From 14d20074ffb298cc396916328897eac7f5f8c077 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Katelyn Gadd Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 17:52:37 -0700 Subject: Move to generating msbuild choose elements to get if-else selection behavior for sources in projects so that we don't get erroneous duplicate files in cases where there are both profile and host platform criteria (#9952) A recent commit revealed that in cases where we select based on a mix of host platform and profile, genproj csproj files can end up with duplicate sources because the existing elements, which give if-else selection to ensure that we only ever build a single set of files. --- mcs/class/Accessibility/Accessibility.csproj | 6 +- .../Commons.Xml.Relaxng/Commons.Xml.Relaxng.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Cscompmgd/Cscompmgd.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/CustomMarshalers/CustomMarshalers.csproj | 6 +- .../Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- ...s_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.AppContext.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Collections.NonGeneric.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Collections.Specialized.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Collections.csproj | 3 +- ...acades_System.ComponentModel.Annotations.csproj | 3 +- ...es_System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.ComponentModel.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- ...ades_System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ComponentModel.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Console/Facades_System.Console.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Data.Common.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Data.SqlClient.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.Contracts.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.Debug.csproj | 3 +- ...cades_System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.Process.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.csproj | 3 +- ...stem.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.Tools.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.TraceEvent.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Diagnostics.Tracing.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Drawing.Common.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Drawing.Primitives.csproj | 46 +- .../Facades_System.Dynamic.Runtime.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Globalization.Calendars.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Globalization.Extensions.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Globalization.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.csproj | 3 +- ...cades_System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.FileSystem.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.IsolatedStorage.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.csproj | 3 +- .../System.IO.Pipes/Facades_System.IO.Pipes.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades/System.IO/Facades_System.IO.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Linq.Expressions.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Linq.Parallel.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Linq.Queryable.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades/System.Linq/Facades_System.Linq.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Memory/Facades_System.Memory.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Net.AuthenticationManager.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Cache.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Http.Rtc.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.HttpListener.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Net.Mail/Facades_System.Net.Mail.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.NameResolution.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.NetworkInformation.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Net.Ping/Facades_System.Net.Ping.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Requests.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Security.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.ServicePoint.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Sockets.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.Utilities.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.WebSockets.Client.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Net.WebSockets.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ObjectModel.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.csproj | 3 +- ...ades_System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.csproj | 3 +- ...cades_System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Reflection.Emit.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Reflection.Extensions.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Reflection.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Reflection.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Resources.Reader.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Resources.ReaderWriter.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Resources.ResourceManager.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Resources.Writer.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Runtime.Extensions.csproj | 50 +- .../Facades_System.Runtime.Handles.csproj | 3 +- ...ntime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.csproj | 3 +- ...m.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Runtime.InteropServices.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Runtime.Loader.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Runtime.Numerics.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.csproj | 3 +- ...acades_System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Runtime/Facades_System.Runtime.csproj | 50 +- .../Facades_System.Security.AccessControl.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Security.Claims.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.csproj | 3 +- ...System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes.csproj | 3 +- ...es_System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.csproj | 3 +- ...tem.Security.Cryptography.Encryption.Aes.csproj | 3 +- ....Cryptography.Encryption.ECDiffieHellman.csproj | 3 +- ...m.Security.Cryptography.Encryption.ECDsa.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.Security.Cryptography.Encryption.csproj | 3 +- ...Security.Cryptography.Hashing.Algorithms.csproj | 3 +- ...des_System.Security.Cryptography.Hashing.csproj | 3 +- ...des_System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl.csproj | 3 +- ...acades_System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- ...stem.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.csproj | 3 +- ...Facades_System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.csproj | 3 +- ...urity.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.csproj | 3 +- ...m.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.csproj | 3 +- ...acades_System.Security.Principal.Windows.