// // MasterMetadata.cs // // (C) 2007 - 2008 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace GuiCompare { static class MasterUtils { public static void PopulateMethodList (XMLMethods methods, List method_list) { foreach (object key in methods.keys.Keys) { XMLMethods.SignatureFlags signatureFlags = (methods.signatureFlags != null && methods.signatureFlags.ContainsKey (key) ? (XMLMethods.SignatureFlags) methods.signatureFlags [key] : XMLMethods.SignatureFlags.None); XMLParameters parameters = (methods.parameters == null ? null : (XMLParameters)methods.parameters[key]); XMLGenericParameters genericParameters = (methods.genericParameters == null ? null : (XMLGenericParameters)methods.genericParameters[key]); XMLAttributes attributes = (methods.attributeMap == null ? null : (XMLAttributes)methods.attributeMap[key]); string returnType = (methods.returnTypes == null ? null : (string)methods.returnTypes[key]); method_list.Add (new MasterMethod ((string)methods.keys[key], signatureFlags, returnType, parameters, genericParameters, methods.ConvertToString (Int32.Parse ((string)methods.access[key])), attributes)); } } public static void PopulateMemberLists (XMLClass xml_cls, List interface_list, List constructor_list, List method_list, List property_list, List field_list, List event_list) { if (interface_list != null && xml_cls.interfaces != null) { foreach (object i in xml_cls.interfaces.keys.Keys) { interface_list.Add (new MasterInterface ((string)xml_cls.interfaces.keys[i])); } } if (constructor_list != null && xml_cls.constructors != null) { PopulateMethodList (xml_cls.constructors, constructor_list); } if (method_list != null && xml_cls.methods != null) { PopulateMethodList (xml_cls.methods, method_list); } if (property_list != null && xml_cls.properties != null) { foreach (object key in xml_cls.properties.keys.Keys) { XMLAttributes attributes = (xml_cls.properties.attributeMap == null ? null : (XMLAttributes)xml_cls.properties.attributeMap[key]); property_list.Add (new MasterProperty ((string)key, xml_cls.properties.ConvertToString (Int32.Parse ((string)xml_cls.properties.access[key])), (XMLMethods)xml_cls.properties.nameToMethod[key], attributes)); } } if (field_list != null && xml_cls.fields != null) { foreach (object key in xml_cls.fields.keys.Keys) { string type = (xml_cls.fields.fieldTypes == null || !xml_cls.fields.fieldTypes.ContainsKey(key)) ? null : (string)xml_cls.fields.fieldTypes[key]; string fvalue = (xml_cls.fields.fieldValues == null || !xml_cls.fields.fieldValues.ContainsKey(key)) ? null : (string)xml_cls.fields.fieldValues[key]; XMLAttributes attributes = (xml_cls.fields.attributeMap == null ? null : (XMLAttributes)xml_cls.fields.attributeMap[key]); field_list.Add (new MasterField ((string)xml_cls.fields.keys[key], type, fvalue, xml_cls.fields.ConvertToString(Int32.Parse ((string)xml_cls.fields.access[key])), attributes)); } } if (event_list != null && xml_cls.events != null) { foreach (object key in xml_cls.events.keys.Keys) { XMLAttributes attributes = (xml_cls.events.attributeMap == null ? null : (XMLAttributes)xml_cls.events.attributeMap[key]); event_list.Add (new MasterEvent ((string)xml_cls.events.keys[key], (string)xml_cls.events.eventTypes[key], xml_cls.events.ConvertToString (Int32.Parse ((string)xml_cls.events.access[key])), attributes)); } } } public static void PopulateTypeLists (XMLClass fromDef, List class_list, List enum_list, List delegate_list, List interface_list, List struct_list) { if (fromDef.nested == null) return; foreach (XMLClass cls in fromDef.nested) { if (cls.type == "class") class_list.Add (new MasterClass (cls, CompType.Class)); else if (cls.type == "enum") enum_list.Add (new MasterEnum (cls)); else if (cls.type == "delegate") delegate_list.Add (new MasterDelegate (cls)); else if (cls.type == "interface") interface_list.Add (new MasterInterface (cls)); else if (cls.type == "struct") struct_list.Add (new MasterClass (cls, CompType.Struct)); } } public static bool ShouldSkipAttribute (string name) { if (name.StartsWith ("System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute") || name == "System.NonSerializedAttribute" || name == "System.Runtime.CompilerServivces.CompilerGeneratedAttribute") return true; return false; } public static List GetAttributes (XMLAttributes attributes) { List rv = new List(); if (attributes != null) { foreach (object key in attributes.keys.Keys) { if (ShouldSkipAttribute ((string)key)) continue; rv.Add (new MasterAttribute ((string)attributes.keys[key])); } } return rv; } } public class MasterAssembly : CompAssembly { public MasterAssembly (string path) : base (path) { masterinfo = XMLAssembly.CreateFromFile (path); attributes = MasterUtils.GetAttributes (masterinfo.attributes); } public override List GetNamespaces () { List namespaces = new List(); if (masterinfo != null && masterinfo.namespaces != null) { foreach (XMLNamespace ns in masterinfo.namespaces) namespaces.Add (new MasterNamespace (ns)); } return namespaces; } public override List GetAttributes () { return attributes; } XMLAssembly masterinfo; List attributes; } public class MasterNamespace : CompNamespace { public MasterNamespace (XMLNamespace ns) : base (ns.name) { this.ns = ns; delegate_list = new List(); enum_list = new List(); class_list = new List(); struct_list = new List(); interface_list = new List(); foreach (XMLClass cls in ns.types) { if (cls.type == "class") class_list.Add (new MasterClass (cls, CompType.Class)); else if (cls.type == "enum") enum_list.Add (new MasterEnum (cls)); else if (cls.type == "delegate") delegate_list.Add (new MasterDelegate (cls)); else if (cls.type == "interface") interface_list.Add (new MasterInterface (cls)); else if (cls.type == "struct") struct_list.Add (new MasterClass (cls, CompType.Struct)); } } public override List GetNestedClasses () { return class_list; } public override List GetNestedInterfaces () { return interface_list; } public override List GetNestedStructs () { return struct_list; } public override List GetNestedEnums () { return enum_list; } public override List GetNestedDelegates () { return delegate_list; } XMLNamespace ns; List delegate_list; List enum_list; List class_list; List struct_list; List interface_list; } public class MasterInterface : CompInterface { public MasterInterface (XMLClass xml_cls) : base (xml_cls.name) { this.xml_cls = xml_cls; interfaces = new List(); constructors = new List(); methods = new List(); properties = new List(); fields = new List(); events = new List(); MasterUtils.PopulateMemberLists (xml_cls, interfaces, constructors, methods, properties, fields, events); attributes = MasterUtils.GetAttributes (xml_cls.attributes); } public MasterInterface (string name) : base (name) { interfaces = new List(); constructors = new List(); methods = new List(); properties = new List(); fields = new List(); events = new List(); attributes = new List(); } public override string GetBaseType() { return xml_cls == null ? null : xml_cls.baseName; } public override List GetInterfaces () { return interfaces; } public override List GetMethods () { return methods; } public override List GetConstructors () { return constructors; } public override List GetProperties() { return properties; } public override List GetFields() { return fields; } public override List GetEvents() { return events; } public override List GetAttributes () { return attributes; } XMLClass xml_cls; List interfaces; List constructors; List methods; List properties; List fields; List events; List attributes; } public class MasterDelegate : CompDelegate { public MasterDelegate (XMLClass cls) : base (cls.name) { xml_cls = cls; } public override string GetBaseType () { return xml_cls.baseName; } XMLClass xml_cls; } public class MasterEnum : CompEnum { public MasterEnum (XMLClass cls) : base (cls.name) { xml_cls = cls; fields = new List(); MasterUtils.PopulateMemberLists (xml_cls, null, null, null, null, fields, null); } public override string GetBaseType() { return xml_cls.baseName; } public override List GetFields() { return fields; } public override List GetAttributes () { return MasterUtils.GetAttributes (xml_cls.attributes); } List fields; XMLClass xml_cls; } public class MasterClass : CompClass { public MasterClass (XMLClass cls, CompType type) : base (cls.name, type) { xml_cls = cls; interfaces = new List(); constructors = new List(); methods = new List(); properties = new List(); fields = new List(); events = new List(); MasterUtils.PopulateMemberLists (xml_cls, interfaces, constructors, methods, properties, fields, events); delegate_list = new List(); enum_list = new List(); class_list = new List(); struct_list = new List(); interface_list = new List(); MasterUtils.PopulateTypeLists (xml_cls, class_list, enum_list, delegate_list, interface_list, struct_list); } public override string GetBaseType () { return xml_cls.baseName; } public override List