// // System.Xml.Serialization.MapCodeGenerator // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com) // // Copyright (C) Ximian, Inc., 2003 // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections; #if NET_2_0 using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; #endif using System.Globalization; using System.Xml.Schema; using Microsoft.CSharp; namespace System.Xml.Serialization { internal class MapCodeGenerator { CodeNamespace codeNamespace; CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit; CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection includeMetadata; XmlTypeMapping exportedAnyType = null; protected bool includeArrayTypes; #if NET_2_0 CodeDomProvider codeProvider; #endif CodeGenerationOptions options; CodeIdentifiers identifiers; Hashtable exportedMaps = new Hashtable (); Hashtable includeMaps = new Hashtable (); public MapCodeGenerator (CodeNamespace codeNamespace, CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, CodeGenerationOptions options) { this.codeCompileUnit = codeCompileUnit; this.codeNamespace = codeNamespace; this.options = options; this.identifiers = new CodeIdentifiers (); } public MapCodeGenerator (CodeNamespace codeNamespace, CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, CodeDomProvider codeProvider, CodeGenerationOptions options, Hashtable mappings) { this.codeCompileUnit = codeCompileUnit; this.codeNamespace = codeNamespace; this.options = options; #if NET_2_0 this.codeProvider = codeProvider; this.identifiers = new CodeIdentifiers ((codeProvider.LanguageOptions & LanguageOptions.CaseInsensitive) == 0); #else this.identifiers = new CodeIdentifiers (); #endif // this.mappings = mappings; } public CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection IncludeMetadata { get { if (includeMetadata != null) return includeMetadata; includeMetadata = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); foreach (XmlTypeMapping map in includeMaps.Values) GenerateClassInclude (includeMetadata, map); return includeMetadata; } } #region Code generation methods public void ExportMembersMapping (XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping) { CodeTypeDeclaration dummyClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration (); ExportMembersMapCode (dummyClass, (ClassMap)xmlMembersMapping.ObjectMap, xmlMembersMapping.Namespace, null); } public void ExportTypeMapping (XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping, bool isTopLevel) { ExportMapCode (xmlTypeMapping, isTopLevel); RemoveInclude (xmlTypeMapping); } void ExportMapCode (XmlTypeMapping map, bool isTopLevel) { switch (map.TypeData.SchemaType) { case SchemaTypes.Enum: ExportEnumCode (map, isTopLevel); break; case SchemaTypes.Array: ExportArrayCode (map); break; case SchemaTypes.Class: ExportClassCode (map, isTopLevel); break; case SchemaTypes.XmlSerializable: case SchemaTypes.XmlNode: case SchemaTypes.Primitive: // Ignore break; } } void ExportClassCode (XmlTypeMapping map, bool isTopLevel) { CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass; if (IsMapExported (map)) { codeClass = GetMapDeclaration (map); if (codeClass != null) { // Regenerate attributes, since things may have changed codeClass.CustomAttributes.Clear (); #if NET_2_0 AddClassAttributes (codeClass); #endif GenerateClass (map, codeClass, isTopLevel); ExportDerivedTypeAttributes (map, codeClass); } return; } if (map.TypeData.Type == typeof(object)) { exportedAnyType = map; SetMapExported (map, null); foreach (XmlTypeMapping dmap in exportedAnyType.DerivedTypes) { if (IsMapExported (dmap) || !dmap.IncludeInSchema) continue; ExportTypeMapping (dmap, false); AddInclude (dmap); } return; } codeClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration (map.TypeData.TypeName); SetMapExported (map, codeClass); AddCodeType (codeClass, map.Documentation); codeClass.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; #if NET_2_0 codeClass.IsPartial = CodeProvider.Supports(GeneratorSupport.PartialTypes); AddClassAttributes (codeClass); #endif GenerateClass (map, codeClass, isTopLevel); ExportDerivedTypeAttributes (map, codeClass); ExportMembersMapCode (codeClass, (ClassMap)map.ObjectMap, map.XmlTypeNamespace, map.BaseMap); if (map.BaseMap != null && map.BaseMap.TypeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.XmlNode) { CodeTypeReference ctr = GetDomType (map.BaseMap.TypeData, false); codeClass.BaseTypes.Add (ctr); if (map.BaseMap.IncludeInSchema) { ExportMapCode (map.BaseMap, false); AddInclude (map.BaseMap); } } ExportDerivedTypes (map, codeClass); } void ExportDerivedTypeAttributes (XmlTypeMapping map, CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass) { foreach (XmlTypeMapping tm in map.DerivedTypes) { GenerateClassInclude (codeClass.CustomAttributes, tm); ExportDerivedTypeAttributes (tm, codeClass); } } void ExportDerivedTypes (XmlTypeMapping map, CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass) { foreach (XmlTypeMapping tm in map.DerivedTypes) { if (codeClass.CustomAttributes == null) codeClass.CustomAttributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); ExportMapCode (tm, false); ExportDerivedTypes (tm, codeClass); } } void ExportMembersMapCode (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, ClassMap map, string defaultNamespace, XmlTypeMapping baseMap) { ICollection attributes = map.AttributeMembers; ICollection members = map.ElementMembers; // collect names if (attributes != null) foreach (XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute attr in attributes) identifiers.AddUnique (attr.Name, attr); if (members != null) foreach (XmlTypeMapMemberElement member in members) identifiers.AddUnique (member.Name, member); // Write attributes if (attributes != null) { foreach (XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute attr in attributes) { if (baseMap != null && DefinedInBaseMap (baseMap, attr)) continue; AddAttributeFieldMember (codeClass, attr, defaultNamespace); } } members = map.ElementMembers; if (members != null) { foreach (XmlTypeMapMemberElement member in members) { if (baseMap != null && DefinedInBaseMap (baseMap, member)) continue; Type memType = member.GetType(); if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberList)) { AddArrayElementFieldMember (codeClass, (XmlTypeMapMemberList) member, defaultNamespace); } else if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList)) { AddElementFieldMember (codeClass, member, defaultNamespace); } else if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement)) { AddAnyElementFieldMember (codeClass, member, defaultNamespace); } else if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberElement)) { AddElementFieldMember (codeClass, member, defaultNamespace); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Member type " + memType + " not supported"); } } } XmlTypeMapMember anyAttrMember = map.DefaultAnyAttributeMember; if (anyAttrMember != null) { CodeTypeMember codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, anyAttrMember.TypeData, anyAttrMember.Name); AddComments (codeField, anyAttrMember.Documentation); codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; GenerateAnyAttribute (codeField); } } CodeTypeMember CreateFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, Type type, string name) { return CreateFieldMember (codeClass, new CodeTypeReference(type), name, System.DBNull.Value, null, null); } CodeTypeMember CreateFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, TypeData type, string name) { return CreateFieldMember (codeClass, GetDomType (type, false), name, System.DBNull.Value, null, null); } CodeTypeMember CreateFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, XmlTypeMapMember member) { return CreateFieldMember (codeClass, GetDomType (member.TypeData, member.RequiresNullable), member.Name, member.DefaultValue, member.TypeData, member.Documentation); } CodeTypeMember CreateFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, CodeTypeReference type, string name, object defaultValue, TypeData defaultType, string documentation) { CodeMemberField codeField = null; CodeTypeMember codeProp = null; if ((options & CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties) > 0) { string field = identifiers.AddUnique (CodeIdentifier.MakeCamel (name + "Field"), name); codeField = new CodeMemberField (type, field); codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private; codeClass.Members.Add (codeField); CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty (); prop.Name = name; prop.Type = type; prop.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Final; codeProp = prop; prop.HasGet = prop.HasSet = true; CodeExpression ce = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), field); prop.SetStatements.Add (new CodeAssignStatement (ce, new CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression())); prop.GetStatements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (ce)); } else { codeField = new CodeMemberField (type, name); codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; codeProp = codeField; } if (defaultValue != System.DBNull.Value) GenerateDefaultAttribute (codeField, codeProp, defaultType, defaultValue); AddComments (codeProp, documentation); codeClass.Members.Add (codeProp); return codeProp; } void AddAttributeFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute attinfo, string defaultNamespace) { CodeTypeMember codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, attinfo); CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes = codeField.CustomAttributes; if (attributes == null) attributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); GenerateAttributeMember (attributes, attinfo, defaultNamespace, false); if (attributes.Count > 0) codeField.CustomAttributes = attributes; if (attinfo.MappedType != null) { ExportMapCode (attinfo.MappedType, false); RemoveInclude (attinfo.MappedType); } if (attinfo.TypeData.IsValueType && attinfo.IsOptionalValueType) { codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, typeof(bool), identifiers.MakeUnique (attinfo.Name + "Specified")); codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; GenerateSpecifierMember (codeField); } } public void AddAttributeMemberAttributes (XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute attinfo, string defaultNamespace, CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, bool forceUseMemberName) { GenerateAttributeMember (attributes, attinfo, defaultNamespace, forceUseMemberName); } void AddElementFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, string defaultNamespace) { CodeTypeMember codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, member); CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes = codeField.CustomAttributes; if (attributes == null) attributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); AddElementMemberAttributes (member, defaultNamespace, attributes, false); if (attributes.Count > 0) codeField.CustomAttributes = attributes; if (member.TypeData.IsValueType && member.IsOptionalValueType) { codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, typeof(bool), identifiers.MakeUnique (member.Name + "Specified")); codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; GenerateSpecifierMember (codeField); } } public void AddElementMemberAttributes (XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, string defaultNamespace, CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, bool forceUseMemberName) { TypeData defaultType = member.TypeData; bool addAlwaysAttr = false; if (member is XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList) { defaultType = defaultType.ListItemTypeData; addAlwaysAttr = true; } foreach (XmlTypeMapElementInfo einfo in member.ElementInfo) { if (einfo.MappedType != null) { ExportMapCode (einfo.MappedType, false); RemoveInclude (einfo.MappedType); } if (ExportExtraElementAttributes (attributes, einfo, defaultNamespace, defaultType)) continue; GenerateElementInfoMember (attributes, member, einfo, defaultType, defaultNamespace, addAlwaysAttr, forceUseMemberName | addAlwaysAttr); } GenerateElementMember (attributes, member); } void AddAnyElementFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, string defaultNamespace) { CodeTypeMember codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, member); CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); foreach (XmlTypeMapElementInfo einfo in member.ElementInfo) ExportExtraElementAttributes (attributes, einfo, defaultNamespace, einfo.TypeData); if (attributes.Count > 0) codeField.CustomAttributes = attributes; } bool DefinedInBaseMap (XmlTypeMapping map, XmlTypeMapMember member) { if (((ClassMap)map.ObjectMap).FindMember (member.Name) != null) return true; else if (map.BaseMap != null) return DefinedInBaseMap (map.BaseMap, member); else return false; } void AddArrayElementFieldMember (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, XmlTypeMapMemberList member, string defaultNamespace) { CodeTypeMember codeField = CreateFieldMember (codeClass, member.TypeData, member.Name); CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); AddArrayAttributes (attributes, member, defaultNamespace, false); ListMap listMap = (ListMap) member.ListTypeMapping.ObjectMap; AddArrayItemAttributes (attributes, listMap, member.TypeData.ListItemTypeData, defaultNamespace, 0); if (attributes.Count > 0) codeField.CustomAttributes = attributes; } public void AddArrayAttributes (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, string defaultNamespace, bool forceUseMemberName) { GenerateArrayElement (attributes, member, defaultNamespace, forceUseMemberName); } public void AddArrayItemAttributes (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, ListMap listMap, TypeData type, string defaultNamespace, int nestingLevel) { foreach (XmlTypeMapElementInfo ainfo in listMap.ItemInfo) { string defaultName; if (ainfo.MappedType != null) defaultName = ainfo.MappedType.ElementName; else defaultName = ainfo.TypeData.XmlType; GenerateArrayItemAttributes (attributes, listMap, type, ainfo, defaultName, defaultNamespace, nestingLevel); if (ainfo.MappedType != null) { if (!IsMapExported (ainfo.MappedType) && includeArrayTypes) AddInclude (ainfo.MappedType); ExportMapCode (ainfo.MappedType, false); } } if (listMap.IsMultiArray) { XmlTypeMapping nmap = listMap.NestedArrayMapping; AddArrayItemAttributes (attributes, (ListMap) nmap.ObjectMap, nmap.TypeData.ListItemTypeData, defaultNamespace, nestingLevel + 1); } } void ExportArrayCode (XmlTypeMapping map) { ListMap listMap = (ListMap) map.ObjectMap; foreach (XmlTypeMapElementInfo ainfo in listMap.ItemInfo) { if (ainfo.MappedType != null) { if (!IsMapExported (ainfo.MappedType) && includeArrayTypes) AddInclude (ainfo.MappedType); ExportMapCode (ainfo.MappedType, false); } } } bool ExportExtraElementAttributes (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapElementInfo einfo, string defaultNamespace, TypeData defaultType) { if (einfo.IsTextElement) { GenerateTextElementAttribute (attributes, einfo, defaultType); return true; } else if (einfo.IsUnnamedAnyElement) { GenerateUnnamedAnyElementAttribute (attributes, einfo, defaultNamespace); return true; } return false; } void ExportEnumCode (XmlTypeMapping map, bool isTopLevel) { if (IsMapExported (map)) return; CodeTypeDeclaration codeEnum = new CodeTypeDeclaration (map.TypeData.TypeName); SetMapExported (map, codeEnum); codeEnum.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; codeEnum.IsEnum = true; AddCodeType (codeEnum, map.Documentation); EnumMap emap = (EnumMap) map.ObjectMap; if (emap.IsFlags) codeEnum.CustomAttributes.Add (new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.FlagsAttribute")); #if NET_2_0 CodeAttributeDeclaration generatedCodeAttribute = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof(GeneratedCodeAttribute))); generatedCodeAttribute.Arguments.Add (new CodeAttributeArgument ( new CodePrimitiveExpression ("System.Xml"))); generatedCodeAttribute.Arguments.Add (new CodeAttributeArgument ( new CodePrimitiveExpression (Consts.FxFileVersion))); codeEnum.CustomAttributes.Add (generatedCodeAttribute); codeEnum.CustomAttributes.Add (new CodeAttributeDeclaration ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (SerializableAttribute)))); #endif GenerateEnum (map, codeEnum, isTopLevel); int flag = 1; foreach (EnumMap.EnumMapMember emem in emap.Members) { CodeMemberField codeField = new CodeMemberField ("", emem.EnumName); if (emap.IsFlags) { codeField.InitExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression (flag); flag *= 2; } AddComments (codeField, emem.Documentation); GenerateEnumItem (codeField, emem); codeEnum.Members.Add (codeField); } } void AddInclude (XmlTypeMapping map) { if (!includeMaps.ContainsKey (map.TypeData.FullTypeName)) includeMaps [map.TypeData.FullTypeName] = map; } void RemoveInclude (XmlTypeMapping map) { includeMaps.Remove (map.TypeData.FullTypeName); } #endregion #region Helper methods bool IsMapExported (XmlTypeMapping map) { if (exportedMaps.Contains (map.TypeData.FullTypeName)) return true; return false; } void SetMapExported (XmlTypeMapping map, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration) { exportedMaps.Add (map.TypeData.FullTypeName, declaration); } CodeTypeDeclaration GetMapDeclaration (XmlTypeMapping map) { return exportedMaps [map.TypeData.FullTypeName] as CodeTypeDeclaration; } public static void AddCustomAttribute (CodeTypeMember ctm, CodeAttributeDeclaration att, bool addIfNoParams) { if (att.Arguments.Count == 0 && !addIfNoParams) return; if (ctm.CustomAttributes == null) ctm.CustomAttributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); ctm.CustomAttributes.Add (att); } public static void AddCustomAttribute (CodeTypeMember ctm, string name, params CodeAttributeArgument[] args) { if (ctm.CustomAttributes == null) ctm.CustomAttributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); ctm.CustomAttributes.Add (new CodeAttributeDeclaration (name, args)); } public static CodeAttributeArgument GetArg (string name, object value) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (name, new CodePrimitiveExpression(value)); } public static CodeAttributeArgument GetArg (object value) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (new CodePrimitiveExpression(value)); } public static CodeAttributeArgument GetTypeArg (string name, string typeName) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (name, new CodeTypeOfExpression(typeName)); } public static CodeAttributeArgument GetEnumArg (string name, string enumType, string enumValue) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (name, new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeTypeReferenceExpression(enumType), enumValue)); } public static void AddComments (CodeTypeMember member, string comments) { if (comments == null || comments == "") member.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("", true)); else member.