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Diffstat (limited to 'mcs/build/gensources.cs')
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mcs/build/gensources.cs b/mcs/build/gensources.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d55c627d4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcs/build/gensources.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+public static class Program {
+ public static int Main (string[] _args) {
+ var args = new List<string> (_args);
+ bool useStdout = false, showHelp = false, strictMode = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {
+ var arg = args[i];
+ if (!arg.StartsWith ("-"))
+ continue;
+ switch (arg) {
+ case "-?":
+ case "--help":
+ case "-h":
+ showHelp = true;
+ break;
+ case "--trace":
+ case "--trace1":
+ SourcesParser.TraceLevel = 1;
+ break;
+ case "--trace2":
+ SourcesParser.TraceLevel = 2;
+ break;
+ case "--trace3":
+ SourcesParser.TraceLevel = 3;
+ break;
+ case "--trace4":
+ SourcesParser.TraceLevel = 4;
+ break;
+ case "--stdout":
+ useStdout = true;
+ break;
+ case "--strict":
+ strictMode = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unrecognized switch " + arg);
+ break;
+ }
+ args.RemoveAt (i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ if (args.Count != 4)
+ showHelp = true;
+ if (showHelp) {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Usage: mcs/build/gensources.exe [options] (outputFileName|--stdout) libraryDirectoryAndName platformName profileName");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("You can specify * for platformName and profileName to read all sources files");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Available options:");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("--help -h -?");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine (" Show command line info");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("--trace1 --trace2 --trace3 --trace4");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine (" Enable diagnostic output");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("--stdout");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine (" Writes results to standard output (omit outputFileName if you use this)");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ("--strict");
+ Console.Error.WriteLine (" Produces an error exit code if files or directories are invalid/missing");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ var myAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ();
+ var codeBase = new Uri (myAssembly.CodeBase);
+ var executablePath = Path.GetFullPath (codeBase.LocalPath);
+ var executableDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (executablePath);
+ var outFile = Path.GetFullPath (args[0]);
+ var libraryFullName = Path.GetFullPath (args[1]);
+ var platformName = args[2];
+ var profileName = args[3];
+ var platformsFolder = Path.Combine (executableDirectory, "platforms");
+ var profilesFolder = Path.Combine (executableDirectory, "profiles");
+ var libraryDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (libraryFullName);
+ var libraryName = Path.GetFileName (libraryFullName);
+ var parser = new SourcesParser (platformsFolder, profilesFolder);
+ var result = parser.Parse (libraryDirectory, libraryName, platformName, profileName);
+ if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel > 0)
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Writing sources for platform {platformName} and profile {profileName}, relative to {libraryDirectory}, to {outFile}.");
+ TextWriter output;
+ if (useStdout)
+ output = Console.Out;
+ else
+ output = new StreamWriter (outFile);
+ using (output) {
+ foreach (var fileName in result.GetFileNames ().OrderBy (s => s, StringComparer.Ordinal))
+ output.WriteLine (fileName);
+ }
+ if (strictMode)
+ return result.ErrorCount;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+public struct ParseEntry {
+ public string SourcesFileName;
+ public string Directory;
+ public string Pattern;
+ public string HostPlatform;
+ public string ProfileName;
+public struct Source {
+ public string FileName;
+public class ParseResult {
+ public readonly string LibraryDirectory, LibraryName;
+ public readonly List<ParseEntry> Sources = new List<ParseEntry> ();
+ public readonly List<ParseEntry> Exclusions = new List<ParseEntry> ();
+ // FIXME: This is a bad spot for this value but enumerators don't have outparam support
+ public int ErrorCount = 0;
+ public ParseResult (string libraryDirectory, string libraryName) {
+ LibraryDirectory = libraryDirectory;
+ LibraryName = libraryName;
+ }