GetInterfaces () { return interfaces; } public override List GetMethods() { return methods; } public override List GetConstructors() { return constructors; } public override List GetProperties() { return properties; } public override List GetFields() { return fields; } public override List GetEvents() { return events; } public override List GetAttributes () { return MasterUtils.GetAttributes (xml_cls.attributes); } public override List GetNestedClasses() { return class_list; } public override List GetNestedInterfaces () { return interface_list; } public override List GetNestedStructs () { return struct_list; } public override List GetNestedEnums () { return enum_list; } public override List GetNestedDelegates () { return delegate_list; } XMLClass xml_cls; List interfaces; List constructors; List methods; List properties; List fields; List events; List delegate_list; List enum_list; List class_list; List struct_list; List interface_list; } public class MasterEvent : CompEvent { public MasterEvent (string name, string eventType, string eventAccess, XMLAttributes attributes) : base (name) { this.eventType = eventType; this.eventAccess = eventAccess; this.attributes = attributes; } public override string GetMemberType () { return eventType; } public override string GetMemberAccess () { return eventAccess; } public override List GetAttributes () { return MasterUtils.GetAttributes (attributes); } string eventType; string eventAccess; XMLAttributes attributes; } public class MasterField : CompField { public MasterField (string name, string fieldType, string fieldValue, string fieldAccess, XMLAttributes attributes) : base (name) { this.fieldType = fieldType; this.fieldValue = fieldValue; // we don't care about the Assembly (internal) part this.fieldAccess = fieldAccess.Replace ("FamORAssem", "Family"); this.attributes = attributes; } public override string GetMemberType () { return fieldType; } public override string GetMemberAccess () { return fieldAccess; } public override List GetAttributes () { return MasterUtils.GetAttributes (attributes); } public override string GetLiteralValue () { return fieldValue; } string fieldType; string fieldValue; string fieldAccess; XMLAttributes attributes; } public class MasterProperty : CompProperty { public MasterProperty (string key, string propertyAccess, XMLMethods xml_methods, XMLAttributes attributes) : base (FormatName (key)) { string[] keyparts = key.Split(new char[] {':'}, 3); this.propertyType = keyparts[1]; this.propertyAccess = propertyAccess; methods = new List(); MasterUtils.PopulateMethodList (xml_methods, methods); this.attributes = attributes; } public override List GetAttributes () { return MasterUtils.GetAttributes (attributes); } public override string GetMemberType() { return propertyType; } public override string GetMemberAccess() { return propertyAccess; } public override List GetMethods() { return methods; } static string FormatName (string key) { string[] keyparts = key.Split(new char[] {':'}, 3); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (keyparts[1]); sb.Append (" "); sb.Append (keyparts[0]); if (keyparts[2] != "") sb.AppendFormat ("[{0}]", keyparts[2]); return sb.ToString (); } List methods; XMLAttributes attributes; string propertyType; string propertyAccess; } public class MasterMethod : CompMethod { public MasterMethod (string name, XMLMethods.SignatureFlags signatureFlags, string returnType, XMLParameters parameters, XMLGenericParameters genericParameters, string methodAccess, XMLAttributes attributes) : base (String.Format ("{0} {1}", returnType, name)) { this.signatureFlags = signatureFlags; this.returnType = returnType; this.parameters = parameters; this.genericParameters = genericParameters; // we don't care about the Assembly (internal) part this.methodAccess = methodAccess.Replace ("FamORAssem", "Family"); this.attributes = attributes; } public override string GetMemberType() { return returnType; } public override bool ThrowsNotImplementedException () { return false; } public override string GetMemberAccess() { return methodAccess; } public override List GetAttributes () { return MasterUtils.GetAttributes (attributes); } XMLMethods.SignatureFlags signatureFlags; string returnType; XMLParameters parameters; XMLGenericParameters genericParameters; string methodAccess; XMLAttributes attributes; } public class MasterAttribute : CompAttribute { public MasterAttribute (string name) : base (name) { } } }