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Diffstat (limited to 'mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs')
1 files changed, 5541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs b/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1dcb7cceef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5541 @@
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+// the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Novell, Inc.
+// Authors:
+// Jordi Mas i Hernandez, jordi@ximian.com
+// Peter Bartok, pbartok@novell.com
+// John BouAntoun, jba-mono@optusnet.com.au
+// Marek Safar, marek.safar@seznam.cz
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
+using System.Drawing.Imaging;
+using System.Drawing.Text;
+namespace System.Windows.Forms
+ internal class ThemeWin32Classic : Theme
+ {
+ public override Version Version {
+ get {
+ return new Version(0, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Hardcoded colour values not exposed in the API constants in all configurations */
+ protected static readonly Color arrow_color = Color.Black;
+ protected static readonly Color pen_ticks_color = Color.Black;
+ protected static readonly Color progressbarblock_color = Color.FromArgb (255, 0, 0, 128);
+ protected static StringFormat string_format_menu_text;
+ protected static StringFormat string_format_menu_shortcut;
+ protected static StringFormat string_format_menu_menubar_text;
+ static readonly Rectangle checkbox_rect = new Rectangle (2, 2, 11,11); // Position of the checkbox relative to the item
+ static ImageAttributes imagedisabled_attributes = null;
+ const int SEPARATOR_HEIGHT = 5;
+ const int SM_CXBORDER = 1;
+ const int SM_CYBORDER = 1;
+ const int MENU_TAB_SPACE = 8; // Pixels added to the width of an item because of a tab
+ const int MENU_BAR_ITEMS_SPACE = 8; // Space between menu bar items
+ #region Principal Theme Methods
+ public ThemeWin32Classic ()
+ {
+ defaultWindowBackColor = this.ColorWindow;
+ defaultWindowForeColor = this.ColorControlText;
+ default_font = new Font (FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8.25f);
+ /* Menu string formats */
+ string_format_menu_text = new StringFormat ();
+ string_format_menu_text.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format_menu_text.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ string_format_menu_text.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
+ string_format_menu_shortcut = new StringFormat ();
+ string_format_menu_shortcut.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format_menu_shortcut.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
+ string_format_menu_menubar_text = new StringFormat ();
+ string_format_menu_menubar_text.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format_menu_menubar_text.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format_menu_menubar_text.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
+ always_draw_hotkeys = false;
+ }
+ public override void ResetDefaults() {
+ throw new NotImplementedException("Need to implement ResetDefaults() for Win32 theme");
+ }
+ public override bool DoubleBufferingSupported {
+ get {return true; }
+ }
+ #endregion // Principal Theme Methods
+ #region Internal Methods
+ protected SolidBrush GetControlBackBrush (Color c) {
+ if (c == DefaultControlBackColor)
+ return ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl);
+ return ResPool.GetSolidBrush (c);
+ }
+ protected SolidBrush GetControlForeBrush (Color c) {
+ if (c == DefaultControlForeColor)
+ return ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlText);
+ return ResPool.GetSolidBrush (c);
+ }
+ #endregion // Internal Methods
+ #region OwnerDraw Support
+ public override void DrawOwnerDrawBackground (DrawItemEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.State == DrawItemState.Selected) {
+ e.Graphics.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Highlight, e.Bounds);
+ return;
+ }
+ e.Graphics.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (e.BackColor), e.Bounds);
+ }
+ public override void DrawOwnerDrawFocusRectangle (DrawItemEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.State == DrawItemState.Focus)
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (e.Graphics, e.Bounds, e.ForeColor, e.BackColor);
+ }
+ #endregion // OwnerDraw Support
+ #region ButtonBase
+ public override void DrawButtonBase(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_area, ButtonBase button) {
+ // Draw the button: fill rectangle, draw border, etc.
+ ButtonBase_DrawButton(button, dc);
+ // First, draw the image
+ if ((button.image != null) || (button.image_list != null))
+ ButtonBase_DrawImage(button, dc);
+ // Draw the focus rectangle
+ if (button.has_focus)
+ ButtonBase_DrawFocus(button, dc);
+ // Now the text
+ if (button.text != null && button.text != String.Empty)
+ ButtonBase_DrawText(button, dc);
+ }
+ protected virtual void ButtonBase_DrawButton(ButtonBase button, Graphics dc)
+ {
+ Rectangle buttonRectangle;
+ Rectangle borderRectangle;
+ dc.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (button.BackColor), button.ClientRectangle);
+ // set up the button rectangle
+ buttonRectangle = button.ClientRectangle;
+ if (button.has_focus || button.paint_as_acceptbutton) {
+ // shrink the rectangle for the normal button drawing inside the focus rectangle
+ borderRectangle = Rectangle.Inflate(buttonRectangle, -1, -1);
+ } else {
+ borderRectangle = buttonRectangle;
+ }
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleButton (dc, borderRectangle, button);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawButton(dc, borderRectangle, button.ButtonState);
+ if (button.has_focus || button.paint_as_acceptbutton) {
+ dc.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen(button.ForeColor), borderRectangle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void ButtonBase_DrawImage(ButtonBase button, Graphics dc)
+ {
+ // Need to draw a picture
+ Image i;
+ int image_x;
+ int image_y;
+ int image_width;
+ int image_height;
+ int width = button.ClientSize.Width;
+ int height = button.ClientSize.Height;
+ if (button.ImageIndex != -1) { // We use ImageIndex instead of image_index since it will return -1 if image_list is null
+ i = button.image_list.Images[button.image_index];
+ } else {
+ i = button.image;
+ }
+ image_width = button.image.Width;
+ image_height = button.image.Height;
+ switch (button.image_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: {
+ image_x=0;
+ image_y=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: {
+ image_x=(width-image_width)/2;
+ image_y=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ image_x=width-image_width;
+ image_y=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: {
+ image_x=0;
+ image_y=(height-image_height)/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: {
+ image_x=(width-image_width)/2;
+ image_y=(height-image_height)/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: {
+ image_x=width-image_width;
+ image_y=(height-image_height)/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: {
+ image_x=0;
+ image_y=height-image_height;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: {
+ image_x=(width-image_width)/2;
+ image_y=height-image_height;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: {
+ image_x=width-image_width;
+ image_y=height-image_height;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ image_x=0;
+ image_y=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (button.is_pressed) {
+ image_x+=1;
+ image_y+=1;
+ }
+ if (button.is_enabled) {
+ dc.DrawImage(i, image_x, image_y);
+ }
+ else {
+ CPDrawImageDisabled(dc, i, image_x, image_y, ColorControl);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void ButtonBase_DrawFocus(ButtonBase button, Graphics dc)
+ {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleFocusRectangle (dc, button.ClientRectangle, button, button.ForeColor, button.BackColor);
+ } else {
+ Rectangle rect = button.ClientRectangle;
+ rect.Inflate (-4, -4);
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle(dc, rect, button.ForeColor, button.BackColor);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void ButtonBase_DrawText(ButtonBase button, Graphics dc)
+ {
+ Rectangle buttonRectangle = button.ClientRectangle;
+ Rectangle text_rect = Rectangle.Inflate(buttonRectangle, -4, -4);
+ if (button.is_pressed) {
+ text_rect.X++;
+ text_rect.Y++;
+ }
+ if (button.is_enabled) {
+ dc.DrawString(button.text, button.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (button.ForeColor), text_rect, button.text_format);
+ } else {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ dc.DrawString(button.text, button.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.DarkDark (this.ColorControl)), text_rect, button.text_format);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, button.text, button.Font, ColorControlText, text_rect, button.text_format);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the flat style part of the rectangle
+ public void DrawFlatStyleButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonBase button) {
+ Color rect_back_color = button.BackColor;
+ Color rect_fore_color = button.ForeColor;
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ if (button.Enabled) {
+ if (button.Capture || button.is_entered) {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ // fill the rectangle
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ // now draw the outer border
+ if (button.Capture && button.is_entered) {
+ rect_back_color = ControlPaint.LightLight (rect_back_color);
+ } else {
+ rect_back_color = ControlPaint.Light (rect_back_color);
+ }
+ // draw rectangle and fill it
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (rect_fore_color), trace_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ // else it must be a popup button
+ if (button.Capture && button.is_entered) {
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControlText), trace_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ // draw a 3d border
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top, button.BackColor);
+ graphics.DrawLine ( ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControlText), trace_rectangle.X, trace_rectangle.Bottom, trace_rectangle.Right, trace_rectangle.Bottom);
+ graphics.DrawLine ( ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControlText), trace_rectangle.Right, trace_rectangle.Y, trace_rectangle.Right, trace_rectangle.Bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: draw inner focus rectangle
+ } else {
+ // popup has a ButtonColorText forecolor, not a button.ForeCOlor
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ rect_fore_color = this.ColorControlText;
+ }
+ // fill then draw outer rect
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (rect_fore_color), trace_rectangle);
+ }
+ // finally some small tweaks to render radiobutton and checkbox
+ CheckBox checkbox = button as CheckBox;
+ RadioButton radiobutton = button as RadioButton;
+ if ((checkbox != null && checkbox.Checked) ||
+ (radiobutton != null && radiobutton.Checked)) {
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat && button.is_entered && !button.Capture) {
+ // render the hover for flat flatstyle and cheked
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControlText), trace_rectangle);
+ } else if (!button.is_entered && !button.Capture) {
+ // render the checked state for popup when unhovered
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, button.BackColor);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // rendering checkbox or radio button style buttons
+ CheckBox checkbox = button as CheckBox;
+ RadioButton radiobutton = button as RadioButton;
+ bool draw_popup_checked = false;
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ rect_fore_color = this.ColorControlText;
+ // see if we should draw a disabled checked popup button
+ draw_popup_checked = ((checkbox != null && checkbox.Checked) ||
+ (radiobutton != null && radiobutton.Checked));
+ }
+ graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (rect_back_color), rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen (rect_fore_color), trace_rectangle);
+ // finally draw the flatstyle checked effect if need
+ if (draw_popup_checked) {
+ // render the checked state for popup when unhovered
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, button.BackColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override Size ButtonBaseDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (75, 23);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // ButtonBase
+ #region CheckBox
+ public override void DrawCheckBox(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_area, CheckBox checkbox) {
+ StringFormat text_format;
+ Rectangle client_rectangle;
+ Rectangle text_rectangle;
+ Rectangle checkbox_rectangle;
+ int checkmark_size=13;
+ int checkmark_space = 4;
+ client_rectangle = checkbox.ClientRectangle;
+ text_rectangle = client_rectangle;
+ checkbox_rectangle = new Rectangle(text_rectangle.X, text_rectangle.Y, checkmark_size, checkmark_size);
+ text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Near;
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ text_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
+ /* Calculate the position of text and checkbox rectangle */
+ if (checkbox.appearance!=Appearance.Button) {
+ switch(checkbox.check_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=(client_rectangle.Right-client_rectangle.Left)/2-checkmark_size/2;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Bottom-checkmark_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ text_rectangle.Height=client_rectangle.Height-checkbox_rectangle.Y-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Left;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Bottom-checkmark_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X+checkmark_size+checkmark_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Right-checkmark_size;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Bottom-checkmark_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=(client_rectangle.Right-client_rectangle.Left)/2-checkmark_size/2;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=(client_rectangle.Bottom-client_rectangle.Top)/2-checkmark_size/2;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Left;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=(client_rectangle.Bottom-client_rectangle.Top)/2-checkmark_size/2;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X+checkmark_size+checkmark_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Right-checkmark_size;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=(client_rectangle.Bottom-client_rectangle.Top)/2-checkmark_size/2;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=(client_rectangle.Right-client_rectangle.Left)/2-checkmark_size/2;
+ checkbox_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Top;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ text_rectangle.Y=checkmark_size+checkmark_space;
+ text_rectangle.Height=client_rectangle.Height-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Left;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X+checkmark_size+checkmark_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ checkbox_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Right-checkmark_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-checkmark_size-checkmark_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ }
+ /* Set the horizontal alignment of our text */
+ switch(checkbox.text_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: {
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Near;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: {
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Far;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set the vertical alignment of our text */
+ switch(checkbox.text_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Near;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: {
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Far;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: {
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ButtonState state = ButtonState.Normal;
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Flat;
+ }
+ if (checkbox.Checked) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Checked;
+ }
+ if (checkbox.ThreeState && (checkbox.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate)) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Checked;
+ state |= ButtonState.Pushed;
+ }
+ // finally make sure the pushed and inavtive states are rendered
+ if (!checkbox.Enabled) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Inactive;
+ }
+ else if (checkbox.is_pressed) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Pushed;
+ }
+ // Start drawing
+ CheckBox_DrawCheckBox(dc, checkbox, state, checkbox_rectangle);
+ CheckBox_DrawText(checkbox, text_rectangle, dc, text_format);
+ CheckBox_DrawFocus(checkbox, dc, text_rectangle);
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ protected virtual void CheckBox_DrawCheckBox( Graphics dc, CheckBox checkbox, ButtonState state, Rectangle checkbox_rectangle )
+ {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (checkbox.BackColor), checkbox.ClientRectangle);
+ // render as per normal button
+ if (checkbox.appearance==Appearance.Button) {
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleButton(dc, checkbox.ClientRectangle, checkbox);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawButton(dc, checkbox.ClientRectangle, state);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleCheckBox (dc, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox);
+ } else {
+ ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(dc, checkbox_rectangle, state);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void CheckBox_DrawText( CheckBox checkbox, Rectangle text_rectangle, Graphics dc, StringFormat text_format )
+ {
+ SolidBrush sb;
+ // offset the text if it's pressed and a button
+ if (checkbox.Appearance == Appearance.Button) {
+ if (checkbox.Checked || (checkbox.Capture && checkbox.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat)) {
+ text_rectangle.X ++;
+ text_rectangle.Y ++;
+ }
+ text_rectangle.Inflate(-4, -4);
+ }
+ /* Place the text; to be compatible with Windows place it after the checkbox has been drawn */
+ if (checkbox.Enabled) {
+ sb = ResPool.GetSolidBrush(checkbox.ForeColor);
+ dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, sb, text_rectangle, text_format);
+ } else if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.DarkDark (this.ColorControl)), text_rectangle, text_format);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, ColorControlText, text_rectangle, text_format);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void CheckBox_DrawFocus( CheckBox checkbox, Graphics dc, Rectangle text_rectangle )
+ {
+ if (checkbox.Focused) {
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (dc, Rectangle.Inflate (text_rectangle, -1, -1), checkbox.BackColor);
+ } else {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (checkbox.ForeColor), Rectangle.Inflate (text_rectangle, -1, -1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // renders a checkBox with the Flat and Popup FlatStyle
+ protected virtual void DrawFlatStyleCheckBox (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, CheckBox checkbox)
+ {
+ Pen pen;
+ Rectangle rect;
+ Rectangle checkbox_rectangle;
+ Rectangle fill_rectangle;
+ int lineWidth;
+ int Scale;
+ // set up our rectangles first
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup && checkbox.is_entered) {
+ // clip one pixel from bottom right for non popup rendered checkboxes
+ checkbox_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max(rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max(rectangle.Height-1,0));
+ fill_rectangle = new Rectangle(checkbox_rectangle.X+1, checkbox_rectangle.Y+1, Math.Max(checkbox_rectangle.Width-3, 0), Math.Max(checkbox_rectangle.Height-3,0));
+ } else {
+ // clip two pixels from bottom right for non popup rendered checkboxes
+ checkbox_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max(rectangle.Width-2, 0), Math.Max(rectangle.Height-2,0));
+ fill_rectangle = new Rectangle(checkbox_rectangle.X+1, checkbox_rectangle.Y+1, Math.Max(checkbox_rectangle.Width-2, 0), Math.Max(checkbox_rectangle.Height-2,0));
+ }
+ // if disabled render in disabled state
+ if (checkbox.Enabled) {
+ // process the state of the checkbox
+ if (checkbox.is_entered || checkbox.Capture) {
+ // decide on which background color to use
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup && checkbox.is_entered && checkbox.Capture) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (checkbox.BackColor), fill_rectangle);
+ } else if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat && !(checkbox.is_entered && checkbox.Capture)) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.Light(checkbox.BackColor)), fill_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ // use regular window background color
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (checkbox.BackColor)), fill_rectangle);
+ }
+ // render the outer border
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox.ForeColor, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ } else {
+ // draw sunken effect
+ CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, checkbox_rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.All, checkbox.BackColor);
+ }
+ } else {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (checkbox.BackColor)), fill_rectangle);
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox.ForeColor, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ } else {
+ // draw the outer border
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, checkbox_rectangle, ControlPaint.DarkDark (checkbox.BackColor), ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, fill_rectangle);
+ }
+ // draw disabled state,
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, checkbox_rectangle, ColorControlDark, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ }
+ /* Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1 */
+ lineWidth = Math.Max(3, fill_rectangle.Width/3);
+ Scale=Math.Max(1, fill_rectangle.Width/9);
+ // flat style check box is rendered inside a rectangle shifted down by one
+ rect=new Rectangle(fill_rectangle.X, fill_rectangle.Y+1, fill_rectangle.Width, fill_rectangle.Height);
+ if (checkbox.Enabled) {
+ pen=ResPool.GetPen(checkbox.ForeColor);
+ } else {
+ pen=SystemPens.ControlDark;
+ }
+ if (checkbox.Checked) {
+ /* Need to draw a check-mark */
+ for (int i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left+lineWidth/2, rect.Top+lineWidth+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+6*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth-2*Scale+i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // CheckBox
+ #region CheckedListBox
+ public override Rectangle CheckedListBoxCheckRectangle ()
+ {
+ return checkbox_rect;
+ }
+ public override void DrawCheckedListBoxItem (CheckedListBox ctrl, DrawItemEventArgs e)
+ {
+ Color back_color, fore_color;
+ Rectangle item_rect = e.Bounds;
+ ButtonState state;
+ StringFormat string_format = ctrl.GetFormatString ();
+ /* Draw checkbox */
+ if ((ctrl.Items.GetListBoxItem (e.Index)).State == CheckState.Checked)
+ state = ButtonState.Checked;
+ else
+ state = ButtonState.Normal;
+ if (ctrl.ThreeDCheckBoxes == false)
+ state |= ButtonState.Flat;
+ ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox (e.Graphics,
+ item_rect.X + checkbox_rect.X, item_rect.Y + checkbox_rect.Y,
+ checkbox_rect.Width, checkbox_rect.Height,
+ state);
+ item_rect.X += checkbox_rect.Width + checkbox_rect.X * 2;
+ item_rect.Width -= checkbox_rect.Width + checkbox_rect.X * 2;
+ /* Draw text*/
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected) {
+ back_color = ColorHighlight;
+ fore_color = ColorHighlightText;
+ }
+ else {
+ back_color = e.BackColor;
+ fore_color = e.ForeColor;
+ }
+ e.Graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (back_color), item_rect);
+ e.Graphics.DrawString (ctrl.GetItemText (ctrl.Items[e.Index]), e.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (fore_color),
+ item_rect, string_format);
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Focus) == DrawItemState.Focus) {
