using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Json { internal partial class JsonFormatWriterGenerator { partial class CriticalHelper { internal JsonFormatClassWriterDelegate GenerateClassWriter(ClassDataContract classContract) { return (XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson context, ClassDataContract dataContract, XmlDictionaryString [] memberNames) => new JsonFormatWriterInterpreter (classContract).WriteToJson (xmlWriter, obj, context, dataContract, memberNames); } internal JsonFormatCollectionWriterDelegate GenerateCollectionWriter(CollectionDataContract collectionContract) { return (XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson context, CollectionDataContract dataContract) => new JsonFormatWriterInterpreter (collectionContract).WriteCollectionToJson (xmlWriter, obj, context, dataContract); } } } class JsonFormatWriterInterpreter { public JsonFormatWriterInterpreter (ClassDataContract classContract) { this.classContract = classContract; } public JsonFormatWriterInterpreter (CollectionDataContract collectionContract) { this.collectionContract = collectionContract; } ClassDataContract classContract; CollectionDataContract collectionContract; XmlWriterDelegator writer = null; object obj = null; XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson context = null; DataContract dataContract = null; object objLocal = null; ClassDataContract classDataContract { get { return (ClassDataContract) dataContract; } } CollectionDataContract collectionDataContract { get {return (CollectionDataContract) dataContract; } } XmlDictionaryString [] memberNames = null; int typeIndex = 1; int childElementIndex = 0; public void WriteToJson (XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson context, ClassDataContract dataContract, XmlDictionaryString [] memberNames) { this.writer = xmlWriter; this.obj = obj; this.context = context; this.dataContract = dataContract; this.memberNames = memberNames; InitArgs (classContract.UnderlyingType); // DemandSerializationFormatterPermission (classContract) - irrelevant // DemandMemberAccessPermission (memberAccessFlag) - irrelevant if (classContract.IsReadOnlyContract) { DataContract.ThrowInvalidDataContractException (classContract.SerializationExceptionMessage, null); } WriteClass (classContract); } public void WriteCollectionToJson (XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson context, CollectionDataContract dataContract) { this.writer = xmlWriter; this.obj = obj; this.context = context; this.dataContract = dataContract; InitArgs (collectionContract.UnderlyingType); // DemandMemberAccessPermission(memberAccessFlag); if (collectionContract.IsReadOnlyContract) { DataContract.ThrowInvalidDataContractException (collectionContract.SerializationExceptionMessage, null); } WriteCollection (collectionContract); } void InitArgs (Type objType) { if (objType == Globals.TypeOfDateTimeOffsetAdapter) { objLocal = DateTimeOffsetAdapter.GetDateTimeOffsetAdapter ((DateTimeOffset) obj); } else objLocal = CodeInterpreter.ConvertValue (obj, typeof (object), objType); } void InvokeOnSerializing (ClassDataContract classContract, object objSerialized, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context) { if (classContract.BaseContract != null) InvokeOnSerializing (classContract.BaseContract, objSerialized, context); if (classContract.OnSerializing != null) { classContract.OnSerializing.Invoke (objSerialized, new object [] {context.GetStreamingContext ()}); } } void InvokeOnSerialized (ClassDataContract classContract, object objSerialized, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context) { if (classContract.BaseContract != null) InvokeOnSerialized (classContract.BaseContract, objSerialized, context); if (classContract.OnSerialized != null) { classContract.OnSerialized.Invoke (objSerialized, new object [] {context.GetStreamingContext ()}); } } void WriteClass (ClassDataContract classContract) { InvokeOnSerializing (classContract, objLocal, context); if (classContract.IsISerializable) context.WriteJsonISerializable (writer, (ISerializable) objLocal); else { if (classContract.HasExtensionData) { ExtensionDataObject extensionData = ((IExtensibleDataObject) objLocal).ExtensionData; context.WriteExtensionData (writer, extensionData, -1); WriteMembers (classContract, extensionData, classContract); } else