// // System.Web.UI.TemplateParser // // Authors: // Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2002,2003 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using System.Web.Compilation; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Util; namespace System.Web.UI { public abstract class TemplateParser : BaseParser { string inputFile; string text; string privateBinPath; Hashtable mainAttributes; ArrayList dependencies; ArrayList assemblies; Hashtable anames; ArrayList imports; ArrayList interfaces; ArrayList scripts; Type baseType; string className; RootBuilder rootBuilder; bool debug; string compilerOptions; string language; bool output_cache; int oc_duration; string oc_header, oc_custom, oc_param, oc_controls; bool oc_shared; OutputCacheLocation oc_location; Assembly srcAssembly; internal TemplateParser () { imports = new ArrayList (); imports.Add ("System"); imports.Add ("System.Collections"); imports.Add ("System.Collections.Specialized"); imports.Add ("System.Configuration"); imports.Add ("System.Text"); imports.Add ("System.Text.RegularExpressions"); imports.Add ("System.Web"); imports.Add ("System.Web.Caching"); imports.Add ("System.Web.Security"); imports.Add ("System.Web.SessionState"); imports.Add ("System.Web.UI"); imports.Add ("System.Web.UI.WebControls"); imports.Add ("System.Web.UI.HtmlControls"); assemblies = new ArrayList (); assemblies.AddRange (CompilationConfig.Assemblies); if (CompilationConfig.AssembliesInBin) AddAssembliesInBin (); language = CompilationConfig.DefaultLanguage; } internal void AddApplicationAssembly () { string location = Context.ApplicationInstance.AssemblyLocation; if (location != typeof (TemplateParser).Assembly.Location) assemblies.Add (location); } protected abstract Type CompileIntoType (); internal virtual void HandleOptions (object obj) { } internal static string GetOneKey (Hashtable tbl) { foreach (object key in tbl.Keys) return key.ToString (); return null; } internal virtual void AddDirective (string directive, Hashtable atts) { if (String.Compare (directive, DefaultDirectiveName, true) == 0) { if (mainAttributes != null) ThrowParseException ("Only 1 " + DefaultDirectiveName + " is allowed"); mainAttributes = atts; ProcessMainAttributes (mainAttributes); return; } int cmp = String.Compare ("Assembly", directive, true); if (cmp == 0) { string name = GetString (atts, "Name", null); string src = GetString (atts, "Src", null); if (atts.Count > 0) ThrowParseException ("Attribute " + GetOneKey (atts) + " unknown."); if (name == null && src == null) ThrowParseException ("You gotta specify Src or Name"); if (name != null && src != null) ThrowParseException ("Src and Name cannot be used together"); if (name != null) { AddAssemblyByName (name); } else { GetAssemblyFromSource (src); } return; } cmp = String.Compare ("Import", directive, true); if (cmp == 0) { string namesp = GetString (atts, "Namespace", null); if (atts.Count > 0) ThrowParseException ("Attribute " + GetOneKey (atts) + " unknown."); if (namesp != null && namesp != "") AddImport (namesp); return; } cmp = String.Compare ("Implements", directive, true); if (cmp == 0) { string ifacename = GetString (atts, "Interface", ""); if (atts.Count > 0) ThrowParseException ("Attribute " + GetOneKey (atts) + " unknown."); Type iface = LoadType (ifacename); if (iface == null) ThrowParseException ("Cannot find type " + ifacename); if (!iface.IsInterface) ThrowParseException (iface + " is not an interface"); AddInterface (iface.FullName); return; } cmp = String.Compare ("OutputCache", directive, true); if (cmp == 0) { output_cache = true; if (atts ["Duration"] == null) ThrowParseException ("The directive is missing a 'duration' attribute."); if (atts ["VaryByParam"] == null) ThrowParseException ("This directive is missing a 'VaryByParam' " + "attribute, which should be set to \"none\", \"*\", " + "or a list of name/value pairs."); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in atts) { string key = (string) entry.Key; switch (key.ToLower ()) { case "duration": oc_duration = Int32.Parse ((string) entry.Value); if (oc_duration < 1) ThrowParseException ("The 'duration' attribute must be set " + "to a positive integer value"); break; case "varybyparam": oc_param = (string) entry.Value; if (String.Compare (oc_param, "none") == 0) oc_param = null; break; case "varybyheader": oc_header = (string) entry.Value; break; case "varybycustom": oc_custom = (string) entry.Value; break; case "location": if (!