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (e.Graphics, item_rect,
+ fore_color, back_color);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // CheckedListBox
+ #region ComboBox
+ // Drawing
+ public override void DrawComboBoxEditDecorations (Graphics dc, ComboBox ctrl, Rectangle cl)
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y); //top
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), cl.X + 1, cl.Y + 1, cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2); //down
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height); //left
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), cl.X + 1, cl.Y + 1, cl.X + 1, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y, cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + cl.Height); //right
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), cl.X + cl.Width - 1, cl.Y + 1 , cl.X + cl.Width - 1, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1);
+ }
+ // Sizing
+ public override int DrawComboBoxEditDecorationTop () { return 2;}
+ public override int DrawComboBoxEditDecorationBottom () { return 2;}
+ public override int DrawComboBoxEditDecorationRight () { return 2;}
+ public override int DrawComboBoxEditDecorationLeft () { return 2;}
+ private int DrawComboListBoxDecoration (ComboBoxStyle style)
+ {
+ if (style == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
+ return 2;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ public override int DrawComboListBoxDecorationTop (ComboBoxStyle style)
+ {
+ return DrawComboListBoxDecoration (style);
+ }
+ public override int DrawComboListBoxDecorationBottom (ComboBoxStyle style)
+ {
+ return DrawComboListBoxDecoration (style);
+ }
+ public override int DrawComboListBoxDecorationRight (ComboBoxStyle style)
+ {
+ return DrawComboListBoxDecoration (style);
+ }
+ public override int DrawComboListBoxDecorationLeft (ComboBoxStyle style)
+ {
+ return DrawComboListBoxDecoration (style);
+ }
+ public override void DrawComboListBoxDecorations (Graphics dc, ComboBox ctrl, Rectangle cl)
+ {
+ if (ctrl.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple) {
+ DrawComboBoxEditDecorations (dc, ctrl, cl);
+ }
+ else {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ColorWindowFrame),
+ cl.X, cl.Y, cl.Width - 1, cl.Height - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void DrawComboBoxItem (ComboBox ctrl, DrawItemEventArgs e)
+ {
+ Color back_color, fore_color;
+ Rectangle text_draw = e.Bounds;
+ StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat ();
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected) {
+ back_color = ColorHighlight;
+ fore_color = ColorHighlightText;
+ }
+ else {
+ back_color = e.BackColor;
+ fore_color = e.ForeColor;
+ }
+ e.Graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (back_color), e.Bounds);
+ if (e.Index != -1) {
+ e.Graphics.DrawString (ctrl.GetItemText (ctrl.Items[e.Index]), e.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (fore_color),
+ text_draw, string_format);
+ }
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Focus) == DrawItemState.Focus) {
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (e.Graphics, e.Bounds, fore_color, back_color);
+ }
+ string_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ #endregion ComboBox
+ #region Datagrid
+ public override int DataGridPreferredColumnWidth { get { return 75;} }
+ public override int DataGridMinimumColumnCheckBoxHeight { get { return 16;} }
+ public override int DataGridMinimumColumnCheckBoxWidth { get { return 16;} }
+ public override Color DataGridAlternatingBackColor { get { return ColorWindow;} }
+ public override Color DataGridBackColor { get { return ColorWindow;} }
+ public override Color DataGridBackgroundColor { get { return ColorAppWorkspace;} }
+ public override Color DataGridCaptionBackColor { get { return ColorActiveCaption;} }
+ public override Color DataGridCaptionForeColor { get { return ColorActiveCaptionText;} }
+ public override Color DataGridGridLineColor { get { return ColorControl;} }
+ public override Color DataGridHeaderBackColor { get { return ColorControl;} }
+ public override Color DataGridHeaderForeColor { get { return ColorControlText;} }
+ public override Color DataGridLinkColor { get { return ColorHotTrack;} }
+ public override Color DataGridLinkHoverColor { get { return ColorHotTrack;} }
+ public override Color DataGridParentRowsBackColor { get { return ColorControl;} }
+ public override Color DataGridParentRowsForeColor { get { return ColorWindowText;} }
+ public override Color DataGridSelectionBackColor { get { return ColorActiveCaption;} }
+ public override Color DataGridSelectionForeColor { get { return ColorActiveCaptionText;} }
+ public override void DataGridPaint (PaintEventArgs pe, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ // Draw parent rows
+ if (pe.ClipRectangle.IntersectsWith (grid.grid_drawing.parent_rows)) {
+ pe.Graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.ParentRowsBackColor), grid.grid_drawing.parent_rows);
+ }
+ DataGridPaintCaption (pe.Graphics, pe.ClipRectangle, grid);
+ DataGridPaintColumnsHdrs (pe.Graphics, pe.ClipRectangle, grid);
+ DataGridPaintRowsHeaders (pe.Graphics, pe.ClipRectangle, grid);
+ DataGridPaintRows (pe.Graphics, grid.grid_drawing.cells_area, pe.ClipRectangle, grid);
+ // Paint scrollBar corner
+ if (grid.vert_scrollbar.Visible && grid.horiz_scrollbar.Visible) {
+ Rectangle corner = new Rectangle (grid.ClientRectangle.X + grid.ClientRectangle.Width - grid.horiz_scrollbar.Height,
+ grid.ClientRectangle.Y + grid.ClientRectangle.Height - grid.horiz_scrollbar.Height,
+ grid.horiz_scrollbar.Height, grid.horiz_scrollbar.Height);
+ if (pe.ClipRectangle.IntersectsWith (corner)) {
+ pe.Graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.ParentRowsBackColor),
+ corner);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintCaption (Graphics g, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ Rectangle modified_area = clip;
+ modified_area.Intersect (grid.grid_drawing.caption_area);
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CaptionBackColor),
+ modified_area);
+ g.DrawString (grid.CaptionText, grid.CaptionFont,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CaptionForeColor),
+ grid.grid_drawing.caption_area);
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintColumnsHdrs (Graphics g, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ Rectangle columns_area = grid.grid_drawing.columnshdrs_area;
+ if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) { // Paint corner shared between row and column header
+ Rectangle rect_bloc = grid.grid_drawing.columnshdrs_area;
+ rect_bloc.Width = grid.RowHeaderWidth;
+ rect_bloc.Height = grid.grid_drawing.columnshdrs_area.Height;
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_bloc)) {
+ if (grid.visiblecolumn_count > 0) {
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentHeaderBackColor), rect_bloc);
+ }else {
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor), rect_bloc);
+ }
+ }
+ columns_area.X += grid.RowHeaderWidth;
+ columns_area.Width -= grid.RowHeaderWidth;
+ }
+ // Set unused area
+ Rectangle columnshdrs_area_complete = columns_area;
+ columnshdrs_area_complete.Width = grid.grid_drawing.columnshdrs_maxwidth;
+ if (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentRowHeadersVisible) {
+ columnshdrs_area_complete.Width -= grid.RowHeaderWidth;
+ }
+ // Set column painting
+ Rectangle rect_columnhdr = new Rectangle ();
+ int col_pixel;
+ Region current_clip;
+ rect_columnhdr.Y = columns_area.Y;
+ rect_columnhdr.Height = columns_area.Height;
+ current_clip = new Region (columns_area);
+ g.Clip = current_clip;
+ int column_cnt = grid.first_visiblecolumn + grid.visiblecolumn_count;
+ for (int column = grid.first_visiblecolumn; column < column_cnt; column++) {
+ col_pixel = grid.grid_drawing.GetColumnStartingPixel (column);
+ rect_columnhdr.X = columns_area.X + col_pixel - grid.horz_pixeloffset;
+ rect_columnhdr.Width = grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Width;
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_columnhdr) == false)
+ continue;
+ grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].PaintHeader (g, rect_columnhdr, column);
+ }
+ current_clip.Dispose ();
+ g.ResetClip ();
+ Rectangle not_usedarea = columnshdrs_area_complete;
+ not_usedarea.X = rect_columnhdr.X + rect_columnhdr.Width;
+ not_usedarea.Width = grid.ClientRectangle.X + grid.ClientRectangle.Width - rect_columnhdr.X - rect_columnhdr.Height;
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor), not_usedarea);
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintRowsHeaders (Graphics g, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ Rectangle rowshdrs_area_complete = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area;
+ rowshdrs_area_complete.Height = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_maxheight;
+ Rectangle rect_row = new Rectangle ();
+ rect_row.X = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area.X;
+ int rowcnt = grid.FirstVisibleRow + grid.VisibleRowCount;
+ Rectangle not_usedarea = rowshdrs_area_complete;
+ if (rowcnt < grid.RowsCount) { // Paint one row more for partial rows
+ rowcnt++;
+ }
+ g.SetClip (grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area);
+ for (int row = grid.FirstVisibleRow; row < rowcnt; row++) {
+ rect_row.Width = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area.Width;
+ rect_row.Height = grid.RowHeight;
+ rect_row.Y = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area.Y + ((row - grid.FirstVisibleRow) * grid.RowHeight);
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_row)) {
+ DataGridPaintRowHeader (g, rect_row, row, grid);
+ }
+ }
+ g.ResetClip ();
+ not_usedarea.Height = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_maxheight - grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area.Height;
+ not_usedarea.Y = grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area.Y + grid.grid_drawing.rowshdrs_area.Height;
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor), not_usedarea);
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintRowHeaderArrow (Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ Point[] arrow = new Point[3];
+ Point P1, P2, P3;
+ int centerX, centerY, shiftX;
+ Rectangle rect;
+ rect = new Rectangle (bounds.X + bounds.Width /4,
+ bounds.Y + bounds.Height/4, bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Height / 2);
+ centerX = rect.Left + rect.Width / 2;
+ centerY = rect.Top + rect.Height / 2;
+ shiftX = Math.Max (1, rect.Width / 8);
+ rect.X -= shiftX;
+ centerX -= shiftX;
+ P1 = new Point (centerX, rect.Top - 1);
+ P2 = new Point (centerX, rect.Bottom);
+ P3 = new Point (rect.Right, centerY);
+ arrow[0] = P1;
+ arrow[1] = P2;
+ arrow[2] = P3;
+ g.FillPolygon (ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentHeaderForeColor), arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintRowHeader (Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int row, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ // Background
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentHeaderBackColor),
+ bounds);
+ if (grid.FlatMode == false) {
+ // Paint Borders
+ g.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight),
+ bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y);
+ g.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight),
+ bounds.X, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1);
+ g.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark),
+ bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y + 1 , bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1);
+ g.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark),
+ bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height -1, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + bounds.Height -1);
+ }
+ if (grid.ShowEditRow && grid.RowsCount > 0 && row == grid.RowsCount && !(row == grid.CurrentCell.RowNumber && grid.is_changing == true)) {
+ g.DrawString ("*", grid.grid_drawing.font_newrow, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentHeaderForeColor),
+ bounds);
+ } else {
+ // Draw arrow
+ if (row == grid.CurrentCell.RowNumber) {
+ if (grid.is_changing == true) {
+ g.DrawString ("...", grid.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.CurrentTableStyle.CurrentHeaderForeColor),
+ bounds);
+ } else {
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (bounds.X - 2, bounds.Y, 18, 18);
+ DataGridPaintRowHeaderArrow (g, rect, grid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintRows (Graphics g, Rectangle cells, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ Rectangle rect_row = new Rectangle ();
+ Rectangle not_usedarea = new Rectangle ();
+ rect_row.X = cells.X;
+ int rowcnt = grid.FirstVisibleRow + grid.VisibleRowCount;
+ if (grid.ShowEditRow && grid.RowsCount > 0) {
+ rowcnt--;
+ }
+ if (rowcnt < grid.RowsCount) { // Paint one row more for partial rows
+ rowcnt++;
+ }
+ rect_row.Height = grid.RowHeight;
+ rect_row.Width = cells.Width;
+ for (int row = grid.FirstVisibleRow; row < rowcnt; row++) {
+ rect_row.Y = cells.Y + ((row - grid.FirstVisibleRow) * grid.RowHeight);
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_row)) {
+ DataGridPaintRow (g, row, rect_row, false, grid);
+ }
+ }
+ if (grid.ShowEditRow && grid.RowsCount > 0 && grid.FirstVisibleRow + grid.VisibleRowCount == grid.RowsCount + 1) {
+ rect_row.Y = cells.Y + ((rowcnt - grid.FirstVisibleRow) * grid.RowHeight);
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (rect_row)) {
+ DataGridPaintRow (g, rowcnt, rect_row, true, grid);
+ }
+ }
+ not_usedarea.Height = cells.Y + cells.Height - rect_row.Y - rect_row.Height;
+ not_usedarea.Y = rect_row.Y + rect_row.Height;
+ not_usedarea.Width = rect_row.Width = cells.Width;
+ not_usedarea.X = cells.X;
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor), not_usedarea);
+ }
+ public override void DataGridPaintRow (Graphics g, int row, Rectangle row_rect, bool is_newrow, DataGrid grid)
+ {
+ Rectangle rect_cell = new Rectangle ();
+ int col_pixel;
+ Color backcolor, forecolor;
+ Region prev_clip = g.Clip;
+ Region current_clip;
+ Rectangle not_usedarea = new Rectangle ();
+ rect_cell.Y = row_rect.Y;
+ rect_cell.Height = row_rect.Height;
+ // PaintCells at row, column
+ int column_cnt = grid.first_visiblecolumn + grid.visiblecolumn_count;
+ for (int column = grid.first_visiblecolumn; column < column_cnt; column++) {
+ col_pixel = grid.grid_drawing.GetColumnStartingPixel (column);
+ rect_cell.X = row_rect.X + col_pixel - grid.horz_pixeloffset;
+ rect_cell.Width = grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Width;
+ current_clip = new Region (row_rect);
+ g.Clip = current_clip;
+ if (grid.IsSelected (row)) {
+ backcolor = grid.SelectionBackColor;
+ forecolor = grid.SelectionForeColor;
+ } else {
+ if (row % 2 == 0) {
+ backcolor = grid.BackColor;
+ } else {
+ backcolor = grid.AlternatingBackColor;
+ }
+ forecolor = grid.ForeColor;
+ }
+ if (is_newrow) {
+ grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].PaintNewRow (g, rect_cell,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (backcolor),
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (forecolor));
+ } else {
+ grid.CurrentTableStyle.GridColumnStyles[column].Paint (g, rect_cell, grid.ListManager, row,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (backcolor),
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (forecolor),
+ grid.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes);
+ }
+ g.Clip = prev_clip;
+ current_clip.Dispose ();
+ }
+ if (row_rect.X + row_rect.Width > rect_cell.X + rect_cell.Width) {
+ not_usedarea.X = rect_cell.X + rect_cell.Width;
+ not_usedarea.Width = row_rect.X + row_rect.Width - rect_cell.X - rect_cell.Width;
+ not_usedarea.Y = row_rect.Y;
+ not_usedarea.Height = row_rect.Height;
+ g.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (grid.BackgroundColor),
+ not_usedarea);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // Datagrid
+ #region DateTimePicker
+ public override void DrawDateTimePicker (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, DateTimePicker dtp) {
+ // if not showing the numeric updown control then render border
+ if (!dtp.ShowUpDown && clip_rectangle.IntersectsWith (dtp.ClientRectangle)) {
+ // draw the outer border
+ Rectangle button_bounds = dtp.ClientRectangle;
+ this.CPDrawBorder3D (dc, button_bounds, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.All, dtp.BackColor);
+ // deflate by the border width
+ if (clip_rectangle.IntersectsWith (dtp.drop_down_arrow_rect)) {
+ button_bounds.Inflate (-2,-2);
+ ButtonState state = dtp.is_drop_down_visible ? ButtonState.Pushed : ButtonState.Normal;
+ this.CPDrawComboButton (
+ dc,
+ dtp.drop_down_arrow_rect,
+ state);
+ }
+ }
+ // render the date part
+ if (clip_rectangle.IntersectsWith (dtp.date_area_rect)) {
+ // fill the background
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorWindow), dtp.date_area_rect);
+ // fill the currently highlighted area
+ if (dtp.hilight_date_area != Rectangle.Empty) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorHighlight), dtp.hilight_date_area);
+ }
+ // draw the text part
+ // TODO: if date format is CUstom then we need to draw the dates as separate parts
+ StringFormat text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ dc.DrawString (dtp.Text, dtp.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (dtp.ForeColor), Rectangle.Inflate(dtp.date_area_rect, -1, -1), text_format);
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // DateTimePicker
+ #region GroupBox
+ public override void DrawGroupBox (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, GroupBox box) {
+ StringFormat text_format;
+ SizeF size;
+ int width;
+ int y;
+ Rectangle rect;
+ rect = box.ClientRectangle;
+ // Needed once the Dark/Light code below is enabled again
+ //Color disabled = ColorGrayText;
+ Pen pen_light = ResPool.GetPen (Color.FromArgb (255,255,255,255));
+ Pen pen_dark = ResPool.GetPen (Color.FromArgb (255, 128, 128,128));
+ // TODO: When the Light and Dark methods work this code should be activate it
+ //Pen pen_light = new Pen (ControlPaint.Light (disabled, 1));
+ //Pen pen_dark = new Pen (ControlPaint.Dark (disabled, 0));
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (box.BackColor), rect);
+ text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
+ size = dc.MeasureString (box.Text, box.Font);
+ width = (int) size.Width;
+ if (width > box.Width - 16)
+ width = box.Width - 16;
+ y = box.Font.Height / 2;
+ /* Draw group box*/
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_dark, 0, y, 8, y); // top
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_light, 0, y + 1, 8, y + 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_dark, 8 + width, y, box.Width, y);
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_light, 8 + width, y + 1, box.Width, y + 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_dark, 0, y + 1, 0, box.Height); // left
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_light, 1, y + 1, 1, box.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_dark, 0, box.Height - 2, box.Width, box.Height - 2); // bottom
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_light, 0, box.Height - 1, box.Width, box.Height - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_dark, box.Width - 2, y, box.Width - 2, box.Height - 2); // right
+ dc.DrawLine (pen_light, box.Width - 1, y, box.Width - 1, box.Height - 2);
+ /* Text */
+ if (box.Enabled) {
+ dc.DrawString (box.Text, box.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (box.ForeColor), 10, 0, text_format);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, box.Text, box.Font, box.ForeColor,
+ new RectangleF (10, 0, width, box.Font.Height), text_format);
+ }
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ public override Size GroupBoxDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (200,100);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region HScrollBar
+ public override Size HScrollBarDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (80, this.ScrollBarButtonSize);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // HScrollBar
+ #region Label
+ public override void DrawLabel (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, Label label)
+ {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (label.BackColor), clip_rectangle);
+ if (label.Enabled) {
+ dc.DrawString (label.Text, label.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (label.ForeColor), clip_rectangle, label.string_format);
+ } else {
+ ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled (dc, label.Text, label.Font, label.ForeColor, clip_rectangle, label.string_format);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Size LabelDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (100, 23);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // Label
+ #region LinkLabel
+ public override void DrawLinkLabel (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, LinkLabel label)
+ {
+ Color color;
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (label.BackColor), clip_rectangle);
+ for (int i = 0; i < label.num_pieces; i++) {
+ if (clip_rectangle.IntersectsWith (label.pieces[i].rect) == false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ color = label.GetLinkColor (label.pieces[i], i);
+ if (label.pieces[i].link == null)
+ dc.DrawString (label.pieces[i].text, label.GetPieceFont (label.pieces[i]), ResPool.GetSolidBrush (Color.Black),
+ label.pieces[i].rect.X, label.pieces[i].rect.Y);
+ else
+ dc.DrawString (label.pieces[i].text, label.GetPieceFont (label.pieces[i]), ResPool.GetSolidBrush (color),
+ label.pieces[i].rect.X, label.pieces[i].rect.Y);
+ if (label.pieces[i].focused) {
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (dc, label.pieces[i].rect, label.ForeColor, label.BackColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // LinkLabel
+ #region ListBox
+ // Drawing
+ private int DrawListBoxDecorationSize (BorderStyle border_style)
+ {
+ switch (border_style) {
+ case BorderStyle.Fixed3D:
+ return 2;
+ case BorderStyle.FixedSingle:
+ return 1;
+ case BorderStyle.None:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Sizing
+ public override void DrawListBoxItem (ListBox ctrl, DrawItemEventArgs e)
+ {
+ Color back_color, fore_color;
+ StringFormat string_format = ctrl.GetFormatString ();
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected) {
+ back_color = ColorHighlight;
+ fore_color = ColorHighlightText;
+ }
+ else {
+ back_color = e.BackColor;
+ fore_color = e.ForeColor;
+ }
+ e.Graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (back_color), e.Bounds);
+ e.Graphics.DrawString (ctrl.GetItemText (ctrl.Items[e.Index]), e.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (fore_color),
+ e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, string_format);
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Focus) == DrawItemState.Focus) {
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (e.Graphics, e.Bounds,
+ fore_color, back_color);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion ListBox
+ #region ListView
+ // Drawing
+ public override void DrawListView (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, ListView control)
+ {
+ bool details = (control.View == View.Details);
+ Rectangle client_area_nohdrs;
+ DrawListViewHeader (dc, clip, control);
+ if (details && control.HeaderStyle != ColumnHeaderStyle.None && control.Columns.Count > 0) {
+ client_area_nohdrs = control.client_area;
+ client_area_nohdrs.Y += control.Columns[0].Ht;
+ client_area_nohdrs.Height -= control.Columns[0].Ht;
+ dc.SetClip (client_area_nohdrs);
+ } else
+ dc.SetClip (control.client_area);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (control.BackColor), clip);
+ // In case of details view draw the items only if
+ // columns are non-zero
+ if (!details || control.Columns.Count > 0) {
+ int first = control.FirstVisibleIndex;
+ for (int i = first; i <= control.LastVisibleIndex; i ++) {
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (control.Items[i].GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire)))
+ DrawListViewItem (dc, control, control.Items[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the gridlines
+ if (details && control.GridLines) {
+ int top = (control.HeaderStyle == ColumnHeaderStyle.None) ?