WriteMembers (classContract, null, classContract); } InvokeOnSerialized (classContract, objLocal, context); } void WriteCollection(CollectionDataContract collectionContract) { XmlDictionaryString itemName = context.CollectionItemName; if (collectionContract.Kind == CollectionKind.Array) { Type itemType = collectionContract.ItemType; int i; // This check does not exist in the original dynamic code, // but there is no other way to check type mismatch. // CollectionSerialization.ArrayContract() shows that it is required. if (objLocal.GetType ().GetElementType () != itemType) throw new InvalidCastException (string.Format ("Cannot cast array of {0} to array of {1}", objLocal.GetType ().GetElementType (), itemType)); context.IncrementArrayCount (writer, (Array) objLocal); if (!TryWritePrimitiveArray(collectionContract.UnderlyingType, itemType, () => objLocal, itemName)) { WriteArrayAttribute (); var arr = (Array) objLocal; var idx = new int [1]; for (i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (!TryWritePrimitive(itemType, null, null, i, itemName, 0)) { WriteStartElement (itemName, 0); idx [0] = i; var mbrVal = arr.GetValue (idx); WriteValue (itemType, mbrVal); WriteEndElement (); } } } } else { // This check does not exist in the original dynamic code, // but there is no other way to check type mismatch. // CollectionSerialization.ArrayContract() shows that it is required. if (!collectionContract.UnderlyingType.IsAssignableFrom (objLocal.GetType ())) throw new InvalidCastException (string.Format ("Cannot cast {0} to {1}", objLocal.GetType (), collectionContract.UnderlyingType)); MethodInfo incrementCollectionCountMethod = null; switch (collectionContract.Kind) { case CollectionKind.Collection: case CollectionKind.List: case CollectionKind.Dictionary: incrementCollectionCountMethod = XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.IncrementCollectionCountMethod; break; case CollectionKind.GenericCollection: case CollectionKind.GenericList: incrementCollectionCountMethod = XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.IncrementCollectionCountGenericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(collectionContract.ItemType); break; case CollectionKind.GenericDictionary: incrementCollectionCountMethod = XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.IncrementCollectionCountGenericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(Globals.TypeOfKeyValuePair.MakeGenericType(collectionContract.ItemType.GetGenericArguments())); break; } if (incrementCollectionCountMethod != null) incrementCollectionCountMethod.Invoke (context, new object [] {writer, objLocal}); bool isDictionary = false, isGenericDictionary = false; Type enumeratorType = null; Type [] keyValueTypes = null; if (collectionContract.Kind == CollectionKind.GenericDictionary) { isGenericDictionary = true; keyValueTypes = collectionContract.ItemType.GetGenericArguments (); enumeratorType = Globals.TypeOfGenericDictionaryEnumerator.MakeGenericType (keyValueTypes); } else if (collectionContract.Kind == CollectionKind.Dictionary) { isDictionary = true; keyValueTypes = new Type[] { Globals.TypeOfObject, Globals.TypeOfObject }; enumeratorType = Globals.TypeOfDictionaryEnumerator; } else { enumeratorType = collectionContract.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType; } MethodInfo moveNextMethod = enumeratorType.GetMethod (Globals.MoveNextMethodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, Globals.EmptyTypeArray, null); MethodInfo getCurrentMethod = enumeratorType.GetMethod (Globals.GetCurrentMethodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, Globals.EmptyTypeArray, null); if (moveNextMethod == null || getCurrentMethod == null) { if (enumeratorType.IsInterface) { if (moveNextMethod == null) moveNextMethod = JsonFormatGeneratorStatics.MoveNextMethod; if (getCurrentMethod == null) getCurrentMethod = JsonFormatGeneratorStatics.GetCurrentMethod; } else { Type ienumeratorInterface = Globals.TypeOfIEnumerator; CollectionKind kind = collectionContract.Kind; if (kind == CollectionKind.GenericDictionary || kind == CollectionKind.GenericCollection || kind == CollectionKind.GenericEnumerable) { Type[] interfaceTypes = enumeratorType.GetInterfaces(); foreach (Type interfaceType in interfaceTypes) { if (interfaceType.IsGenericType && interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == Globals.TypeOfIEnumeratorGeneric && interfaceType.GetGenericArguments()[0] == collectionContract.ItemType) { ienumeratorInterface = interfaceType; break; } } } if (moveNextMethod == null) moveNextMethod = CollectionDataContract.GetTargetMethodWithName(Globals.MoveNextMethodName, enumeratorType, ienumeratorInterface); if (getCurrentMethod == null) getCurrentMethod = CollectionDataContract.GetTargetMethodWithName(Globals.GetCurrentMethodName, enumeratorType, ienumeratorInterface); } } Type elementType = getCurrentMethod.ReturnType; object currentValue = null; // of elementType var enumerator = (IEnumerator) collectionContract.GetEnumeratorMethod.Invoke (objLocal, new object [0]); if (isDictionary) { ConstructorInfo dictEnumCtor = enumeratorType.GetConstructor (Globals.ScanAllMembers, null, new Type[] { Globals.TypeOfIDictionaryEnumerator }, null); enumerator = (IEnumerator) dictEnumCtor.Invoke (new object [] {enumerator}); } else if (isGenericDictionary) { Type ctorParam = Globals.TypeOfIEnumeratorGeneric.MakeGenericType(Globals.TypeOfKeyValuePair.MakeGenericType(keyValueTypes)); ConstructorInfo dictEnumCtor = enumeratorType.GetConstructor(Globals.ScanAllMembers, null, new Type[] { ctorParam }, null); enumerator = (IEnumerator) Activator.CreateInstance (enumeratorType, new object [] {enumerator}); } bool canWriteSimpleDictionary = isDictionary || isGenericDictionary; bool writeSimpleDictionary = canWriteSimpleDictionary && context.UseSimpleDictionaryFormat; PropertyInfo genericDictionaryKeyProperty = null, genericDictionaryValueProperty = null; if (canWriteSimpleDictionary) { Type genericDictionaryKeyValueType = Globals.TypeOfKeyValue.MakeGenericType (keyValueTypes); genericDictionaryKeyProperty = genericDictionaryKeyValueType.GetProperty (JsonGlobals.KeyString); genericDictionaryValueProperty = genericDictionaryKeyValueType.GetProperty (JsonGlobals.ValueString); } if (writeSimpleDictionary) { WriteObjectAttribute (); object key, value; var empty_args = new object [0]; while ((bool) moveNextMethod.Invoke (enumerator, empty_args)) { currentValue = getCurrentMethod.Invoke (enumerator, empty_args); key = CodeInterpreter.GetMember (genericDictionaryKeyProperty, currentValue); value = CodeInterpreter.GetMember (genericDictionaryValueProperty, currentValue); WriteStartElement (key, 0 /*nameIndex*/); WriteValue (genericDictionaryValueProperty.PropertyType, value); WriteEndElement (); } } else { WriteArrayAttribute (); var emptyArray = new object [0]; while (enumerator != null && enumerator.MoveNext ()) { currentValue = getCurrentMethod.Invoke (enumerator, emptyArray); if (incrementCollectionCountMethod == null) XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.IncrementItemCountMethod.Invoke (context, new object [] {1}); if (!TryWritePrimitive (elementType, () => currentValue, null, null, itemName, 0)) { WriteStartElement (itemName, 0); if (isGenericDictionary || isDictionary) { var jc = JsonDataContract.GetJsonDataContract (XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson.GetRevisedItemContract ( collectionDataContract.ItemContract)); // FIXME: this TypeHandle might be wrong; there is no easy way to get Type for currentValue though. DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteJsonValue (jc, writer, currentValue, context, currentValue.GetType ().TypeHandle); } else WriteValue (elementType, currentValue); WriteEndElement (); } } } } } int WriteMembers (ClassDataContract classContract, ExtensionDataObject extensionData, ClassDataContract derivedMostClassContract) { int memberCount = (classContract.BaseContract == null) ? 0 : WriteMembers (classContract.BaseContract, extensionData, derivedMostClassContract); context.IncrementItemCount (classContract.Members.Count); for (int i = 0; i < classContract.Members.Count; i++, memberCount++) { DataMember member = classContract.Members[i]; Type memberType = member.MemberType; object memberValue = null; if (member.IsGetOnlyCollection) context.StoreIsGetOnlyCollection (); bool doWrite = true, hasMemberValue = false; if (!member.EmitDefaultValue) { hasMemberValue = true; memberValue = LoadMemberValue (member); doWrite = !IsDefaultValue (memberType, memberValue); } if (doWrite) { bool requiresNameAttribute = DataContractJsonSerializer.CheckIfXmlNameRequiresMapping (classContract.MemberNames [i]); if (requiresNameAttribute || !TryWritePrimitive(memberType, hasMemberValue ? () => memberValue : (Func) null, member.MemberInfo, null /*arrayItemIndex*/, null /*nameLocal*/, i + childElementIndex)) { // Note: DataContractSerializer has member-conflict logic here to deal with the schema export // requirement that the same member can't be of two different types. if (requiresNameAttribute) XmlObjectSerializerWriteContextComplexJson.WriteJsonNameWithMapping (writer, memberNames, i + childElementIndex); else WriteStartElement (null /*nameLocal*/, i + childElementIndex); if (memberValue == null) memberValue = LoadMemberValue (member); WriteValue (memberType, memberValue); WriteEndElement (); } if (classContract.HasExtensionData) context.WriteExtensionData (writer, extensionData, memberCount); } else if (!member.EmitDefaultValue) { if (member.IsRequired) XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext.ThrowRequiredMemberMustBeEmitted (member.Name, classContract.UnderlyingType); } } typeIndex++; childElementIndex += classContract.Members.Count; return memberCount; } internal bool IsDefaultValue (Type type, object value) { var def = GetDefaultValue (type); return def == null ? (object) value == null : def.Equals (value); } internal object GetDefaultValue(Type type) { if (type.IsValueType) { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(type)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: return false; case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: return 0; case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: return 0L; case TypeCode.Single: return 0.0F; case TypeCode.Double: return 0.0; case TypeCode.Decimal: return default (decimal); case TypeCode.DateTime: return default (DateTime); } } return null; } void WriteStartElement (object nameLocal, int nameIndex) { var name = nameLocal ?? memberNames [nameIndex]; XmlDictionaryString namespaceLocal = null; if (nameLocal != null && nameLocal is string) writer.WriteStartElement ((string) name, null); else if (name is XmlDictionaryString) writer.WriteStartElement ((XmlDictionaryString) name, null); else writer.WriteStartElement (name.ToString(), null); } void WriteEndElement () { writer.WriteEndElement (); } void WriteArrayAttribute () { writer.WriteAttributeString ( null /* prefix */, JsonGlobals.typeString /* local name */, string.Empty /* namespace */, JsonGlobals.arrayString /* value */); } void WriteObjectAttribute () { writer.WriteAttributeString ( null /* prefix */, JsonGlobals.typeString /* local name */, null /* namespace */, JsonGlobals.objectString /* value */); } void WriteValue (Type memberType, object memberValue) { Pointer memberValueRefPointer = null; if (memberType.IsPointer) memberValueRefPointer = (Pointer) JsonFormatGeneratorStatics.BoxPointer.Invoke (null, new object [] {memberValue, memberType}); bool isNullableOfT = (memberType.IsGenericType && memberType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == Globals.TypeOfNullable); if (memberType.IsValueType && !isNullableOfT) { PrimitiveDataContract primitiveContract = PrimitiveDataContract.GetPrimitiveDataContract(memberType); if (primitiveContract != null) primitiveContract.XmlFormatContentWriterMethod.Invoke (writer, new object [] {memberValue}); else InternalSerialize (XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.InternalSerializeMethod, () => memberValue, memberType, false); } else { bool isNull; if (isNullableOfT) memberValue = UnwrapNullableObject(() => memberValue, ref memberType, out isNull); //Leaves !HasValue on stack else isNull = memberValue == null; if (isNull) XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.WriteNullMethod.Invoke (context, new object [] {writer, memberType, DataContract.IsTypeSerializable(memberType)}); else { PrimitiveDataContract primitiveContract = PrimitiveDataContract.GetPrimitiveDataContract(memberType); if (primitiveContract != null && primitiveContract.UnderlyingType != Globals.TypeOfObject) { if (isNullableOfT) primitiveContract.XmlFormatContentWriterMethod.Invoke (writer, new object [] {memberValue}); else primitiveContract.XmlFormatContentWriterMethod.Invoke (context, new object [] {writer, memberValue}); } else { bool isNull2 = false; if (memberType == Globals.TypeOfObject || //boxed Nullable memberType == Globals.TypeOfValueType || ((IList)Globals.TypeOfNullable.GetInterfaces()).Contains(memberType)) { var