// // System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator.cs // // Authors: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Daniel Stodden (stodden@in.tum.de) // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // Andreas Nahr (ClassDevelopment@A-SoftTech.com) // // (C) 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc. // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using System.Collections; namespace System.CodeDom.Compiler { public abstract class CodeGenerator : ICodeGenerator { private IndentedTextWriter output; private CodeGeneratorOptions options; private CodeTypeMember currentMember; private CodeTypeDeclaration currentType; // // Constructors // protected CodeGenerator() { } // // Properties // protected CodeTypeMember CurrentMember { get { return currentMember; } } protected string CurrentMemberName { get { if (currentType == null) return null; return currentMember.Name; } } protected string CurrentTypeName { get { if (currentType == null) return null; return currentType.Name; } } protected int Indent { get { return output.Indent; } set { output.Indent = value; } } protected bool IsCurrentClass { get { if (currentType == null) return false; return currentType.IsClass; } } protected bool IsCurrentDelegate { get { return currentType is CodeTypeDelegate; } } protected bool IsCurrentEnum { get { if (currentType == null) return false; return currentType.IsEnum; } } protected bool IsCurrentInterface { get { if (currentType == null) return false; return currentType.IsInterface; } } protected bool IsCurrentStruct { get { if (currentType == null) return false; return currentType.IsStruct; } } protected abstract string NullToken { get; } protected CodeGeneratorOptions Options { get { return options; } } protected TextWriter Output { get { return output; } } // // Methods // protected virtual void ContinueOnNewLine (string st) { output.WriteLine (st); } /* * Code Generation methods */ protected abstract void GenerateArgumentReferenceExpression (CodeArgumentReferenceExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateArrayCreateExpression (CodeArrayCreateExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateArrayIndexerExpression (CodeArrayIndexerExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateAssignStatement (CodeAssignStatement s); protected abstract void GenerateAttachEventStatement (CodeAttachEventStatement s); protected abstract void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes); protected abstract void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes); protected abstract void GenerateBaseReferenceExpression (CodeBaseReferenceExpression e); protected virtual void GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression (CodeBinaryOperatorExpression e) { output.Write ('('); GenerateExpression (e.Left); output.Write (' '); OutputOperator (e.Operator); output.Write (' '); GenerateExpression (e.Right); output.Write (')'); } protected abstract void GenerateCastExpression (CodeCastExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateComment (CodeComment comment); protected virtual void GenerateCommentStatement (CodeCommentStatement statement) { GenerateComment (statement.Comment); } protected virtual void GenerateCommentStatements (CodeCommentStatementCollection statements) { foreach (CodeCommentStatement comment in statements) GenerateCommentStatement (comment); } protected virtual void GenerateCompileUnit (CodeCompileUnit compileUnit) { GenerateCompileUnitStart (compileUnit); CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes = compileUnit.AssemblyCustomAttributes; if (attributes.Count != 0) { foreach (CodeAttributeDeclaration att in attributes) { GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart (attributes); output.Write ("assembly: "); OutputAttributeDeclaration (att); GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd (attributes); } } foreach (CodeNamespace ns in compileUnit.Namespaces) GenerateNamespace (ns); GenerateCompileUnitEnd (compileUnit); } protected virtual void GenerateCompileUnitEnd (CodeCompileUnit compileUnit) { } protected virtual void GenerateCompileUnitStart (CodeCompileUnit compileUnit) { } protected abstract void GenerateConditionStatement (CodeConditionStatement s); protected abstract void GenerateConstructor (CodeConstructor x, CodeTypeDeclaration d); protected virtual void GenerateDecimalValue (Decimal d) { Output.Write (d.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } protected abstract void GenerateDelegateCreateExpression (CodeDelegateCreateExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateDelegateInvokeExpression (CodeDelegateInvokeExpression e); protected virtual void GenerateDirectionExpression (CodeDirectionExpression e) { OutputDirection (e.Direction); output.Write (' '); GenerateExpression (e.Expression); } protected virtual void GenerateDoubleValue (Double d) { Output.Write (d.