+ 2 : control.Font.Height + 2;
+ // draw vertical gridlines
+ foreach (ColumnHeader col in control.Columns)
+ dc.DrawLine (this.ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControl),
+ col.Rect.Right, top,
+ col.Rect.Right, control.TotalHeight);
+ // draw horizontal gridlines
+ ListViewItem last_item = null;
+ foreach (ListViewItem item in control.Items) {
+ dc.DrawLine (this.ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControl),
+ item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Left, item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Top,
+ control.TotalWidth, item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Top);
+ last_item = item;
+ }
+ // draw a line after at the bottom of the last item
+ if (last_item != null) {
+ dc.DrawLine (this.ResPool.GetPen (this.ColorControl),
+ last_item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Left,
+ last_item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Bottom,
+ control.TotalWidth,
+ last_item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ dc.ResetClip ();
+ // Draw corner between the two scrollbars
+ if (control.h_scroll.Visible == true && control.h_scroll.Visible == true) {
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle ();
+ rect.X = control.h_scroll.Location.X + control.h_scroll.Width;
+ rect.Width = control.v_scroll.Width;
+ rect.Y = control.v_scroll.Location.Y + control.v_scroll.Height;
+ rect.Height = control.h_scroll.Height;
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl), rect);
+ }
+ }
+ private void DrawListViewHeader (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, ListView control)
+ {
+ bool details = (control.View == View.Details);
+ // border is drawn directly in the Paint method
+ if (details && control.HeaderStyle != ColumnHeaderStyle.None) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (control.BackColor),
+ 0, 0, control.TotalWidth, control.Font.Height + 5);
+ if (control.Columns.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (ColumnHeader col in control.Columns) {
+ Rectangle rect = col.Rect;
+ rect.X -= control.h_marker;
+ ButtonState state;
+ if (control.HeaderStyle == ColumnHeaderStyle.Clickable)
+ state = col.Pressed ? ButtonState.Pushed : ButtonState.Normal;
+ else
+ state = ButtonState.Flat;
+ this.CPDrawButton (dc, rect, state);
+ rect.X += 3;
+ rect.Width -= 8;
+ dc.DrawString (col.Text, DefaultFont,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlText),
+ rect, col.Format);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // draws the ListViewItem of the given index
+ protected virtual void DrawListViewItem (Graphics dc, ListView control, ListViewItem item)
+ {
+ Rectangle rect_checkrect = item.CheckRectReal;
+ Rectangle rect_iconrect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Icon);
+ Rectangle full_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
+ Rectangle text_rect = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label);
+ if (control.CheckBoxes) {
+ if (control.StateImageList == null) {
+ // Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1
+ int check_wd = Math.Max (3, rect_checkrect.Width / 6);
+ int scale = Math.Max (1, rect_checkrect.Width / 12);
+ // set the checkbox background
+ dc.FillRectangle (this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorWindow),
+ rect_checkrect);
+ // define a rectangle inside the border area
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (rect_checkrect.X + 2,
+ rect_checkrect.Y + 2,
+ rect_checkrect.Width - 4,
+ rect_checkrect.Height - 4);
+ Pen pen = new Pen (this.ColorWindowText, 2);
+ dc.DrawRectangle (pen, rect);
+ // Need to draw a check-mark
+ if (item.Checked) {
+ pen.Width = 1;
+ // adjustments to get the check-mark at the right place
+ rect.X ++; rect.Y ++;
+ // following logic is taken from DrawFrameControl method
+ for (int i = 0; i < check_wd; i++) {
+ dc.DrawLine (pen, rect.Left + check_wd / 2,
+ rect.Top + check_wd + i,
+ rect.Left + check_wd / 2 + 2 * scale,
+ rect.Top + check_wd + 2 * scale + i);
+ dc.DrawLine (pen,
+ rect.Left + check_wd / 2 + 2 * scale,
+ rect.Top + check_wd + 2 * scale + i,
+ rect.Left + check_wd / 2 + 6 * scale,
+ rect.Top + check_wd - 2 * scale + i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (item.Checked && control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 1)
+ control.StateImageList.Draw (dc,
+ rect_checkrect.Location, 1);
+ else if (! item.Checked && control.StateImageList.Images.Count > 0)
+ control.StateImageList.Draw (dc,
+ rect_checkrect.Location, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Item is drawn as a special case, as it is not just text
+ if (control.View == View.LargeIcon) {
+ if (item.ImageIndex > -1 &&
+ control.LargeImageList != null &&
+ item.ImageIndex < control.LargeImageList.Images.Count)
+ control.LargeImageList.Draw (dc, rect_iconrect.Location,
+ item.ImageIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (item.ImageIndex > -1 &&
+ control.SmallImageList != null &&
+ item.ImageIndex < control.SmallImageList.Images.Count)
+ control.SmallImageList.Draw (dc, rect_iconrect.Location,
+ item.ImageIndex);
+ }
+ // draw the item text
+ // format for the item text
+ StringFormat format = new StringFormat ();
+ if (control.View == View.SmallIcon)
+ format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ else
+ format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ if (control.View == View.LargeIcon)
+ format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ else
+ format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ if (!control.LabelWrap)
+ format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ if (item.Selected) {
+ if (control.View == View.Details) {
+ if (control.FullRowSelect) {
+ // fill the entire rect excluding the checkbox
+ full_rect.Location = item.GetBounds (ItemBoundsPortion.Label).Location;
+ dc.FillRectangle (this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (this.ColorHighlight), full_rect);
+ }
+ else {
+ Size text_size = Size.Ceiling (dc.MeasureString (item.Text,
+ item.Font));
+ text_rect.Width = text_size.Width;
+ dc.FillRectangle (this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (this.ColorHighlight), text_rect);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /*Size text_size = Size.Ceiling (dc.MeasureString (item.Text,
+ item.Font));
+ Point loc = text_rect.Location;
+ loc.X += (text_rect.Width - text_size.Width) / 2;
+ text_rect.Width = text_size.Width;*/
+ dc.FillRectangle (this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorHighlight),
+ text_rect);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (item.BackColor), text_rect);
+ if (item.Text != null && item.Text.Length > 0) {
+ if (item.Selected)
+ dc.DrawString (item.Text, item.Font, this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (this.ColorHighlightText), text_rect, format);
+ else
+ dc.DrawString (item.Text, item.Font, this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (item.ForeColor), text_rect, format);
+ }
+ if (control.View == View.Details && control.Columns.Count > 0) {
+ // draw subitems for details view
+ ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection subItems = item.SubItems;
+ int count = (control.Columns.Count < subItems.Count ?
+ control.Columns.Count : subItems.Count);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ ColumnHeader col;
+ ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem;
+ Rectangle sub_item_rect = text_rect;
+ // set the format for subitems
+ format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ // 0th subitem is the item already drawn
+ for (int index = 1; index < count; index++) {
+ subItem = subItems [index];
+ col = control.Columns [index];
+ format.Alignment = col.Format.Alignment;
+ sub_item_rect.X = col.Rect.Left + 3;
+ sub_item_rect.Width = col.Wd - 6;
+ sub_item_rect.X -= control.h_marker;
+ SolidBrush sub_item_back_br = null;
+ SolidBrush sub_item_fore_br = null;
+ Font sub_item_font = null;
+ if (item.UseItemStyleForSubItems) {
+ sub_item_back_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (item.BackColor);
+ sub_item_fore_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (item.ForeColor);
+ sub_item_font = item.Font;
+ }
+ else {
+ sub_item_back_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (subItem.BackColor);
+ sub_item_fore_br = this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (subItem.ForeColor);
+ sub_item_font = subItem.Font;
+ }
+ // In case of fullrowselect, background is filled
+ // for the entire rect above
+ if (item.Selected && control.FullRowSelect) {
+ if (subItem.Text != null && subItem.Text.Length > 0)
+ dc.DrawString (subItem.Text, sub_item_font,
+ this.ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (this.ColorHighlightText),
+ sub_item_rect, format);
+ }
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (sub_item_back_br, sub_item_rect);
+ if (subItem.Text != null && subItem.Text.Length > 0)
+ dc.DrawString (subItem.Text, sub_item_font,
+ sub_item_fore_br,
+ sub_item_rect, format);
+ }
+ sub_item_rect.X += col.Wd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (item.Focused) {
+ if (item.Selected)
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (dc, text_rect, ColorHighlightText, ColorHighlight);
+ else
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (dc, text_rect, control.ForeColor, control.BackColor);
+ }
+ format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ // Sizing
+ public override Size ListViewCheckBoxSize {
+ get { return new Size (16, 16); }
+ }
+ public override int ListViewColumnHeaderHeight {
+ get { return 16; }
+ }
+ public override int ListViewDefaultColumnWidth {
+ get { return 60; }
+ }
+ public override int ListViewVerticalSpacing {
+ get { return 22; }
+ }
+ public override int ListViewEmptyColumnWidth {
+ get { return 10; }
+ }
+ public override int ListViewHorizontalSpacing {
+ get { return 10; }
+ }
+ public override Size ListViewDefaultSize {
+ get { return new Size (121, 97); }
+ }
+ #endregion // ListView
+ #region Menus
+ public override void CalcItemSize (Graphics dc, MenuItem item, int y, int x, bool menuBar)
+ {
+ item.X = x;
+ item.Y = y;
+ if (item.Visible == false) {
+ item.Width = 0;
+ item.Height = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (item.Separator == true) {
+ item.Height = SEPARATOR_HEIGHT / 2;
+ item.Width = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (item.MeasureEventDefined) {
+ MeasureItemEventArgs mi = new MeasureItemEventArgs (dc, item.Index);
+ item.PerformMeasureItem (mi);
+ item.Height = mi.ItemHeight;
+ item.Width = mi.ItemWidth;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ SizeF size;
+ size = dc.MeasureString (item.Text, MenuFont);
+ item.Width = (int) size.Width;
+ item.Height = (int) size.Height;
+ if (!menuBar) {
+ if (item.Shortcut != Shortcut.None && item.ShowShortcut) {
+ item.XTab = MenuCheckSize.Width + MENU_TAB_SPACE + (int) size.Width;
+ size = dc.MeasureString (" " + item.GetShortCutText (), MenuFont);
+ item.Width += MENU_TAB_SPACE + (int) size.Width;
+ }
+ item.Width += 4 + (MenuCheckSize.Width * 2);
+ } else {
+ item.Width += MENU_BAR_ITEMS_SPACE;
+ x += item.Width;
+ }
+ if (item.Height < MenuHeight)
+ item.Height = MenuHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ // Updates the menu rect and returns the height
+ public override int CalcMenuBarSize (Graphics dc, Menu menu, int width)
+ {
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ menu.Height = 0;
+ foreach (MenuItem item in menu.MenuItems) {
+ CalcItemSize (dc, item, y, x, true);
+ if (x + item.Width > width) {
+ item.X = 0;
+ y += item.Height;
+ item.Y = y;
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ x += item.Width;
+ item.MenuBar = true;
+ if (y + item.Height > menu.Height)
+ menu.Height = item.Height + y;
+ }
+ menu.Width = width;
+ return menu.Height;
+ }
+ public override void CalcPopupMenuSize (Graphics dc, Menu menu)
+ {
+ int x = 3;
+ int start = 0;
+ int i, n, y, max;
+ menu.Height = 0;
+ while (start < menu.MenuItems.Count) {
+ y = 2;
+ max = 0;
+ for (i = start; i < menu.MenuItems.Count; i++) {
+ MenuItem item = menu.MenuItems [i];
+ if ((i != start) && (item.Break || item.BarBreak))
+ break;
+ CalcItemSize (dc, item, y, x, false);
+ y += item.Height;
+ if (item.Width > max)
+ max = item.Width;
+ }
+ // Replace the -1 by the menu width (separators)
+ for (n = start; n < i; n++, start++)
+ menu.MenuItems [n].Width = max;
+ if (y > menu.Height)
+ menu.Height = y;
+ x+= max;
+ }
+ menu.Width = x;
+ //space for border
+ menu.Width += 2;
+ menu.Height += 2;
+ menu.Width += SM_CXBORDER;
+ menu.Height += SM_CYBORDER;
+ }
+ // Draws a menu bar in a window
+ public override void DrawMenuBar (Graphics dc, Menu menu, Rectangle rect)
+ {
+ if (menu.Height == 0)
+ CalcMenuBarSize (dc, menu, rect.Width);
+ bool keynav = (menu as MainMenu).tracker.Navigating;
+ HotkeyPrefix hp = always_draw_hotkeys || keynav ? HotkeyPrefix.Show : HotkeyPrefix.Hide;
+ string_format_menu_menubar_text.HotkeyPrefix = hp;
+ string_format_menu_text.HotkeyPrefix = hp;
+ rect.Height = menu.Height;
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush(ColorMenu), rect);
+ for (int i = 0; i < menu.MenuItems.Count; i++) {
+ MenuItem item = menu.MenuItems [i];
+ Rectangle item_rect = item.bounds;
+ item_rect.X += rect.X;
+ item_rect.Y += rect.Y;
+ item.MenuHeight = menu.Height;
+ item.PerformDrawItem (new DrawItemEventArgs (dc, MenuFont, item_rect, i, item.Status));
+ }
+ }
+ public override void DrawMenuItem (MenuItem item, DrawItemEventArgs e)
+ {
+ StringFormat string_format;
+ Rectangle rect_text = e.Bounds;
+ if (item.Visible == false)
+ return;
+ if (item.MenuBar)
+ string_format = string_format_menu_menubar_text;
+ else
+ string_format = string_format_menu_text;
+ if (item.Separator == true) {
+ e.Graphics.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark),
+ e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Y);
+ e.Graphics.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight),
+ e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 1, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Y + 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!item.MenuBar)
+ rect_text.X += MenuCheckSize.Width;
+ if (item.BarBreak) { /* Draw vertical break bar*/
+ Rectangle rect = e.Bounds;
+ rect.Y++;
+ rect.Width = 3;
+ rect.Height = item.MenuHeight - 6;
+ e.Graphics.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark),
+ rect.X, rect.Y , rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height);
+ e.Graphics.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight),
+ rect.X + 1, rect.Y , rect.X +1, rect.Y + rect.Height);
+ }
+ Color color_text;
+ Color color_back;
+ if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected) {
+ color_text = ColorHighlightText;
+ color_back = ColorHighlight;
+ } else {
+ color_text = ColorMenuText;
+ color_back = ColorMenu;
+ }
+ /* Draw background */
+ Rectangle rect_back = e.Bounds;
+ rect_back.X++;
+ rect_back.Width -=2;
+ e.Graphics.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (color_back), rect_back);
+ if (item.Enabled) {
+ e.Graphics.DrawString (item.Text, e.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (color_text),
+ rect_text, string_format);
+ if (!item.MenuBar && item.Shortcut != Shortcut.None && item.ShowShortcut) {
+ string str = item.GetShortCutText ();
+ Rectangle rect = rect_text;
+ rect.X = item.XTab;
+ rect.Width -= item.XTab;
+ e.Graphics.DrawString (str, e.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (color_text),
+ rect, string_format_menu_shortcut);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled (e.Graphics, item.Text, e.Font,
+ Color.Black, rect_text, string_format);
+ }
+ /* Draw arrow */
+ if (item.MenuBar == false && item.IsPopup || item.MdiList) {
+ int cx = MenuCheckSize.Width;
+ int cy = MenuCheckSize.Height;
+ Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (cx, cy);
+ Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage (bmp);
+ Rectangle rect_arrow = new Rectangle (0, 0, cx, cy);
+ ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph (gr, rect_arrow, MenuGlyph.Arrow);
+ bmp.MakeTransparent ();
+ if (item.Enabled) {
+ e.Graphics.DrawImage (bmp, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width - cx,
+ e.Bounds.Y + ((e.Bounds.Height - cy) /2));
+ } else {
+ ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled (e.Graphics, bmp, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width - cx,
+ e.Bounds.Y + ((e.Bounds.Height - cy) /2), color_back);
+ }
+ gr.Dispose ();
+ bmp.Dispose ();
+ }
+ /* Draw checked or radio */
+ if (item.MenuBar == false && item.Checked) {
+ Rectangle area = e.Bounds;
+ int cx = MenuCheckSize.Width;
+ int cy = MenuCheckSize.Height;
+ Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (cx, cy);
+ Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage (bmp);
+ Rectangle rect_arrow = new Rectangle (0, 0, cx, cy);
+ if (item.RadioCheck)
+ ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph (gr, rect_arrow, MenuGlyph.Bullet);
+ else
+ ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph (gr, rect_arrow, MenuGlyph.Checkmark);
+ bmp.MakeTransparent ();
+ e.Graphics.DrawImage (bmp, area.X, e.Bounds.Y + ((e.Bounds.Height - cy) / 2));
+ gr.Dispose ();
+ bmp.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void DrawPopupMenu (Graphics dc, Menu menu, Rectangle cliparea, Rectangle rect)
+ {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush
+ (ColorMenu), cliparea);
+ /* Draw menu borders */
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorHighlightText),
+ rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorHighlightText),
+ rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark),
+ rect.X + rect.Width - 1 , rect.Y , rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark),
+ rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y , rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark),
+ rect.X , rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 , rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height -1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark),
+ rect.X , rect.Y + rect.Height, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height);
+ for (int i = 0; i < menu.MenuItems.Count; i++)
+ if (cliparea.IntersectsWith (menu.MenuItems [i].bounds)) {
+ MenuItem item = menu.MenuItems [i];
+ item.MenuHeight = menu.Height;
+ item.PerformDrawItem (new DrawItemEventArgs (dc, MenuFont,
+ item.bounds, i, item.Status));
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // Menus
+ #region MonthCalendar
+ // draw the month calendar
+ public override void DrawMonthCalendar(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, MonthCalendar mc)
+ {
+ Rectangle client_rectangle = mc.ClientRectangle;
+ Size month_size = mc.SingleMonthSize;
+ // cache local copies of Marshal-by-ref internal members (gets around error CS0197)
+ Size calendar_spacing = (Size)((object)mc.calendar_spacing);
+ Size date_cell_size = (Size)((object)mc.date_cell_size);
+ // draw the singlecalendars
+ int x_offset = 1;
+ int y_offset = 1;
+ // adjust for the position of the specific month
+ for (int i=0; i < mc.CalendarDimensions.Height; i++)
+ {
+ if (i > 0)
+ {
+ y_offset += month_size.Height + calendar_spacing.Height;
+ }
+ // now adjust for x position
+ for (int j=0; j < mc.CalendarDimensions.Width; j++)
+ {
+ if (j > 0)
+ {
+ x_offset += month_size.Width + calendar_spacing.Width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x_offset = 1;
+ }
+ Rectangle month_rect = new Rectangle (x_offset, y_offset, month_size.Width, month_size.Height);
+ if (month_rect.IntersectsWith (clip_rectangle)) {
+ DrawSingleMonth (
+ dc,
+ clip_rectangle,
+ month_rect,
+ mc,
+ i,
+ j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle bottom_rect = new Rectangle (
+ client_rectangle.X,
+ Math.Max(client_rectangle.Bottom - date_cell_size.Height - 3, 0),
+ client_rectangle.Width,
+ date_cell_size.Height + 2);
+ // draw the today date if it's set
+ if (mc.ShowToday && bottom_rect.IntersectsWith (clip_rectangle))
+ {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), bottom_rect);
+ if (mc.ShowToday) {
+ int today_offset = 5;
+ if (mc.ShowTodayCircle)
+ {
+ Rectangle today_circle_rect = new Rectangle (
+ client_rectangle.X + 5,
+ Math.Max(client_rectangle.Bottom - date_cell_size.Height - 2, 0),
+ date_cell_size.Width,
+ date_cell_size.Height);
+ DrawTodayCircle (dc, today_circle_rect);
+ today_offset += date_cell_size.Width + 5;
+ }
+ // draw today's date
+ StringFormat text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ Font bold_font = new Font (mc.Font.FontFamily, mc.Font.Size, mc.Font.Style | FontStyle.Bold);
+ Rectangle today_rect = new Rectangle (
+ today_offset + client_rectangle.X,
+ Math.Max(client_rectangle.Bottom - date_cell_size.Height, 0),
+ Math.Max(client_rectangle.Width - today_offset, 0),
+ date_cell_size.Height);
+ dc.DrawString ("Today: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), bold_font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.ForeColor), today_rect, text_format);
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ bold_font.Dispose ();
+ }
+ }
+ // finally paint the borders of the calendars as required
+ for (int i = 0; i <= mc.CalendarDimensions.Width; i++) {
+ if (i == 0 && clip_rectangle.X == client_rectangle.X) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), new Rectangle (client_rectangle.X, client_rectangle.Y, 1, client_rectangle.Height));
+ } else if (i == mc.CalendarDimensions.Width && clip_rectangle.Right == client_rectangle.Right) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), new Rectangle (client_rectangle.Right-1, client_rectangle.Y, 1, client_rectangle.Height));
+ } else {
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (
+ client_rectangle.X + (month_size.Width*i) + (calendar_spacing.Width * (i-1)) + 1,
+ client_rectangle.Y,
+ calendar_spacing.Width,
+ client_rectangle.Height);
+ if (i < mc.CalendarDimensions.Width && i > 0 && clip_rectangle.IntersectsWith (rect)) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <= mc.CalendarDimensions.Height; i++) {
+ if (i == 0 && clip_rectangle.Y == client_rectangle.Y) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), new Rectangle (client_rectangle.X, client_rectangle.Y, client_rectangle.Width, 1));
+ } else if (i == mc.CalendarDimensions.Height && clip_rectangle.Bottom == client_rectangle.Bottom) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), new Rectangle (client_rectangle.X, client_rectangle.Bottom-1, client_rectangle.Width, 1));
+ } else {
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (
+ client_rectangle.X,
+ client_rectangle.Y + (month_size.Height*i) + (calendar_spacing.Height*(i-1)) + 1,
+ client_rectangle.Width,
+ calendar_spacing.Height);
+ if (i < mc.CalendarDimensions.Height && i > 0 && clip_rectangle.IntersectsWith (rect)) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the drop down border if need
+ if (mc.owner != null) {
+ Rectangle bounds = mc.ClientRectangle;
+ if (clip_rectangle.Contains (mc.Location)) {
+ // find out if top or left line to draw
+ if(clip_rectangle.Contains (new Point (bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom))) {
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlText, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom-1);
+ }
+ if(clip_rectangle.Contains (new Point (bounds.Right, bounds.Y))) {
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlText, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Y);
+ }
+ }
+ if (clip_rectangle.Contains (new Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom))) {
+ // find out if bottom or right line to draw
