_pixbuf; // // Used for searching // Entry search_term; TreeView search_tree; TreeStore search_store; SearchableIndex search_index; string highlight_text; [Glade.Widget] VBox search_vbox; ProgressPanel ppanel; // // Left-hand side Browsers // public TreeBrowser tree_browser; IndexBrowser index_browser; public string CurrentUrl; internal RootTree help_tree; // For the status bar. public uint context_id; // Control of Bookmark struct BookLink { public string Text, Url; public BookLink (string text, string url) { this.Text = text; this.Url = url; } } public ArrayList bookList; public Browser (bool UseGecko) { this.UseGecko = UseGecko; ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "window1", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); MainWindow = (Gtk.Window) ui["window1"]; MainWindow.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event_cb); MainWindow.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler (keypress_event_cb); MainWindow.KeyReleaseEvent += new KeyReleaseEventHandler (keyrelease_event_cb); Stream icon = GetResourceImage ("monodoc.png"); if (icon != null) { monodoc_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (icon); MainWindow.Icon = monodoc_pixbuf; } //ellipsizing label for the title title_label = new ELabel (""); title_label.Xalign = 0; Pango.FontDescription fd = new Pango.FontDescription (); fd.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; title_label.ModifyFont (fd); title_label.Layout.FontDescription = fd; title_label_box.Add (title_label); title_label.Show (); //colour the bar according to the current style bar_style = bar_eb.Style.Copy (); bar_eb.Style = bar_style; MainWindow.StyleSet += new StyleSetHandler (BarStyleSet); BarStyleSet (null, null); help_tree = RootTree.LoadTree (); tree_browser = new TreeBrowser (help_tree, reference_tree, this); // Bookmark Manager init; bookmark_manager = new BookmarkManager(this); // // Tab Notebook and first tab // tabs_nb = new Notebook(); //the Notebook that holds tabs tabs_nb.Scrollable = true; tabs_nb.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler(ChangeTab); help_container.Add(tabs_nb); if (UseGecko) { // Add Menu entries for changing the font Menu aux = (Menu) view1.Submenu; MenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); sep.Show (); aux.Append (sep); AccelGroup accel = new AccelGroup (); MainWindow.AddAccelGroup (accel); textLarger = new MenuItem ("_Larger text"); textLarger.Activated += new EventHandler (TextLarger); textLarger.Show (); aux.Append (textLarger); AccelKey ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.plus, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textLarger.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); textSmaller = new MenuItem ("_Smaller text"); textSmaller.Activated += new EventHandler (TextSmaller); textSmaller.Show (); aux.Append (textSmaller); ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.minus, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textSmaller.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); textNormal = new MenuItem ("_Original size"); textNormal.Activated += new EventHandler (TextNormal); textNormal.Show (); aux.Append (textNormal); ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.Key_0, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textNormal.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); } // restore the editing setting editing1.Active = SettingsHandler.Settings.EnableEditing; comments1.Active = SettingsHandler.Settings.ShowComments; cut1.Sensitive = false; paste1.Sensitive = false; // // Other bits // search_index = help_tree.GetSearchIndex(); if (search_index == null) { ppanel = new ProgressPanel ("No Search index found", "Generate", RootTree.MakeSearchIndex, CreateSearchPanel); search_vbox.Add (ppanel); search_vbox.Show (); } else { CreateSearchPanel (); } bookList = new ArrayList (); index_browser = IndexBrowser.MakeIndexBrowser (this); AddTab(); MainWindow.ShowAll(); } // Initianlizes the search index void CreateSearchPanel () { //get the search index if (search_index == null) { search_index = help_tree.GetSearchIndex(); //restore widgets search_vbox.Remove (ppanel); } // // Create the search panel // VBox vbox1 = new VBox (false, 0); search_vbox.PackStart (vbox1); // title HBox hbox1 = new HBox (false, 3); hbox1.BorderWidth = 3; Image icon = new Image (Stock.Find, IconSize.Menu); Label look_for_label = new Label ("Search for:"); look_for_label.Justify = Justification.Left; look_for_label.Xalign = 0; hbox1.PackEnd (look_for_label, true, true, 0); hbox1.PackEnd (icon, false, true, 0); hbox1.ShowAll (); vbox1.PackStart (hbox1, false, true, 0); // entry search_term = new Entry (); search_term.Activated += OnSearchActivated; vbox1.PackStart (search_term, false, true, 0); // treeview ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow_search = new ScrolledWindow (); scrolledwindow_search.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scrolledwindow_search.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Always; vbox1.PackStart (scrolledwindow_search, true, true, 0); search_tree = new TreeView (); search_tree.HeadersVisible = false; scrolledwindow_search.AddWithViewport (search_tree); //prepare the treeview search_store = new TreeStore (typeof (string)); search_tree.Model = search_store; search_tree.AppendColumn ("Searches", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0); search_tree.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (ShowSearchResult); vbox1.ShowAll (); search_vbox.ShowAll (); } // Adds a Tab and Activates it void AddTab() { CurrentTab = new Tab (this); tabs_nb.AppendPage (CurrentTab, CurrentTab.TabLabel); tabs_nb.ShowTabs = (tabs_nb.NPages > 1); tabs_nb.ShowAll (); //Needed to show the new tab tabs_nb.CurrentPage = tabs_nb.PageNum (CurrentTab); //Show root node Node match; string s = help_tree.RenderUrl ("root:", out match); if (s != null){ Render (s, match, "root:"); CurrentTab.history.AppendHistory (new Browser.LinkPageVisit (this, "root:")); } } //Called when the user changes the active Tab void ChangeTab(object o, SwitchPageArgs args) { //Deactivate the old history CurrentTab.history.Active = false; //Get the new Tab CurrentTab = (Tab) tabs_nb.GetNthPage ((int) args.PageNum); title_label.Text = CurrentTab.Title; //Activate the new history CurrentTab.history.Active = true; if (CurrentTab.Tab_mode == Mode.Viewer) { CurrentTab.history.ActivateCurrent(); paste1.Sensitive = false; print.Sensitive = true; } else { paste1.Sensitive = true; print.Sensitive = false; } if (tree_browser.SelectedNode != CurrentTab.CurrentNode) tree_browser.ShowNode (CurrentTab.CurrentNode); } // // Invoked when the user presses enter on the search_entry // void OnSearchActivated (object sender, EventArgs a) { string term = search_term.Text; if (term == "") return; //Search cannot handle empty string search_tree.Model = null; search_term.Editable = false; //search in the index Result r = search_index.Search (term); if (r == null) return; //There was a problem with the index //insert the results in the tree TreeIter iter; int max = r.Count > 500? 