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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 666 deletions
diff --git a/mcs/class/Mono.C5/UserGuideExamples/GNfaToDfa.cs b/mcs/class/Mono.C5/UserGuideExamples/GNfaToDfa.cs
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--- a/mcs/class/Mono.C5/UserGuideExamples/GNfaToDfa.cs
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- Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Niels Kokholm and Peter Sestoft
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-// Compile with
-// csc /r:C5.dll GNfaToDfa.cs
-// C5 examples: RegExp -> NFA -> DFA -> Graph
-// Java 2000-10-07, GC# 2001-10-23, C# 2.0 2003-09-03, C# 2.0+C5 2004-08-08
-// This file contains, in order:
-// * Helper class Set<T> defined in terms of C5 classes.
-// * A class Nfa for representing an NFA (a nondeterministic finite
-// automaton), and for converting it to a DFA (a deterministic
-// finite automaton). Most complexity is in this class.
-// * A class Dfa for representing a DFA, a deterministic finite
-// automaton, and for writing a dot input file representing the DFA.
-// * Classes for representing regular expressions, and for building an
-// NFA from a regular expression
-// * A test class that creates an NFA, a DFA, and a dot input file
-// for a number of small regular expressions. The DFAs are
-// not minimized.
-using System;
-using System.Text;
-using System.IO;
-using C5;
-using SCG = System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace GNfaToDfa
- public class Set<T> : HashSet<T> {
- public Set(SCG.IEnumerable<T> enm) : base() {
- AddAll(enm);
- }
- public Set(params T[] elems) : this((SCG.IEnumerable<T>)elems) { }
- // Set union (+), difference (-), and intersection (*):
- public static Set<T> operator +(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Set+Set");
- else {
- Set<T> res = new Set<T>(s1);
- res.AddAll(s2);
- return res;
- }
- }
- public static Set<T> operator -(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Set-Set");
- else {
- Set<T> res = new Set<T>(s1);
- res.RemoveAll(s2);
- return res;
- }
- }
- public static Set<T> operator *(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Set*Set");
- else {
- Set<T> res = new Set<T>(s1);
- res.RetainAll(s2);
- return res;
- }
- }
- // Equality of sets; take care to avoid infinite loops
- public static bool operator ==(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- return EqualityComparer<Set<T>>.Default.Equals(s1, s2);
- }
- public static bool operator !=(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- return !(s1 == s2);
- }
- public override bool Equals(Object that) {
- return this == (that as Set<T>);
- }
- public override int GetHashCode() {
- return EqualityComparer<Set<T>>.Default.GetHashCode(this);
- }
- // Subset (<=) and superset (>=) relation:
- public static bool operator <=(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Set<=Set");
- else
- return s1.ContainsAll(s2);
- }
- public static bool operator >=(Set<T> s1, Set<T> s2) {
- if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Set>=Set");
- else
- return s2.ContainsAll(s1);
- }
- public override String ToString() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.Append("{");
- bool first = true;
- foreach (T x in this) {
- if (!first)
- sb.Append(",");
- sb.Append(x);
- first = false;
- }
- sb.Append("}");
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Regular expressions, NFAs, DFAs, and dot graphs
-// sestoft@dina.kvl.dk *
-// Java 2001-07-10 * C# 2001-10-22 * Gen C# 2001-10-23, 2003-09-03
-// In the Generic C# 2.0 version we
-// use Queue<int> and Queue<Set<int>> for worklists
-// use Set<int> for pre-DFA states
-// use ArrayList<Transition> for NFA transition relations
-// use HashDictionary<Set<int>, HashDictionary<String, Set<int>>>
-// and HashDictionary<int, HashDictionary<String, int>> for DFA transition relations
-/* Class Nfa and conversion from NFA to DFA ---------------------------
- A nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) is represented as a
- dictionary mapping a state number (int) to an arraylist of
- Transitions, a Transition being a pair of a label lab (a string,
- null meaning epsilon) and a target state (an int).
- A DFA is created from an NFA in two steps:
- (1) Construct a DFA whose each of whose states is composite,
- namely a set of NFA states (Set of int). This is done by
- methods CompositeDfaTrans and EpsilonClose.
- (2) Replace composite states (Set of int) by simple states
- (int). This is done by methods Rename and MkRenamer.