+ if(clip_rectangle.Contains (new Point (bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom))) {
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlText, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom-1, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Bottom-1);
+ }
+ if(clip_rectangle.Contains (new Point (bounds.Right, bounds.Y))) {
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlText, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Y, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Bottom-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // darws a single part of the month calendar (with one month)
+ private void DrawSingleMonth(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, Rectangle rectangle, MonthCalendar mc, int row, int col)
+ {
+ // cache local copies of Marshal-by-ref internal members (gets around error CS0197)
+ Size title_size = (Size)((object)mc.title_size);
+ Size date_cell_size = (Size)((object)mc.date_cell_size);
+ DateTime current_month = (DateTime)((object)mc.current_month);
+ // set up some standard string formating variables
+ StringFormat text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ // draw the title back ground
+ DateTime this_month = current_month.AddMonths (row*mc.CalendarDimensions.Width+col);
+ Rectangle title_rect = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, title_size.Width, title_size.Height);
+ if (title_rect.IntersectsWith (clip_rectangle)) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), title_rect);
+ // draw the title
+ string title_text = this_month.ToString ("MMMM yyyy");
+ dc.DrawString (title_text, mc.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleForeColor), title_rect, text_format);
+ // draw previous and next buttons if it's time
+ if (row == 0 && col == 0)
+ {
+ // draw previous button
+ DrawMonthCalendarButton (
+ dc,
+ rectangle,
+ mc,
+ title_size,
+ mc.button_x_offset,
+ (System.Drawing.Size)((object)mc.button_size),
+ true);
+ }
+ if (row == 0 && col == mc.CalendarDimensions.Width-1)
+ {
+ // draw next button
+ DrawMonthCalendarButton (
+ dc,
+ rectangle,
+ mc,
+ title_size,
+ mc.button_x_offset,
+ (System.Drawing.Size)((object)mc.button_size),
+ false);
+ }
+ }
+ // set the week offset and draw week nums if needed
+ int col_offset = (mc.ShowWeekNumbers) ? 1 : 0;
+ Rectangle day_name_rect = new Rectangle(
+ rectangle.X,
+ rectangle.Y + title_size.Height,
+ (7 + col_offset) * date_cell_size.Width,
+ date_cell_size.Height);
+ if (day_name_rect.IntersectsWith (clip_rectangle)) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), day_name_rect);
+ // draw the day names
+ DayOfWeek first_day_of_week = mc.GetDayOfWeek(mc.FirstDayOfWeek);
+ for (int i=0; i < 7; i++)
+ {
+ int position = i - (int) first_day_of_week;
+ if (position < 0)
+ {
+ position = 7 + position;
+ }
+ // draw it
+ Rectangle day_rect = new Rectangle(
+ day_name_rect.X + ((i + col_offset)* date_cell_size.Width),
+ day_name_rect.Y,
+ date_cell_size.Width,
+ date_cell_size.Height);
+ dc.DrawString (((DayOfWeek)i).ToString().Substring(0, 3), mc.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), day_rect, text_format);
+ }
+ // draw the vertical divider
+ int vert_divider_y = Math.Max(title_size.Height+ date_cell_size.Height-1, 0);
+ dc.DrawLine (
+ ResPool.GetPen (mc.ForeColor),
+ rectangle.X + (col_offset * date_cell_size.Width) + mc.divider_line_offset,
+ rectangle.Y + vert_divider_y,
+ rectangle.Right - mc.divider_line_offset,
+ rectangle.Y + vert_divider_y);
+ }
+ // draw the actual date items in the grid (including the week numbers)
+ Rectangle date_rect = new Rectangle (
+ rectangle.X,
+ rectangle.Y + title_size.Height + date_cell_size.Height,
+ date_cell_size.Width,
+ date_cell_size.Height);
+ int month_row_count = 0;
+ bool draw_week_num_divider = false;
+ DateTime current_date = mc.GetFirstDateInMonthGrid ( new DateTime (this_month.Year, this_month.Month, 1));
+ for (int i=0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ // establish if this row is in our clip_area
+ Rectangle row_rect = new Rectangle (
+ rectangle.X,
+ rectangle.Y + title_size.Height + (date_cell_size.Height * (i+1)),
+ date_cell_size.Width * 7,
+ date_cell_size.Height);
+ if (mc.ShowWeekNumbers) {
+ row_rect.Width += date_cell_size.Width;
+ }
+ bool draw_row = row_rect.IntersectsWith (clip_rectangle);
+ if (draw_row) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.BackColor), row_rect);
+ }
+ // establish if this is a valid week to draw
+ if (mc.IsValidWeekToDraw (this_month, current_date, row, col)) {
+ month_row_count = i;
+ }
+ // draw the week number if required
+ if (mc.ShowWeekNumbers && month_row_count == i) {
+ if (!draw_week_num_divider) {
+ draw_week_num_divider = draw_row;
+ }
+ // get the week for this row
+ int week = mc.GetWeekOfYear (current_date);
+ if (draw_row) {
+ dc.DrawString (
+ week.ToString(),
+ mc.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor),
+ date_rect,
+ text_format);
+ }
+ date_rect.Offset(date_cell_size.Width, 0);
+ }
+ // only draw the days if we have to
+ if(month_row_count == i) {
+ for (int j=0; j < 7; j++)
+ {
+ if (draw_row) {
+ DrawMonthCalendarDate (
+ dc,
+ date_rect,
+ mc,
+ current_date,
+ this_month,
+ row,
+ col);
+ }
+ // move the day on
+ current_date = current_date.AddDays(1);
+ date_rect.Offset(date_cell_size.Width, 0);
+ }
+ // shift the rectangle down one row
+ int offset = (mc.ShowWeekNumbers) ? -8 : -7;
+ date_rect.Offset(offset*date_cell_size.Width, date_cell_size.Height);
+ }
+ }
+ // month_row_count is zero based, so add one
+ month_row_count++;
+ // draw week numbers if required
+ if (draw_week_num_divider) {
+ col_offset = 1;
+ dc.DrawLine (
+ ResPool.GetPen (mc.ForeColor),
+ rectangle.X + date_cell_size.Width - 1,
+ rectangle.Y + title_size.Height + date_cell_size.Height + mc.divider_line_offset,
+ rectangle.X + date_cell_size.Width - 1,
+ rectangle.Y + title_size.Height + date_cell_size.Height + (month_row_count * date_cell_size.Height) - mc.divider_line_offset);
+ }
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ // draws the pervious or next button
+ private void DrawMonthCalendarButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle rectangle, MonthCalendar mc, Size title_size, int x_offset, Size button_size, bool is_previous)
+ {
+ bool is_clicked = false;
+ Rectangle button_rect;
+ Rectangle arrow_rect = new Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, 4, 7);
+ Point[] arrow_path = new Point[3];
+ // prepare the button
+ if (is_previous)
+ {
+ is_clicked = mc.is_previous_clicked;
+ button_rect = new Rectangle (
+ rectangle.X + 1 + x_offset,
+ rectangle.Y + 1 + ((title_size.Height - button_size.Height)/2),
+ Math.Max(button_size.Width - 1, 0),
+ Math.Max(button_size.Height - 1, 0));
+ arrow_rect.X = button_rect.X + ((button_rect.Width - arrow_rect.Width)/2);
+ arrow_rect.Y = button_rect.Y + ((button_rect.Height - arrow_rect.Height)/2);
+ if (is_clicked) {
+ arrow_rect.Offset(1,1);
+ }
+ arrow_path[0] = new Point (arrow_rect.Right, arrow_rect.Y);
+ arrow_path[1] = new Point (arrow_rect.X, arrow_rect.Y + arrow_rect.Height/2);
+ arrow_path[2] = new Point (arrow_rect.Right, arrow_rect.Bottom);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ is_clicked = mc.is_next_clicked;
+ button_rect = new Rectangle (
+ rectangle.Right - 1 - x_offset - button_size.Width,
+ rectangle.Y + 1 + ((title_size.Height - button_size.Height)/2),
+ Math.Max(button_size.Width - 1, 0),
+ Math.Max(button_size.Height - 1, 0));
+ arrow_rect.X = button_rect.X + ((button_rect.Width - arrow_rect.Width)/2);
+ arrow_rect.Y = button_rect.Y + ((button_rect.Height - arrow_rect.Height)/2);
+ if (is_clicked) {
+ arrow_rect.Offset(1,1);
+ }
+ arrow_path[0] = new Point (arrow_rect.X, arrow_rect.Y);
+ arrow_path[1] = new Point (arrow_rect.Right, arrow_rect.Y + arrow_rect.Height/2);
+ arrow_path[2] = new Point (arrow_rect.X, arrow_rect.Bottom);
+ }
+ // fill the background
+ dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Control, button_rect);
+ // draw the border
+ if (is_clicked) {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (SystemPens.ControlDark, button_rect);
+ }
+ else {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, button_rect, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.All);
+ }
+ // draw the arrow
+ dc.FillPolygon (SystemBrushes.ControlText, arrow_path);
+ }
+ // draws one day in the calendar grid
+ private void DrawMonthCalendarDate (Graphics dc, Rectangle rectangle, MonthCalendar mc, DateTime date, DateTime month, int row, int col) {
+ Color date_color = mc.ForeColor;
+ Rectangle interior = new Rectangle (rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max(rectangle.Width - 1, 0), Math.Max(rectangle.Height - 1, 0));
+ // find out if we are the lead of the first calendar or the trail of the last calendar
+ if (date.Year != month.Year || date.Month != month.Month) {
+ DateTime check_date = month.AddMonths (-1);
+ // check if it's the month before
+ if (check_date.Year == date.Year && check_date.Month == date.Month && row == 0 && col == 0) {
+ date_color = mc.TrailingForeColor;
+ } else {
+ // check if it's the month after
+ check_date = month.AddMonths (1);
+ if (check_date.Year == date.Year && check_date.Month == date.Month && row == mc.CalendarDimensions.Height-1 && col == mc.CalendarDimensions.Width-1) {
+ date_color = mc.TrailingForeColor;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ date_color = mc.ForeColor;
+ }
+ if (date == mc.SelectionStart && date == mc.SelectionEnd) {
+ // see if the date is in the start of selection
+ date_color = mc.BackColor;
+ // draw the left hand of the back ground
+ Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate(rectangle, -3, -3);
+ dc.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect, 0, 359);
+ } else if (date == mc.SelectionStart) {
+ // see if the date is in the start of selection
+ date_color = mc.BackColor;
+ // draw the left hand of the back ground
+ Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate(rectangle, -3, -3);
+ dc.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect, 90, 180);
+ // fill the other side as a straight rect
+ if (date < mc.SelectionEnd)
+ {
+ // use rectangle instead of rectangle to go all the way to edge of rect
+ selection_rect.X = (int) Math.Floor((double)(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2));
+ selection_rect.Width = Math.Max(rectangle.Right - selection_rect.X, 0);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect);
+ }
+ } else if (date == mc.SelectionEnd) {
+ // see if it is the end of selection
+ date_color = mc.BackColor;
+ // draw the left hand of the back ground
+ Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate(rectangle, -3, -3);
+ dc.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect, 270, 180);
+ // fill the other side as a straight rect
+ if (date > mc.SelectionStart) {
+ selection_rect.X = rectangle.X;
+ selection_rect.Width = rectangle.Width - (rectangle.Width / 2);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect);
+ }
+ } else if (date > mc.SelectionStart && date < mc.SelectionEnd) {
+ // now see if it's in the middle
+ date_color = mc.BackColor;
+ // draw the left hand of the back ground
+ Rectangle selection_rect = Rectangle.Inflate(rectangle, 0, -3);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (mc.TitleBackColor), selection_rect);
+ }
+ // set up some standard string formating variables
+ StringFormat text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ // establish if it's a bolded font
+ Font font;
+ if (mc.IsBoldedDate (date)) {
+ font = new Font (mc.Font.FontFamily, mc.Font.Size, mc.Font.Style | FontStyle.Bold);
+ } else {
+ font = mc.Font;
+ }
+ // just draw the date now
+ dc.DrawString (date.Day.ToString(), font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (date_color), rectangle, text_format);
+ // today circle if needed
+ if (mc.ShowTodayCircle && date == DateTime.Now.Date) {
+ DrawTodayCircle (dc, interior);
+ }
+ // draw the selection grid
+ if (mc.is_date_clicked && mc.clicked_date == date) {
+ using (Pen pen = new Pen (Color.Black, 1) ) {
+ pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
+ dc.DrawRectangle (pen, interior);
+ }
+ }
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ private void DrawTodayCircle (Graphics dc, Rectangle rectangle) {
+ Color circle_color = Color.FromArgb (248, 0, 0);
+ // draw the left hand of the circle
+ Rectangle lhs_circle_rect = new Rectangle (rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 4, Math.Max(rectangle.Width - 2, 0), Math.Max(rectangle.Height - 5, 0));
+ Rectangle rhs_circle_rect = new Rectangle (rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, Math.Max(rectangle.Width - 2, 0), Math.Max(rectangle.Height - 2, 0));
+ Point [] curve_points = new Point [3];
+ curve_points [0] = new Point (lhs_circle_rect.X, rhs_circle_rect.Y + rhs_circle_rect.Height/12);
+ curve_points [1] = new Point (lhs_circle_rect.X + lhs_circle_rect.Width/9, rhs_circle_rect.Y);
+ curve_points [2] = new Point (lhs_circle_rect.X + lhs_circle_rect.Width/2 + 1, rhs_circle_rect.Y);
+ using (Pen pen = new Pen (circle_color, 2)) {
+ dc.DrawArc (pen, lhs_circle_rect, 90, 180);
+ dc.DrawArc (pen, rhs_circle_rect, 270, 180);
+ dc.DrawCurve (pen, curve_points);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (circle_color), curve_points [2], new Point (curve_points [2].X, lhs_circle_rect.Y));
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // MonthCalendar
+ #region Panel
+ public override Size PanelDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (200, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // Panel
+ #region PictureBox
+ public override void DrawPictureBox (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, PictureBox pb) {
+ Rectangle client = pb.ClientRectangle;
+ // FIXME - instead of drawing the whole picturebox every time
+ // intersect the clip rectangle with the drawn picture and only draw what's needed,
+ // Also, we only need a background fill where no image goes
+ if (pb.Image != null) {
+ switch (pb.SizeMode) {
+ case PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage:
+ dc.DrawImage (pb.Image, 0, 0, client.Width, client.Height);
+ break;
+ case PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage:
+ dc.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush(pb.BackColor), clip);
+ dc.DrawImage (pb.Image, (client.Width / 2) - (pb.Image.Width / 2), (client.Height / 2) - (pb.Image.Height / 2));
+ break;
+ default:
+ dc.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush(pb.BackColor), clip);
+ // Normal, AutoSize
+ dc.DrawImage(pb.Image, 0, 0, pb.Image.Width, pb.Image.Height);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // We only get here if no image is set. At least paint the background
+ dc.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush(pb.BackColor), clip);
+ }
+ public override Size PictureBoxDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (100, 50);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // PictureBox
+ #region ProgressBar
+ public override void DrawProgressBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rect, ProgressBar ctrl)
+ {
+ Rectangle block_rect;
+ Rectangle client_area = ctrl.client_area;
+ int space_betweenblocks = 2;
+ int block_width;
+ int increment;
+ int barpos_pixels;
+ block_width = ((client_area.Height) * 2 ) / 3;
+ barpos_pixels = ((ctrl.Value - ctrl.Minimum) * client_area.Width) / (ctrl.Maximum - ctrl.Minimum);
+ increment = block_width + space_betweenblocks;
+ /* Draw border */
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, ctrl.ClientRectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.All & ~Border3DSide.Middle, ColorControl);
+ /* Draw Blocks */
+ block_rect = new Rectangle (client_area.X, client_area.Y, block_width, client_area.Height);
+ while ((block_rect.X - client_area.X) < barpos_pixels) {
+ if (clip_rect.IntersectsWith (block_rect) == true) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (progressbarblock_color), block_rect);
+ }
+ block_rect.X += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Size ProgressBarDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (100, 23);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // ProgressBar
+ #region RadioButton
+ public override void DrawRadioButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, RadioButton radio_button) {
+ StringFormat text_format;
+ Rectangle client_rectangle;
+ Rectangle text_rectangle;
+ Rectangle radiobutton_rectangle;
+ int radiobutton_size = 12;
+ int radiobutton_space = 4;
+ client_rectangle = radio_button.ClientRectangle;
+ text_rectangle = client_rectangle;
+ radiobutton_rectangle = new Rectangle(text_rectangle.X, text_rectangle.Y, radiobutton_size, radiobutton_size);
+ text_format = new StringFormat();
+ text_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ text_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
+ /* Calculate the position of text and checkbox rectangle */
+ if (radio_button.appearance!=Appearance.Button) {
+ switch(radio_button.radiobutton_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=(client_rectangle.Right-client_rectangle.Left)/2-radiobutton_size/2;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Bottom-radiobutton_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ text_rectangle.Height=client_rectangle.Height-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Left;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Bottom-radiobutton_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X+radiobutton_size+radiobutton_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Right-radiobutton_size;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Bottom-radiobutton_size;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=(client_rectangle.Right-client_rectangle.Left)/2-radiobutton_size/2;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=(client_rectangle.Bottom-client_rectangle.Top)/2-radiobutton_size/2;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Left;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=(client_rectangle.Bottom-client_rectangle.Top)/2-radiobutton_size/2;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X+radiobutton_size+radiobutton_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Right-radiobutton_size;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=(client_rectangle.Bottom-client_rectangle.Top)/2-radiobutton_size/2;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=(client_rectangle.Right-client_rectangle.Left)/2-radiobutton_size/2;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Top;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Y=radiobutton_size+radiobutton_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ text_rectangle.Height=client_rectangle.Height-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Left;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Top;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X+radiobutton_size+radiobutton_space;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ radiobutton_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.Right-radiobutton_size;
+ radiobutton_rectangle.Y=client_rectangle.Top;
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width-radiobutton_size-radiobutton_space;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ text_rectangle.X=client_rectangle.X;
+ text_rectangle.Width=client_rectangle.Width;
+ }
+ /* Set the horizontal alignment of our text */
+ switch(radio_button.text_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: {
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Near;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: {
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ text_format.Alignment=StringAlignment.Far;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set the vertical alignment of our text */
+ switch(radio_button.text_alignment) {
+ case ContentAlignment.TopLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.TopRight: {
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Near;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: {
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Far;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
+ case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: {
+ text_format.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ButtonState state = ButtonState.Normal;
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Flat;
+ }
+ if (radio_button.Checked) {
+ state |= ButtonState.Checked;
+ }
+ // Start drawing
+ RadioButton_DrawButton(radio_button, dc, state, radiobutton_rectangle);
+ RadioButton_DrawText(radio_button, text_rectangle, dc, text_format);
+ RadioButton_DrawFocus(radio_button, dc, text_rectangle);
+ text_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ protected virtual void RadioButton_DrawButton(RadioButton radio_button, Graphics dc, ButtonState state, Rectangle radiobutton_rectangle)
+ {
+ SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(radio_button.BackColor);
+ dc.FillRectangle(sb, radio_button.ClientRectangle);
+ sb.Dispose();
+ if (radio_button.appearance==Appearance.Button) {
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleButton(dc, radio_button.ClientRectangle, radio_button);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawButton(dc, radio_button.ClientRectangle, state);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawFlatStyleRadioButton (dc, radiobutton_rectangle, radio_button);
+ } else {
+ ControlPaint.DrawRadioButton (dc, radiobutton_rectangle, state);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void RadioButton_DrawText(RadioButton radio_button, Rectangle text_rectangle, Graphics dc, StringFormat text_format)
+ {
+ SolidBrush sb;
+ // offset the text if it's pressed and a button
+ if (radio_button.Appearance == Appearance.Button) {
+ if (radio_button.Checked || (radio_button.Capture && radio_button.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat)) {
+ text_rectangle.X ++;
+ text_rectangle.Y ++;
+ }
+ text_rectangle.Inflate(-4,-4);
+ }
+ /* Place the text; to be compatible with Windows place it after the radiobutton has been drawn */
+ dc.DrawString (radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (radio_button.ForeColor), text_rectangle, text_format);
+ if (radio_button.Enabled) {
+ sb = ResPool.GetSolidBrush(radio_button.ForeColor);
+ dc.DrawString(radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, sb, text_rectangle, text_format);
+ } else if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ dc.DrawString(radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.DarkDark (this.ColorControl)), text_rectangle, text_format);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawStringDisabled(dc, radio_button.Text, radio_button.Font, this.ColorControlText, text_rectangle, text_format);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void RadioButton_DrawFocus(RadioButton radio_button, Graphics dc, Rectangle text_rectangle)
+ {
+ if (radio_button.Focused) {
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (dc, text_rectangle, radio_button.BackColor);
+ } else {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (radio_button.ForeColor), text_rectangle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // renders a radio button with the Flat and Popup FlatStyle
+ protected void DrawFlatStyleRadioButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, RadioButton radio_button)
+ {
+ int lineWidth;
+ if (radio_button.Enabled) {
+ // draw the outer flatstyle arcs
+ if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (radio_button.ForeColor), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ // fill in the area depending on whether or not the mouse is hovering