500:r.Count; iter = search_store.AppendValues (r.Term + " (" + max + " hits)"); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) search_store.AppendValues (iter, r.GetTitle(i)); // Show the results search_tree.Model = search_store; search_tree.CollapseAll(); TreePath p = search_store.GetPath (iter); search_tree.ExpandToPath (p); search_tree.Selection.SelectPath (p); search_term.Editable = true; } // // Invoked when the user click on one of the search results // void ShowSearchResult (object sender, EventArgs a) { CurrentTab.SetMode (Mode.Viewer); Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel model; bool selected = search_tree.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter); if (!selected) return; TreePath p = model.GetPath (iter); if (p.Depth < 2) return; int i_0 = p.Indices [0]; int i_1 = p.Indices [1]; Result res = (Result) search_index.Results [i_0]; TreeIter parent; model.IterParent (out parent, iter); string term = (string) search_store.GetValue (parent, 0); highlight_text = term.Substring (0, term.IndexOf ("(")-1); LoadUrl (res.GetUrl (i_1)); } // // Reload current page // void Reload () { if (CurrentTab.history == null) // catch the case when we are currently loading return; if (CurrentTab.history.Count == 0) LoadUrl ("root:"); else CurrentTab.history.ActivateCurrent (); } // // Changing font size menu entries // void TextLarger (object obj, EventArgs args) { SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size += 10; HelpSource.CssCode = null; Reload (); SettingsHandler.Save (); } void TextSmaller (object obj, EventArgs args) { SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size -= 10; HelpSource.CssCode = null; Reload (); SettingsHandler.Save (); } void TextNormal (object obj, EventArgs args) { SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size = 100; HelpSource.CssCode = null; Reload (); SettingsHandler.Save (); } void BarStyleSet (object obj, StyleSetArgs args) { bar_style.SetBackgroundGC (StateType.Normal, MainWindow.Style.BackgroundGCs[1]); } public Stream GetResourceImage (string name) { Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly (); System.IO.Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (name); return s; } public class LinkPageVisit : PageVisit { Browser browser; string url; public LinkPageVisit (Browser browser, string url) { this.browser = browser; this.url = url; } public override void Go () { Node n; string res = browser.help_tree.RenderUrl (url, out n); browser.Render (res, n, url); } } public void LinkClicked (object o, EventArgs args) { string url = CurrentTab.html.Url; if (HoldCtrl) AddTab (); LoadUrl (url); } private System.Xml.XmlNode edit_node; private string edit_url; public void LoadUrl (string url) { if (url.StartsWith("#")) { // FIXME: This doesn't deal with whether anchor jumps should go in the history CurrentTab.html.JumpToAnchor(url.Substring(1)); return; } if (url.StartsWith ("edit:")) { Console.WriteLine ("Node is: " + url); CurrentTab.edit_node = EditingUtils.GetNodeFromUrl (url, help_tree); CurrentTab.edit_url = url; CurrentTab.SetMode (Mode.Editor); CurrentTab.text_editor.Buffer.Text = CurrentTab.edit_node.InnerXml; return; } Node node; Console.Error.WriteLine ("Trying: {0}", url); try { string res = help_tree.RenderUrl (url, out node); if (res != null){ Render (res, node, url); CurrentTab.history.AppendHistory (new LinkPageVisit (this, url)); return; } } catch (Exception e){ Console.WriteLine("#########"); Console.WriteLine("Error loading url {0} - excpetion below:",url); Console.WriteLine("#########"); Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.Error.WriteLine ("+----------------------------------------------+"); Console.Error.WriteLine ("| Here we should locate the provider for the |"); Console.Error.WriteLine ("| link. Maybe using this document as a base? |"); Console.Error.WriteLine ("| Maybe having a locator interface? The short|"); Console.Error.WriteLine ("| urls are not very useful to locate types |"); Console.Error.WriteLine ("+----------------------------------------------+"); Render (url, null, url); } // // Renders the HTML text in `text' which was computed from `url'. // The Node matching is `matched_node'. // // `url' is only used for debugging purposes // public void Render (string text, Node matched_node, string url) { CurrentUrl = url; CurrentTab.CurrentNode = matched_node; // Comment out, thta routine is completely broken, someone needs to redo it // it crashes randomly //if (highlight_text != null) //text = DoHighlightText (text); CurrentTab.html.Render(text); if (matched_node != null) { if (tree_browser.SelectedNode != matched_node) tree_browser.ShowNode (matched_node); title_label.Text = matched_node.Caption; // //Try to find a better name for the Tab // string tabTitle; tabTitle = matched_node.Caption; //Normal title string[] parts = matched_node.URL.Split('/', '#'); if(matched_node.URL != null && matched_node.URL.StartsWith("ecma:")) { if(parts.Length == 3 && parts[2] != String.Empty) { //List of Members, properties, events, ... tabTitle = parts[1] + ": " + matched_node.Caption; } else if(parts.Length >= 4) { //Showing a concrete Member, property, ... tabTitle = parts[1] + "." + matched_node.Caption; } else { tabTitle = matched_node.Caption; } } //Trim too large titles if(tabTitle.Length > 35) { CurrentTab.Title = tabTitle.Substring(0,35) + " ..."; } else { CurrentTab.Title = tabTitle; } if (matched_node.Nodes != null) { int count = matched_node.Nodes.Count; string term; if (count == 1) term = "subpage"; else term = "subpages"; subtitle_label.Text = count + " " + term; } else subtitle_label.Text = ""; } else { title_label.Text = "Error"; subtitle_label.Text = ""; } } // // Highlights the text of the search // // we have to highligh everything that is not inside < and > string DoHighlightText (string text) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder (text); //search for the term to highlight in a lower case version of the text string text_low = text.ToLower(); string term_low = highlight_text.ToLower(); //search for < and > so we dont substitute text of html tags ArrayList lt = new ArrayList(); ArrayList gt = new ArrayList(); int ini = 0; ini = text_low.IndexOf ('<', ini, text_low.Length); while (ini != -1) { lt.Add (ini); ini = text_low.IndexOf ('<', ini+1, text_low.Length-ini-1); } ini = 0; ini = text_low.IndexOf ('>', ini, text_low.Length); while (ini != -1) { gt.Add (ini); ini = text_low.IndexOf ('>', ini+1, text_low.Length-ini-1); } //start searching for the term int offset = 0; int p = 0; ini = 0; ini = text_low.IndexOf (term_low, ini, text_low.Length); while (ini != -1) { bool beforeLt = ini < (int) lt [p]; //look if term is inside any html tag while (!beforeLt) { bool afterGt = ini > (int) gt [p]; if (afterGt) { p++; beforeLt = ini < (int) lt [p]; continue; } else { goto ExtLoop; } } string t = sb.ToString (ini + offset, term_low.Length); sb.Remove (ini + offset, term_low.Length); sb.Insert (ini + offset, "" + t + ""); offset += 40; //due to the tag inserted ExtLoop: ini = text_low.IndexOf (term_low, ini+1, text_low.Length-ini-1); } highlight_text = null; //only highlight when a search result is clicked return sb.ToString(); } // // Invoked when the mouse is over a link // string last_url = ""; public void OnUrlMouseOver (object o, EventArgs args) { string new_url = CurrentTab.html.Url; if (new_url == null) new_url = ""; if (new_url != last_url){ statusbar.Pop (context_id); statusbar.Push (context_id, new_url); last_url = new_url; } } void keypress_event_cb (object o, KeyPressEventArgs args) { switch (args.Event.Key) { case Gdk.Key.Left: if (((Gdk.ModifierType) args.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask) !=0) CurrentTab.history.BackClicked (this, EventArgs.Empty); args.RetVal = true; break; case Gdk.Key.Right: if (((Gdk.ModifierType) args.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask) !=0) CurrentTab.history.ForwardClicked (this, EventArgs.Empty); args.RetVal = true; break; case Gdk.Key.Control_L: case Gdk.Key.Control_R: HoldCtrl = true; break; case Gdk.Key.Page_Up: if (HoldCtrl) tabs_nb.PrevPage(); break; case Gdk.Key.Page_Down: if (HoldCtrl) tabs_nb.NextPage(); break; } } void keyrelease_event_cb (object o, KeyReleaseEventArgs args) { switch (args.Event.Key) { case Gdk.Key.Control_L: case Gdk.Key.Control_R: HoldCtrl = false; break; } } void delete_event_cb (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); } void on_print_activate (object sender, EventArgs e) { // desactivate css temporary if (UseGecko) HelpSource.use_css = false; string url = CurrentUrl; string html; Node cur = CurrentTab.CurrentNode; Node n; // deal with the two types of urls if (cur.tree.HelpSource != null) { html = cur.tree.HelpSource.GetText (url, out n); if (html == null) html = help_tree.RenderUrl (url, out n); } else { html = help_tree.RenderUrl (url, out n); } // sending Html to be printed. if (html != null) CurrentTab.html.Print (html); if (UseGecko) HelpSource.use_css = true; } void OnCommentsActivate (object o, EventArgs args) { SettingsHandler.Settings.ShowComments = comments1.Active; // postcomment.Sensitive = comments1.Active; // refresh, so we can see the comments if (CurrentTab != null && CurrentTab.history != null) // catch the case when we are currently loading CurrentTab.history.ActivateCurrent (); } void OnInheritedMembersActivate (object o, EventArgs args) { SettingsHandler.Settings.ShowInheritedMembers = showinheritedmembers.Active; if (CurrentTab != null && CurrentTab.history != null) // catch the case when we are currently loading CurrentTab.history.ActivateCurrent (); } void OnEditingActivate (object o, EventArgs args) { SettingsHandler.Settings.EnableEditing = editing1.Active; // refresh, so we can see the [edit] things if (CurrentTab != null && CurrentTab.history != null) // catch the case when we are currently loading CurrentTab.history.ActivateCurrent (); } void OnCollapseActivate (object o, EventArgs args) { reference_tree.CollapseAll (); reference_tree.ExpandRow (new TreePath ("0"), false); } // // Invoked when the index_entry Entry line content changes // public void OnIndexEntryChanged (object sender, EventArgs a) { if (index_browser != null) index_browser.SearchClosest (index_entry.Text); } // // Invoked when the user presses enter on the index_entry // public void OnIndexEntryActivated (object sender, EventArgs a) { if (index_browser != null) index_browser.LoadSelected (); } // // Invoked when the user presses a key on the index_entry // public void OnIndexEntryKeyPress (object o, KeyPressEventArgs args) { args.RetVal = true; switch (args.Event.Key) { case Gdk.Key.Up: if (matches.Visible == true && index_browser.match_list.Selected != 0) { index_browser.match_list.Selected--; } else { index_browser.index_list.Selected--; if (matches.Visible == true) index_browser.match_list.Selected = index_browser.match_model.Rows - 1; } break; case Gdk.Key.Down: if (matches.Visible == true && index_browser.match_list.Selected + 1 != index_browser.match_model.Rows) { index_browser.match_list.Selected++; } else { index_browser.index_list.Selected++; if (matches.Visible == true) index_browser.match_list.Selected = 0; } break; default: args.RetVal = false; break; } } // // For the accel keystroke // public void OnIndexEntryFocused (object sender, EventArgs a) { nb.Page = 1; } // // Invoked from File/Quit menu entry. // void OnQuitActivate (object sender, EventArgs a) { Application.Quit (); } // // Invoked by Edit/Cut menu entry. // void OnCutActivate (object sender, EventArgs a) { if (CurrentTab.Tab_mode == Mode.Editor) { Clipboard cb = Clipboard.Get (Gdk.Selection.Clipboard); CurrentTab.text_editor.Buffer.CutClipboard (cb, true); } } // // Invoked by Edit/Copy menu entry. // void OnCopyActivate (object sender, EventArgs a) { if (CurrentTab.Tab_mode == Mode.Viewer) CurrentTab.html.Copy (); else { Clipboard cb = Clipboard.Get (Gdk.Selection.Clipboard); CurrentTab.text_editor.Buffer.CopyClipboard (cb); } } // // Invoked by Edit/Paste menu entry. // void OnPasteActivate (object sender, EventArgs a) { Clipboard cb = Clipboard.Get (Gdk.Selection.Clipboard); if (!cb.WaitIsTextAvailable ()) return; //string text = cb.WaitForText (); //CurrentTab.text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor (text); CurrentTab.text_editor.Buffer.PasteClipboard (cb); } class About { [Glade.Widget] Window about; [Glade.Widget] Image logo_image; [Glade.Widget] Label label_version; static About AboutBox; Browser parent; About (Browser parent) { Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "about", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); this.parent = parent; about.TransientFor = parent.window1; Gdk.Pixbuf icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf (null, "monodoc.png"); if (icon != null) { about.Icon = icon; logo_image.Pixbuf = icon; } Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (); label_version.Markup = String.Format ("Version: {0}", assembly.GetName ().Version.ToString ()); } void OnOkClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { about.Hide (); } // // Called on the Window delete icon clicked // void OnDelete (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { AboutBox = null; } static public void Show (Browser parent) { if (AboutBox == null) AboutBox = new About (parent); AboutBox.about.Show (); } } // // Hooked up from Glade // void OnAboutActivate (object sender, EventArgs a) { About.Show (this); } void OnUpload (object sender, EventArgs a) { string key = SettingsHandler.Settings.Key; if (key == null || key == "") ConfigWizard.Run (this); else DoUpload (); } void DoUpload () { Upload.Run (this); } class Upload { enum State { GetSerial, PrepareUpload, SerialError, VersionError, SubmitError, NetworkError, Done } [Glade.Widget] Dialog upload_dialog; [Glade.Widget] Label status; [Glade.Widget] Button cancel; State state; ThreadNotify tn; WebClientAsyncResult war; ContributionsSoap d; int serial; public static void Run (Browser browser) { new Upload (browser); } Upload (Browser browser) { tn = new ThreadNotify (new ReadyEvent (Update)); Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "upload_dialog", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); d = new ContributionsSoap (); if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONODOCTESTING") == null) d.Url = "http://www.go-mono.com/docs/server.asmx"; status.Text = "Checking Server version"; war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginCheckVersion (1, new AsyncCallback (VersionChecked), null); } void Update () { Console.WriteLine ("In Update: " + state); switch (state){ case State.NetworkError: status.Text = "A network error ocurred"; cancel.Label = "Close"; return; case State.VersionError: status.Text = "Server has a different version, upgrade your MonoDoc"; cancel.Label = "Close"; return; case State.GetSerial: war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginGetSerial ( SettingsHandler.Settings.Email, SettingsHandler.Settings.Key, new AsyncCallback (GetSerialDone), null); return; case State.SerialError: status.Text = "Error obtaining serial number from server for this account"; cancel.Label = "Close"; return; case State.SubmitError: status.Text = "There was a problem with the documentation uploaded"; cancel.Label = "Close"; return; case State.PrepareUpload: GlobalChangeset cs = EditingUtils.GetChangesFrom (serial); if (cs == null){ status.Text = "No new contributions"; cancel.Label = "Close"; return; } CopyXmlNodeWriter w = new CopyXmlNodeWriter (); GlobalChangeset.serializer.Serialize (w, cs); Console.WriteLine ("Uploading..."); status.Text = String.Format ("Uploading {0} contributions", cs.Count); XmlDocument dd = (XmlDocument) w.Document; war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginSubmit ( SettingsHandler.Settings.Email, SettingsHandler.Settings.Key, ((XmlDocument) w.Document).DocumentElement, new AsyncCallback (UploadDone), null); return; case State.Done: status.Text = "All contributions uploaded"; cancel.Label = "Close"; SettingsHandler.Settings.SerialNumber = serial; SettingsHandler.Save (); return; } } void UploadDone (IAsyncResult iar) { try { int result = d.EndSubmit (iar); war = null; if (result < 0) state = State.SubmitError; else { state = State.Done; serial = result; } } catch (Exception e) { state = State.NetworkError; Console.WriteLine ("Upload: " + e); } if (tn != null) tn.WakeupMain (); } void GetSerialDone (IAsyncResult iar) { try { serial = d.EndGetSerial (iar); war = null; if (serial < 0) state = State.SerialError; else state = State.PrepareUpload; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Serial: " + e); state = State.NetworkError; } if (tn != null) tn.WakeupMain (); } void VersionChecked (IAsyncResult iar) { try { int ver = d.EndCheckVersion (iar); war = null; if (ver != 0) state = State.VersionError; else state = State.GetSerial; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Version: " + e); state = State.NetworkError; } if (tn != null) tn.WakeupMain (); } void Cancel_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { if (war != null) war.Abort (); war = null; state = State.Done; upload_dialog.Destroy (); upload_dialog = null; tn = null; } } class ConfigWizard { static ConfigWizard config_wizard; [Glade.Widget] Window window_config_wizard; [Glade.Widget] Notebook notebook; [Glade.Widget] Button button_email_ok; [Glade.Widget] Entry entry_email; [Glade.Widget] Entry entry_password; Browser parent; ContributionsSoap d; WebClientAsyncResult war; ThreadNotify tn; int new_page; public static void Run (Browser browser) { if (config_wizard == null) config_wizard = new ConfigWizard (browser); return; } ConfigWizard (Browser browser) { tn = new ThreadNotify (new ReadyEvent (UpdateNotebookPage)); Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "window_config_wizard", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); //notebook.ShowTabs = false; parent = browser; window_config_wizard.TransientFor = browser.window1; d = new ContributionsSoap (); if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONODOCTESTING") == null) d.Url = "http://www.go-mono.com/docs/server.asmx"; notebook.Page = 8; war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginCheckVersion (1, new AsyncCallback (VersionChecked), null); } void NetworkError () { new_page = 9; tn.WakeupMain (); } void VersionChecked (IAsyncResult iar) { int ver = -1; try { if (notebook.Page != 8) return; ver = d.EndCheckVersion (iar); if (ver != 0) new_page = 10; else new_page = 0; tn.WakeupMain (); } catch (Exception e){ Console.WriteLine ("Error" + e); NetworkError (); } } // // Called on the Window delete icon clicked // void OnDelete (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { config_wizard = null; } // // called when the license is approved // void OnPage1_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { button_email_ok.Sensitive = false; notebook.Page = 1; } // // Request the user registration. // void OnPage2_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { notebook.Page = 2; SettingsHandler.Settings.Email = entry_email.Text; war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginRegister (entry_email.Text, new AsyncCallback (RegisterDone), null); } void UpdateNotebookPage () { notebook.Page = new_page; } void RegisterDone (IAsyncResult iar) { int code; try { Console.WriteLine ("Registration done"); code = d.EndRegister (iar); if (code != 0 && code != -2){ NetworkError (); return; } new_page = 4; } catch { new_page = 3; } tn.WakeupMain (); } void PasswordContinue_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { notebook.Page = 5; SettingsHandler.Settings.Key = entry_password.Text; war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginGetSerial (entry_email.Text, entry_password.Text, new AsyncCallback (GetSerialDone), null); } void GetSerialDone (IAsyncResult iar) { try { int last = d.EndGetSerial (iar); if (last == -1){ SettingsHandler.Settings.Key = ""; new_page = 11; tn.WakeupMain (); return; } SettingsHandler.Settings.SerialNumber = last; new_page = 6; tn.WakeupMain (); } catch { NetworkError (); } } void AccountRequestCancel_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { war.Abort (); notebook.Page = 7; } void SerialRequestCancel_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { war.Abort (); notebook.Page = 7; } void LoginRequestCancel_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { war.Abort (); notebook.Page = 7; } // // Called when the user clicks `ok' on a terminate page // void Terminate_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { window_config_wizard.Destroy (); config_wizard = null; } // Called when the registration process has been successful void Completed_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { window_config_wizard.Destroy (); config_wizard = null; try { Console.WriteLine ("Saving"); SettingsHandler.Save (); parent.DoUpload (); } catch (Exception e) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, "Error Saving settings\n" + e.ToString ()); } } void OnEmail_Changed (object sender, EventArgs a) { string text = entry_email.Text; if (text.IndexOf ("@") != -1 && text.Length > 3) button_email_ok.Sensitive = true; } } void OnContributionStatistics (object sender, EventArgs a) { string email = SettingsHandler.Settings.Email; string key = SettingsHandler.Settings.Key; if (key == null || key == "") { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Close, "You have not obtained or used a contribution key yet."); md.Title = "No contribution key"; md.Run(); md.Destroy(); } else ContributionStatus.GetStatus (email, key); } class ContributionStatus { enum State { GetStatusError, NetworkError, Done } State state; Status status; string contributoremail; ThreadNotify tn; WebClientAsyncResult war; ContributionsSoap d; public static void GetStatus (string email, string key) { new ContributionStatus(email, key); } ContributionStatus (string email, string key) { tn = new ThreadNotify (new ReadyEvent (Update)); d = new ContributionsSoap (); if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONODOCTESTING") == null) d.Url = "http://www.go-mono.com/docs/server.asmx"; war = (WebClientAsyncResult) d.BeginGetStatus (email, key, new AsyncCallback (GetStatusDone), null); contributoremail = email; } void Update () { MessageDialog md = null; switch (state) { case State.GetStatusError: md = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, "Server returned error while requesting contributor statistics"); md.Title = "Contribution Statistics Error Occurred"; break; case State.NetworkError: md = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close, "Network error occurred while requesting contributor statistics"); md.Title = "Contribution Statistics Error Occurred"; break; case State.Done: md = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Close, "Contribution statistics for " + contributoremail + "\n\nTotal contributions: " + status.Contributions + "\nContributions committed: " + status.Commited + "\nContributions pending: " + status.Pending); md.Title = "Contribution Statistics"; break; } md.Run(); md.Destroy(); } void GetStatusDone (IAsyncResult iar) { try { status = d.EndGetStatus (iar); war = null; if (status == null) state = State.GetStatusError; else state = State.Done; } catch (Exception e) { state = State.NetworkError; Console.WriteLine ("Error getting status: " + e); } if (tn != null) tn.WakeupMain (); } } class NewComment { [Glade.Widget] Window newcomment; [Glade.Widget] Entry entry; static NewComment NewCommentBox; Browser parent; NewComment (Browser browser) { Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "newcomment", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); parent = browser; newcomment.TransientFor = browser.window1; } void OnOkClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { CommentService service = new CommentService(); // todo newcomment.Hide (); } void OnCancelClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { newcomment.Hide (); } // // Called on the Window delete icon clicked // void OnDelete (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { NewCommentBox = null; } static public void Show (Browser browser) { if (NewCommentBox == null) NewCommentBox = new NewComment (browser); NewCommentBox.newcomment.Show (); } } void OnNewComment (object sender, EventArgs a) { NewComment.Show (this); } class Lookup { [Glade.Widget] Window lookup; [Glade.Widget] Entry entry; static Lookup LookupBox; Browser parent; Lookup (Browser browser) { Glade.XML ui = new Glade.XML (null, "browser.glade", "lookup", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); parent = browser; lookup.TransientFor = browser.window1; } void OnOkClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { string text = entry.Text; if (text != "") parent.LoadUrl (entry.Text); lookup.Hide (); } // // Called on the Window delete icon clicked // void OnDelete(object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { LookupBox = null; } static public void Show (Browser browser) { if (LookupBox == null) LookupBox = new Lookup (browser); LookupBox.lookup.Show (); } } // // Invoked by File/LookupURL menu entry. // void OnLookupURL (object sender, EventArgs a) { Lookup.Show (this); } // // Invoked by Edit/Select All menu entry. // void OnSelectAllActivate (object sender, EventArgs a) { CurrentTab.html.SelectAll (); } // // Invoked by New Tab menu entry. // void OnNewTab (object sender, EventArgs a) { AddTab(); } } // // This class implements the tree browser // public class TreeBrowser { Browser browser; TreeView tree_view; TreeStore store; RootTree help_tree; TreeIter root_iter; // // This hashtable maps an iter to its node. // Hashtable iter_to_node; // // This hashtable maps the node to its iter // Hashtable node_to_iter; // // Maps a node to its TreeIter parent // Hashtable node_parent; public TreeBrowser (RootTree help_tree, TreeView reference_tree, Browser browser) { this.browser = browser; tree_view = reference_tree; iter_to_node = new Hashtable (); node_to_iter = new Hashtable (); node_parent = new Hashtable (); // Setup the TreeView tree_view.AppendColumn ("name_col", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0); // Bind events tree_view.RowExpanded += new Gtk.RowExpandedHandler (RowExpanded); tree_view.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (RowActivated); tree_view.