+ private static string GetRelativePath (string fullPath, string relativeToDirectory) {
+ fullPath = fullPath.Replace (SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator, "/");
+ relativeToDirectory = relativeToDirectory.Replace (SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator, "/");
+ if (!relativeToDirectory.EndsWith (SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator))
+ relativeToDirectory += SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator;
+ var dirUri = new Uri (relativeToDirectory);
+ var pathUri = new Uri (fullPath);
+ var relativeUri = Uri.UnescapeDataString (
+ dirUri.MakeRelativeUri (pathUri).OriginalString
+ ).Replace ("/", SourcesParser.DirectorySeparator);
+ if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 4)
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {fullPath} -> {relativeUri}");
+ return relativeUri;
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<string> EnumerateMatches (
+ IEnumerable<ParseEntry> entries,
+ string hostPlatformName, string profileName
+ ) {
+ foreach (var entry in entries) {
+ if (
+ (hostPlatformName != null) &&
+ (entry.HostPlatform ?? hostPlatformName) != hostPlatformName
+ )
+ continue;
+ if (
+ (profileName != null) &&
+ (entry.ProfileName ?? profileName) != profileName
+ )
+ continue;
+ var absolutePath = Path.Combine (entry.Directory, entry.Pattern);
+ var absoluteDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (absolutePath);
+ var absolutePattern = Path.GetFileName (absolutePath);
+ if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 3) {
+ if ((absolutePattern != entry.Pattern) || (absoluteDirectory != entry.Directory))
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {entry.Directory} / {entry.Pattern} -> {absoluteDirectory} / {absolutePattern}");
+ }
+ if (!Directory.Exists (absoluteDirectory)) {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"Directory does not exist: {Path.GetFullPath (absoluteDirectory)}");
+ ErrorCount += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ var matchingFiles = Directory.GetFiles (absoluteDirectory, absolutePattern);
+ foreach (var fileName in matchingFiles) {
+ var relativePath = GetRelativePath (fileName, LibraryDirectory);
+ yield return relativePath;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If you loaded sources files for multiple profiles, you can use the arguments here
+ // to filter the results
+ public IEnumerable<string> GetFileNames (
+ string hostPlatformName = null, string profileName = null
+ ) {
+ var encounteredFileNames = new HashSet<string> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
+ var excludedFiles = new HashSet<string> (
+ EnumerateMatches (Exclusions, hostPlatformName, profileName),
+ StringComparer.Ordinal
+ );
+ foreach (var fileName in EnumerateMatches (Sources, hostPlatformName, profileName)) {
+ if (excludedFiles.Contains (fileName)) {
+ if (SourcesParser.TraceLevel >= 3)
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Excluding {fileName}");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Skip duplicates
+ if (encounteredFileNames.Contains (fileName))
+ continue;
+ encounteredFileNames.Add (fileName);
+ yield return fileName;
+ }
+ }
+public class SourcesParser {
+ public static readonly string DirectorySeparator = new String (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1);
+ public static int TraceLevel = 0;
+ private class State {
+ public ParseResult Result;
+ public string HostPlatform;
+ public string ProfileName;
+ public int SourcesFilesParsed, ExclusionsFilesParsed;
+ public List<ParseEntry> ParsedSources {
+ get {
+ return Result.Sources;
+ }
+ }
+ public List<ParseEntry> ParsedExclusions {
+ get {
+ return Result.Exclusions;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public readonly string[] AllHostPlatformNames;
+ public readonly string[] AllProfileNames;
+ private int ParseDepth = 0;
+ public SourcesParser (
+ string platformsFolder, string profilesFolder
+ ) {
+ AllHostPlatformNames = Directory.GetFiles (platformsFolder, "*.make")
+ .Select (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)
+ .ToArray ();
+ AllProfileNames = Directory.GetFiles (profilesFolder, "*.make")
+ .Select (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)
+ .ToArray ();
+ }
+ public ParseResult Parse (string libraryDirectory, string libraryName, string hostPlatform, string profile) {
+ var state = new State {
+ Result = new ParseResult (libraryDirectory, libraryName),
+ ProfileName = profile,
+ HostPlatform = hostPlatform
+ };
+ var testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_{profile}_{libraryName}");