+ if (radio_button.is_entered && radio_button.Capture) {
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.Light (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ } else {
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // must be a popup radio button
+ // fill the control
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.LightLight (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ if (radio_button.is_entered || radio_button.Capture) {
+ // draw the popup 3d button knob
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Light (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle.X+1, rectangle.Y+1, rectangle.Width-2, rectangle.Height-2, 0, 359);
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle, 135, 180);
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.LightLight (radio_button.BackColor)), rectangle, 315, 180);
+ } else {
+ // just draw lighter flatstyle outer circle
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (this.ColorControl)), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // disabled
+ // fill control background color regardless of actual backcolor
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorControl), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ // draw the ark as control dark
+ graphics.DrawArc (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark(this.ColorControl)), rectangle, 0, 359);
+ }
+ // draw the check
+ lineWidth = Math.Max (1, Math.Min(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height)/3);
+ if (radio_button.Checked) {
+ SolidBrush buttonBrush;
+ if (!radio_button.Enabled) {
+ buttonBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ControlPaint.Dark (this.ColorControl));
+ } else if (radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup && radio_button.is_entered && radio_button.Capture) {
+ buttonBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorControlText);
+ } else {
+ buttonBrush = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (radio_button.ForeColor);
+ }
+ graphics.FillPie (buttonBrush, rectangle.X+lineWidth, rectangle.Y+lineWidth, rectangle.Width-lineWidth*2, rectangle.Height-lineWidth*2, 0, 359);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Size RadioButtonDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (104,24);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // RadioButton
+ #region ScrollBar
+ public override void DrawScrollBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, ScrollBar bar)
+ {
+ int scrollbutton_width = bar.scrollbutton_width;
+ int scrollbutton_height = bar.scrollbutton_height;
+ Rectangle first_arrow_area;
+ Rectangle second_arrow_area;
+ Rectangle thumb_pos;
+ thumb_pos = bar.ThumbPos;
+ if (bar.vert) {
+ first_arrow_area = new Rectangle(0, 0, bar.Width, scrollbutton_height);
+ bar.FirstArrowArea = first_arrow_area;
+ second_arrow_area = new Rectangle(0, bar.ClientRectangle.Height - scrollbutton_height, bar.Width, scrollbutton_height);
+ bar.SecondArrowArea = second_arrow_area;
+ thumb_pos.Width = bar.Width;
+ bar.ThumbPos = thumb_pos;
+ /* Buttons */
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (first_arrow_area))
+ CPDrawScrollButton (dc, first_arrow_area, ScrollButton.Up, bar.firstbutton_state);
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (second_arrow_area))
+ CPDrawScrollButton (dc, second_arrow_area, ScrollButton.Down, bar.secondbutton_state);
+ /* Background */
+ switch (bar.thumb_moving) {
+ case ScrollBar.ThumbMoving.None: {
+ ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_None(scrollbutton_height, bar, clip, dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScrollBar.ThumbMoving.Forward: {
+ ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_Forward(scrollbutton_height, bar, thumb_pos, clip, dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScrollBar.ThumbMoving.Backwards: {
+ ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_Backwards(scrollbutton_height, bar, thumb_pos, clip, dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ first_arrow_area = new Rectangle(0, 0, scrollbutton_width, bar.Height);
+ bar.FirstArrowArea = first_arrow_area;
+ second_arrow_area = new Rectangle (bar.ClientRectangle.Width - scrollbutton_width, 0, scrollbutton_width, bar.Height);
+ bar.SecondArrowArea = second_arrow_area;
+ thumb_pos.Height = bar.Height;
+ bar.ThumbPos = thumb_pos;
+ /* Buttons */
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (first_arrow_area))
+ CPDrawScrollButton (dc, first_arrow_area, ScrollButton.Left, bar.firstbutton_state);
+ if (clip.IntersectsWith (second_arrow_area))
+ CPDrawScrollButton (dc, second_arrow_area, ScrollButton.Right, bar.secondbutton_state);
+ /* Background */
+ switch (bar.thumb_moving) {
+ case ScrollBar.ThumbMoving.None: {
+ ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_None(scrollbutton_width, bar, clip, dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScrollBar.ThumbMoving.Forward: {
+ ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_Forward(scrollbutton_width, thumb_pos, bar, clip, dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScrollBar.ThumbMoving.Backwards: {
+ ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_Backwards(scrollbutton_width, thumb_pos, bar, clip, dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Thumb */
+ ScrollBar_DrawThumb(bar, thumb_pos, clip, dc);
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_DrawThumb(ScrollBar bar, Rectangle thumb_pos, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc)
+ {
+ if (bar.Enabled && thumb_pos.Width > 0 && thumb_pos.Height > 0 && clip.IntersectsWith(thumb_pos))
+ DrawScrollButtonPrimitive(dc, thumb_pos, ButtonState.Normal);
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_None( int scrollbutton_height, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc )
+ {
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0,
+ scrollbutton_height, bar.ClientRectangle.Width, bar.ClientRectangle.Height - ( scrollbutton_height * 2 ) );
+ Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ {
+ Brush h = ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorScrollBar, Color.White);
+ dc.FillRectangle( h, intersect );
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_Forward( int scrollbutton_height, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle thumb_pos, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc )
+ {
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, scrollbutton_height,
+ bar.ClientRectangle.Width, thumb_pos.Y - scrollbutton_height );
+ Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorScrollBar, Color.White ), intersect );
+ r.X = 0;
+ r.Y = thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height;
+ r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width;
+ r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height - ( thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height ) - scrollbutton_height;
+ intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, Color.FromArgb( 255, 63, 63, 63 ), Color.Black ), intersect );
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_Backwards( int scrollbutton_height, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle thumb_pos, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc )
+ {
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, scrollbutton_height,
+ bar.ClientRectangle.Width, thumb_pos.Y - scrollbutton_height );
+ Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, Color.FromArgb( 255, 63, 63, 63 ), Color.Black ), intersect );
+ r.X = 0;
+ r.Y = thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height;
+ r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width;
+ r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height - ( thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height ) - scrollbutton_height;
+ intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorScrollBar, Color.White), intersect );
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_None( int scrollbutton_width, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc )
+ {
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle( scrollbutton_width,
+ 0, bar.ClientRectangle.Width - ( scrollbutton_width * 2 ), bar.ClientRectangle.Height );
+ Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorScrollBar, Color.White), intersect );
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_Forward( int scrollbutton_width, Rectangle thumb_pos, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc )
+ {
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle( scrollbutton_width, 0,
+ thumb_pos.X - scrollbutton_width, bar.ClientRectangle.Height );
+ Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorScrollBar, Color.White), intersect );
+ r.X = thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width;
+ r.Y = 0;
+ r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width - ( thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width ) - scrollbutton_width;
+ r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height;
+ intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, Color.FromArgb( 255, 63, 63, 63 ), Color.Black ), intersect );
+ }
+ protected virtual void ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_Backwards( int scrollbutton_width, Rectangle thumb_pos, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc )
+ {
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle( scrollbutton_width, 0,
+ thumb_pos.X - scrollbutton_width, bar.ClientRectangle.Height );
+ Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, Color.FromArgb( 255, 63, 63, 63 ), Color.Black ), intersect );
+ r.X = thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width;
+ r.Y = 0;
+ r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width - ( thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width ) - scrollbutton_width;
+ r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height;
+ intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r );
+ if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty )
+ dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorScrollBar, Color.White), intersect );
+ }
+ public override int ScrollBarButtonSize {
+ get { return 16; }
+ }
+ #endregion // ScrollBar
+ #region StatusBar
+ public override void DrawStatusBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, StatusBar sb) {
+ Rectangle area = sb.ClientRectangle;
+ int horz_border = 2;
+ int vert_border = 2;
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (sb.BackColor), clip);
+ if (sb.Panels.Count == 0 && sb.Text != String.Empty) {
+ string text = sb.Text;
+ StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat ();
+ string_format.Trimming = StringTrimming.Character;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ if (text [0] == '\t') {
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text = text.Substring (1);
+ if (text [0] == '\t') {
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
+ text = text.Substring (1);
+ }
+ }
+ dc.DrawString (text, sb.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (sb.ForeColor),
+ new Rectangle(area.X + 2, area.Y + 2, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 4), string_format);
+ string_format.Dispose ();
+ } else if (sb.ShowPanels) {
+ SolidBrush br_forecolor = GetControlForeBrush (sb.ForeColor);
+ int prev_x = area.X + horz_border;
+ int y = area.Y + vert_border;
+ for (int i = 0; i < sb.Panels.Count; i++) {
+ Rectangle pr = new Rectangle (prev_x, y,
+ sb.Panels [i].Width, area.Height);
+ prev_x += pr.Width + StatusBarHorzGapWidth;
+ if (pr.IntersectsWith (clip))
+ DrawStatusBarPanel (dc, pr, i, br_forecolor, sb.Panels [i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sb.SizingGrip)
+ CPDrawSizeGrip (dc, ColorControl, area);
+ }
+ protected virtual void DrawStatusBarPanel (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, int index,
+ SolidBrush br_forecolor, StatusBarPanel panel) {
+ int border_size = 3; // this is actually const, even if the border style is none
+ area.Height -= border_size;
+ if (panel.BorderStyle != StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.None) {
+ Border3DStyle border_style = Border3DStyle.SunkenInner;
+ if (panel.BorderStyle == StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Raised)
+ border_style = Border3DStyle.RaisedOuter;
+ CPDrawBorder3D(dc, area, border_style, Border3DSide.All, panel.Parent.BackColor);
+ }
+ if (panel.Style == StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw) {
+ StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs e = new StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs (
+ dc, panel.Parent.Font, area, index, DrawItemState.Default,
+ panel, panel.Parent.ForeColor, panel.Parent.BackColor);
+ panel.Parent.OnDrawItemInternal (e);
+ return;
+ }
+ int left = area.Left;
+ if (panel.Icon != null) {
+ left += 2;
+ dc.DrawIcon (panel.Icon, left, area.Top);
+ left += panel.Icon.Width;
+ }
+ if (panel.Text == String.Empty)
+ return;
+ string text = panel.Text;
+ StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat ();
+ string_format.Trimming = StringTrimming.Character;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ if (text [0] == '\t') {
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ text = text.Substring (1);
+ if (text [0] == '\t') {
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
+ text = text.Substring (1);
+ }
+ }
+ int x = left + border_size;
+ int y = border_size + 2;
+ Rectangle r = new Rectangle (x, y,
+ area.Right - x - border_size,
+ area.Bottom - y - border_size);
+ dc.DrawString (text, panel.Parent.Font, br_forecolor, r, string_format);
+ string_format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ public override int StatusBarSizeGripWidth {
+ get { return 15; }
+ }
+ public override int StatusBarHorzGapWidth {
+ get { return 3; }
+ }
+ public override Size StatusBarDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (100, 22);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // StatusBar
+ public override void DrawTabControl (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, TabControl tab)
+ {
+ // Do we need to fill the back color? It can't be changed...
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (tab.BackColor), area);
+ Rectangle panel_rect = GetTabPanelRectExt (tab);
+ if (tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.Normal) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, panel_rect, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top, ColorControl);
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, panel_rect, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ if (tab.Alignment == TabAlignment.Top) {
+ for (int r = tab.TabPages.Count; r > 0; r--) {
+ for (int i = tab.SliderPos; i < tab.TabPages.Count; i++) {
+ if (i == tab.SelectedIndex)
+ continue;
+ if (r != tab.TabPages [i].Row)
+ continue;
+ Rectangle rect = tab.GetTabRect (i);
+ if (!rect.IntersectsWith (area))
+ continue;
+ DrawTab (dc, tab.TabPages [i], tab, rect, false);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int r = 0; r < tab.TabPages.Count; r++) {
+ for (int i = tab.SliderPos; i < tab.TabPages.Count; i++) {
+ if (i == tab.SelectedIndex)
+ continue;
+ if (r != tab.TabPages [i].Row)
+ continue;
+ Rectangle rect = tab.GetTabRect (i);
+ if (!rect.IntersectsWith (area))
+ continue;
+ DrawTab (dc, tab.TabPages [i], tab, rect, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tab.SelectedIndex != -1 && tab.SelectedIndex >= tab.SliderPos) {
+ Rectangle rect = tab.GetTabRect (tab.SelectedIndex);
+ if (rect.IntersectsWith (area))
+ DrawTab (dc, tab.TabPages [tab.SelectedIndex], tab, rect, true);
+ }
+ if (tab.ShowSlider) {
+ Rectangle right = GetTabControlRightScrollRect (tab);
+ Rectangle left = GetTabControlLeftScrollRect (tab);
+ CPDrawScrollButton (dc, right, ScrollButton.Right, tab.RightSliderState);
+ CPDrawScrollButton (dc, left, ScrollButton.Left, tab.LeftSliderState);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Rectangle GetTabControlLeftScrollRect (TabControl tab)
+ {
+ switch (tab.Alignment) {
+ case TabAlignment.Top:
+ return new Rectangle (tab.ClientRectangle.Right - 34, tab.ClientRectangle.Top + 1, 17, 17);
+ default:
+ Rectangle panel_rect = GetTabPanelRectExt (tab);
+ return new Rectangle (tab.ClientRectangle.Right - 34, panel_rect.Bottom + 2, 17, 17);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Rectangle GetTabControlRightScrollRect (TabControl tab)
+ {
+ switch (tab.Alignment) {
+ case TabAlignment.Top:
+ return new Rectangle (tab.ClientRectangle.Right - 17, tab.ClientRectangle.Top + 1, 17, 17);
+ default:
+ Rectangle panel_rect = GetTabPanelRectExt (tab);
+ return new Rectangle (tab.ClientRectangle.Right - 17, panel_rect.Bottom + 2, 17, 17);
+ }
+ }
+ public override Size TabControlDefaultItemSize {
+ get { return new Size (42, 21); }
+ }
+ public override Point TabControlDefaultPadding {
+ get { return new Point (6, 3); }
+ }
+ public override int TabControlMinimumTabWidth {
+ get { return 42; }
+ }
+ public override Rectangle GetTabControlDisplayRectangle (TabControl tab)
+ {
+ Rectangle ext = GetTabPanelRectExt (tab);
+ // Account for border size
+ return new Rectangle (ext.Left + 2, ext.Top + 1, ext.Width - 6, ext.Height - 4);
+ }
+ public override Size TabControlGetSpacing (TabControl tab) {
+ switch (tab.Appearance) {
+ case TabAppearance.Normal:
+ return new Size (1, -2);
+ case TabAppearance.Buttons:
+ return new Size (3, 3);
+ case TabAppearance.FlatButtons:
+ return new Size (9, 3);
+ default:
+ throw new Exception ("Invalid Appearance value: " + tab.Appearance);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual Rectangle GetTabPanelRectExt (TabControl tab)
+ {
+ // Offset the tab from the top corner
+ Rectangle res = new Rectangle (tab.ClientRectangle.X + 2,
+ tab.ClientRectangle.Y,
+ tab.ClientRectangle.Width - 2,
+ tab.ClientRectangle.Height - 1);
+ if (tab.TabCount == 0)
+ return res;
+ int spacing = TabControlGetSpacing (tab).Height;
+ int offset = (tab.ItemSize.Height + spacing) * tab.RowCount + 3;
+ switch (tab.Alignment) {
+ case TabAlignment.Left:
+ res.X += offset;
+ res.Width -= offset;
+ break;
+ case TabAlignment.Right:
+ res.Width -= offset;
+ break;
+ case TabAlignment.Top:
+ res.Y += offset;
+ res.Height -= offset;
+ break;
+ case TabAlignment.Bottom:
+ res.Height -= offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected virtual int DrawTab (Graphics dc, TabPage page, TabControl tab, Rectangle bounds, bool is_selected)
+ {
+ int FlatButtonSpacing = 8;
+ Rectangle interior;
+ int res = bounds.Width;
+ // we can't fill the background right away because the bounds might be adjusted if the tab is selected
+ StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat ();
+ if (tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.Buttons || tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (tab.BackColor), bounds);
+ // Separators
+ if (tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons) {
+ int width = bounds.Width;
+ bounds.Width += (FlatButtonSpacing - 2);
+ res = bounds.Width;
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, bounds, Border3DStyle.Etched, Border3DSide.Right);
+ bounds.Width = width;
+ }
+ if (is_selected) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, bounds, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.All);
+ } else if (tab.Appearance != TabAppearance.FlatButtons) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, bounds, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.All);
+ }
+ interior = new Rectangle (bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Width - 4, bounds.Height - 4);
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ } else {
+ Pen light = ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.LightLight (tab.BackColor));
+ switch (tab.Alignment) {
+ case TabAlignment.Top:
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (tab.BackColor), bounds);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);
+ interior = new Rectangle (bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8);
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ break;
+ case TabAlignment.Bottom:
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (tab.BackColor), bounds);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Bottom - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Right, bounds.Top);
+ interior = new Rectangle (bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8);
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ break;
+ case TabAlignment.Left:
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (tab.BackColor), bounds);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Top);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Bottom - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Bottom);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3);
+ interior = new Rectangle (bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8);
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // TabAlignment.Right
+ dc.FillRectangle (GetControlBackBrush (tab.BackColor), bounds);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top);
+ dc.DrawLine (light, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDark, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Bottom - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom);
+ interior = new Rectangle (bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8);
+ string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
+ string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tab.DrawMode == TabDrawMode.Normal && page.Text != null) {
+ if (tab.Alignment == TabAlignment.Left) {
+ int wo = interior.Width / 2;
+ int ho = interior.Height / 2;
+ dc.TranslateTransform (interior.X + wo, interior.Y + ho);
+ dc.RotateTransform (180);
+ dc.DrawString (page.Text, page.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (SystemColors.ControlText), 0, 0, string_format);
+ dc.ResetTransform ();
+ } else {
+ dc.DrawString (page.Text, page.Font,
+ ResPool.GetSolidBrush (SystemColors.ControlText),
+ interior, string_format);
+ }
+ } else if (page.Text != null) {
+ DrawItemState state = DrawItemState.None;
+ if (page == tab.SelectedTab)
+ state |= DrawItemState.Selected;
+ DrawItemEventArgs e = new DrawItemEventArgs (dc,
+ tab.Font, bounds, tab.IndexForTabPage (page),
+ state, page.ForeColor, page.BackColor);
+ tab.OnDrawItemInternal (e);
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (page.Focused) {
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle (dc, interior, tab.ForeColor, tab.BackColor);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ #region ToolBar
+ public override void DrawToolBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ToolBar control) {
+ StringFormat format = new StringFormat ();
+ format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisWord;
+ if (control.textAlignment == ToolBarTextAlign.Underneath) {
+ format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ } else {
+ format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
+ format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
+ }
+ // Exclude the area for divider
+ Rectangle paint_area = new Rectangle (0, ToolBarGripWidth / 2,
+ control.Width, control.Height - ToolBarGripWidth / 2);
+ bool flat = (control.Appearance == ToolBarAppearance.Flat);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush( DefaultControlBackColor ), paint_area);
+ if (control.Divider)
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), 0, 0, paint_area.Width, 0);
+ foreach (ToolBarButton button in control.Buttons) {
+ Image image = null;
+ Rectangle buttonArea = button.Rectangle;