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler (RowClicked); // Setup the model this.help_tree = help_tree; store = new TreeStore (typeof (string)); root_iter = store.AppendValues ("Mono Documentation"); iter_to_node [root_iter] = help_tree; node_to_iter [help_tree] = root_iter; PopulateNode (help_tree, root_iter); reference_tree.Model = store; } void PopulateNode (Node node, TreeIter parent) { if (node.Nodes == null) return; TreeIter iter; foreach (Node n in node.Nodes){ iter = store.AppendValues (parent, n.Caption); iter_to_node [iter] = n; node_to_iter [n] = iter; } } Hashtable populated = new Hashtable (); void RowExpanded (object o, Gtk.RowExpandedArgs args) { Node result = iter_to_node [args.Iter] as Node; Open (result); } void RowClicked (object o, Gtk.RowActivatedArgs args) { Gtk.TreeModel model; Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreePath path = args.Path; tree_view.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter); Node result = iter_to_node [iter] as Node; if (!tree_view.GetRowExpanded (path)) { tree_view.ExpandRow (path, false); Open (result); } else { tree_view.CollapseRow (path); } } void Open (Node node) { if (node == null){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Expanding something that I do not know about"); return; } if (populated.Contains (node)) return; // // We need to populate data on a second level // if (node.Nodes == null) return; foreach (Node n in node.Nodes){ PopulateNode (n, (TreeIter) node_to_iter [n]); } populated [node] = true; } void PopulateTreeFor (Node n) { if (populated [n] == null){ if (n.Parent != null) { OpenTree (n.Parent); } } Open (n); } public void OpenTree (Node n) { PopulateTreeFor (n); TreeIter iter = (TreeIter) node_to_iter [n]; TreePath path = store.GetPath (iter); } public Node SelectedNode { get { Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel model; if (tree_view.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter)) return (Node) iter_to_node [iter]; else return null; } } public void ShowNode (Node n) { if (node_to_iter [n] == null){ OpenTree (n); if (node_to_iter [n] == null){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Internal error: no node to iter mapping"); return; } } TreeIter iter = (TreeIter) node_to_iter [n]; TreePath path = store.GetPath (iter); tree_view.ExpandToPath (path); IgnoreRowActivated = true; tree_view.Selection.SelectPath (path); IgnoreRowActivated = false; tree_view.ScrollToCell (path, null, false, 0.5f, 0.0f); } class NodePageVisit : PageVisit { Browser browser; Node n; string url; public NodePageVisit (Browser browser, Node n, string url) { if (n == null) throw new Exception ("N is null"); this.browser = browser; this.n = n; this.url = url; } public override void Go () { string res; Node x; // The root tree has no help source if (n.tree.HelpSource != null) res = n.tree.HelpSource.GetText (url, out x); else res = ((RootTree)n.tree).RenderUrl (url, out x); browser.Render (res, n, url); } } bool IgnoreRowActivated = false; // // This has to handle two kinds of urls: those encoded in the tree // file, which are used to quickly lookup information precisely // (things like "ecma:0"), and if that fails, it uses the more expensive // mechanism that walks trees to find matches // void RowActivated (object sender, EventArgs a) { //browser.CurrentTab.SetMode (Mode.Viewer); if (IgnoreRowActivated) return; Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeModel model; if (tree_view.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter)){ Node n = (Node) iter_to_node [iter]; string url = n.URL; Node match; string s; if (n.tree.HelpSource != null) { // // Try the tree-based urls first. // s = n.tree.HelpSource.GetText (url, out match); if (s != null){ ((Browser)browser).Render (s, n, url); browser.CurrentTab.history.AppendHistory (new NodePageVisit (browser, n, url)); return; } } // // Try the url resolver next // s = help_tree.RenderUrl (url, out match); if (s != null){ ((Browser)browser).Render (s, n, url); browser.CurrentTab.history.AppendHistory (new Browser.LinkPageVisit (browser, url)); return; } ((Browser)browser).Render ("

Unhandled URL

" + "

Functionality to view the resource " + n.URL + " is not available on your system or has not yet been implemented.

", null, url); } } } // // The index browser // class IndexBrowser { Browser browser; IndexReader index_reader; public BigList index_list; public MatchModel match_model; public BigList match_list; IndexEntry current_entry = null; public static IndexBrowser MakeIndexBrowser (Browser browser) { IndexReader ir = browser.help_tree.GetIndex (); if (ir == null) { return new IndexBrowser (browser); } return new IndexBrowser (browser, ir); } ProgressPanel ppanel; IndexBrowser (Browser parent) { browser = parent; ppanel = new ProgressPanel ("No index found", "Generate", RootTree.MakeIndex, NewIndexCreated); browser.index_vbox.Add (ppanel); browser.index_vbox.Show (); } void NewIndexCreated () { index_reader = browser.help_tree.GetIndex (); //restore widgets browser.index_vbox.Remove (ppanel); CreateWidget (); browser.index_vbox.ShowAll (); } IndexBrowser (Browser parent, IndexReader ir) { browser = parent; index_reader = ir; CreateWidget (); } void CreateWidget () { // // Create the widget // Frame frame1 = new Frame (); VBox vbox1 = new VBox (false, 0); frame1.Add (vbox1); // title HBox hbox1 = new HBox (false, 3); hbox1.BorderWidth = 3; Image icon = new Image (Stock.Index, IconSize.Menu); Label look_for_label = new Label ("Look for:"); look_for_label.Justify = Justification.Left; look_for_label.Xalign = 0; hbox1.PackEnd (look_for_label, true, true, 0); hbox1.PackEnd (icon, false, true, 0); hbox1.ShowAll (); vbox1.PackStart (hbox1, false, true, 0); // entry vbox1.PackStart (new HSeparator (), false, true, 0); browser.index_entry = new Entry (); browser.index_entry.Activated += browser.OnIndexEntryActivated; browser.index_entry.Changed += browser.OnIndexEntryChanged; browser.index_entry.FocusInEvent += browser.OnIndexEntryFocused; browser.index_entry.KeyPressEvent += browser.OnIndexEntryKeyPress; vbox1.PackStart (browser.index_entry, false, true, 0); vbox1.PackStart (new HSeparator (), false, true, 0); //search results browser.search_box = new VBox (); vbox1.PackStart (browser.search_box, true, true, 0); vbox1.ShowAll (); // // Setup the widget // index_list = new BigList (index_reader); //index_list.SetSizeRequest (100, 400); index_list.ItemSelected += new ItemSelected (OnIndexSelected); index_list.ItemActivated += new ItemActivated (OnIndexActivated); HBox box = new HBox (false, 0); box.PackStart (index_list, true, true, 0); Scrollbar scroll = new VScrollbar (index_list.Adjustment); box.PackEnd (scroll, false, false, 0); browser.search_box.PackStart (box, true, true, 