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Security.Principal.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Security.SecureString.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ServiceModel.Duplex.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ServiceModel.Http.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ServiceModel.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ServiceModel.Security.csproj | 3 +- ..._System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Text.Encoding.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Text.RegularExpressions.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.AccessControl.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.Overlapped.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.Tasks.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.Thread.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.ThreadPool.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.Timer.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Threading.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.ValueTuple.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.ReaderWriter.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.XDocument.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.XPath.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.XmlDocument.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.XmlSerializer.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades_System.Xml.Xsl.Primitives.csproj | 3 +- .../Facades/netstandard/Facades_netstandard.csproj | 3 +- mcs/class/I18N/CJK/I18N.CJK.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/I18N/Common/I18N.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/I18N/MidEast/I18N.MidEast.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/I18N/Other/I18N.Other.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/I18N/Rare/I18N.Rare.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/I18N/West/I18N.West.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/IBM.Data.DB2/IBM.Data.DB2.csproj | 3 +- .../ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.csproj | 3 +- .../Microsoft.Build.Engine.csproj | 6 +- .../Microsoft.Build.Framework.csproj | 6 +- .../Microsoft.Build.Tasks.csproj | 6 +- .../Microsoft.Build.Utilities.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Microsoft.Build/Microsoft.Build.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Microsoft.CSharp/Microsoft.CSharp.csproj | 6 +- .../Microsoft.VisualC/Microsoft.VisualC.csproj | 6 +- .../Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.csproj | 6 +- .../Mono.Btls.Interface/Mono.Btls.Interface.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.C5/Mono.C5.csproj | 3 +- mcs/class/Mono.CSharp/Mono.CSharp.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Cairo/Mono.Cairo.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Cecil.Mdb/Mono.Cecil.Mdb.csproj | 3 +- mcs/class/Mono.Cecil/Mono.Cecil.csproj | 3 +- .../Mono.CodeContracts/Mono.CodeContracts.csproj | 6 +- .../Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Data.Sqlite/Mono.Data.Sqlite.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Data.Tds/Mono.Data.Tds.csproj | 6 +- .../Mono.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Http/Mono.Http.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Management/Mono.Management.csproj | 6 +- .../Mono.Messaging.RabbitMQ.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Messaging/Mono.Messaging.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Options/Mono.Options.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Parallel/Mono.Parallel.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Posix/Mono.Posix.csproj | 53 +- .../Mono.Profiler.Log/Mono.Profiler.Log.csproj | 6 +- .../Mono.Security.Win32/Mono.Security.Win32.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.csproj | 67 +- mcs/class/Mono.Simd/Mono.Simd.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.Tasklets/Mono.Tasklets.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/Mono.WebBrowser/Mono.WebBrowser.csproj | 6 +- .../Mono.XBuild.Tasks/Mono.XBuild.Tasks.csproj | 6 +- .../Novell.Directory.Ldap.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/PEAPI/PEAPI.csproj | 6 +- .../src/apigen/RabbitMQ.Client.Apigen.csproj | 3 +- .../src/client/RabbitMQ.Client.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/SMDiagnostics/SMDiagnostics.csproj | 3 +- .../System.ComponentModel.Composition.csproj | 6 +- .../System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Configuration.Install.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Configuration.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Core/System.Core.csproj | 1585 +++--- .../System.Data.DataSetExtensions.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Data.Entity/System.Data.Entity.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Data.Linq/System.Data.Linq.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Data.OracleClient.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Data.Services.Client.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Data.Services.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Data/System.Data.csproj | 1329 ++--- .../System.Deployment/System.Deployment.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Design/System.Design.csproj | 3 +- .../System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.csproj | 6 +- .../System.DirectoryServices.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Drawing.Design.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Drawing/System.Drawing.csproj | 3457 ++++++------ mcs/class/System.Dynamic/System.Dynamic.csproj | 6 +- .../System.EnterpriseServices.csproj | 6 +- .../System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.csproj | 6 +- .../System.IO.Compression.csproj | 6 +- .../System.IdentityModel.Selectors.csproj | 6 +- .../System.IdentityModel.csproj | 315 +- .../System.Json.Microsoft.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Json/System.Json.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Management/System.Management.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Messaging/System.Messaging.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Net.Http.Formatting.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Net.Http.WebRequest.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Net.Http/System.Net.Http.csproj | 93 +- mcs/class/System.Net/System.Net.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Numerics.Vectors.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Numerics/System.Numerics.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Reactive.Core.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Debugger.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Experimental.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Interfaces.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Linq.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Observable.Aliases.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.PlatformServices.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Providers.