// // XmlTextReaderTests.cs // // Author: // Jason Diamond (jason@injektilo.org) // // (C) 2001, 2002 Jason Diamond http://injektilo.org/ // using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Xml { public class XmlTextReaderTests : TestCase { public XmlTextReaderTests () : base ("MonoTests.System.Xml.XmlTextReaderTests testsuite") { } public XmlTextReaderTests (string name) : base (name) { } private void AssertStartDocument (XmlReader xmlReader) { Assert (xmlReader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial); Assert (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None); Assert (xmlReader.Depth == 0); Assert (!xmlReader.EOF); } private void AssertNode ( XmlReader xmlReader, XmlNodeType nodeType, int depth, bool isEmptyElement, string name, string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value, int attributeCount) { Assert (xmlReader.Read ()); Assert (xmlReader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive); Assert (!xmlReader.EOF); } private void AssertNodeValues ( XmlReader xmlReader, XmlNodeType nodeType, int depth, bool isEmptyElement, string name, string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value, int attributeCount) { Assert (xmlReader.NodeType == nodeType); Assert (xmlReader.Depth == depth); Assert (xmlReader.IsEmptyElement == isEmptyElement); Assert ( String.Format ( "name was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.Name, name), xmlReader.Name == name); Assert ( String.Format ( "prefix was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.Prefix, prefix), xmlReader.Prefix == prefix); Assert ( String.Format ( "localName was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.LocalName, localName), xmlReader.LocalName == localName); Assert ( String.Format ( "namespaceURI was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.NamespaceURI, namespaceURI), xmlReader.NamespaceURI == namespaceURI); Assert ( String.Format ( "hasValue was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.HasValue, (value != String.Empty)), xmlReader.HasValue == (value != String.Empty)); Assert ( String.Format ( "value was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.Value, value), xmlReader.Value == value); Assert ( String.Format ( "hasAttributes was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.HasAttributes, (attributeCount > 0)), xmlReader.HasAttributes == (attributeCount > 0)); Assert ( String.Format ( "attributeCount was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader.AttributeCount, attributeCount), xmlReader.AttributeCount == attributeCount); } private void AssertAttribute ( XmlReader xmlReader, string name, string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, string value) { Assert ( String.Format ( "value was {0}, expected {1}", xmlReader[name], value), xmlReader[name] == value); Assert (xmlReader.GetAttribute (name) == value); if (namespaceURI != String.Empty) { Assert (xmlReader[localName, namespaceURI] == value); Assert (xmlReader.GetAttribute (localName, namespaceURI) == value); } } private void AssertEndDocument (XmlReader xmlReader) { Assert ("could read", !xmlReader.Read ()); AssertEquals ("NodeType is not XmlNodeType.None", XmlNodeType.None, xmlReader.NodeType); AssertEquals ("Depth is not 0", 0, xmlReader.Depth); AssertEquals ("ReadState is not ReadState.EndOfFile", ReadState.EndOfFile, xmlReader.ReadState); Assert ("not EOF", xmlReader.EOF); xmlReader.Close (); AssertEquals ("ReadState is not ReadState.Cosed", ReadState.Closed, xmlReader.ReadState); } public void TestEmptyElement () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, // depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementWithBadName () { string xml = "<1foo/>"; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); bool caughtXmlException = false; try { xmlReader.Read(); } catch (XmlException) { caughtXmlException = true; } Assert(caughtXmlException); } public void TestEmptyElementWithWhitespace () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementWithStartAndEndTag () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementWithStartAndEndTagWithWhitespace () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestNestedEmptyTag () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 1, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestNestedText () { string xml = "bar"; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Text, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "bar", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementWithAttribute () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "baz" // value ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestStartAndEndTagWithAttribute () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "baz" // value ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementWithTwoAttributes () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 2 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "baz" // value ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "quux", // name String.Empty, // prefix "quux", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "quuux" // value ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestProcessingInstructionBeforeDocumentElement () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "bar", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "baz", // name String.Empty, // prefix "baz", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestCommentBeforeDocumentElement () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Comment, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "foo", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestPredefinedEntities () { string xml = "<>&'""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Text, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "<>&'\"", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEntityReference () { string xml = "&bar;"; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EntityReference, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEntityReferenceInsideText () { string xml = "bar&baz;quux"; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Text, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "bar", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EntityReference, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "baz", // name String.Empty, // prefix "baz", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Text, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "quux", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestCharacterReferences () { string xml = "FOO"; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Text, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "FOO", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEntityReferenceInAttribute () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "&baz;" // value ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestPredefinedEntitiesInAttribute () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "<>&'\"" // value ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestCharacterReferencesInAttribute () { string xml = ""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "FOO" // value ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestCDATA () { string xml = "&]]>"; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.CDATA, // nodeType 