README for VisualStudio.NET users Gendarme includes a two VS.NET solutions. 1. gendarme.sln This solution is compatible with MonoDevelop and includes the projects needed to build/test Gendarme on Linux. 2. gendarme-win.sln This solution include projects to compile Mono.Cecil.Pdb (along with Mono.Cecil.Mdb) and to build the win32 (wix) installer. Otherwise it's identical to gendarme.sln. USE THIS FILE FOR VS.NET \/\/\/ DISCLAIMER \/\/\/ This is NOT the main build tool used for Gendarme development (autofu + Makefiles are). So it's likely that the solution and projects will sometimes be out of sync and not usable without some changes [1]. These are unsupported, for your convenience, files. Use at your own risk! /\/\/\ DISCLAIMER /\/\/\ Requirements The minimal requirements are: * Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2010 [2]; * Some modules from github * 'jbevain/cecil' to get both Mono.Cecil and Mono.Cecil.[M|P]db * 'mono/mono-tools' for Gendarme latest sources How To * Check out the source code from GIT. This is: git clone git:// git clone git:// (Please clone both modules at the same level in the folder hierarchy because mono-tools references cecil as a relative path.) * Optionally, install WIX [3] if you want to build the setup. If not installed you will get some errors when opening the solution or doing a "Rebuild Solution" operation - but everything else will be fine. * Open the gendarme-win.sln solution inside VS.NET 2010 * Build, execute, enjoy! Self-test Running Gendarme on Gendarme is something very important for (existing and would be) contributors. On Linux this is done by executing "make self-test" in a terminal. As a general rule the report should find no (zero) defect - i.e. all known defects should have (documented) ignore entries. The same "self-test" can be done using Visual Studio [4] by adding the following lines in the 'gendarme's project Properties, Debug tab as the "Command line arguments" --config ../../../rules/rules.xml --set self-test --xml ../../../self-test.xml --html ../../../self-test.html --ignore=../../../self-test.ignore --severity=all --confidence=all gendarme.exe GendarmeWizard.exe Gendarme.*.dll Make sure you have (re)built the whole solution in "Release" (not Debug) before executing the gendarme project - otherwise you'll have a report with hundreds of false positives (since CSC generates pretty bad code without optimizations). Once executed start your web browser and open the self-test.html file that was generated on the root directory of your gendarme solution. Notes [1] Please report such issues and they will, eventually, be fixed when someone gets to work with VS.NET. Remember this is not the primary development platform for Gendarme. [2] Older version won't work since Gendarme uses C# 4 features. [3] Windows Installer XML Toolset 3.5 [4] This cannot be committed in GIT since this setting is kept in the gendarme.csproj.user file