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Runtime.Remoting.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Windows.Forms.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reactive.Windows.Threading.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Reflection.Context.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Runtime.Caching.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.csproj | 5 +- .../System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Runtime.Remoting.csproj | 49 +- ...em.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Runtime.Serialization.csproj | 158 +- mcs/class/System.Security/System.Security.csproj | 1356 ++--- .../System.ServiceModel.Activation.csproj | 6 +- .../System.ServiceModel.Discovery.csproj | 3 +- .../System.ServiceModel.Internals.csproj | 97 +- .../System.ServiceModel.Routing.csproj | 6 +- .../System.ServiceModel.Web.csproj | 250 +- .../System.ServiceModel/System.ServiceModel.csproj | 1429 ++--- .../System.ServiceProcess.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Transactions/System.Transactions.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.Abstractions.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.ApplicationServices.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.DynamicData.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.Extensions.Design.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.Extensions.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Web.Http.SelfHost.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Web.Http.WebHost.csproj | 3 +- mcs/class/System.Web.Http/System.Web.Http.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Web.Mobile/System.Web.Mobile.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Web.Mvc3/System.Web.Mvc3.csproj | 3 +- mcs/class/System.Web.Razor/System.Web.Razor.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.RegularExpressions.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.Routing/System.Web.Routing.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.Services/System.Web.Services.csproj | 3077 +++++------ .../System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.WebPages.Razor.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Web.WebPages/System.Web.WebPages.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Web/System.Web.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Windows.Forms.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Windows/System.Windows.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Workflow.Activities.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Workflow.ComponentModel.csproj | 6 +- .../System.Workflow.Runtime.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.XML/System.Xml.csproj | 1817 +++---- mcs/class/System.Xaml/System.Xaml.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System.Xml.Linq/System.Xml.Linq.csproj | 3 +- .../System.Xml.Serialization.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/System/System.csproj | 5564 ++++++++++---------- .../SystemWebTestShim/SystemWebTestShim.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/WebMatrix.Data/WebMatrix.Data.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/WindowsBase/WindowsBase.csproj | 6 +- mcs/class/corlib/corlib.csproj | 677 +-- .../legacy/Mono.Cecil/legacy_Mono.Cecil.csproj | 3 +- mcs/class/monodoc/monodoc.csproj | 3 +- 290 files changed, 11796 insertions(+), 10832 deletions(-) (limited to 'mcs/class') diff --git a/mcs/class/Accessibility/Accessibility.csproj b/mcs/class/Accessibility/Accessibility.csproj index ae727afbc8a..23ff147e911 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Accessibility/Accessibility.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Accessibility/Accessibility.csproj @@ -44,20 +44,22 @@ + + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Commons.Xml.Relaxng/Commons.Xml.Relaxng.csproj b/mcs/class/Commons.Xml.Relaxng/Commons.Xml.Relaxng.csproj index 98840e0c06b..aa1908b9523 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Commons.Xml.Relaxng/Commons.Xml.Relaxng.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Commons.Xml.Relaxng/Commons.Xml.Relaxng.csproj @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ + @@ -87,15 +88,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Cscompmgd/Cscompmgd.csproj b/mcs/class/Cscompmgd/Cscompmgd.csproj index c0281ebd3e0..c64a0fd3744 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Cscompmgd/Cscompmgd.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Cscompmgd/Cscompmgd.csproj @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ + @@ -52,15 +53,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/CustomMarshalers/CustomMarshalers.csproj b/mcs/class/CustomMarshalers/CustomMarshalers.csproj index db866063409..6b6df0c60b7 100644 --- a/mcs/class/CustomMarshalers/CustomMarshalers.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/CustomMarshalers/CustomMarshalers.csproj @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ + @@ -53,15 +54,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Primitives/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Primitives/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.csproj index 9938426061c..a16ed5895c2 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Primitives/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Primitives/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.csproj index 65d8fa67af2..6572d17aa64 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.csproj @@ -100,12 +100,13 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.csproj index 1fb1d3f83d1..ecc81ac0f55 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/Microsoft.Win32.Registry/Facades_Microsoft.Win32.Registry.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.AppContext/Facades_System.AppContext.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.AppContext/Facades_System.AppContext.csproj index ee2314856e5..b17771115b0 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.AppContext/Facades_System.AppContext.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.AppContext/Facades_System.AppContext.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Concurrent/Facades_System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Concurrent/Facades_System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj index 0c909af256a..4ae5210c26e 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Concurrent/Facades_System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Concurrent/Facades_System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.NonGeneric/Facades_System.Collections.NonGeneric.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.NonGeneric/Facades_System.Collections.NonGeneric.csproj index 0653fa57487..97a37362a9c 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.NonGeneric/Facades_System.Collections.NonGeneric.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.NonGeneric/Facades_System.Collections.NonGeneric.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Specialized/Facades_System.Collections.Specialized.