1, //depth false, // isEmptyElement String.Empty, // name String.Empty, // prefix String.Empty, // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "<>&", // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, //depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementInNamespace () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, // depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo:bar", // name "foo", // prefix "bar", // localName "http://foo/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns:foo", // name "xmlns", // prefix "foo", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://foo/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestEmptyElementInDefaultNamespace () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, // depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName "http://foo/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns", // name String.Empty, // prefix "xmlns", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://foo/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace (String.Empty)); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestChildElementInNamespace () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, // depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo:bar", // name "foo", // prefix "bar", // localName "http://foo/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns:foo", // name "xmlns", // prefix "foo", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://foo/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 1, // depth true, // isEmptyElement "baz:quux", // name "baz", // prefix "quux", // localName "http://baz/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns:baz", // name "xmlns", // prefix "baz", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://baz/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertEquals ("http://baz/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("baz")); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, // depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo:bar", // name "foo", // prefix "bar", // localName "http://foo/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertNull (xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("baz")); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestChildElementInDefaultNamespace () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, // depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo:bar", // name "foo", // prefix "bar", // localName "http://foo/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns:foo", // name "xmlns", // prefix "foo", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://foo/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 1, // depth true, // isEmptyElement "baz", // name String.Empty, // prefix "baz", // localName "http://baz/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 1 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns", // name String.Empty, // prefix "xmlns", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://baz/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertEquals ("http://baz/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace (String.Empty)); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType 0, // depth false, // isEmptyElement "foo:bar", // name "foo", // prefix "bar", // localName "http://foo/", // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 0 // attributeCount ); AssertEquals ("http://foo/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("foo")); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestAttributeInNamespace () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, // depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 2 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar:baz", // name "bar", // prefix "baz", // localName "http://bar/", // namespaceURI "quux" // value ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "xmlns:bar", // name "xmlns", // prefix "bar", // localName "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // namespaceURI "http://bar/" // value ); AssertEquals ("http://bar/", xmlReader.LookupNamespace ("bar")); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } // The following is #if'ed out because it's specific to the Mono // implementation and won't compile when testing Microsoft's code. // Feel free to turn it on if you want to test Mono's name tables. #if false public void TestIsFirstNameChar () { for (int ch = 0; ch <= 0xFFFF; ++ch) { Assert ( XmlChar.IsFirstNameChar (ch) == IsFirstNameChar (ch)); } } public void TestIsNameChar () { for (int ch = 0; ch <= 0xFFFF; ++ch) { Assert ( XmlChar.IsNameChar (ch) == IsNameChar (ch)); } } private static bool IsFirstNameChar (int ch) { return IsLetter (ch) || (ch == '_') || (ch == ':'); } private static bool IsNameChar (int ch) { return IsLetter (ch) || IsDigit (ch) || (ch == '.') || (ch == '-') || (ch == '_') || (ch == ':') || IsCombiningChar (ch) || IsExtender (ch); } private static bool IsLetter (int ch) { return IsBaseChar (ch) || IsIdeographic (ch); } private static bool IsBaseChar (int ch) { return (ch >= 0x0041 && ch <= 0x005A) || (ch >= 0x0061 && ch <= 0x007A) || (ch >= 0x00C0 && ch <= 0x00D6) || (ch >= 0x00D8 && ch <= 0x00F6) || (ch >= 0x00F8 && ch <= 0x00FF) || (ch >= 0x0100 && ch <= 0x0131) || (ch >= 0x0134 && ch <= 0x013E) || (ch >= 0x0141 && ch <= 0x0148) || (ch >= 0x014A && ch <= 0x017E) || (ch >= 0x0180 && ch <= 0x01C3) || (ch >= 0x01CD && ch <= 0x01F0) || (ch >= 0x01F4 && ch <= 0x01F5) || (ch >= 0x01FA && ch <= 0x0217) || (ch >= 0x0250 && ch <= 0x02A8) || (ch >= 0x02BB && ch <= 0x02C1) || (ch == 0x0386) || (ch >= 0x0388 && ch <= 0x038A) || (ch == 0x038C) || (ch >= 0x038E && ch <= 0x03A1) || (ch >= 0x03A3 && ch <= 0x03CE) || (ch >= 0x03D0 && ch <= 0x03D6) || (ch == 0x03DA) || (ch == 0x03DC) || (ch == 0x03DE) || (ch == 0x03E0) || (ch >= 0x03E2 && ch <= 0x03F3) || (ch >= 0x0401 && ch <= 0x040C) || (ch >= 0x040E && ch <= 0x044F) || (ch >= 0x0451 && ch <= 0x045C) || (ch >= 0x045E && ch <= 0x0481) || (ch >= 0x0490 && ch <= 0x04C4) || (ch >= 0x04C7 && ch <= 0x04C8) || (ch >= 0x04CB && ch <= 0x04CC) || (ch >= 0x04D0 && ch <= 0x04EB) || (ch >= 0x04EE && ch <= 0x04F5) || (ch >= 0x04F8 && ch <= 0x04F9) || (ch >= 0x0531 && ch <= 0x0556) || (ch == 0x0559) || (ch >= 0x0561 && ch <= 0x0586) || (ch >= 0x05D0 && ch <= 0x05EA) || (ch >= 0x05F0 && ch <= 0x05F2) || (ch >= 0x0621 && ch <= 0x063A) || (ch >= 0x0641 && ch <= 0x064A) || (ch >= 0x0671 && ch <= 0x06B7) || (ch >= 0x06BA && ch <= 0x06BE) || (ch >= 0x06C0 && ch <= 0x06CE) || (ch >= 0x06D0 && ch <= 0x06D3) || (ch == 0x06D5) || (ch >= 0x06E5 && ch <= 0x06E6) || (ch >= 0x0905 && ch <= 0x0939) || (ch == 0x093D) || (ch >= 0x0958 && ch <= 0x0961) || (ch >= 0x0985 && ch <= 0x098C) || (ch >= 0x098F && ch <= 0x0990) || (ch >= 0x0993 && ch <= 0x09A8) || (ch >= 0x09AA && ch <= 0x09B0) || (ch == 0x09B2) || (ch >= 0x09B6 && ch <= 0x09B9) || (ch >= 0x09DC && ch <= 0x09DD) || (ch >= 0x09DF && ch <= 0x09E1) || (ch >= 0x09F0 && ch <= 0x09F1) || (ch >= 0x0A05 && ch <= 0x0A0A) || (ch >= 0x0A0F && ch <= 0x0A10) || (ch >= 0x0A13 && ch <= 0x0A28) || (ch >= 0x0A2A && ch <= 0x0A30) || (ch >= 0x0A32 && ch <= 0x0A33) || (ch >= 0x0A35 && ch <= 0x0A36) || (ch >= 0x0A38 && ch <= 0x0A39) || (ch >= 0x0A59 && ch <= 0x0A5C) || (ch == 0x0A5E) || (ch >= 