- Method CompositeDfaTrans works as follows:
- Create the epsilon-closure S0 (a Set of ints) of the start state
- s0, and put it in a worklist (a Queue). Create an empty DFA
- transition relation, which is a dictionary mapping a composite
- state (an epsilon-closed set of ints) to a dictionary mapping a
- label (a non-null string) to a composite state.
- Repeatedly choose a composite state S from the worklist. If it is
- not already in the keyset of the DFA transition relation, compute
- for every non-epsilon label lab the set T of states reachable by
- that label from some state s in S. Compute the epsilon-closure
- Tclose of every such state T and put it on the worklist. Then add
- the transition S -lab-> Tclose to the DFA transition relation, for
- every lab.
- Method EpsilonClose works as follows:
- Given a set S of states. Put the states of S in a worklist.
- Repeatedly choose a state s from the worklist, and consider all
- epsilon-transitions s -eps-> s' from s. If s' is in S already,
- then do nothing; otherwise add s' to S and the worklist. When the
- worklist is empty, S is epsilon-closed; return S.
- Method MkRenamer works as follows:
- Given a dictionary mapping a set of int to something, create an
- injective dictionary mapping from set of int to int, by choosing a
- fresh int for every key in the given dictionary.
- Method Rename works as follows:
- Given a dictionary mapping a set of int to a dictionary mapping a
- string to set of int, use the result of MkRenamer to replace all
- sets of ints by ints.
- class Nfa {
- private readonly int startState;
- private readonly int exitState; // This is the unique accept state
- private readonly IDictionary<int, ArrayList<Transition>> trans;
- public Nfa(int startState, int exitState) {
- this.startState = startState; this.exitState = exitState;
- trans = new HashDictionary<int, ArrayList<Transition>>();
- if (!startState.Equals(exitState))
- trans.Add(exitState, new ArrayList<Transition>());
- }
- public int Start { get { return startState; } }
- public int Exit { get { return exitState; } }
- public IDictionary<int, ArrayList<Transition>> Trans {
- get { return trans; }
- }
- public void AddTrans(int s1, String lab, int s2) {
- ArrayList<Transition> s1Trans;
- if (trans.Contains(s1))
- s1Trans = trans[s1];
- else {
- s1Trans = new ArrayList<Transition>();
- trans.Add(s1, s1Trans);
- }
- s1Trans.Add(new Transition(lab, s2));
- }
- public void AddTrans(KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> tr) {
- // Assumption: if tr is in trans, it maps to an empty list (end state)
- trans.Remove(tr.Key);
- trans.Add(tr.Key, tr.Value);
- }
- public override String ToString() {
- return "NFA start=" + startState + " exit=" + exitState;
- }
- // Construct the transition relation of a composite-state DFA from
- // an NFA with start state s0 and transition relation trans (a
- // dictionary mapping int to arraylist of Transition). The start
- // state of the constructed DFA is the epsilon closure of s0, and
- // its transition relation is a dictionary mapping a composite state
- // (a set of ints) to a dictionary mapping a label (a string) to a
- // composite state (a set of ints).
- static IDictionary<Set<int>, IDictionary<String, Set<int>>>
- CompositeDfaTrans(int s0, IDictionary<int, ArrayList<Transition>> trans) {
- Set<int> S0 = EpsilonClose(new Set<int>(s0), trans);
- IQueue<Set<int>> worklist = new CircularQueue<Set<int>>();
- worklist.Enqueue(S0);
- // The transition relation of the DFA
- IDictionary<Set<int>, IDictionary<String, Set<int>>> res =
- new HashDictionary<Set<int>, IDictionary<String, Set<int>>>();
- while (!worklist.IsEmpty) {
- Set<int> S = worklist.Dequeue();
- if (!res.Contains(S)) {
- // The S -lab-> T transition relation being constructed for a given S
- IDictionary<String, Set<int>> STrans =
- new HashDictionary<String, Set<int>>();
- // For all s in S, consider all transitions s -lab-> t
- foreach (int s in S) {
- // For all non-epsilon transitions s -lab-> t, add t to T
- foreach (Transition tr in trans[s]) {
- if (tr.lab != null) { // Non-epsilon transition
- Set<int> toState;
- if (STrans.Contains(tr.lab)) // Already a transition on lab
- toState = STrans[tr.lab];
- else { // No transitions on lab yet
- toState = new Set<int>();
- STrans.Add(tr.lab, toState);
- }
- toState.Add(tr.target);
- }
- }
- }
- // Epsilon-close all T such that S -lab-> T, and put on worklist
- IDictionary<String, Set<int>> STransClosed =
- new HashDictionary<String, Set<int>>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Set<int>> entry in STrans) {
- Set<int> Tclose = EpsilonClose(entry.Value, trans);
- STransClosed.Add(entry.Key, Tclose);
- worklist.Enqueue(Tclose);
- }
- res.Add(S, STransClosed);
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- // Compute epsilon-closure of state set S in transition relation trans.
