To try this out: * Unpack one of the masterinfos in this directory (this needs to be changed to be versioned later), and move it into masterinfos/VERS where VERS is 1.1, 2.0, SL2 or 3.5 * Symlink your $prefix/lib/mono to the binary directory. * Run xsp2 on this directory. * Visit: http://localhost:8080/index.aspx To check different assemblies use: * http://localhost:8080/index.aspx?assembly=ANAME TODO: Some extra attributes [+] do not seem to propagate up to its container so the info is not shown, it should be shown as a warning for example: Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.dll Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine class Target GetEnumerator [+] EXTRA ATTRIBUTE The GetEnumerator has no flag indicating that it has stuff that should not be there. TOPIC: Should extra attributes be reported *at all*? Hidding attributes: DebuggerDisplayAttribute can probably be safely ignored, and so is DebuggerHiddenAttribute, and in fact, anything with Debugger probably can be ignored if it is a [+].