+ Rectangle imgRect = Rectangle.Empty; // rect to draw the image
+ Rectangle txtRect = buttonArea; // rect to draw the text
+ Rectangle ddRect = Rectangle.Empty; // rect for the drop down arrow
+ // calculate different rects and draw the frame if its not separator button
+ if (button.Style != ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator) {
+ /* Adjustment for drop down arrow */
+ if (button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton && control.DropDownArrows) {
+ ddRect.X = buttonArea.X + buttonArea.Width - this.ToolBarDropDownWidth;
+ ddRect.Y = buttonArea.Y;
+ ddRect.Width = this.ToolBarDropDownWidth;
+ ddRect.Height = buttonArea.Height;
+ }
+ // calculate txtRect and imgRect, if imageIndex and imageList are present
+ if (button.ImageIndex > -1 && control.ImageList != null) {
+ if (button.ImageIndex < control.ImageList.Images.Count)
+ image = control.ImageList.Images [button.ImageIndex];
+ // draw the image at the centre if textalignment is underneath
+ if (control.TextAlign == ToolBarTextAlign.Underneath) {
+ imgRect.X = buttonArea.X + ((buttonArea.Width - ddRect.Width
+ - control.ImageSize.Width) / 2)
+ + this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ imgRect.Y = buttonArea.Y + this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ imgRect.Width = control.ImageSize.Width;
+ imgRect.Height = control.ImageSize.Height;
+ txtRect.X = buttonArea.X;
+ txtRect.Y = buttonArea.Y + imgRect.Height + 2 * this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ txtRect.Width = buttonArea.Width - ddRect.Width;
+ txtRect.Height = buttonArea.Height - imgRect.Height
+ - 2 * this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ }
+ else {
+ imgRect.X = buttonArea.X + this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ imgRect.Y = buttonArea.Y + this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ imgRect.Width = control.ImageSize.Width;
+ imgRect.Height = control.ImageSize.Height;
+ txtRect.X = buttonArea.X + imgRect.Width + 2 * this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ txtRect.Y = buttonArea.Y;
+ txtRect.Width = buttonArea.Width - imgRect.Width
+ - 2 * this.ToolBarImageGripWidth - ddRect.Width;
+ txtRect.Height = buttonArea.Height;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Draw the button frame, only if it is not a separator */
+ if (flat) {
+ if (button.Pushed || button.Pressed) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, buttonArea, Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter, Border3DSide.All, ColorControl);
+ } else if (button.Hilight) {
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlText), buttonArea);
+ if (! ddRect.IsEmpty) {
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlText), ddRect.X, ddRect.Y, ddRect.X,
+ ddRect.Y + ddRect.Height);
+ buttonArea.Width -= this.ToolBarDropDownWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { // normal toolbar
+ if (button.Pushed || button.Pressed) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, buttonArea, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner,
+ Border3DSide.All, ColorControl);
+ if (! ddRect.IsEmpty) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, ddRect, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner,
+ Border3DSide.Left, ColorControl);
+ buttonArea.Width -= this.ToolBarDropDownWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, buttonArea, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner,
+ Border3DSide.All, ColorControl);
+ if (! ddRect.IsEmpty) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, ddRect, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner,
+ Border3DSide.Left, ColorControl);
+ buttonArea.Width -= this.ToolBarDropDownWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DrawToolBarButton (dc, button, control.Font, format, paint_area, buttonArea,
+ imgRect, image, txtRect, ddRect, flat);
+ }
+ format.Dispose ();
+ }
+ private void DrawToolBarButton (Graphics dc, ToolBarButton button, Font font, StringFormat format,
+ Rectangle controlArea, Rectangle buttonArea, Rectangle imgRect,
+ Image image, Rectangle txtRect, Rectangle ddRect, bool flat) {
+ if (! button.Visible)
+ return;
+ switch (button.Style) {
+ case ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator:
+ // separator is drawn only in the case of flat appearance
+ if (flat) {
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), buttonArea.X + 1, buttonArea.Y,
+ buttonArea.X + 1, buttonArea.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), buttonArea.X + 1 + (int) ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl).Width,
+ buttonArea.Y, buttonArea.X + 1 + (int) ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl).Width, buttonArea.Height);
+ /* draw a horizontal separator */
+ if (button.Wrapper) {
+ int y = buttonArea.Height + this.ToolBarSeparatorWidth / 2;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), 0, y, controlArea.Width, y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), 0, y + 1 + (int) ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl).Width, controlArea.Width,
+ y + 1 + (int) ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl).Width);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ToolBarButtonStyle.ToggleButton:
+ Rectangle toggleArea = Rectangle.Empty;
+ toggleArea.X = buttonArea.X + this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ toggleArea.Y = buttonArea.Y + this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ toggleArea.Width = buttonArea.Width - 2 * this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ toggleArea.Height = buttonArea.Height - 2 * this.ToolBarImageGripWidth;
+ if (button.PartialPush && button.Pushed) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.ControlLightLight, toggleArea);
+ if (! imgRect.IsEmpty) {
+ if (button.Enabled && image != null)
+ button.Parent.ImageList.Draw (dc, imgRect.X, imgRect.Y, imgRect.Width,
+ imgRect.Height, button.ImageIndex);
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorGrayText), imgRect);
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D (dc, imgRect, Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter,
+ Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ if (button.Enabled)
+ dc.DrawString (button.Text, font, SystemBrushes.ControlText, txtRect, format);
+ else
+ CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, button.Text, font, ColorControlLight, txtRect, format);
+ }
+ else if (button.PartialPush) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.ControlLight, toggleArea);
+ if (! imgRect.IsEmpty) {
+ if (button.Enabled && image != null)
+ button.Parent.ImageList.Draw (dc, imgRect.X, imgRect.Y, imgRect.Width,
+ imgRect.Height, button.ImageIndex);
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorGrayText), imgRect);
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D (dc, imgRect, Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter,
+ Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ if (button.Enabled)
+ dc.DrawString (button.Text, font, SystemBrushes.ControlText, txtRect, format);
+ else
+ CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, button.Text, font, ColorControlLight,
+ txtRect, format);
+ }
+ else if (button.Pushed) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.ControlLightLight, toggleArea);
+ if (! imgRect.IsEmpty) {
+ if (button.Enabled && image != null)
+ button.Parent.ImageList.Draw (dc, imgRect.X, imgRect.Y, imgRect.Width,
+ imgRect.Height, button.ImageIndex);
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorGrayText), imgRect);
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, imgRect, Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter,
+ Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ }
+ if (button.Enabled)
+ dc.DrawString (button.Text, font, SystemBrushes.ControlText, txtRect, format);
+ else
+ CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, button.Text, font, ColorControlLight,
+ txtRect, format);
+ }
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Control, toggleArea);
+ if (! imgRect.IsEmpty) {
+ if (button.Enabled && image != null)
+ button.Parent.ImageList.Draw (dc, imgRect.X, imgRect.Y, imgRect.Width,
+ imgRect.Height, button.ImageIndex);
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorGrayText), imgRect);
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, imgRect, Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter,
+ Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ }
+ if (button.Enabled)
+ dc.DrawString (button.Text, font, SystemBrushes.ControlText, txtRect, format);
+ else
+ CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, button.Text, font, ColorControlLight,
+ txtRect, format);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton:
+ // draw the dropdown arrow
+ if (! ddRect.IsEmpty) {
+ PointF [] vertices = new PointF [3];
+ PointF ddCenter = new PointF (ddRect.X + (ddRect.Width/2.0f), ddRect.Y + (ddRect.Height/2.0f));
+ vertices [0].X = ddCenter.X - this.ToolBarDropDownArrowWidth / 2.0f + 0.5f;
+ vertices [0].Y = ddCenter.Y;
+ vertices [1].X = ddCenter.X + this.ToolBarDropDownArrowWidth / 2.0f + 0.5f;
+ vertices [1].Y = ddCenter.Y;
+ vertices [2].X = ddCenter.X + 0.5f; // 0.5 is added for adjustment
+ vertices [2].Y = ddCenter.Y + this.ToolBarDropDownArrowHeight;
+ dc.FillPolygon (SystemBrushes.ControlText, vertices);
+ }
+ goto case ToolBarButtonStyle.PushButton;
+ case ToolBarButtonStyle.PushButton:
+ if (! imgRect.IsEmpty){
+ if (button.Enabled && image != null)
+ button.Parent.ImageList.Draw (dc, imgRect.X, imgRect.Y, imgRect.Width, imgRect.Height,
+ button.ImageIndex);
+ else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorGrayText), imgRect);
+ CPDrawBorder3D (dc, imgRect, Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter,
+ Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ }
+ if (button.Enabled)
+ dc.DrawString (button.Text, font, SystemBrushes.ControlText, txtRect, format);
+ else
+ CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, button.Text, font, ColorControlLight,
+ txtRect, format);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Grip width for the ToolBar
+ public override int ToolBarGripWidth {
+ get { return 2;}
+ }
+ // Grip width for the Image on the ToolBarButton
+ public override int ToolBarImageGripWidth {
+ get { return 2;}
+ }
+ // width of the separator
+ public override int ToolBarSeparatorWidth {
+ get { return 4; }
+ }
+ // width of the dropdown arrow rect
+ public override int ToolBarDropDownWidth {
+ get { return 13; }
+ }
+ // width for the dropdown arrow on the ToolBarButton
+ public override int ToolBarDropDownArrowWidth {
+ get { return 5;}
+ }
+ // height for the dropdown arrow on the ToolBarButton
+ public override int ToolBarDropDownArrowHeight {
+ get { return 3;}
+ }
+ public override Size ToolBarDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (100, 42);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // ToolBar
+ #region ToolTip
+ public override void DrawToolTip(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ToolTip.ToolTipWindow control) {
+ dc.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush(this.ColorInfo), control.client_rect);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(ResPool.GetPen(this.ColorWindowFrame), 0, 0, control.Width-1, control.Height-1);
+ dc.DrawString(control.text, control.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush(this.ColorInfoText), control.client_rect, control.string_format);
+ }
+ public override Size ToolTipSize(ToolTip.ToolTipWindow tt, string text) {
+ SizeF sizef;
+ sizef = tt.DeviceContext.MeasureString(text, tt.Font);
+ return new Size((int)sizef.Width+2, (int)sizef.Height+3); // Need space for the border
+ }
+ #endregion // ToolTip
+ #region TrackBar
+ private void DrawTrackBar_Vertical (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, TrackBar tb,
+ ref Rectangle thumb_pos, ref Rectangle thumb_area, Brush br_thumb,
+ float ticks, int value_pos, bool mouse_value) {
+ Point toptick_startpoint = new Point ();
+ Point bottomtick_startpoint = new Point ();
+ Point channel_startpoint = new Point ();
+ float pixel_len;
+ float pixels_betweenticks;
+ const int space_from_right = 8;
+ const int space_from_left = 8;
+ Rectangle area = tb.ClientRectangle;
+ switch (tb.TickStyle) {
+ case TickStyle.BottomRight:
+ case TickStyle.None:
+ channel_startpoint.Y = 8;
+ channel_startpoint.X = 9;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.Y = 13;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.X = 24;
+ break;
+ case TickStyle.TopLeft:
+ channel_startpoint.Y = 8;
+ channel_startpoint.X = 19;
+ toptick_startpoint.Y = 13;
+ toptick_startpoint.X = 8;
+ break;
+ case TickStyle.Both:
+ channel_startpoint.Y = 8;
+ channel_startpoint.X = 18;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.Y = 13;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.X = 32;
+ toptick_startpoint.Y = 13;
+ toptick_startpoint.X = 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ thumb_area.X = area.X + channel_startpoint.X;
+ thumb_area.Y = area.Y + channel_startpoint.Y;
+ thumb_area.Height = area.Height - space_from_right - space_from_left;
+ thumb_area.Width = 4;
+ /* Draw channel */
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDark), channel_startpoint.X, channel_startpoint.Y,
+ 1, thumb_area.Height);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDarkDark), channel_startpoint.X + 1, channel_startpoint.Y,
+ 1, thumb_area.Height);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlLight), channel_startpoint.X + 3, channel_startpoint.Y,
+ 1, thumb_area.Height);
+ pixel_len = thumb_area.Height - 11;
+ pixels_betweenticks = pixel_len / (tb.Maximum - tb.Minimum);
+ /* Convert thumb position from mouse position to value*/
+ if (mouse_value) {
+ if (value_pos >= channel_startpoint.Y)
+ value_pos = (int)(((float) (value_pos - channel_startpoint.Y)) / pixels_betweenticks);
+ else
+ value_pos = 0;
+ if (value_pos + tb.Minimum > tb.Maximum)
+ value_pos = tb.Maximum - tb.Minimum;
+ tb.Value = value_pos + tb.Minimum;
+ }
+ thumb_pos.Y = channel_startpoint.Y + (int) (pixels_betweenticks * (float) value_pos);
+ /* Draw thumb fixed 10x22 size */
+ thumb_pos.Width = 10;
+ thumb_pos.Height = 22;
+ switch (tb.TickStyle) {
+ case TickStyle.BottomRight:
+ case TickStyle.None: {
+ thumb_pos.X = channel_startpoint.X - 8;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X , thumb_pos.Y + 10);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 16, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X + 16, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 16 + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 4);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X +1, thumb_pos.Y + 9, thumb_pos.X +15, thumb_pos.Y +9);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 16, thumb_pos.Y + 9, thumb_pos.X +16 + 4, thumb_pos.Y +9 - 4);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 10, thumb_pos.X +16, thumb_pos.Y +10);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 16, thumb_pos.Y + 10, thumb_pos.X +16 + 5, thumb_pos.Y +10 - 5);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 1, 16, 8);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 17, thumb_pos.Y + 2, 1, 6);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 18, thumb_pos.Y + 3, 1, 4);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 19, thumb_pos.Y + 4, 1, 2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TickStyle.TopLeft: {
+ thumb_pos.X = channel_startpoint.X - 10;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 4 + 16, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 4);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 9, thumb_pos.X + 4 + 16 , thumb_pos.Y+ 9);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 9, thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 5);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 19, thumb_pos.Y + 9, thumb_pos.X +19 , thumb_pos.Y+ 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y+ 10, thumb_pos.X + 4 + 16, thumb_pos.Y+ 10);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 10, thumb_pos.X -1, thumb_pos.Y+ 5);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 20, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X+ 20, thumb_pos.Y + 10);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 1, 15, 8);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 3, thumb_pos.Y + 2, 1, 6);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 2, thumb_pos.Y + 3, 1, 4);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 4, 1, 2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TickStyle.Both: {
+ thumb_pos.X = area.X + 10;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 9);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 19, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 9, thumb_pos.X+ 19, thumb_pos.Y + 9);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y+ 1, thumb_pos.X + 19, thumb_pos.Y + 8);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 10, thumb_pos.X+ 20, thumb_pos.Y +10);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 20, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 20, thumb_pos.Y+ 9);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 1, 18, 8);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel_len = thumb_area.Height - 11;
+ pixels_betweenticks = pixel_len / ticks;
+ thumb_area.X = thumb_pos.X;
+ thumb_area.Y = channel_startpoint.Y;
+ thumb_area.Width = thumb_pos.Height;
+ /* Draw ticks*/
+ Region outside = new Region (area);
+ outside.Exclude (thumb_area);
+ if (outside.IsVisible (clip_rectangle)) {
+ if (pixels_betweenticks > 0 && ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.BottomRight) == TickStyle.BottomRight ||
+ ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.Both) == TickStyle.Both))) {
+ for (float inc = 0; inc < (pixel_len + 1); inc += pixels_betweenticks) {
+ if (inc == 0 || (inc + pixels_betweenticks) >= pixel_len +1)
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X , area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y + inc,
+ area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X + 3, area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y + inc);
+ else
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X, area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y + inc,
+ area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X + 2, area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y + inc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pixels_betweenticks > 0 && ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.TopLeft) == TickStyle.TopLeft ||
+ ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.Both) == TickStyle.Both))) {
+ pixel_len = thumb_area.Height - 11;
+ pixels_betweenticks = pixel_len / ticks;
+ for (float inc = 0; inc < (pixel_len + 1); inc += pixels_betweenticks) {
+ if (inc == 0 || (inc + pixels_betweenticks) >= pixel_len +1)
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + toptick_startpoint.X - 3 , area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y + inc,
+ area.X + toptick_startpoint.X, area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y + inc);
+ else
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + toptick_startpoint.X - 2, area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y + inc,
+ area.X + toptick_startpoint.X, area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y + inc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outside.Dispose ();
+ }
+ /*
+ Horizontal trackbar
+ Does not matter the size of the control, Win32 always draws:
+ - Ticks starting from pixel 13, 8
+ - Channel starting at pos 8, 19 and ends at Width - 8
+ - Autosize makes always the control 40 pixels height
+ - Ticks are draw at (channel.Witdh - 10) / (Maximum - Minimum)
+ */
+ private void DrawTrackBar_Horizontal (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, TrackBar tb,
+ ref Rectangle thumb_pos, ref Rectangle thumb_area, Brush br_thumb,
+ float ticks, int value_pos, bool mouse_value) {
+ Point toptick_startpoint = new Point ();
+ Point bottomtick_startpoint = new Point ();
+ Point channel_startpoint = new Point ();
+ float pixel_len;
+ float pixels_betweenticks;
+ const int space_from_right = 8;
+ const int space_from_left = 8;
+ Rectangle area = tb.ClientRectangle;
+ switch (tb.TickStyle) {
+ case TickStyle.BottomRight:
+ case TickStyle.None:
+ channel_startpoint.X = 8;
+ channel_startpoint.Y = 9;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.X = 13;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.Y = 24;
+ break;
+ case TickStyle.TopLeft:
+ channel_startpoint.X = 8;
+ channel_startpoint.Y = 19;
+ toptick_startpoint.X = 13;
+ toptick_startpoint.Y = 8;
+ break;
+ case TickStyle.Both:
+ channel_startpoint.X = 8;
+ channel_startpoint.Y = 18;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.X = 13;
+ bottomtick_startpoint.Y = 32;
+ toptick_startpoint.X = 13;
+ toptick_startpoint.Y = 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ thumb_area.X = area.X + channel_startpoint.X;
+ thumb_area.Y = area.Y + channel_startpoint.Y;
+ thumb_area.Width = area.Width - space_from_right - space_from_left;
+ thumb_area.Height = 4;
+ /* Draw channel */
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDark), channel_startpoint.X, channel_startpoint.Y,
+ thumb_area.Width, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDarkDark), channel_startpoint.X, channel_startpoint.Y + 1,
+ thumb_area.Width, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlLight), channel_startpoint.X, channel_startpoint.Y +3,
+ thumb_area.Width, 1);
+ pixel_len = thumb_area.Width - 11;
+ pixels_betweenticks = pixel_len / (tb.Maximum - tb.Minimum);
+ /* Convert thumb position from mouse position to value*/
+ if (mouse_value) {
+ if (value_pos >= channel_startpoint.X)
+ value_pos = (int)(((float) (value_pos - channel_startpoint.X)) / pixels_betweenticks);
+ else
+ value_pos = 0;
+ if (value_pos + tb.Minimum > tb.Maximum)
+ value_pos = tb.Maximum - tb.Minimum;
+ tb.Value = value_pos + tb.Minimum;
+ }
+ thumb_pos.X = channel_startpoint.X + (int) (pixels_betweenticks * (float) value_pos);
+ /* Draw thumb fixed 10x22 size */
+ thumb_pos.Width = 10;
+ thumb_pos.Height = 22;
+ switch (tb.TickStyle) {
+ case TickStyle.BottomRight:
+ case TickStyle.None: {
+ thumb_pos.Y = channel_startpoint.Y - 8;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 16);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 16, thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 16 + 4);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 1, thumb_pos.X +9, thumb_pos.Y +15);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 16, thumb_pos.X +9 - 4, thumb_pos.Y +16 + 4);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X +10, thumb_pos.Y +16);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y + 16, thumb_pos.X +10 - 5, thumb_pos.Y +16 + 5);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 1, 8, 16);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 2, thumb_pos.Y + 17, 6, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 3, thumb_pos.Y + 18, 4, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 19, 2, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TickStyle.TopLeft: {