0x0A72 && ch <= 0x0A74) || (ch >= 0x0A85 && ch <= 0x0A8B) || (ch == 0x0A8D) || (ch >= 0x0A8F && ch <= 0x0A91) || (ch >= 0x0A93 && ch <= 0x0AA8) || (ch >= 0x0AAA && ch <= 0x0AB0) || (ch >= 0x0AB2 && ch <= 0x0AB3) || (ch >= 0x0AB5 && ch <= 0x0AB9) || (ch == 0x0ABD) || (ch == 0x0AE0) || (ch >= 0x0B05 && ch <= 0x0B0C) || (ch >= 0x0B0F && ch <= 0x0B10) || (ch >= 0x0B13 && ch <= 0x0B28) || (ch >= 0x0B2A && ch <= 0x0B30) || (ch >= 0x0B32 && ch <= 0x0B33) || (ch >= 0x0B36 && ch <= 0x0B39) || (ch == 0x0B3D) || (ch >= 0x0B5C && ch <= 0x0B5D) || (ch >= 0x0B5F && ch <= 0x0B61) || (ch >= 0x0B85 && ch <= 0x0B8A) || (ch >= 0x0B8E && ch <= 0x0B90) || (ch >= 0x0B92 && ch <= 0x0B95) || (ch >= 0x0B99 && ch <= 0x0B9A) || (ch == 0x0B9C) || (ch >= 0x0B9E && ch <= 0x0B9F) || (ch >= 0x0BA3 && ch <= 0x0BA4) || (ch >= 0x0BA8 && ch <= 0x0BAA) || (ch >= 0x0BAE && ch <= 0x0BB5) || (ch >= 0x0BB7 && ch <= 0x0BB9) || (ch >= 0x0C05 && ch <= 0x0C0C) || (ch >= 0x0C0E && ch <= 0x0C10) || (ch >= 0x0C12 && ch <= 0x0C28) || (ch >= 0x0C2A && ch <= 0x0C33) || (ch >= 0x0C35 && ch <= 0x0C39) || (ch >= 0x0C60 && ch <= 0x0C61) || (ch >= 0x0C85 && ch <= 0x0C8C) || (ch >= 0x0C8E && ch <= 0x0C90) || (ch >= 0x0C92 && ch <= 0x0CA8) || (ch >= 0x0CAA && ch <= 0x0CB3) || (ch >= 0x0CB5 && ch <= 0x0CB9) || (ch == 0x0CDE) || (ch >= 0x0CE0 && ch <= 0x0CE1) || (ch >= 0x0D05 && ch <= 0x0D0C) || (ch >= 0x0D0E && ch <= 0x0D10) || (ch >= 0x0D12 && ch <= 0x0D28) || (ch >= 0x0D2A && ch <= 0x0D39) || (ch >= 0x0D60 && ch <= 0x0D61) || (ch >= 0x0E01 && ch <= 0x0E2E) || (ch == 0x0E30) || (ch >= 0x0E32 && ch <= 0x0E33) || (ch >= 0x0E40 && ch <= 0x0E45) || (ch >= 0x0E81 && ch <= 0x0E82) || (ch == 0x0E84) || (ch >= 0x0E87 && ch <= 0x0E88) || (ch == 0x0E8A) || (ch == 0x0E8D) || (ch >= 0x0E94 && ch <= 0x0E97) || (ch >= 0x0E99 && ch <= 0x0E9F) || (ch >= 0x0EA1 && ch <= 0x0EA3) || (ch == 0x0EA5) || (ch == 0x0EA7) || (ch >= 0x0EAA && ch <= 0x0EAB) || (ch >= 0x0EAD && ch <= 0x0EAE) || (ch == 0x0EB0) || (ch >= 0x0EB2 && ch <= 0x0EB3) || (ch == 0x0EBD) || (ch >= 0x0EC0 && ch <= 0x0EC4) || (ch >= 0x0F40 && ch <= 0x0F47) || (ch >= 0x0F49 && ch <= 0x0F69) || (ch >= 0x10A0 && ch <= 0x10C5) || (ch >= 0x10D0 && ch <= 0x10F6) || (ch == 0x1100) || (ch >= 0x1102 && ch <= 0x1103) || (ch >= 0x1105 && ch <= 0x1107) || (ch == 0x1109) || (ch >= 0x110B && ch <= 0x110C) || (ch >= 0x110E && ch <= 0x1112) || (ch == 0x113C) || (ch == 0x113E) || (ch == 0x1140) || (ch == 0x114C) || (ch == 0x114E) || (ch == 0x1150) || (ch >= 0x1154 && ch <= 0x1155) || (ch == 0x1159) || (ch >= 0x115F && ch <= 0x1161) || (ch == 0x1163) || (ch == 0x1165) || (ch == 0x1167) || (ch == 0x1169) || (ch >= 0x116D && ch <= 0x116E) || (ch >= 0x1172 && ch <= 0x1173) || (ch == 0x1175) || (ch == 0x119E) || (ch == 0x11A8) || (ch == 0x11AB) || (ch >= 0x11AE && ch <= 0x11AF) || (ch >= 0x11B7 && ch <= 0x11B8) || (ch == 0x11BA) || (ch >= 0x11BC && ch <= 0x11C2) || (ch == 0x11EB) || (ch == 0x11F0) || (ch == 0x11F9) || (ch >= 0x1E00 && ch <= 0x1E9B) || (ch >= 0x1EA0 && ch <= 0x1EF9) || (ch >= 0x1F00 && ch <= 0x1F15) || (ch >= 0x1F18 && ch <= 0x1F1D) || (ch >= 0x1F20 && ch <= 0x1F45) || (ch >= 0x1F48 && ch <= 0x1F4D) || (ch >= 0x1F50 && ch <= 0x1F57) || (ch == 0x1F59) || (ch == 0x1F5B) || (ch == 0x1F5D) || (ch >= 0x1F5F && ch <= 0x1F7D) || (ch >= 0x1F80 && ch <= 0x1FB4) || (ch >= 0x1FB6 && ch <= 0x1FBC) || (ch == 0x1FBE) || (ch >= 0x1FC2 && ch <= 0x1FC4) || (ch >= 0x1FC6 && ch <= 0x1FCC) || (ch >= 0x1FD0 && ch <= 0x1FD3) || (ch >= 0x1FD6 && ch <= 0x1FDB) || (ch >= 0x1FE0 && ch <= 0x1FEC) || (ch >= 0x1FF2 && ch <= 0x1FF4) || (ch >= 0x1FF6 && ch <= 0x1FFC) || (ch == 0x2126) || (ch >= 0x212A && ch <= 0x212B) || (ch == 0x212E) || (ch >= 0x2180 && ch <= 0x2182) || (ch >= 0x3041 && ch <= 0x3094) || (ch >= 0x30A1 && ch <= 0x30FA) || (ch >= 0x3105 && ch <= 0x312C) || (ch >= 0xAC00 && ch <= 0xD7A3); } private static bool IsIdeographic (int ch) { return (ch >= 0x4E00 && ch <= 0x9FA5) || (ch == 0x3007) || (ch >= 0x3021 && ch <= 0x3029); } private static bool IsDigit (int ch) { return (ch >= 0x0030 && ch <= 0x0039) || (ch >= 0x0660 && ch <= 0x0669) || (ch >= 0x06F0 && ch <= 0x06F9) || (ch >= 0x0966 && ch <= 0x096F) || (ch >= 0x09E6 && ch <= 0x09EF) || (ch >= 0x0A66 && ch <= 0x0A6F) || (ch >= 0x0AE6 && ch <= 0x0AEF) || (ch >= 0x0B66 && ch <= 0x0B6F) || (ch >= 0x0BE7 && ch <= 0x0BEF) || (ch >= 0x0C66 && ch <= 0x0C6F) || (ch >= 0x0CE6 && ch <= 0x0CEF) || (ch >= 0x0D66 && ch <= 0x0D6F) || (ch >= 0x0E50 && ch <= 0x0E59) || (ch >= 0x0ED0 && ch <= 0x0ED9) || (ch >= 0x0F20 && ch <= 0x0F29); } private static bool IsCombiningChar (int ch) { return (ch >= 0x0300 && ch <= 0x0345) || (ch >= 0x0360 && ch <= 0x0361) || (ch >= 0x0483 && ch <= 0x0486) || (ch >= 0x0591 && ch <= 0x05A1) || (ch >= 0x05A3 && ch <= 0x05B9) || (ch >= 0x05BB && ch <= 0x05BD) || (ch == 0x05BF) || (ch >= 0x05C1 && ch <= 0x05C2) || (ch == 0x05C4) || (ch >= 0x064B && ch <= 0x0652) || (ch == 0x0670) || (ch >= 0x06D6 && ch <= 0x06DC) || (ch >= 0x06DD && ch <= 0x06DF) || (ch >= 0x06E0 && ch <= 0x06E4) || (ch >= 0x06E7 && ch <= 0x06E8) || (ch >= 0x06EA && ch <= 0x06ED) || (ch >= 0x0901 && ch <= 0x0903) || (ch == 0x093C) || (ch >= 0x093E && ch <= 0x094C) || (ch == 0x094D) || (ch >= 0x0951 && ch <= 0x0954) || (ch >= 0x0962 && ch <= 0x0963) || (ch >= 0x0981 && ch <= 0x0983) || (ch == 0x09BC) || (ch == 0x09BE) || (ch == 0x09BF) || (ch >= 0x09C0 && ch <= 0x09C4) || (ch >= 0x09C7 && ch <= 0x09C8) || (ch >= 0x09CB && ch <= 0x09CD) || (ch == 0x09D7) || (ch >= 0x09E2 && ch <= 0x09E3) || (ch == 0x0A02) || (ch == 0x0A3C) || (ch == 0x0A3E) || (ch == 0x0A3F) || (ch >= 0x0A40 && ch <= 0x0A42) || (ch >= 0x0A47 && ch <= 0x0A48) || (ch >= 0x0A4B && ch <= 0x0A4D) || (ch >= 0x0A70 && ch <= 0x0A71) || (ch >= 0x0A81 && ch <= 0x0A83) || (ch == 0x0ABC) || (ch >= 0x0ABE && ch <= 0x0AC5) || (ch >= 0x0AC7 && ch <= 0x0AC9) || (ch >= 0x0ACB && ch <= 0x0ACD) || (ch >= 0x0B01 && ch <= 0x0B03) || (ch == 0x0B3C) || (ch >= 0x0B3E && ch <= 0x0B43) || (ch >= 0x0B47 && ch <= 0x0B48) || (ch >= 0x0B4B && ch <= 0x0B4D) || (ch >= 0x0B56 && ch <= 0x0B57) || (ch >= 0x0B82 && ch <= 0x0B83) || (ch >= 0x0BBE && ch <= 0x0BC2) || (ch >= 0x0BC6 && ch <= 0x0BC8) || (ch >= 0x0BCA && ch <= 0x0BCD) || (ch == 0x0BD7) || (ch >= 0x0C01 && ch <= 0x0C03) || (ch >= 0x0C3E && ch <= 0x0C44) || (ch >= 0x0C46 && ch <= 0x0C48) || (ch >= 0x0C4A && ch <= 0x0C4D) || (ch >= 0x0C55 && ch <= 0x0C56) || (ch >= 0x0C82 && ch <= 0x0C83) || (ch >= 0x0CBE && ch <= 0x0CC4) || (ch >= 0x0CC6 && ch <= 0x0CC8) || (ch >= 0x0CCA && ch <= 0x0CCD) || (ch >= 0x0CD5 && ch <= 0x0CD6) || (ch >= 0x0D02 && ch <= 0x0D03) || (ch >= 0x0D3E && ch <= 0x0D43) || (ch >= 0x0D46 && ch <= 0x0D48) || (ch >= 0x0D4A && ch <= 0x0D4D) || (ch == 0x0D57) || (ch == 0x0E31) || (ch >= 0x0E34 && ch <= 0x0E3A) || (ch >= 0x0E47 && ch <= 0x0E4E) || (ch == 0x0EB1) || (ch >= 0x0EB4 && ch <= 0x0EB9) || (ch >= 0x0EBB && ch <= 0x0EBC) || (ch >= 0x0EC8 && ch <= 0x0ECD) || (ch >= 0x0F18 && ch <= 0x0F19) || (ch == 0x0F35) || (ch == 0x0F37) || (ch == 0x0F39) || (ch == 0x0F3E) || (ch == 0x0F3F) || (ch >= 0x0F71 && ch <= 0x0F84) || (ch >= 0x0F86 && ch <= 0x0F8B) || (ch >= 0x0F90 && ch <= 0x0F95) || (ch == 0x0F97) || (ch >= 0x0F99 && ch <= 0x0FAD) || (ch >= 0x0FB1 && ch <= 0x0FB7) || (ch == 0x0FB9) || (ch >= 0x20D0 && ch <= 0x20DC) || (ch == 0x20E1) || (ch >= 0x302A && ch <= 0x302F) || (ch == 0x3099) || (ch == 0x309A); } private