// // System.Web.UI.PageParser // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2002,2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.Compilation; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web.UI { public sealed class PageParser : TemplateControlParser { bool enableSessionState = true; bool trace; TraceMode tracemode; bool readonlySessionState; string responseEncoding; string contentType; int codepage = -1; int lcid = -1; string culture; string uiculture; string errorPage; bool validateRequest; Type baseType = typeof (Page); public PageParser () { } internal PageParser (string virtualPath, string inputFile, HttpContext context) { Context = context; BaseVirtualDir = UrlUtils.GetDirectory (virtualPath); InputFile = inputFile; AddApplicationAssembly (); } public static IHttpHandler GetCompiledPageInstance (string virtualPath, string inputFile, HttpContext context) { PageParser pp = new PageParser (virtualPath, inputFile, context); IHttpHandler h = (IHttpHandler) pp.GetCompiledInstance (); return h; } internal override void ProcessMainAttributes (Hashtable atts) { SetBaseType (PagesConfig.PageBaseType); string enabless = GetString (atts, "EnableSessionState", PagesConfig.EnableSessionState); if (enabless != null) { readonlySessionState = (String.Compare (enabless, "readonly", true) == 0); if (readonlySessionState == true || String.Compare (enabless, "true", true) == 0) { enableSessionState = true; } else if (String.Compare (enabless, "false", true) == 0) { enableSessionState = false; } else { ThrowParseException ("Invalid value for EnableSessionState: " + enabless); } } string cp = GetString (atts, "CodePage", null); if (cp != null) { if (responseEncoding != null) ThrowParseException ("CodePage and ResponseEncoding are " + "mutually exclusive."); int codepage = 0; try { codepage = (int) UInt32.Parse (cp); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Invalid value for CodePage: " + cp); } try { Encoding.GetEncoding (codepage); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Unsupported codepage: " + cp); } } responseEncoding = GetString (atts, "ResponseEncoding", null); if (responseEncoding != null) { if (codepage != -1) ThrowParseException ("CodePage and ResponseEncoding are " + "mutually exclusive."); try { Encoding.GetEncoding (responseEncoding); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Unsupported encoding: " + responseEncoding); } } contentType = GetString (atts, "ContentType", null); string lcidStr = GetString (atts, "LCID", null); if (lcidStr != null) { try { lcid = (int) UInt32.Parse (lcidStr); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Invalid value for LCID: " + lcid); } CultureInfo ci = null; try { ci = new CultureInfo (lcid); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Unsupported LCID: " + lcid); } if (ci.IsNeutralCulture) { string suggestedCulture = SuggestCulture (ci.Name); string fmt = "LCID attribute must be set to a non-neutral Culture."; if (suggestedCulture != null) { ThrowParseException (fmt + " Please try one of these: " + suggestedCulture); } else { ThrowParseException (fmt); } } } culture = GetString (atts, "Culture", null); if (culture != null) { if (lcidStr != null) ThrowParseException ("Culture and LCID are mutually exclusive."); CultureInfo ci = null; try { ci = new CultureInfo (culture); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Unsupported Culture: " + culture); } if (ci.IsNeutralCulture) { string suggestedCulture = SuggestCulture (culture); string fmt = "Culture attribute must be set to a non-neutral Culture."; if (suggestedCulture != null) ThrowParseException (fmt + " Please try one of these: " + suggestedCulture); else ThrowParseException (fmt); } } uiculture = GetString (atts, "UICulture", null); if (uiculture != null) { CultureInfo ci = null; try { ci = new CultureInfo (uiculture); } catch { ThrowParseException ("Unsupported Culture: " + uiculture); } if (ci.IsNeutralCulture) { string suggestedCulture = SuggestCulture (uiculture); string fmt = "UICulture attribute must be set to a non-neutral Culture."; if (suggestedCulture != null) ThrowParseException (fmt + " Please try one of these: " + suggestedCulture); else ThrowParseException (fmt); } } trace = GetBool (atts, "Trace", false); string tracemodes = GetString (atts, "TraceMode", null); if (tracemodes != null) { bool valid = true; try { tracemode = (TraceMode) Enum.Parse (typeof (TraceMode), tracemodes, false); } catch { valid = false; } if (!valid || tracemode == TraceMode.Default) ThrowParseException ("The 'tracemode' attribute is case sensitive and must be " + "one of the following values: SortByTime, SortByCategory."); } errorPage = GetString (atts, "ErrorPage", null); validateRequest = GetBool (atts, "ValidateRequest", PagesConfig.ValidateRequest); // Ignored by now GetString (atts, "Buffer", null); GetString (atts, "ClientTarget", null); GetString (atts, "EnableViewStateMac", null); GetString (atts, "SmartNavigation", null); base.ProcessMainAttributes (atts); } static string SuggestCulture (string culture) { string retval = null; foreach (CultureInfo ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures (CultureTypes.SpecificCultures)) { if (ci.Name.StartsWith (culture)) retval += ci.Name + " "; } return retval; } protected override Type CompileIntoType () { AspGenerator generator = new AspGenerator (this); return generator.GetCompiledType (); } internal bool EnableSessionState { get { return enableSessionState; } } internal bool ReadOnlySessionState { get { return readonlySessionState; } } internal bool Trace { get { return trace; } } internal TraceMode TraceMode { get { return tracemode; } } internal override Type DefaultBaseType { get { return baseType; } } internal override string DefaultBaseTypeName { get { return "System.Web.UI.Page"; } } internal override string DefaultDirectiveName { get { return "page"; } } internal string ResponseEncoding { get { return responseEncoding; } } internal string ContentType { get { return contentType; } } internal int CodePage { get { return codepage; } } internal string Culture { get { return culture; } } internal string UICulture { get { return uiculture; } } internal int LCID { get { return lcid; } } internal string ErrorPage { get { return errorPage; } } internal bool ValidateRequest { get { return validateRequest; } } } }