+ var ok = TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".sources", false);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".exclude.sources", true);
+ if (ok) {
+ PrintSummary (state);
+ return state.Result;
+ }
+ state.HostPlatform = null;
+ testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{profile}_{libraryName}");
+ ok = TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".sources", false);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".exclude.sources", true);
+ if (ok) {
+ PrintSummary (state);
+ return state.Result;
+ }
+ state.ProfileName = null;
+ testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, libraryName);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".sources", false);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".exclude.sources", true);
+ PrintSummary (state);
+ return state.Result;
+ }
+ public ParseResult Parse (string libraryDirectory, string libraryName) {
+ var state = new State {
+ Result = new ParseResult (libraryDirectory, libraryName)
+ };
+ string testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, libraryName);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".sources", false);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".exclude.sources", true);
+ foreach (var profile in AllProfileNames) {
+ state.ProfileName = profile;
+ foreach (var hostPlatform in AllHostPlatformNames) {
+ state.HostPlatform = hostPlatform;
+ testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{hostPlatform}_{profile}_{libraryName}");
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".sources", false);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".exclude.sources", true);
+ }
+ state.HostPlatform = null;
+ testPath = Path.Combine (libraryDirectory, $"{profile}_{libraryName}");
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".sources", false);
+ TryParseSingleFile (state, testPath + ".exclude.sources", true);
+ }
+ PrintSummary (state);
+ return state.Result;
+ }
+ private void PrintSummary (State state) {
+ if (TraceLevel > 0)
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// Parsed {state.SourcesFilesParsed} sources file(s) and {state.ExclusionsFilesParsed} exclusions file(s).");
+ }
+ private void HandleMetaDirective (State state, string directory, bool asExclusionsList, string directive) {
+ var include = "#include ";
+ if (directive.StartsWith (include))
+ ParseSingleFile (state, Path.Combine (directory, directive.Substring (include.Length)), asExclusionsList);
+ }
+ private bool TryParseSingleFile (State state, string fileName, bool asExclusionsList) {
+ if (!File.Exists (fileName))
+ return false;
+ ParseSingleFile (state, fileName, asExclusionsList);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void ParseSingleFile (State state, string fileName, bool asExclusionsList) {
+ var nullStr = "<none>";
+ if (TraceLevel >= 1)
+ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"// {new String (' ', ParseDepth * 2)}{fileName} [{state.HostPlatform ?? nullStr}] [{state.ProfileName ?? nullStr}]");
+ ParseDepth += 1;
+ var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName (fileName);
+ using (var sr = new StreamReader (fileName)) {
+ if (asExclusionsList)
+ state.ExclusionsFilesParsed++;
+ else
+ state.SourcesFilesParsed++;
+ string line;
+ while ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) != null) {
+ if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (line))
+ continue;
+ if (line.StartsWith ("#")) {
+ HandleMetaDirective (state, directory, asExclusionsList, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var parts = line.Split (':');
+ if (parts.Length > 1) {
+ var explicitExclusions = parts[1].Split (',');
+ // gensources.sh implemented these explicit exclusions like so:
+ // ../foo/bar/*.cs:A.cs,B.cs
+ // This would generate exclusions for ../foo/bar/A.cs and ../foo/bar/B.cs,
+ // not ./A.cs and ./B.cs as you might expect
+ var mainPatternDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (parts[0]);
+ foreach (var pattern in explicitExclusions) {
+ state.ParsedExclusions.Add (new ParseEntry {
+ SourcesFileName = fileName,
+ Directory = directory,
+ Pattern = Path.Combine (mainPatternDirectory, pattern),
+ HostPlatform = state.HostPlatform,
+ ProfileName = state.ProfileName
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ (asExclusionsList ? state.ParsedExclusions : state.ParsedSources)
+ .Add (new ParseEntry {
+ SourcesFileName = fileName,
+ Directory = directory,
+ Pattern = parts[0],
+ HostPlatform = state.HostPlatform,
+ ProfileName = state.ProfileName
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ParseDepth -= 1;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file