+ thumb_pos.Y = channel_startpoint.Y - 10;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 4, thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 4 + 16);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 4, thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 4, thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 4 + 16);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 4, thumb_pos.X + 5, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 19, thumb_pos.X + 1 , thumb_pos.Y +19);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y + 4, thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y + 4 + 16);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y + 4, thumb_pos.X + 5, thumb_pos.Y -1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 20, thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y + 20);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 4, 8, 15);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 2, thumb_pos.Y + 3, 6, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 3, thumb_pos.Y + 2, 4, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 4, thumb_pos.Y + 1, 2, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TickStyle.Both: {
+ thumb_pos.Y = area.Y + 10;
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 19);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 1, thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 19);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 10, thumb_pos.X + 8, thumb_pos.Y + 19);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X + 10, thumb_pos.Y, thumb_pos.X +10, thumb_pos.Y + 20);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), thumb_pos.X, thumb_pos.Y + 20, thumb_pos.X + 9, thumb_pos.Y + 20);
+ dc.FillRectangle (br_thumb, thumb_pos.X + 1, thumb_pos.Y + 1, 8, 18);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel_len = thumb_area.Width - 11;
+ pixels_betweenticks = pixel_len / ticks;
+ /* Draw ticks*/
+ thumb_area.Y = thumb_pos.Y;
+ thumb_area.X = channel_startpoint.X;
+ thumb_area.Height = thumb_pos.Height;
+ Region outside = new Region (area);
+ outside.Exclude (thumb_area);
+ if (outside.IsVisible (clip_rectangle)) {
+ if (pixels_betweenticks > 0 && ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.BottomRight) == TickStyle.BottomRight ||
+ ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.Both) == TickStyle.Both))) {
+ for (float inc = 0; inc < (pixel_len + 1); inc += pixels_betweenticks) {
+ if (inc == 0 || (inc + pixels_betweenticks) >= pixel_len +1)
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X + inc , area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y,
+ area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X + inc , area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y + 3);
+ else
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X + inc, area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y,
+ area.X + bottomtick_startpoint.X + inc, area.Y + bottomtick_startpoint.Y + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pixels_betweenticks > 0 && ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.TopLeft) == TickStyle.TopLeft ||
+ ((tb.TickStyle & TickStyle.Both) == TickStyle.Both))) {
+ for (float inc = 0; inc < (pixel_len + 1); inc += pixels_betweenticks) {
+ if (inc == 0 || (inc + pixels_betweenticks) >= pixel_len +1)
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + toptick_startpoint.X + inc , area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y - 3,
+ area.X + toptick_startpoint.X + inc , area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y);
+ else
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (pen_ticks_color), area.X + toptick_startpoint.X + inc, area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y - 2,
+ area.X + toptick_startpoint.X + inc, area.Y + toptick_startpoint.Y );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outside.Dispose ();
+ }
+ public override void DrawTrackBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, TrackBar tb)
+ {
+ Brush br_thumb;
+ int value_pos;
+ bool mouse_value;
+ float ticks = (tb.Maximum - tb.Minimum) / tb.tickFrequency; /* N of ticks draw*/
+ Rectangle area;
+ Rectangle thumb_pos = tb.ThumbPos;
+ Rectangle thumb_area = tb.ThumbArea;
+ if (tb.thumb_pressed) {
+ value_pos = tb.thumb_mouseclick;
+ mouse_value = true;
+ } else {
+ value_pos = tb.Value - tb.Minimum;
+ mouse_value = false;
+ }
+ area = tb.ClientRectangle;
+ if (tb.thumb_pressed == true) {
+ br_thumb = (Brush) ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControlLight, ColorControl);
+ } else {
+ br_thumb = ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl);
+ }
+ /* Control Background */
+ if (tb.BackColor == DefaultControlBackColor) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl), clip_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (tb.BackColor), clip_rectangle);
+ }
+ if (tb.Focused) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControl, Color.Black), area.X, area.Y, area.Width - 1, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControl, Color.Black), area.X, area.Y + area.Height - 1, area.Width - 1, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControl, Color.Black), area.X, area.Y, 1, area.Height - 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControl, Color.Black), area.X + area.Width - 1, area.Y, 1, area.Height - 1);
+ }
+ if (tb.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
+ DrawTrackBar_Vertical (dc, clip_rectangle, tb, ref thumb_pos, ref thumb_area,
+ br_thumb, ticks, value_pos, mouse_value);
+ } else {
+ DrawTrackBar_Horizontal (dc, clip_rectangle, tb, ref thumb_pos, ref thumb_area,
+ br_thumb, ticks, value_pos, mouse_value);
+ }
+ tb.ThumbPos = thumb_pos;
+ tb.ThumbArea = thumb_area;
+ }
+ public override Size TrackBarDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (104, 42);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // TrackBar
+ #region VScrollBar
+ public override Size VScrollBarDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (this.ScrollBarButtonSize, 80);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // VScrollBar
+ #region TreeView
+ public override Size TreeViewDefaultSize {
+ get {
+ return new Size (121, 97);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region ControlPaint
+ private enum DrawFrameControlStates {
+ ButtonCheck = 0x0000,
+ ButtonRadioImage = 0x0001,
+ ButtonRadioMask = 0x0002,
+ ButtonRadio = 0x0004,
+ Button3State = 0x0008,
+ ButtonPush = 0x0010,
+ CaptionClose = 0x0000,
+ CaptionMin = 0x0001,
+ CaptionMax = 0x0002,
+ CaptionRestore = 0x0004,
+ CaptionHelp = 0x0008,
+ MenuArrow = 0x0000,
+ MenuCheck = 0x0001,
+ MenuBullet = 0x0002,
+ MenuArrowRight = 0x0004,
+ ScrollUp = 0x0000,
+ ScrollDown = 0x0001,
+ ScrollLeft = 0x0002,
+ ScrollRight = 0x0003,
+ ScrollComboBox = 0x0005,
+ ScrollSizeGrip = 0x0008,
+ ScrollSizeGripRight = 0x0010,
+ Inactive = 0x0100,
+ Pushed = 0x0200,
+ Checked = 0x0400,
+ Transparent = 0x0800,
+ Hot = 0x1000,
+ AdjustRect = 0x2000,
+ Flat = 0x4000,
+ Mono = 0x8000
+ }
+ private enum DrawFrameControlTypes {
+ Caption = 1,
+ Menu = 2,
+ Scroll = 3,
+ Button = 4
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawBorder (Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, Color leftColor, int leftWidth,
+ ButtonBorderStyle leftStyle, Color topColor, int topWidth, ButtonBorderStyle topStyle,
+ Color rightColor, int rightWidth, ButtonBorderStyle rightStyle, Color bottomColor,
+ int bottomWidth, ButtonBorderStyle bottomStyle) {
+ DrawBorderInternal(graphics, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom-1, leftWidth, leftColor, leftStyle, Border3DSide.Left);
+ DrawBorderInternal(graphics, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Top, topWidth, topColor, topStyle, Border3DSide.Top);
+ DrawBorderInternal(graphics, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Top, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Bottom-1, rightWidth, rightColor, rightStyle, Border3DSide.Right);
+ DrawBorderInternal(graphics, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom-1, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Bottom-1, bottomWidth, bottomColor, bottomStyle, Border3DSide.Bottom);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawBorder3D (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Border3DStyle style, Border3DSide sides) {
+ CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, style, sides, ColorControl);
+ }
+ private void CPDrawBorder3D (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Border3DStyle style, Border3DSide sides, Color control_color) {
+ Pen penTopLeft;
+ Pen penTopLeftInner;
+ Pen penBottomRight;
+ Pen penBottomRightInner;
+ Rectangle rect= new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
+ bool doInner = false;
+ if ((style & Border3DStyle.Adjust)!=0) {
+ rect.Y-=2;
+ rect.X-=2;
+ rect.Width+=4;
+ rect.Height+=4;
+ }
+ /* default to flat */
+ penTopLeft=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Dark(control_color));
+ penTopLeftInner=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Dark(control_color));
+ penBottomRight=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Dark(control_color));
+ penBottomRightInner=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Dark(control_color));
+ if ((style & Border3DStyle.RaisedOuter)!=0) {
+ penTopLeft=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.LightLight(control_color));
+ penBottomRight=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.DarkDark(control_color));
+ if ((style & (Border3DStyle.RaisedInner | Border3DStyle.SunkenInner))!=0) {
+ doInner=true;
+ }
+ } else if ((style & Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter)!=0) {
+ penTopLeft=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.DarkDark(control_color));
+ penBottomRight=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.LightLight(control_color));
+ if ((style & (Border3DStyle.RaisedInner | Border3DStyle.SunkenInner))!=0) {
+ doInner=true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((style & Border3DStyle.RaisedInner)!=0) {
+ if (doInner) {
+ penTopLeftInner=ResPool.GetPen(control_color);
+ penBottomRightInner=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Dark(control_color));
+ } else {
+ penTopLeft=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.LightLight(control_color));
+ penBottomRight=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.DarkDark(control_color));
+ }
+ } else if ((style & Border3DStyle.SunkenInner)!=0) {
+ if (doInner) {
+ penTopLeftInner=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.Dark(control_color));
+ penBottomRightInner=ResPool.GetPen(control_color);
+ } else {
+ penTopLeft=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.DarkDark(control_color));
+ penBottomRight=ResPool.GetPen(ControlPaint.LightLight(control_color));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Middle)!=0) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush(control_color), rect);
+ }
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Left)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeft, rect.Left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Left, rect.Top);
+ if (doInner) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left+1, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Left+1, rect.Top);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Top)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeft, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right-2, rect.Top);
+ if (doInner) {
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Left)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left+1, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-3, rect.Top+1);
+ } else {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penTopLeftInner, rect.Left, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-3, rect.Top+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Right)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRight, rect.Right-1, rect.Top, rect.Right-1, rect.Bottom-1);
+ if (doInner) {
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Top)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, rect.Right-2, rect.Top+1, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
+ } else {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, rect.Right-2, rect.Top, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Bottom)!=0) {
+ int left=rect.Left;
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Left)!=0) {
+ left+=1;
+ }
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRight, rect.Left, rect.Bottom-1, rect.Right-1, rect.Bottom-1);
+ if (doInner) {
+ if ((sides & Border3DSide.Right)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
+ } else {
+ graphics.DrawLine(penBottomRightInner, left, rect.Bottom-2, rect.Right-2, rect.Bottom-2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state) {
+ DrawFrameControlStates dfcs=DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonPush;
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Checked)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Checked;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Flat)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Flat;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive;
+ }
+ DrawFrameControl(graphics, rectangle, DrawFrameControlTypes.Button, dfcs);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawCaptionButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, CaptionButton button, ButtonState state) {
+ Rectangle captionRect;
+ int lineWidth;
+ CPDrawButton(graphics, rectangle, state);
+ if (rectangle.Width<rectangle.Height) {
+ captionRect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+1, rectangle.Y+rectangle.Height/2-rectangle.Width/2+1, rectangle.Width-4, rectangle.Width-4);
+ } else {
+ captionRect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+rectangle.Width/2-rectangle.Height/2+1, rectangle.Y+1, rectangle.Height-4, rectangle.Height-4);
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed)!=0) {
+ captionRect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+2, rectangle.Y+2, rectangle.Width-3, rectangle.Height-3);
+ }
+ /* Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1 */
+ lineWidth=Math.Max(1, captionRect.Width/7);
+ switch(button) {
+ case CaptionButton.Close: {
+ Pen pen;
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ pen=new Pen(ColorControlLight, lineWidth);
+ DrawCaptionHelper(graphics, ColorControlLight, pen, lineWidth, 1, captionRect, button);
+ pen.Dispose();
+ pen=new Pen(ColorControlDark, lineWidth);
+ DrawCaptionHelper(graphics, ColorControlDark, pen, lineWidth, 0, captionRect, button);
+ pen.Dispose();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ pen=new Pen(ColorControlText, lineWidth);
+ DrawCaptionHelper(graphics, ColorControlText, pen, lineWidth, 0, captionRect, button);
+ pen.Dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ case CaptionButton.Help:
+ case CaptionButton.Maximize:
+ case CaptionButton.Minimize:
+ case CaptionButton.Restore: {
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ DrawCaptionHelper(graphics, ColorControlLight, SystemPens.ControlLightLight, lineWidth, 1, captionRect, button);
+ DrawCaptionHelper(graphics, ColorControlDark, SystemPens.ControlDark, lineWidth, 0, captionRect, button);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ DrawCaptionHelper(graphics, ColorControlText, SystemPens.ControlText, lineWidth, 0, captionRect, button);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawCheckBox (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state) {
+ DrawFrameControlStates dfcs=DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonCheck;
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Checked)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Checked;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Flat)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Flat;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive;
+ }
+ DrawFrameControl(graphics, rectangle, DrawFrameControlTypes.Button, dfcs);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawComboButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state) {
+ Point[] arrow = new Point[3];
+ Point P1;
+ Point P2;
+ Point P3;
+ int centerX;
+ int centerY;
+ int shiftX;
+ int shiftY;
+ Rectangle rect;
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Checked)!=0) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControlLightLight, ColorControlLight),rectangle);
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Flat)!=0) {
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rectangle, ColorControlDark, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ } else {
+ if ((state & (ButtonState.Pushed | ButtonState.Checked))!=0) {
+ // this needs to render like a pushed button - jba
+ // CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (ColorControl)), trace_rectangle);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ }
+ rect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+rectangle.Width/4, rectangle.Y+rectangle.Height/4, rectangle.Width/2, rectangle.Height/2);
+ centerX=rect.Left+rect.Width/2;
+ centerY=rect.Top+rect.Height/2;
+ shiftX=Math.Max(1, rect.Width/8);
+ shiftY=Math.Max(1, rect.Height/8);
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed)!=0) {
+ shiftX++;
+ shiftY++;
+ }
+ rect.Y-=shiftY;
+ centerY-=shiftY;
+ P1=new Point(rect.Left, centerY);
+ P2=new Point(rect.Right, centerY);
+ P3=new Point(centerX, rect.Bottom);
+ arrow[0]=P1;
+ arrow[1]=P2;
+ arrow[2]=P3;
+ /* Draw the arrow */
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ graphics.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlLightLight, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ /* Move away from the shadow */
+ P1.X-=1; P1.Y-=1;
+ P2.X-=1; P2.Y-=1;
+ P3.X-=1; P3.Y-=1;
+ arrow[0]=P1;
+ arrow[1]=P2;
+ arrow[2]=P3;
+ graphics.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlDark, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ } else {
+ graphics.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlText, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawContainerGrabHandle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds) {
+ Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width-1, bounds.Height-1); // Dunno why, but MS does it that way, too
+ int X;
+ int Y;
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlText), rect);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);
+ X=rect.X+rect.Width/2;
+ Y=rect.Y+rect.Height/2;
+ /* Draw the cross */
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, X, rect.Y+2, X, rect.Bottom-2);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.X+2, Y, rect.Right-2, Y);
+ /* Draw 'arrows' for vertical lines */
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, X-1, rect.Y+3, X+1, rect.Y+3);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, X-1, rect.Bottom-3, X+1, rect.Bottom-3);
+ /* Draw 'arrows' for horizontal lines */
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.X+3, Y-1, rect.X+3, Y+1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Right-3, Y-1, rect.Right-3, Y+1);
+ pen.Dispose ();
+ }
+ public virtual void DrawFlatStyleFocusRectangle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonBase button, Color foreColor, Color backColor) {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ Color outerColor = foreColor;
+ // adjust focus color according to the flatstyle
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup && !button.is_pressed) {
+ outerColor = (backColor == ColorControl) ? ControlPaint.Dark(ColorControl) : ColorControlText;
+ }
+ // draw the outer rectangle
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (outerColor), trace_rectangle);
+ // draw the inner rectangle
+ if (button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
+ DrawInnerFocusRectangle (graphics, Rectangle.Inflate (rectangle, -4, -4), backColor);
+ } else {
+ // draw a flat inner rectangle
+ Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.LightLight (backColor));
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, Rectangle.Inflate (trace_rectangle, -4, -4));
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void DrawInnerFocusRectangle(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor)
+ {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+#if NotUntilCairoIsFixed
+ Color colorBackInverted = Color.FromArgb (Math.Abs (backColor.R-255), Math.Abs (backColor.G-255), Math.Abs (backColor.B-255));
+ DashStyle oldStyle; // used for caching old penstyle
+ Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen (colorBackInverted);
+ oldStyle = pen.DashStyle;
+ pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (pen, trace_rectangle);
+ pen.DashStyle = oldStyle;
+ CPDrawFocusRectangle(graphics, trace_rectangle, Color.Wheat, backColor);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawFocusRectangle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
+ {
+ Rectangle rect = rectangle;
+ Pen pen;
+ HatchBrush brush;
+ if (backColor.GetBrightness () >= 0.5) {
+ foreColor = Color.Transparent;
+ backColor = Color.Black;
+ } else {
+ backColor = Color.FromArgb (Math.Abs (backColor.R-255), Math.Abs (backColor.G-255), Math.Abs (backColor.B-255));
+ foreColor = Color.Black;
+ }
+ brush = ResPool.GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle.Percent50, backColor, foreColor);
+ pen = new Pen (brush, 1);
+ rect.Width--;
+ rect.Height--;
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (pen, rect);
+ pen.Dispose ();
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawGrabHandle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, bool primary, bool enabled) {
+ SolidBrush sb;
+ Pen pen;
+ if (primary==true) {
+ pen=new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
+ if (enabled==true) {
+ sb=ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlText);
+ } else {
+ sb=ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl);
+ }
+ } else {
+ pen=new Pen(Color.White, 1);
+ if (enabled==true) {
+ sb=ResPool.GetSolidBrush (Color.Black);
+ } else {
+ sb=ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl);
+ }
+ }
+ graphics.FillRectangle(sb, rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
+ pen.Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawGrid (Graphics graphics, Rectangle area, Size pixelsBetweenDots, Color backColor) {
+ Color foreColor;
+ int h;
+ int b;
+ int s;
+ ControlPaint.Color2HBS(backColor, out h, out b, out s);
+ if (b>127) {
+ foreColor=Color.Black;
+ } else {
+ foreColor=Color.White;
+ }
+#if false
+ /* Commented out until I take the time and figure out
+ which HatchStyle will match requirements. The code below
+ is only correct for Percent50.
+ */
+ if (pixelsBetweenDots.Width==pixelsBetweenDots.Height) {
+ HatchBrush brush=null;
+ switch(pixelsBetweenDots.Width) {
+ case 2: brush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, foreColor, backColor); break;
+ case 4: brush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent25, foreColor, backColor); break;
+ case 5: brush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent20, foreColor, backColor); break;
+ default: {
+ /* Have to do it the slow way */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (brush!=null) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(brush, area);
+ pen.Dispose();
+ brush.Dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Slow method */
+ Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(area.Width, area.Height, graphics);
+ for (int x=0; x<area.Width; x+=pixelsBetweenDots.Width) {
+ for (int y=0; y<area.Height; y+=pixelsBetweenDots.Height) {
+ bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, foreColor);
+ }
+ }
+ graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height);
+ bitmap.Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawImageDisabled (Graphics graphics, Image image, int x, int y, Color background) {
+ /*
+ Microsoft seems to ignore the background and simply make
+ the image grayscale. At least when having > 256 colors on
+ the display.