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("\n" + comments + "\n", true)); } void AddCodeType (CodeTypeDeclaration type, string comments) { AddComments (type, comments); codeNamespace.Types.Add (type); } #if NET_2_0 void AddClassAttributes (CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass) { CodeAttributeDeclaration generatedCodeAttribute = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (GeneratedCodeAttribute))); generatedCodeAttribute.Arguments.Add (new CodeAttributeArgument ( new CodePrimitiveExpression ("System.Xml"))); generatedCodeAttribute.Arguments.Add (new CodeAttributeArgument ( new CodePrimitiveExpression (Consts.FxFileVersion))); codeClass.CustomAttributes.Add (generatedCodeAttribute); codeClass.CustomAttributes.Add (new CodeAttributeDeclaration ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (SerializableAttribute)))); codeClass.CustomAttributes.Add (new CodeAttributeDeclaration ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (DebuggerStepThroughAttribute)))); CodeAttributeDeclaration designerCategoryAttribute = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ( new CodeTypeReference (typeof (DesignerCategoryAttribute))); designerCategoryAttribute.Arguments.Add (new CodeAttributeArgument ( new CodePrimitiveExpression ("code"))); codeClass.CustomAttributes.Add (designerCategoryAttribute); } #endif CodeTypeReference GetDomType (TypeData data, bool requiresNullable) { #if NET_2_0 if (data.IsValueType && (data.IsNullable || requiresNullable)) return new CodeTypeReference ("System.Nullable", new CodeTypeReference (data.FullTypeName)); #endif if (data.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array) return new CodeTypeReference (GetDomType (data.ListItemTypeData, false),1); else return new CodeTypeReference (data.FullTypeName); } #endregion #region Private Properties #if NET_2_0 private CodeDomProvider CodeProvider { get { if (codeProvider == null) { codeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider (); } return codeProvider; } } #endif #endregion #region Overridable methods protected virtual void GenerateClass (XmlTypeMapping map, CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass, bool isTopLevel) { } protected virtual void GenerateClassInclude (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapping map) { } protected virtual void GenerateAnyAttribute (CodeTypeMember codeField) { } protected virtual void GenerateDefaultAttribute (CodeMemberField internalField, CodeTypeMember externalField, TypeData typeData, object defaultValue) { if (typeData.Type == null) { // It must be an enumeration defined in the schema. if (typeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Enum) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type " + typeData.TypeName + " not supported"); IFormattable defaultValueFormattable = defaultValue as IFormattable; CodeFieldReferenceExpression fref = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (GetDomType (typeData, false)), defaultValueFormattable != null ? defaultValueFormattable.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : defaultValue.ToString ()); CodeAttributeArgument arg = new CodeAttributeArgument (fref); AddCustomAttribute (externalField, "System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue", arg); //internalField.InitExpression = fref; } else { AddCustomAttribute (externalField, "System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue", GetArg (defaultValue)); //internalField.InitExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression (defaultValue); } } protected virtual void GenerateAttributeMember (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute attinfo, string defaultNamespace, bool forceUseMemberName) { } protected virtual void GenerateElementInfoMember (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, XmlTypeMapElementInfo einfo, TypeData defaultType, string defaultNamespace, bool addAlwaysAttr, bool forceUseMemberName) { } protected virtual void GenerateElementMember (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member) { } protected virtual void GenerateArrayElement (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, string defaultNamespace, bool forceUseMemberName) { } protected virtual void GenerateArrayItemAttributes (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, ListMap listMap, TypeData type, XmlTypeMapElementInfo ainfo, string defaultName, string defaultNamespace, int nestingLevel) { } protected virtual void GenerateTextElementAttribute (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapElementInfo einfo, TypeData defaultType) { } protected virtual void GenerateUnnamedAnyElementAttribute (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, XmlTypeMapElementInfo einfo, string defaultNamespace) { } protected virtual void GenerateEnum (XmlTypeMapping map, CodeTypeDeclaration codeEnum, bool isTopLevel) { } protected virtual void GenerateEnumItem (CodeMemberField codeField, EnumMap.EnumMapMember emem) { } protected virtual void GenerateSpecifierMember (CodeTypeMember codeField) { } #endregion } }