- static Set<int>
- EpsilonClose(Set<int> S, IDictionary<int, ArrayList<Transition>> trans) {
- // The worklist initially contains all S members
- IQueue<int> worklist = new CircularQueue<int>();
- S.Apply(worklist.Enqueue);
- Set<int> res = new Set<int>(S);
- while (!worklist.IsEmpty) {
- int s = worklist.Dequeue();
- foreach (Transition tr in trans[s]) {
- if (tr.lab == null && !res.Contains(tr.target)) {
- res.Add(tr.target);
- worklist.Enqueue(tr.target);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- // Compute a renamer, which is a dictionary mapping set of int to int
- static IDictionary<Set<int>, int> MkRenamer(ICollectionValue<Set<int>> states)
- {
- IDictionary<Set<int>, int> renamer = new HashDictionary<Set<int>, int>();
- int count = 0;
- foreach (Set<int> k in states)
- renamer.Add(k, count++);
- return renamer;
- }
- // Using a renamer (a dictionary mapping set of int to int), replace
- // composite (set of int) states with simple (int) states in the
- // transition relation trans, which is a dictionary mapping set of
- // int to a dictionary mapping from string to set of int. The
- // result is a dictionary mapping from int to a dictionary mapping
- // from string to int.
- static IDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>>
- Rename(IDictionary<Set<int>, int> renamer,
- IDictionary<Set<int>, IDictionary<String, Set<int>>> trans)
- {
- IDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>> newtrans =
- new HashDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Set<int>, IDictionary<String, Set<int>>> entry
- in trans) {
- Set<int> k = entry.Key;
- IDictionary<String, int> newktrans = new HashDictionary<String, int>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Set<int>> tr in entry.Value)
- newktrans.Add(tr.Key, renamer[tr.Value]);
- newtrans.Add(renamer[k], newktrans);
- }
- return newtrans;
- }
- static Set<int> AcceptStates(ICollectionValue<Set<int>> states,
- IDictionary<Set<int>, int> renamer,
- int exit)
- {
- Set<int> acceptStates = new Set<int>();
- foreach (Set<int> state in states)
- if (state.Contains(exit))
- acceptStates.Add(renamer[state]);
- return acceptStates;
- }
- public Dfa ToDfa() {
- IDictionary<Set<int>, IDictionary<String, Set<int>>>
- cDfaTrans = CompositeDfaTrans(startState, trans);
- Set<int> cDfaStart = EpsilonClose(new Set<int>(startState), trans);
- ICollectionValue<Set<int>> cDfaStates = cDfaTrans.Keys;
- IDictionary<Set<int>, int> renamer = MkRenamer(cDfaStates);
- IDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>> simpleDfaTrans =
- Rename(renamer, cDfaTrans);
- int simpleDfaStart = renamer[cDfaStart];
- Set<int> simpleDfaAccept = AcceptStates(cDfaStates, renamer, exitState);
- return new Dfa(simpleDfaStart, simpleDfaAccept, simpleDfaTrans);
- }
- // Nested class for creating distinctly named states when constructing NFAs
- public class NameSource {
- private static int nextName = 0;
- public int next() {
- return nextName++;
- }
- }
- // Write an input file for the dot program. You can find dot at
- // http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/
- public void WriteDot(String filename) {
- TextWriter wr =
- new StreamWriter(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create,
- FileAccess.Write));
- wr.WriteLine("// Format this file as a Postscript file with ");
- wr.WriteLine("// dot " + filename + " -Tps -o out.ps\n");
- wr.WriteLine("digraph nfa {");
- wr.WriteLine("size=\"11,8.25\";");
- wr.WriteLine("rotate=90;");
- wr.WriteLine("rankdir=LR;");
- wr.WriteLine("start [style=invis];"); // Invisible start node
- wr.WriteLine("start -> d" + startState); // Edge into start state
- // The accept state has a double circle
- wr.WriteLine("d" + exitState + " [peripheries=2];");
- // The transitions
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> entry in trans) {
- int s1 = entry.Key;
- foreach (Transition s1Trans in entry.Value) {
- String lab = s1Trans.lab ?? "eps";
- int s2 = s1Trans.target;
- wr.WriteLine("d" + s1 + " -> d" + s2 + " [label=\"" + lab + "\"];");
- }
- }
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- wr.Close();
- }
- }
-// Class Transition, a transition from one state to another ----------
- public class Transition {
- public readonly String lab;
- public readonly int target;
- public Transition(String lab, int target) {
- this.lab = lab; this.target = target;
- }
- public override String ToString() {
- return "-" + lab + "-> " + target;
- }
- }
-// Class Dfa, deterministic finite automata --------------------------
- A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) is represented as a
- dictionary mapping state number (int) to a dictionary mapping label
- (a non-null string) to a target state (an int).