static bool IsExtender (int ch) { return (ch == 0x00B7) || (ch == 0x02D0) || (ch == 0x02D1) || (ch == 0x0387) || (ch == 0x0640) || (ch == 0x0E46) || (ch == 0x0EC6) || (ch == 0x3005) || (ch >= 0x3031 && ch <= 0x3035) || (ch >= 0x309D && ch <= 0x309E) || (ch >= 0x30FC && ch <= 0x30FE); } #endif public void TestIsName () { Assert (XmlReader.IsName ("foo")); Assert (!XmlReader.IsName ("1foo")); Assert (!XmlReader.IsName (" foo")); } public void TestIsNameToken () { Assert (XmlReader.IsNameToken ("foo")); Assert (XmlReader.IsNameToken ("1foo")); Assert (!XmlReader.IsNameToken (" foo")); } public void TestMoveToElementFromAttribute () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); Assert (xmlReader.Read ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToFirstAttribute ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Attribute, xmlReader.NodeType); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToElement ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); } public void TestMoveToElementFromElement () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); Assert (xmlReader.Read ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); Assert (!xmlReader.MoveToElement ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); } public void TestMoveToFirstAttributeWithNoAttributes () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); Assert (xmlReader.Read ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); Assert (!xmlReader.MoveToFirstAttribute ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); } public void TestMoveToNextAttributeWithNoAttributes () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); Assert (xmlReader.Read ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); Assert (!xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); } public void TestMoveToNextAttribute() { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); AssertStartDocument (xmlReader); AssertNode ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 2 // attributeCount ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "bar", // name String.Empty, // prefix "bar", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "baz" // value ); AssertAttribute ( xmlReader, // xmlReader "quux", // name String.Empty, // prefix "quux", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI "quuux" // value ); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); Assert ("bar" == xmlReader.Name || "quux" == xmlReader.Name); Assert ("baz" == xmlReader.Value || "quuux" == xmlReader.Value); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); Assert ("bar" == xmlReader.Name || "quux" == xmlReader.Name); Assert ("baz" == xmlReader.Value || "quuux" == xmlReader.Value); Assert (!xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToElement ()); AssertNodeValues ( xmlReader, // xmlReader XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType 0, //depth true, // isEmptyElement "foo", // name String.Empty, // prefix "foo", // localName String.Empty, // namespaceURI String.Empty, // value 2 // attributeCount ); AssertEndDocument (xmlReader); } public void TestAttributeOrder () { string xml = @""; XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); Assert (xmlReader.Read ()); AssertEquals (XmlNodeType.Element, xmlReader.NodeType); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToFirstAttribute ()); AssertEquals ("_1", xmlReader.Name); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); AssertEquals ("_2", xmlReader.Name); Assert (xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); AssertEquals ("_3", xmlReader.Name); Assert (!xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute ()); } } }