README for VisualStudio.NET users Gendarme now includes a two VS.NET solutions. 1. gendarme.sln This solution is compatible with MonoDevelop and includes the projects needed to build/test Gendarme on Linux. 2. gendarme-win.sln This solution include projects to compile Mono.Cecil.Pdb (instead of Mono.Cecil.Mdb) and to build the win32 installer. Otherwise it's identical to gendarme.sln. \/\/\/ DISCLAIMER \/\/\/ This is NOT the main build tool used for Gendarme development (autofu + Makefiles are). So it's likely that the solution and projects will sometimes be out of sync and not usable without some changes [1]. These are unsupported, for your convenience, files. Use at your own risk! /\/\/\ DISCLAIMER /\/\/\ Requirements * The minimal requirements are VS.NET 2008 [2]; * You need to check some modules from Mono SVN repository * 'mcs' (or mcs/class/Mono.Cecil) to get Mono.Cecil * 'cecil' to get Mono.Cecil.Pdb * 'mono-tools' for Gendarme latest sources * You need ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll to compile Gendarme.Rules.Portability [3] * You need NUnit 2.4.x to build/run the unit tests Notes [1] Please report such issues and they will, eventually, be fixed when someone gets to work with VS.NET. Remember this is not the primary development platform for Gendarme. [2] Older version won't work since Gendarme uses C# 3 features. [3] Get it from Mono mcs SVN repository or from download it from