+ */
+ if (imagedisabled_attributes == null) {
+ imagedisabled_attributes = new ImageAttributes ();
+ ColorMatrix colorMatrix=new ColorMatrix(new float[][] {
+ // This table would create a perfect grayscale image, based on luminance
+ // new float[]{0.3f,0.3f,0.3f,0,0},
+ // new float[]{0.59f,0.59f,0.59f,0,0},
+ // new float[]{0.11f,0.11f,0.11f,0,0},
+ // new float[]{0,0,0,1,0,0},
+ // new float[]{0,0,0,0,1,0},
+ // new float[]{0,0,0,0,0,1}
+ // This table generates a image that is grayscaled and then
+ // brightened up. Seems to match MS close enough.
+ new float[]{0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0,0},
+ new float[]{0.41f,0.41f,0.41f,0,0},
+ new float[]{0.11f,0.11f,0.11f,0,0},
+ new float[]{0.15f,0.15f,0.15f,1,0,0},
+ new float[]{0.15f,0.15f,0.15f,0,1,0},
+ new float[]{0.15f,0.15f,0.15f,0,0,1}
+ });
+ imagedisabled_attributes.SetColorMatrix (colorMatrix);
+ }
+ graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(x, y, image.Width, image.Height), 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imagedisabled_attributes);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawLockedFrame (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, bool primary) {
+ Pen penBorder;
+ Pen penInside;
+ if (primary) {
+ penBorder=new Pen(Color.White, 2);
+ penInside=new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
+ } else {
+ penBorder=new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
+ penInside=new Pen(Color.White, 1);
+ }
+ penBorder.Alignment=PenAlignment.Inset;
+ penInside.Alignment=PenAlignment.Inset;
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(penBorder, rectangle);
+ graphics.DrawRectangle(penInside, rectangle.X+2, rectangle.Y+2, rectangle.Width-5, rectangle.Height-5);
+ penBorder.Dispose();
+ penInside.Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawMenuGlyph (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, MenuGlyph glyph) {
+ Rectangle rect;
+ int lineWidth;
+ // MS draws always the background white
+ graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (Color.White), rectangle);
+ switch(glyph) {
+ case MenuGlyph.Arrow: {
+ Point[] arrow = new Point[3];
+ Point P1;
+ Point P2;
+ Point P3;
+ int centerX;
+ int centerY;
+ int shiftX;
+ rect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+rectangle.Width/4, rectangle.Y+rectangle.Height/4, rectangle.Width/2, rectangle.Height/2);
+ centerX=rect.Left+rect.Width/2;
+ centerY=rect.Top+rect.Height/2;
+ shiftX=Math.Max(1, rect.Width/8);
+ rect.X-=shiftX;
+ centerX-=shiftX;
+ P1=new Point(centerX, rect.Top-1);
+ P2=new Point(centerX, rect.Bottom);
+ P3=new Point(rect.Right, centerY);
+ arrow[0]=P1;
+ arrow[1]=P2;
+ arrow[2]=P3;
+ graphics.FillPolygon(SystemBrushes.ControlText, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ return;
+ }
+ case MenuGlyph.Bullet: {
+ lineWidth=Math.Max(2, rectangle.Width/3);
+ rect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+lineWidth, rectangle.Y+lineWidth, rectangle.Width-lineWidth*2, rectangle.Height-lineWidth*2);
+ graphics.FillEllipse(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlText), rect);
+ return;
+ }
+ case MenuGlyph.Checkmark: {
+ int Scale;
+ lineWidth=Math.Max(2, rectangle.Width/6);
+ Scale=Math.Max(1, rectangle.Width/12);
+ rect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+lineWidth, rectangle.Y+lineWidth, rectangle.Width-lineWidth*2, rectangle.Height-lineWidth*2);
+ for (int i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.MenuText, rect.Left+lineWidth/2, rect.Top+lineWidth+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i);
+ graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.MenuText, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+6*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth-2*Scale+i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawRadioButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state) {
+ DrawFrameControlStates dfcs=DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonRadio;
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Checked)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Checked;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Flat)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Flat;
+ }
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ dfcs |= DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive;
+ }
+ DrawFrameControl(graphics, rectangle, DrawFrameControlTypes.Button, dfcs);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawReversibleFrame (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, FrameStyle style) {
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawReversibleLine (Point start, Point end, Color backColor) {
+ }
+ /* Scroll button: regular button + direction arrow */
+ public override void CPDrawScrollButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollButton type, ButtonState state) {
+ DrawScrollButtonPrimitive (dc, area, state);
+ // A lot of the following is adapted from the rewind project
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (area.X - 3, area.Y - 3,
+ area.Width + 6, area.Height + 6);
+ int small_diam = rect.Width > rect.Height ? rect.Height : rect.Width;
+ if (rect.Width < rect.Height) {
+ rect.Y += (rect.Height - rect.Width) / 2;
+ rect.Height = small_diam;
+ } else if (rect.Width > rect.Height) {
+ rect.X += (rect.Width - rect.Height) / 2;
+ rect.Width = small_diam;
+ }
+ small_diam -= 2;
+ int tri = 290 * small_diam / 1000 - 1;
+ if (tri == 0)
+ tri = 1;
+ Point [] arrow = new Point [3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ arrow [i] = new Point ();
+ switch(type) {
+ default:
+ case ScrollButton.Down:
+ arrow [2].X = rect.Left + 470 * small_diam / 1000 + 2;
+ arrow [2].Y = rect.Top + 687 * small_diam / 1000 + 1;
+ arrow [0].X = arrow [2].X - tri;
+ arrow [1].X = arrow [2].X + tri;
+ arrow [0].Y = arrow [1].Y = arrow [2].Y - tri;
+ break;
+ case ScrollButton.Up:
+ arrow [2].X = rect.Left + 470 * small_diam / 1000 + 2;
+ arrow [2].Y = rect.Bottom - (687 * small_diam / 1000 + 1);
+ arrow [0].X = arrow [2].X - tri;
+ arrow [1].X = arrow [2].X + tri;
+ arrow [0].Y = arrow [1].Y = arrow [2].Y + tri;
+ break;
+ case ScrollButton.Left:
+ arrow [2].X = rect.Right - (687 * small_diam / 1000 + 1);
+ arrow [2].Y = rect.Top + 470 * small_diam / 1000 + 2;
+ arrow [0].Y = arrow [2].Y - tri;
+ arrow [1].Y = arrow [2].Y + tri;
+ arrow [0].X = arrow [1].X = arrow [2].X + tri;
+ break;
+ case ScrollButton.Right:
+ arrow [2].X = rect.Left + 687 * small_diam / 1000 + 1;
+ arrow [2].Y = rect.Top + 470 * small_diam / 1000 + 2;
+ arrow [0].Y = arrow [2].Y - tri;
+ arrow [1].Y = arrow [2].Y + tri;
+ arrow [0].X = arrow [1].X = arrow [2].X - tri;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Draw the arrow */
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive)!=0) {
+ dc.FillPolygon (SystemBrushes.ControlLightLight, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ arrow [i].X--;
+ arrow [i].Y--;
+ }
+ dc.FillPolygon (SystemBrushes.ControlDark, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ } else {
+ dc.FillPolygon (SystemBrushes.ControlText, arrow, FillMode.Winding);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawSelectionFrame (Graphics graphics, bool active, Rectangle outsideRect, Rectangle insideRect,
+ Color backColor) {
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawSizeGrip (Graphics dc, Color backColor, Rectangle bounds) {
+ Point pt = new Point (bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Bottom - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), pt.X - 12, pt.Y, pt.X, pt.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), pt.X, pt.Y, pt.X, pt.Y - 13);
+ // diagonals
+ for (int i = 0; i < 11; i += 4) {
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), pt.X - i, pt.Y, pt.X + 1, pt.Y - i - 2);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), pt.X - i - 1, pt.Y, pt.X + 1, pt.Y - i - 2);
+ }
+ for (int i = 3; i < 13; i += 4)
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), pt.X - i, pt.Y, pt.X + 1, pt.Y - i - 1);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawStringDisabled (Graphics graphics, string s, Font font, Color color, RectangleF layoutRectangle,
+ StringFormat format) {
+ graphics.DrawString(s, font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorGrayText), layoutRectangle, format);
+ }
+ private static void DrawBorderInternal(Graphics graphics, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY,
+ int width, Color color, ButtonBorderStyle style, Border3DSide side) {
+ Pen pen=new Pen(color, 1);
+ switch(style) {
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Solid: {
+ pen.DashStyle=DashStyle.Solid;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Dashed: {
+ pen.DashStyle=DashStyle.Dash;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Dotted: {
+ pen.DashStyle=DashStyle.Dot;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Inset: {
+ pen.DashStyle=DashStyle.Solid;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Outset: {
+ pen.DashStyle=DashStyle.Solid;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.None: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(style) {
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Outset: {
+ Color colorGrade;
+ int hue, brightness, saturation;
+ int brightnessSteps;
+ int brightnessDownSteps;
+ ControlPaint.Color2HBS(color, out hue, out brightness, out saturation);
+ brightnessDownSteps=brightness/width;
+ if (brightness>127) {
+ brightnessSteps=Math.Max(6, (160-brightness)/width);
+ } else {
+ brightnessSteps=(127-brightness)/width;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ switch(side) {
+ case Border3DSide.Left: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Min(255, brightness+brightnessSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY+i, endX+i, endY-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Right: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Max(0, brightness-brightnessDownSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX-i, startY+i, endX-i, endY-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Top: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Min(255, brightness+brightnessSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY+i, endX-i, endY+i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Bottom: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Max(0, brightness-brightnessDownSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY-i, endX-i, endY-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ButtonBorderStyle.Inset: {
+ Color colorGrade;
+ int hue, brightness, saturation;
+ int brightnessSteps;
+ int brightnessDownSteps;
+ ControlPaint.Color2HBS(color, out hue, out brightness, out saturation);
+ brightnessDownSteps=brightness/width;
+ if (brightness>127) {
+ brightnessSteps=Math.Max(6, (160-brightness)/width);
+ } else {
+ brightnessSteps=(127-brightness)/width;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ switch(side) {
+ case Border3DSide.Left: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Max(0, brightness-brightnessDownSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY+i, endX+i, endY-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Right: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Min(255, brightness+brightnessSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX-i, startY+i, endX-i, endY-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Top: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Max(0, brightness-brightnessDownSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY+i, endX-i, endY+i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Bottom: {
+ pen.Dispose();
+ colorGrade=ControlPaint.HBS2Color(hue, Math.Min(255, brightness+brightnessSteps*(width-i)), saturation);
+ pen=new Pen(colorGrade, 1);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY-i, endX-i, endY-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ I decided to have the for-loop duplicated for speed reasons;
+ that way we only have to switch once (as opposed to have the
+ for-loop around the switch)
+ */
+ default: {
+ switch(side) {
+ case Border3DSide.Left: {
+ for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY+i, endX+i, endY-i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Right: {
+ for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX-i, startY+i, endX-i, endY-i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Top: {
+ for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY+i, endX-i, endY+i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Border3DSide.Bottom: {
+ for (int i=0; i<width; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX+i, startY-i, endX-i, endY-i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pen.Dispose();
+ }
+ /*
+ This function actually draws the various caption elements.
+ This way we can scale them nicely, no matter what size, and they
+ still look like MS's scaled caption buttons. (as opposed to scaling a bitmap)
+ */
+ private void DrawCaptionHelper(Graphics graphics, Color color, Pen pen, int lineWidth, int shift, Rectangle captionRect, CaptionButton button) {
+ switch(button) {
+ case CaptionButton.Close: {
+ pen.StartCap=LineCap.Triangle;
+ pen.EndCap=LineCap.Triangle;
+ if (lineWidth<2) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+2*lineWidth+1+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Right-2*lineWidth+1+shift, captionRect.Bottom-2*lineWidth+shift);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Right-2*lineWidth+1+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Left+2*lineWidth+1+shift, captionRect.Bottom-2*lineWidth+shift);
+ }
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Right-2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Bottom-2*lineWidth+shift);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Right-2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Left+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Bottom-2*lineWidth+shift);
+ return;
+ }
+ case CaptionButton.Help: {
+ StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
+ Font font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", captionRect.Height, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
+ sf.Alignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ sf.LineAlignment=StringAlignment.Center;
+ graphics.DrawString("?", font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (color), captionRect.X+captionRect.Width/2+shift, captionRect.Y+captionRect.Height/2+shift+lineWidth/2, sf);
+ sf.Dispose();
+ font.Dispose();
+ return;
+ }
+ case CaptionButton.Maximize: {
+ /* Top 'caption bar' line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(2, lineWidth); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift+i);
+ }
+ /* Left side line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift);
+ }
+ /* Right side line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift+i, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift+i, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift);
+ }
+ /* Bottom line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift-i, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift-i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case CaptionButton.Minimize: {
+ /* Bottom line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(2, lineWidth); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift-i, captionRect.Right-3*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift-i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case CaptionButton.Restore: {
+ /** First 'window' **/
+ /* Top 'caption bar' line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(2, lineWidth); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+3*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift-i, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift-i);
+ }
+ /* Left side line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+3*lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Left+3*lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Top+4*lineWidth+shift);
+ }
+ /* Right side line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift-i, captionRect.Top+2*lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift-i, captionRect.Top+5*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift);
+ }
+ /* Bottom line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Right-3*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Top+5*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift+1+i, captionRect.Right-lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Top+5*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift+1+i);
+ }
+ /** Second 'window' **/
+ /* Top 'caption bar' line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(2, lineWidth); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Top+4*lineWidth+shift+1-i, captionRect.Right-3*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Top+4*lineWidth+shift+1-i);
+ }
+ /* Left side line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Top+4*lineWidth+shift+1, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift+i, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift);
+ }
+ /* Right side line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Right-3*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift-i, captionRect.Top+4*lineWidth+shift+1, captionRect.Right-3*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift-i, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift);
+ }
+ /* Bottom line */
+ for (int i=0; i<Math.Max(1, lineWidth/2); i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, captionRect.Left+lineWidth+shift, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift-i, captionRect.Right-3*lineWidth-lineWidth/2+shift, captionRect.Bottom-lineWidth+shift-i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [MonoTODO("Finish drawing code for Caption, Menu and Scroll")]
+ private void DrawFrameControl(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, DrawFrameControlTypes Type, DrawFrameControlStates State) {
+ // make a rectange to trace around border of the button
+ Rectangle trace_rectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max (rectangle.Width-1, 0), Math.Max (rectangle.Height-1, 0));
+ switch(Type) {
+ case DrawFrameControlTypes.Button: {
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonPush)!=0) {
+// JBA 31 oct 2004 - I don't think that button style should be rendered like this
+// /* Goes first, affects the background */
+// if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
+// HatchBrush hatchBrush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControlLightLight, ColorControlLight);
+// graphics.FillRectangle(hatchBrush,rectangle);
+// hatchBrush.Dispose();
+// }
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed)!=0 || (State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
+ graphics.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ControlPaint.Dark (ColorControl)), trace_rectangle);
+ } else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Flat)!=0) {
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rectangle, ColorControlDark, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ } else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive)!=0) {
+ /* Same as normal, it would seem */
+ CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ } else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonRadio)!=0) {
+ Pen penFatDark = new Pen(ColorControlDark, 1);
+ Pen penFatLight = new Pen(ColorControlLightLight, 1);
+ int lineWidth;
+ graphics.FillPie (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (this.ColorWindow), rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 2, rectangle.Height - 2, 0, 359);
+ graphics.DrawArc(penFatDark, rectangle.X+1, rectangle.Y+1, rectangle.Width-2, rectangle.Height-2, 135, 180);
+ graphics.DrawArc(penFatLight, rectangle.X+1, rectangle.Y+1, rectangle.Width-2, rectangle.Height-2, 315, 180);
+ graphics.DrawArc(SystemPens.ControlDark, rectangle, 135, 180);
+ graphics.DrawArc(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, rectangle, 315, 180);
+ lineWidth=Math.Max(1, Math.Min(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height)/3);
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
+ SolidBrush buttonBrush;
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive)!=0) {
+ buttonBrush=(SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ControlDark;
+ } else {
+ buttonBrush=(SolidBrush)SystemBrushes.ControlText;
+ }
+ graphics.FillPie(buttonBrush, rectangle.X+lineWidth, rectangle.Y+lineWidth, rectangle.Width-lineWidth*2, rectangle.Height-lineWidth*2, 0, 359);
+ }
+ penFatDark.Dispose();
+ penFatLight.Dispose();
+ } else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonRadioImage)!=0) {
+ throw new NotImplementedException () ;
+ } else if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.ButtonRadioMask)!=0) {
+ throw new NotImplementedException ();
+ } else { /* Must be Checkbox */
+ Pen pen;
+ int lineWidth;
+ Rectangle rect;
+ int Scale;
+ /* Goes first, affects the background */
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed)!=0 ||
+ (State & DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive)!=0) {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, rectangle);
+ } else {
+ graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Window, rectangle);
+ }
+ /* Draw the sunken frame */
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Flat)!=0) {
+ ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rectangle, ColorControlDark, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
+ } else {
+ CPDrawBorder3D(graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl);
+ }
+ /* Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1 */
+ lineWidth=Math.Max(3, rectangle.Width/6);
+ Scale=Math.Max(1, rectangle.Width/12);
+ // define a rectangle inside the border area
+ rect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+2, rectangle.Y+2, rectangle.Width-4, rectangle.Height-4);
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Inactive)!=0) {
+ pen=SystemPens.ControlDark;
+ } else {
+ pen=SystemPens.ControlText;
+ }
+ if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Checked)!=0) {
+ /* Need to draw a check-mark */
+ for (int i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left+lineWidth/2, rect.Top+lineWidth+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i);
+ graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+6*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth-2*Scale+i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case DrawFrameControlTypes.Caption: {
+ // FIXME:
+ break;
+ }
+ case DrawFrameControlTypes.Menu: {
+ // FIXME:
+ break;
+ }
+ case DrawFrameControlTypes.Scroll: {
+ // FIXME:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Generic scroll button */
+ public void DrawScrollButtonPrimitive (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ButtonState state) {
+ if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed) == ButtonState.Pushed) {
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl), area.X + 1,
+ area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2 , area.Height - 2);
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), area.X,
+ area.Y, area.Width, area.Height);
+ return;
+ }
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl), area.X, area.Y, area.Width, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl), area.X, area.Y, 1, area.Height);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlLight), area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 1, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlLight), area.X + 1, area.Y + 2, 1,
+ area.Height - 4);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDark), area.X + 1, area.Y + area.Height - 2,
+ area.Width - 2, 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDarkDark), area.X, area.Y + area.Height -1,
+ area.Width , 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDark), area.X + area.Width - 2,
+ area.Y + 1, 1, area.Height -3);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControlDarkDark), area.X + area.Width -1,
+ area.Y, 1, area.Height - 1);
+ dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ColorControl), area.X + 2,
+ area.Y + 2, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 4);
+ }
+ public override void CPDrawBorderStyle (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, BorderStyle border_style) {
+ switch (border_style){
+ case BorderStyle.Fixed3D:
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), area.X, area.Y, area.X +area.Width, area.Y);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDark), area.X, area.Y, area.X, area.Y + area.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), area.X , area.Y + area.Height - 1, area.X + area.Width ,
+ area.Y + area.Height - 1);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlLight), area.X + area.Width -1 , area.Y, area.X + area.Width -1,
+ area.Y + area.Height);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorActiveBorder), area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 2, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 2);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorActiveBorder), area.Right - 2, area.Top + 1, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 2);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), area.X + 1, area.Top + 1, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 3);
+ dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControlDarkDark), area.X + 1, area.Top + 1, area.Right - 3, area.Top + 1);
+ break;
+ case BorderStyle.FixedSingle:
+ dc.DrawRectangle (ResPool.GetPen (ColorWindowFrame), area.X, area.Y, area.Width - 1, area.Height - 1);
+ break;
+ case BorderStyle.None:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion // ControlPaint
+ } //class