- class Dfa {
- private readonly int startState;
- private readonly Set<int> acceptStates;
- private readonly IDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>> trans;
- public Dfa(int startState, Set<int> acceptStates,
- IDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>> trans)
- {
- this.startState = startState;
- this.acceptStates = acceptStates;
- this.trans = trans;
- }
- public int Start { get { return startState; } }
- public Set<int> Accept { get { return acceptStates; } }
- public IDictionary<int, IDictionary<String, int>> Trans {
- get { return trans; }
- }
- public override String ToString() {
- return "DFA start=" + startState + "\naccept=" + acceptStates;
- }
- // Write an input file for the dot program. You can find dot at
- // http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/
- public void WriteDot(String filename) {
- TextWriter wr =
- new StreamWriter(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create,
- FileAccess.Write));
- wr.WriteLine("// Format this file as a Postscript file with ");
- wr.WriteLine("// dot " + filename + " -Tps -o out.ps\n");
- wr.WriteLine("digraph dfa {");
- wr.WriteLine("size=\"11,8.25\";");
- wr.WriteLine("rotate=90;");
- wr.WriteLine("rankdir=LR;");
- wr.WriteLine("start [style=invis];"); // Invisible start node
- wr.WriteLine("start -> d" + startState); // Edge into start state
- // Accept states are double circles
- foreach (int state in trans.Keys)
- if (acceptStates.Contains(state))
- wr.WriteLine("d" + state + " [peripheries=2];");
- // The transitions
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, IDictionary<String, int>> entry in trans) {
- int s1 = entry.Key;
- foreach (KeyValuePair<String, int> s1Trans in entry.Value) {
- String lab = s1Trans.Key;
- int s2 = s1Trans.Value;
- wr.WriteLine("d" + s1 + " -> d" + s2 + " [label=\"" + lab + "\"];");
- }
- }
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- wr.Close();
- }
- }
-// Regular expressions ----------------------------------------------
-// Abstract syntax of regular expressions
-// r ::= A | r1 r2 | (r1|r2) | r*
- abstract class Regex {
- abstract public Nfa MkNfa(Nfa.NameSource names);
- }
- class Eps : Regex {
- // The resulting nfa0 has form s0s -eps-> s0e
- public override Nfa MkNfa(Nfa.NameSource names) {
- int s0s = names.next();
- int s0e = names.next();
- Nfa nfa0 = new Nfa(s0s, s0e);
- nfa0.AddTrans(s0s, null, s0e);
- return nfa0;
- }
- }
- class Sym : Regex {
- String sym;
- public Sym(String sym) {
- this.sym = sym;
- }
- // The resulting nfa0 has form s0s -sym-> s0e
- public override Nfa MkNfa(Nfa.NameSource names) {
- int s0s = names.next();
- int s0e = names.next();
- Nfa nfa0 = new Nfa(s0s, s0e);
- nfa0.AddTrans(s0s, sym, s0e);
- return nfa0;
- }
- }
- class Seq : Regex {
- Regex r1, r2;
- public Seq(Regex r1, Regex r2) {
- this.r1 = r1; this.r2 = r2;
- }
- // If nfa1 has form s1s ----> s1e
- // and nfa2 has form s2s ----> s2e
- // then nfa0 has form s1s ----> s1e -eps-> s2s ----> s2e
- public override Nfa MkNfa(Nfa.NameSource names) {
- Nfa nfa1 = r1.MkNfa(names);
- Nfa nfa2 = r2.MkNfa(names);
- Nfa nfa0 = new Nfa(nfa1.Start, nfa2.Exit);
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> entry in nfa1.Trans)