unwrappedMemberValue = CodeInterpreter.ConvertValue (memberValue, memberType.GetType (), Globals.TypeOfObject); memberValue = unwrappedMemberValue; isNull2 = memberValue == null; } if (isNull2) { XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.WriteNullMethod.Invoke (context, new object [] {writer, memberType, DataContract.IsTypeSerializable(memberType)}); } else { InternalSerialize((isNullableOfT ? XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.InternalSerializeMethod : XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.InternalSerializeReferenceMethod), () => memberValue, memberType, false); } } } } } void InternalSerialize (MethodInfo methodInfo, Func memberValue, Type memberType, bool writeXsiType) { var v = memberValue (); var typeHandleValue = Type.GetTypeHandle (v); var isDeclaredType = typeHandleValue.Equals (CodeInterpreter.ConvertValue (v, memberType, Globals.TypeOfObject)); try { methodInfo.Invoke (context, new object [] {writer, memberValue != null ? v : null, isDeclaredType, writeXsiType, DataContract.GetId (memberType.TypeHandle), memberType.TypeHandle}); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; else throw; } } object UnwrapNullableObject(Func memberValue, ref Type memberType, out bool isNull)// Leaves !HasValue on stack { object v = memberValue (); isNull = false; while (memberType.IsGenericType && memberType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == Globals.TypeOfNullable) { Type innerType = memberType.GetGenericArguments () [0]; if ((bool) XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.GetHasValueMethod.MakeGenericMethod (innerType).Invoke (null, new object [] {v})) v = XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.GetNullableValueMethod.MakeGenericMethod (innerType).Invoke (null, new object [] {v}); else { isNull = true; v = XmlFormatGeneratorStatics.GetDefaultValueMethod.MakeGenericMethod (memberType).Invoke (null, new object [0]); } memberType = innerType; } return v; } bool TryWritePrimitive(Type type, Func value, MemberInfo memberInfo, int? arrayItemIndex, XmlDictionaryString name, int nameIndex) { PrimitiveDataContract primitiveContract = PrimitiveDataContract.GetPrimitiveDataContract(type); if (primitiveContract == null || primitiveContract.UnderlyingType == Globals.TypeOfObject) return false; object callee = null; var args = new List (); // load writer if (type.IsValueType) callee = writer; else { callee = context; args.Add (writer); } // load primitive value if (value != null) args.Add (value ()); else if (memberInfo != null) args.Add (CodeInterpreter.GetMember (memberInfo, objLocal)); else args.Add (((Array) objLocal).GetValue (new int [] {(int) arrayItemIndex})); // load name if (name != null) args.Add (name); else args.Add (memberNames [nameIndex]); // load namespace args.Add (null); // call method to write primitive primitiveContract.XmlFormatWriterMethod.Invoke (callee, args.ToArray ()); return true; } bool TryWritePrimitiveArray (Type type, Type itemType, Func value, XmlDictionaryString itemName) { PrimitiveDataContract primitiveContract = PrimitiveDataContract.GetPrimitiveDataContract(itemType); if (primitiveContract == null) return false; string writeArrayMethod = null; switch (Type.GetTypeCode(itemType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonBooleanArray"; break; case TypeCode.DateTime: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonDateTimeArray"; break; case TypeCode.Decimal: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonDecimalArray"; break; case TypeCode.Int32: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonInt32Array"; break; case TypeCode.Int64: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonInt64Array"; break; case TypeCode.Single: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonSingleArray"; break; case TypeCode.Double: writeArrayMethod = "WriteJsonDoubleArray"; break; default: break; } if (writeArrayMethod != null) { WriteArrayAttribute (); typeof(JsonWriterDelegator).GetMethod(writeArrayMethod, Globals.ScanAllMembers, null, new Type[] { type, typeof(XmlDictionaryString), typeof(XmlDictionaryString) }, null).Invoke (writer, new object [] {value (), itemName, null}); return true; } return false; } object LoadMemberValue (DataMember member) { return CodeInterpreter.GetMember (member.MemberInfo, objLocal); } } }