(this is PageParser)) goto default; try { oc_location = (OutputCacheLocation) Enum.Parse ( typeof (OutputCacheLocation), (string) entry.Value, true); } catch { ThrowParseException ("The 'location' attribute is case sensitive and " + "must be one of the following values: Any, Client, " + "Downstream, Server, None, ServerAndClient."); } break; case "varybycontrol": if (this is PageParser) goto default; oc_controls = (string) entry.Value; break; case "shared": if (this is PageParser) goto default; try { oc_shared = Boolean.Parse ((string) entry.Value); } catch { ThrowParseException ("The 'shared' attribute is case sensitive" + " and must be set to 'true' or 'false'."); } break; default: ThrowParseException ("The '" + key + "' attribute is not " + "supported by the 'Outputcache' directive."); break; } } return; } ThrowParseException ("Unknown directive: " + directive); } internal Type LoadType (string typeName) { // First try loaded assemblies, then try assemblies in Bin directory. // By now i do this 'by hand' but may be this is a runtime/gac task. Type type = null; Assembly [] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies (); foreach (Assembly ass in assemblies) { type = ass.GetType (typeName); if (type != null) { AddAssembly (ass, (Path.GetDirectoryName (ass.Location) == PrivateBinPath)); AddDependency (ass.Location); return type; } } return null; } void AddAssembliesInBin () { if (!Directory.Exists (PrivateBinPath)) return; string [] binDlls = Directory.GetFiles (PrivateBinPath, "*.dll"); foreach (string dll in binDlls) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (dll); AddAssembly (assembly, true); } } Assembly LoadAssemblyFromBin (string name) { Assembly assembly; if (!Directory.Exists (PrivateBinPath)) return null; string [] binDlls = Directory.GetFiles (PrivateBinPath, "*.dll"); foreach (string dll in binDlls) { string fn = Path.GetFileName (dll); fn = Path.ChangeExtension (fn, null); if (fn != name) continue; assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (dll); return assembly; } return null; } internal virtual void AddInterface (string iface) { if (interfaces == null) interfaces = new ArrayList (); if (!interfaces.Contains (iface)) interfaces.Add (iface); } internal virtual void AddImport (string namesp) { if (imports == null) imports = new ArrayList (); if (!imports.Contains (namesp)) imports.Add (namesp); } internal virtual void AddDependency (string filename) { if (dependencies == null) dependencies = new ArrayList (); if (!dependencies.Contains (filename)) dependencies.Add (filename); } internal virtual void AddAssembly (Assembly assembly, bool fullPath) { if (anames == null) anames = new Hashtable (); string name = assembly.GetName ().Name; string loc = assembly.Location; if (fullPath) { if (!assemblies.Contains (loc)) { assemblies.Add (loc); } anames [name] = loc; anames [loc] = assembly; } else { if (!assemblies.Contains (name)) { assemblies.Add (name); } anames [name] = assembly; } } internal virtual Assembly AddAssemblyByName (string name) { if (anames == null) anames = new Hashtable (); if (anames.Contains (name)) { object o = anames [name]; if (o is string) o = anames [o]; return (Assembly) o; } bool fullpath = true; Assembly assembly = LoadAssemblyFromBin (name); if (assembly != null) { AddAssembly (assembly, fullpath); return assembly; } try { assembly = Assembly.Load (name); string loc = assembly.Location; fullpath = (Path.GetDirectoryName (loc) == PrivateBinPath); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowParseException ("Assembly " + name + " not found", e); } AddAssembly (assembly, fullpath); return assembly; } internal virtual void ProcessMainAttributes (Hashtable atts) { atts.Remove ("Description"); // ignored atts.Remove ("CodeBehind"); // ignored atts.Remove ("AspCompat"); // ignored debug = GetBool (atts, "Debug", true); compilerOptions = GetString (atts, "CompilerOptions", null); language = GetString (atts, "Language", CompilationConfig.DefaultLanguage); string src = GetString (atts, "Src", null); if (src != null) srcAssembly = GetAssemblyFromSource (src); string inherits = GetString (atts, "Inherits", null); if (inherits != null) SetBaseType (inherits); className = GetString (atts, "ClassName", null); if (className != null && !CodeGenerator.IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier (className)) ThrowParseException (String.Format ("'{0}' is not valid for 'className'", className)); if (atts.Count > 0) ThrowParseException ("Unknown attribute: " + GetOneKey (atts)); } internal void SetBaseType (string type) { if (type == DefaultBaseTypeName) return; Type parent = null; if (srcAssembly != null) parent = srcAssembly.GetType (type); if (parent == null) parent = LoadType (type); if (parent == null) ThrowParseException ("Cannot find type " + type); if (!DefaultBaseType.IsAssignableFrom (parent)) ThrowParseException ("The parent type does not derive from " + DefaultBaseType); baseType = parent; } Assembly GetAssemblyFromSource (string vpath) { vpath = UrlUtils.Combine (BaseVirtualDir, vpath); string realPath = MapPath (vpath, false); if (!File.Exists (realPath)) ThrowParseException ("File " + vpath + " not found"); AddDependency (realPath); CompilerResults result = CachingCompiler.Compile (realPath, realPath, assemblies); if (result.NativeCompilerReturnValue != 0) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (realPath); throw new CompilationException (realPath, result.Errors, reader.ReadToEnd ()); } AddAssembly (result.CompiledAssembly, true); return result.CompiledAssembly; } internal abstract Type DefaultBaseType { get; } internal abstract string DefaultBaseTypeName { get; } internal abstract string DefaultDirectiveName { get; } internal string InputFile { get { return inputFile; } set { inputFile = value; } } internal string Text { get { return text; } set { text = value; } } internal Type BaseType { get { if (baseType == null) baseType = DefaultBaseType; return baseType; } } internal string ClassName { get { if (className != null) return className; className = Path.GetFileName (inputFile).Replace ('.', '_'); className = className.Replace ('-', '_'); className = className.Replace (' ', '_'); if (Char.IsDigit(className[0])) { className = "_" + className; } return className; } } internal string PrivateBinPath { get { if (privateBinPath != null) return privateBinPath; AppDomainSetup setup = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation; privateBinPath = Path.Combine (setup.ApplicationBase, setup.PrivateBinPath); return privateBinPath; } } internal ArrayList Scripts { get { if (scripts == null) scripts = new ArrayList (); return scripts; } } internal ArrayList Imports { get { return imports; } } internal ArrayList Assemblies { get { return assemblies; } } internal ArrayList Interfaces { get { return interfaces; } } internal RootBuilder RootBuilder { get { return rootBuilder; } set { rootBuilder = value; } } internal ArrayList Dependencies { get { return dependencies; } } internal string CompilerOptions { get { return compilerOptions; } } internal string Language { get { return language; } } internal bool Debug { get { return debug; } } internal bool OutputCache { get { return output_cache; } } internal int OutputCacheDuration { get { return oc_duration; } } internal string OutputCacheVaryByHeader { get { return oc_header; } } internal string OutputCacheVaryByCustom { get { return oc_custom; } } internal string OutputCacheVaryByControls { get { return oc_controls; } } internal bool OutputCacheShared { get { return oc_shared; } } internal OutputCacheLocation OutputCacheLocation { get { return oc_location; } } internal string OutputCacheVaryByParam { get { return oc_param; } } internal PagesConfiguration PagesConfig { get { return PagesConfiguration.GetInstance (Context); } } } }