0); box.ShowAll (); // // Setup the matches. // browser.matches = new Frame (); match_model = new MatchModel (this); browser.matches.Hide (); match_list = new BigList (match_model); match_list.ItemSelected += new ItemSelected (OnMatchSelected); match_list.ItemActivated += new ItemActivated (OnMatchActivated); HBox box2 = new HBox (false, 0); box2.PackStart (match_list, true, true, 0); Scrollbar scroll2 = new VScrollbar (match_list.Adjustment); box2.PackEnd (scroll2, false, false, 0); box2.ShowAll (); browser.matches.Add (box2); index_list.SetSizeRequest (100, 200); browser.index_vbox.PackStart (frame1); browser.index_vbox.PackEnd (browser.matches); } // // This class is used as an implementation of the IListModel // for the matches for a given entry. // public class MatchModel : IListModel { IndexBrowser index_browser; Browser browser; public MatchModel (IndexBrowser parent) { index_browser = parent; browser = parent.browser; } public int Rows { get { if (index_browser.current_entry != null) return index_browser.current_entry.Count; else return 0; } } public string GetValue (int row) { Topic t = index_browser.current_entry [row]; // Names from the ECMA provider are somewhat // ambigious (you have like a million ToString // methods), so lets give the user the full name // Filter out non-ecma if (t.Url [1] != ':') return t.Caption; switch (t.Url [0]) { case 'C': return t.Url.Substring (2) + " constructor"; case 'M': return t.Url.Substring (2) + " method"; case 'P': return t.Url.Substring (2) + " property"; case 'F': return t.Url.Substring (2) + " field"; case 'E': return t.Url.Substring (2) + " event"; default: return t.Caption; } } public string GetDescription (int row) { return GetValue (row); } } void ConfigureIndex (int index) { current_entry = index_reader.GetIndexEntry (index); if (current_entry.Count > 1){ browser.matches.Show (); match_list.Reload (); match_list.Refresh (); } else { browser.matches.Hide (); } } // // When an item is selected from the main index list // void OnIndexSelected (int index) { ConfigureIndex (index); if (browser.matches.Visible == true) match_list.Selected = 0; } void OnIndexActivated (int index) { if (browser.matches.Visible == false) browser.LoadUrl (current_entry [0].Url); } void OnMatchSelected (int index) { } void OnMatchActivated (int index) { browser.LoadUrl (current_entry [index].Url); } int FindClosest (string text) { int low = 0; int top = index_reader.Rows-1; int high = top; bool found = false; int best_rate_idx = Int32.MaxValue, best_rate = -1; while (low <= high){ int mid = (high + low) / 2; //Console.WriteLine ("[{0}, {1}] -> {2}", low, high, mid); string s; int p = mid; for (s = index_reader.GetValue (mid); s [0] == ' ';){ if (p == high){ if (p == low){ if (best_rate_idx != Int32.MaxValue){ //Console.WriteLine ("Bestrated: "+best_rate_idx); //Console.WriteLine ("Bestrated: "+index_reader.GetValue(best_rate_idx)); return best_rate_idx; } else { //Console.WriteLine ("Returning P="+p); return p; } } high = mid; break; } if (p < 0) return 0; s = index_reader.GetValue (++p); //Console.WriteLine (" Advancing to ->"+p); } if (s [0] == ' ') continue; int c, rate; c = Rate (text, s, out rate); //Console.WriteLine ("[{0}] Text: {1} at {2}", text, s, p); //Console.WriteLine (" Rate: {0} at {1}", rate, p); //Console.WriteLine (" Best: {0} at {1}", best_rate, best_rate_idx); //Console.WriteLine (" {0} - {1}", best_rate, best_rate_idx); if (rate >= best_rate){ best_rate = rate; best_rate_idx = p; } if (c == 0) return mid; if (low == high){ //Console.WriteLine ("THISPATH"); if (best_rate_idx != Int32.MaxValue) return best_rate_idx; else return low; } if (c < 0){ high = mid; } else { if (low == mid) low = high; else low = mid; } } // Console.WriteLine ("Another"); if (best_rate_idx != Int32.MaxValue) return best_rate_idx; else return high; } int Rate (string user_text, string db_text, out int rate) { int c = String.Compare (user_text, db_text, true); if (c == 0){ rate = 0; return 0; } int i; for (i = 0; i < user_text.Length; i++){ if (db_text [i] != user_text [i]){ rate = i; return c; } } rate = i; return c; } public void SearchClosest (string text) { index_list.Selected = FindClosest (text); } public void LoadSelected () { if (browser.matches.Visible == true) { if (match_list.Selected != -1) OnMatchActivated (match_list.Selected); } else { if (index_list.Selected != -1) OnIndexActivated (index_list.Selected); } } } public enum Mode { Viewer, Editor } // // A Tab is a Notebok with two pages, one for editing and one for visualizing // public class Tab : Notebook { // Our HTML preview during editing. public IHtmlRender html_preview; // Where we render the contents public IHtmlRender html; public TextView text_editor; public Mode Tab_mode; public History history; private Browser browser; private Label titleLabel; private Image EditImg; public HBox TabLabel; public string Title { get { return titleLabel.Text; } set { titleLabel.Text = value; } } public Node CurrentNode; public System.Xml.XmlNode edit_node; public string edit_url; void FocusOut (object sender, FocusOutEventArgs args) { if (TabMode == Mode.Editor) text_editor.GrabFocus (); } static IHtmlRender GetRenderer (string file, string type, Browser browser) { try { string exeAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location; string myPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (exeAssembly); Assembly dll = Assembly.LoadFrom (System.IO.Path.Combine (myPath, file)); Type t = dll.GetType (type, true); return (IHtmlRender) Activator.CreateInstance (t, new object [1] { browser.help_tree }); } catch { return null; } } public Tab(Browser br) { browser = br; CurrentNode = br.help_tree; ShowTabs = false; ShowBorder = false; TabBorder = 0; TabHborder = 0; history = new History (browser.back_button, browser.forward_button); // // First Page // ScrolledWindow html_container = new ScrolledWindow(); html_container.Show(); // // Setup the HTML rendering and preview area // if (browser.UseGecko) { html = GetRenderer ("GeckoHtmlRender.dll", "Monodoc.GeckoHtmlRender", browser); html_preview = GetRenderer ("GeckoHtmlRender.dll", "Monodoc.GeckoHtmlRender", browser); } if (html == null || html_preview == null) { html = GetRenderer ("GtkHtmlHtmlRender.dll", "Monodoc.GtkHtmlHtmlRender", browser); html_preview = GetRenderer ("GtkHtmlHtmlRender.dll", "Monodoc.GtkHtmlHtmlRender", browser); browser.UseGecko = false; } if (html == null || html_preview == null) throw new Exception ("Couldn't find html renderer!"); //Prepare Font for css (TODO: use GConf?) if (browser.UseGecko && SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size == 0) { Pango.FontDescription font_desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Sans 12"); SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_family = font_desc.Family; SettingsHandler.Settings.preferred_font_size = 100; //size: 100% } html_container.Add (html.HtmlPanel); html.UrlClicked += new EventHandler (browser.LinkClicked); html.OnUrl += new EventHandler (browser.OnUrlMouseOver); browser.context_id = browser.statusbar.GetContextId (""); AppendPage(html_container, new Label("Html")); // // Second Page: editing // VBox vbox1 = new VBox(false, 0); VBox MainPart = new VBox(false, 0); // // TextView for XML code // ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); text_editor = new TextView(); text_editor.Buffer.Changed += new EventHandler (EditedTextChanged); text_editor.