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Specialized/Facades_System.Collections.Specialized.csproj index f260659a1f6..86c6a11ae2f 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Specialized/Facades_System.Collections.Specialized.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections.Specialized/Facades_System.Collections.Specialized.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections/Facades_System.Collections.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections/Facades_System.Collections.csproj index 7c42ba4e845..fad4990ffde 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections/Facades_System.Collections.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.Collections/Facades_System.Collections.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Annotations/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Annotations.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Annotations/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Annotations.csproj index 333c3d1c6dd..ef440cfa6d6 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Annotations/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Annotations.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Annotations/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Annotations.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync/Facades_System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync/Facades_System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.csproj index 00ecaedfea2..2f88220888d 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync/Facades_System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync/Facades_System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Primitives/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Primitives.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Primitives/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Primitives.csproj index e5f1d386a34..873b829fa21 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Primitives/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Primitives.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.Primitives/Facades_System.ComponentModel.Primitives.csproj @@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ + - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter/Facades_System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.csproj b/mcs/class/Facades/System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter/Facades_System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.csproj index 11a8b1154ca..8e117c359b0 100644 --- 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b/mcs/class/Mono.CSharp/Mono.CSharp.csproj @@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ + @@ -219,15 +220,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Mono.Cairo/Mono.Cairo.csproj b/mcs/class/Mono.Cairo/Mono.Cairo.csproj index 16352433961..960a73ee662 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Mono.Cairo/Mono.Cairo.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Mono.Cairo/Mono.Cairo.csproj @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ + @@ -106,15 +107,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil.Mdb/Mono.Cecil.Mdb.csproj b/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil.Mdb/Mono.Cecil.Mdb.csproj index 5963a72987b..4ab8d89c324 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil.Mdb/Mono.Cecil.Mdb.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil.Mdb/Mono.Cecil.Mdb.csproj @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ + @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil/Mono.Cecil.csproj b/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil/Mono.Cecil.csproj index 4e98841945d..faa13cda447 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Mono.Cecil/Mono.Cecil.csproj +++ 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+++ b/mcs/class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.csproj @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ + @@ -288,33 +289,59 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/mcs/class/Mono.Simd/Mono.Simd.csproj b/mcs/class/Mono.Simd/Mono.Simd.csproj index 55a1653d672..0f71e88209c 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Mono.Simd/Mono.Simd.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Mono.Simd/Mono.Simd.csproj @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ + @@ -89,15 +90,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/Mono.Tasklets/Mono.Tasklets.csproj b/mcs/class/Mono.Tasklets/Mono.Tasklets.csproj index 9dedc938d54..c3fe491d944 100644 --- a/mcs/class/Mono.Tasklets/Mono.Tasklets.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/Mono.Tasklets/Mono.Tasklets.csproj @@ -44,20 +44,22 @@ + + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git 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b/mcs/class/System.Numerics.Vectors/System.Numerics.Vectors.csproj @@ -105,19 +105,21 @@ + + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/System.Numerics/System.Numerics.csproj b/mcs/class/System.Numerics/System.Numerics.csproj index 078c3502e38..3cad19b2e84 100644 --- a/mcs/class/System.Numerics/System.Numerics.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/System.Numerics/System.Numerics.csproj @@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ + @@ -137,15 +138,16 @@ + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/System.Reactive.Core/System.Reactive.Core.csproj b/mcs/class/System.Reactive.Core/System.Reactive.Core.csproj index f01f190bda6..9af8b0b3541 100644 --- a/mcs/class/System.Reactive.Core/System.Reactive.Core.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/System.Reactive.Core/System.Reactive.Core.csproj @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ + @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ - + diff --git a/mcs/class/System.Reactive.Debugger/System.Reactive.Debugger.csproj 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+ + + diff --git a/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Activation/System.ServiceModel.Activation.csproj b/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Activation/System.ServiceModel.Activation.csproj index 21ae48319b1..ae1a9ff1f38 100644 --- a/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Activation/System.ServiceModel.Activation.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Activation/System.ServiceModel.Activation.csproj @@ -44,21 +44,23 @@ + + genconsts {702AE2C0-71DD-4112-9A06-E4FABCA59986} false Never - False + false - + diff --git a/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Discovery/System.ServiceModel.Discovery.csproj b/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Discovery/System.ServiceModel.Discovery.csproj index d2322fc04bf..b991db62624 100644 --- a/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Discovery/System.ServiceModel.Discovery.csproj +++ b/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Discovery/System.ServiceModel.Discovery.csproj @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ + @@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ - + diff --git a/mcs/class/System.ServiceModel.Internals/System.ServiceModel.Internals.csproj 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