- nfa0.AddTrans(entry);
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> entry in nfa2.Trans)
- nfa0.AddTrans(entry);
- nfa0.AddTrans(nfa1.Exit, null, nfa2.Start);
- return nfa0;
- }
- }
- class Alt : Regex {
- Regex r1, r2;
- public Alt(Regex r1, Regex r2) {
- this.r1 = r1; this.r2 = r2;
- }
- // If nfa1 has form s1s ----> s1e
- // and nfa2 has form s2s ----> s2e
- // then nfa0 has form s0s -eps-> s1s ----> s1e -eps-> s0e
- // s0s -eps-> s2s ----> s2e -eps-> s0e
- public override Nfa MkNfa(Nfa.NameSource names) {
- Nfa nfa1 = r1.MkNfa(names);
- Nfa nfa2 = r2.MkNfa(names);
- int s0s = names.next();
- int s0e = names.next();
- Nfa nfa0 = new Nfa(s0s, s0e);
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> entry in nfa1.Trans)
- nfa0.AddTrans(entry);
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> entry in nfa2.Trans)
- nfa0.AddTrans(entry);
- nfa0.AddTrans(s0s, null, nfa1.Start);
- nfa0.AddTrans(s0s, null, nfa2.Start);
- nfa0.AddTrans(nfa1.Exit, null, s0e);
- nfa0.AddTrans(nfa2.Exit, null, s0e);
- return nfa0;
- }
- }
- class Star : Regex {
- Regex r;
- public Star(Regex r) {
- this.r = r;
- }
- // If nfa1 has form s1s ----> s1e
- // then nfa0 has form s0s ----> s0s
- // s0s -eps-> s1s
- // s1e -eps-> s0s
- public override Nfa MkNfa(Nfa.NameSource names) {
- Nfa nfa1 = r.MkNfa(names);
- int s0s = names.next();
- Nfa nfa0 = new Nfa(s0s, s0s);
- foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ArrayList<Transition>> entry in nfa1.Trans)
- nfa0.AddTrans(entry);
- nfa0.AddTrans(s0s, null, nfa1.Start);
- nfa0.AddTrans(nfa1.Exit, null, s0s);
- return nfa0;
- }
- }
-// Trying the RE->NFA->DFA translation on three regular expressions
- class TestNFA {
- public static void Main(String[] args) {
- Regex a = new Sym("A");
- Regex b = new Sym("B");
- Regex c = new Sym("C");
- Regex abStar = new Star(new Alt(a, b));
- Regex bb = new Seq(b, b);
- Regex r = new Seq(abStar, new Seq(a, b));
- // The regular expression (a|b)*ab
- BuildAndShow("ex1", r);
- // The regular expression ((a|b)*ab)*
- BuildAndShow("ex2", new Star(r));
- // The regular expression ((a|b)*ab)((a|b)*ab)
- BuildAndShow("ex3", new Seq(r, r));
- // The regular expression (a|b)*abb, from ASU 1986 p 136
- BuildAndShow("ex4", new Seq(abStar, new Seq(a, bb)));
- // SML reals: sign?((digit+(\.digit+)?))([eE]sign?digit+)?
- Regex d = new Sym("digit");
- Regex dPlus = new Seq(d, new Star(d));
- Regex s = new Sym("sign");
- Regex sOpt = new Alt(s, new Eps());
- Regex dot = new Sym(".");
- Regex dotDigOpt = new Alt(new Eps(), new Seq(dot, dPlus));
- Regex mant = new Seq(sOpt, new Seq(dPlus, dotDigOpt));
- Regex e = new Sym("e");
- Regex exp = new Alt(new Eps(), new Seq(e, new Seq(sOpt, dPlus)));
- Regex smlReal = new Seq(mant, exp);
- BuildAndShow("ex5", smlReal);
- }
- public static void BuildAndShow(String fileprefix, Regex r) {
- Nfa nfa = r.MkNfa(new Nfa.NameSource());
- Console.WriteLine(nfa);
- Console.WriteLine("Writing NFA graph to file");
- nfa.WriteDot(fileprefix + "nfa.dot");
- Console.WriteLine("---");
- Dfa dfa = nfa.ToDfa();
- Console.WriteLine(dfa);
- Console.WriteLine("Writing DFA graph to file");
- dfa.WriteDot(fileprefix + "dfa.dot");
- Console.WriteLine();
- }
- }