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word; sw.Add(text_editor); text_editor.FocusOutEvent += new FocusOutEventHandler (FocusOut); // // XML editing buttons // HBox EdBots = new HBox(false, 2); Button button1 = new Button(""); EdBots.PackStart(button1); Button button2 = new Button(""); EdBots.PackStart(button2); Button button3 = new Button("<_table>"); EdBots.PackStart(button3); Button button4 = new Button("<_see...>"); EdBots.PackStart(button4); Button button5 = new Button("<_para>"); EdBots.PackStart(button5); Button button6 = new Button("Add Note"); EdBots.PackStart(button6); button1.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertExampleClicked); button2.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertListClicked); button3.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertTableClicked); button4.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertType); button5.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertParaClicked); button6.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnInsertNoteClicked); Frame html_preview_frame = new Frame("Preview"); ScrolledWindow html_preview_container = new ScrolledWindow(); // // code preview panel // html_preview_container.Add (html_preview.HtmlPanel); html_preview_frame.Add(html_preview_container); MainPart.PackStart(sw); MainPart.PackStart(EdBots, false, false, 0); MainPart.PackStart(html_preview_frame); // // Close and Save buttons // HBox MainBots = new HBox(false, 3); HBox Filling = new HBox(false, 0); Button close = new Button("C_lose"); Button save = new Button("S_ave"); Button restore = new Button("_Restore"); close.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnCancelEdits); save.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnSaveEdits); restore.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRestoreEdits); MainBots.PackStart(Filling); MainBots.PackStart(close, false, false, 0); MainBots.PackStart(save, false, false, 0); MainBots.PackStart(restore, false, false, 0); vbox1.PackStart(MainPart); vbox1.PackStart(MainBots, false, false, 0); AppendPage(vbox1, new Label("Edit XML")); // //Create the Label for the Tab // TabLabel = new HBox(false, 2); titleLabel = new Label(""); //Close Tab button Button tabClose = new Button(); Image img = new Image(Stock.Close, IconSize.SmallToolbar); tabClose.Add(img); tabClose.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None; tabClose.SetSizeRequest (18, 18); tabClose.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnTabClose); //Icon showed when the Tab is in Edit Mode EditImg = new Image (Stock.Convert, IconSize.SmallToolbar); TabLabel.PackStart (EditImg, false, true, 2); TabLabel.PackStart (titleLabel, true, true, 0); TabLabel.PackStart (tabClose, false, false, 2); // needed, otherwise even calling show_all on the notebook won't // make the hbox contents appear. TabLabel.ShowAll(); EditImg.Visible = false; } public Mode TabMode { get { return Tab_mode; } set { Tab_mode = value; } } public void SetMode (Mode m) { if (Tab_mode == m) return; if (m == Mode.Viewer) { this.Page = 0; browser.cut1.Sensitive = false; browser.paste1.Sensitive = false; browser.print.Sensitive = true; EditImg.Visible = false; } else { this.Page = 1; browser.cut1.Sensitive = true; browser.paste1.Sensitive = true; browser.print.Sensitive = false; EditImg.Visible = true; } Tab_mode = m; } // Events for the Editor void OnInsertParaClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("\n\n"); } void OnInsertNoteClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("\n\n \n \n"); } void OnInsertExampleClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("\n\n \n \n"); } void OnInsertListClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("\n\n \n First Item\n \n"); } void OnInsertTableClicked (object sender, EventArgs a) { text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("\n\n \n Column\n" + " Description\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " Term\n" + " Description\n" + " \n" + ""); } void OnInsertType (object sender, EventArgs a) { text_editor.Buffer.InsertAtCursor (""); } void OnSaveEdits (object sender, EventArgs a) { try { edit_node.InnerXml = text_editor.Buffer.Text; } catch (Exception e) { browser.statusbar.Pop (browser.context_id); browser.statusbar.Push (browser.context_id, e.Message); return; } string [] uSplit = EditingUtils.ParseEditUrl (edit_url); if (uSplit[0].StartsWith ("monodoc:")) EditingUtils.SaveChange (edit_url, browser.help_tree, edit_node, EcmaHelpSource.GetNiceUrl (browser.CurrentTab.CurrentNode)); else if (uSplit[0].StartsWith ("file:")) EditingUtils.SaveChange (edit_url, browser.help_tree, edit_node, String.Empty); else Console.WriteLine ("Edit url wrong: {0}", edit_url); SetMode (Mode.Viewer); history.ActivateCurrent (); } void OnCancelEdits (object sender, EventArgs a) { SetMode (Mode.Viewer); history.ActivateCurrent (); } void OnRestoreEdits (object sender, EventArgs a) { EditingUtils.RemoveChange (edit_url, browser.help_tree); SetMode (Mode.Viewer); history.ActivateCurrent (); } bool queued = false; void EditedTextChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { if (queued) return; queued = true; GLib.Timeout.Add (500, delegate { queued = false; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); XmlWriter w = new XmlTextWriter (sw); try { edit_node.InnerXml = text_editor.Buffer.Text; EditingUtils.RenderEditPreview (edit_url, browser.help_tree, edit_node, w); w.Flush (); } catch (Exception e) { browser.statusbar.Pop (browser.context_id); browser.statusbar.Push (browser.context_id, e.Message); return false; } browser.statusbar.Pop (browser.context_id); browser.statusbar.Push (browser.context_id, "XML OK"); string s = HelpSource.BuildHtml (EcmaHelpSource.css_ecma_code, sw.ToString ()); html_preview.Render(s); return false; }); } void OnTabClose (object sender, EventArgs a) { browser.tabs_nb.RemovePage(browser.tabs_nb.PageNum(this)); browser.tabs_nb.ShowTabs = (browser.tabs_nb.NPages > 1); } } }