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } protected abstract void GenerateEntryPointMethod (CodeEntryPointMethod m, CodeTypeDeclaration d); protected abstract void GenerateEvent (CodeMemberEvent ev, CodeTypeDeclaration d); protected abstract void GenerateEventReferenceExpression (CodeEventReferenceExpression e); protected void GenerateExpression (CodeExpression e) { if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Value cannot be null."); CodeArgumentReferenceExpression argref = e as CodeArgumentReferenceExpression; if (argref != null) { GenerateArgumentReferenceExpression (argref); return; } CodeArrayCreateExpression mkarray = e as CodeArrayCreateExpression; if (mkarray != null) { GenerateArrayCreateExpression (mkarray); return; } CodeArrayIndexerExpression arrayidx = e as CodeArrayIndexerExpression; if (arrayidx != null) { GenerateArrayIndexerExpression (arrayidx); return; } CodeBaseReferenceExpression baseref = e as CodeBaseReferenceExpression; if (baseref != null) { GenerateBaseReferenceExpression (baseref); return; } CodeBinaryOperatorExpression binary = e as CodeBinaryOperatorExpression; if (binary != null) { GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression (binary); return; } CodeCastExpression cast = e as CodeCastExpression; if (cast != null) { GenerateCastExpression (cast); return; } CodeDelegateCreateExpression mkdel = e as CodeDelegateCreateExpression; if (mkdel != null) { GenerateDelegateCreateExpression (mkdel); return; } CodeDelegateInvokeExpression delinvoke = e as CodeDelegateInvokeExpression; if (delinvoke != null) { GenerateDelegateInvokeExpression (delinvoke); return; } CodeDirectionExpression direction = e as CodeDirectionExpression; if (direction != null) { GenerateDirectionExpression (direction); return; } CodeEventReferenceExpression eventref = e as CodeEventReferenceExpression; if ( eventref != null ) { GenerateEventReferenceExpression( eventref ); return; } CodeFieldReferenceExpression fieldref = e as CodeFieldReferenceExpression; if (fieldref != null) { GenerateFieldReferenceExpression (fieldref); return; } CodeIndexerExpression idx = e as CodeIndexerExpression; if (idx != null) { GenerateIndexerExpression (idx); return; } CodeMethodInvokeExpression methodinv = e as CodeMethodInvokeExpression; if (methodinv != null) { GenerateMethodInvokeExpression (methodinv); return; } CodeMethodReferenceExpression methodref = e as CodeMethodReferenceExpression; if (methodref != null) { GenerateMethodReferenceExpression (methodref); return; } CodeObjectCreateExpression objref = e as CodeObjectCreateExpression; if (objref != null) { GenerateObjectCreateExpression (objref); return; } CodeParameterDeclarationExpression param = e as CodeParameterDeclarationExpression; if (param != null) { GenerateParameterDeclarationExpression (param); return; } CodePrimitiveExpression primitive = e as CodePrimitiveExpression; if (primitive != null) { GeneratePrimitiveExpression (primitive); return; } CodePropertyReferenceExpression propref = e as CodePropertyReferenceExpression; if (propref != null) { GeneratePropertyReferenceExpression (propref); return; } CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression propset = e as CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression; if (propset != null) { GeneratePropertySetValueReferenceExpression (propset); return; } CodeSnippetExpression snippet = e as CodeSnippetExpression; if (snippet != null) { GenerateSnippetExpression (snippet); return; } CodeThisReferenceExpression thisref = e as CodeThisReferenceExpression; if (thisref != null) { GenerateThisReferenceExpression (thisref); return; } CodeTypeOfExpression typeOf = e as CodeTypeOfExpression; if (typeOf != null) { GenerateTypeOfExpression (typeOf); return; } CodeTypeReferenceExpression typeref = e as CodeTypeReferenceExpression; if (typeref != null) { GenerateTypeReferenceExpression (typeref); return; } CodeVariableReferenceExpression varref = e as CodeVariableReferenceExpression; if (varref != null) { GenerateVariableReferenceExpression (varref); return; } throw new ArgumentException ("Element type " + e + " is not supported."); } protected abstract void GenerateExpressionStatement (CodeExpressionStatement statement); protected abstract void GenerateField (CodeMemberField f); protected abstract void GenerateFieldReferenceExpression (CodeFieldReferenceExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateGotoStatement (CodeGotoStatement statement); protected abstract void GenerateIndexerExpression (CodeIndexerExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateIterationStatement (CodeIterationStatement s); protected abstract void GenerateLabeledStatement (CodeLabeledStatement statement); protected abstract void GenerateLinePragmaStart (CodeLinePragma p); protected abstract void GenerateLinePragmaEnd (CodeLinePragma p); protected abstract void GenerateMethod (CodeMemberMethod m, CodeTypeDeclaration d); protected abstract void GenerateMethodInvokeExpression (CodeMethodInvokeExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateMethodReferenceExpression (CodeMethodReferenceExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateMethodReturnStatement (CodeMethodReturnStatement e); protected virtual void GenerateNamespace (CodeNamespace ns) { foreach (CodeCommentStatement statement in ns.Comments) GenerateCommentStatement (statement); GenerateNamespaceStart (ns); foreach (CodeNamespaceImport import in ns.Imports) GenerateNamespaceImport (import); output.WriteLine(); foreach (CodeTypeDeclaration type in ns.Types) { GenerateType (type); output.WriteLine(); } GenerateNamespaceEnd (ns); } protected abstract void GenerateNamespaceStart (CodeNamespace ns); protected abstract void GenerateNamespaceEnd (CodeNamespace ns); protected abstract void GenerateNamespaceImport (CodeNamespaceImport i); protected void GenerateNamespaceImports (CodeNamespace e) { foreach (CodeNamespaceImport import in e.Imports) GenerateNamespaceImport (import); } protected void GenerateNamespaces (CodeCompileUnit e) { foreach (CodeNamespace ns in e.Namespaces) GenerateNamespace (ns); } protected abstract void GenerateObjectCreateExpression (CodeObjectCreateExpression e); protected virtual void GenerateParameterDeclarationExpression (CodeParameterDeclarationExpression e) { if (e.CustomAttributes != null && e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) OutputAttributeDeclarations (e.CustomAttributes); OutputDirection (e.Direction); OutputType (e.Type); output.Write (' '); output.Write (e.Name); } protected virtual void GeneratePrimitiveExpression (CodePrimitiveExpression e) { if (e.Value == null) { output.Write (NullToken); return; } Type type = e.Value.GetType (); if (type == typeof (bool)) { output.Write (e.Value.ToString ().ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (type == typeof (char)) { output.Write ("'" + e.Value.ToString () + "'"); } else if (type == typeof (string)) { output.Write (QuoteSnippetString ((string) e.Value)); } else if (type == typeof (byte) || type == typeof (sbyte) || type == typeof (short) || type == typeof (int) || type == typeof (long) || type == typeof (float) || type == typeof (double) || type == typeof (decimal)) { // All of these should be IFormatable, I am just being safe/slow IFormattable formattable = e.Value as IFormattable; if (formattable != null) output.Write (formattable.ToString (null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); else output.Write (e.Value.ToString ()); } else { throw new ArgumentException ("Value type (" + type + ") is not a primitive type"); } } protected abstract void GenerateProperty (CodeMemberProperty p, CodeTypeDeclaration d); protected abstract void GeneratePropertyReferenceExpression (CodePropertyReferenceExpression e); protected abstract void GeneratePropertySetValueReferenceExpression (CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateRemoveEventStatement (CodeRemoveEventStatement statement); protected virtual void GenerateSingleFloatValue (Single s) { output.Write (s.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } protected virtual void GenerateSnippetCompileUnit (CodeSnippetCompileUnit e) { output.WriteLine (e.Value); } protected abstract void GenerateSnippetExpression (CodeSnippetExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateSnippetMember (CodeSnippetTypeMember m); protected virtual void GenerateSnippetStatement (CodeSnippetStatement s) { output.WriteLine (s.Value); } protected void GenerateStatement (CodeStatement s) { bool handled = false; if (s.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaStart (s.LinePragma); CodeAssignStatement assign = s as CodeAssignStatement; if (assign != null) { GenerateAssignStatement (assign); handled = true; } CodeAttachEventStatement attach = s as CodeAttachEventStatement; if (attach != null) { GenerateAttachEventStatement (attach); handled = true; } CodeCommentStatement comment = s as CodeCommentStatement; if (comment != null) { GenerateCommentStatement (comment); handled = true; } CodeConditionStatement condition = s as CodeConditionStatement; if (condition != null) { GenerateConditionStatement (condition); handled = true; } CodeExpressionStatement expression = s as CodeExpressionStatement; if (expression != null) { GenerateExpressionStatement (expression); handled = true; } CodeGotoStatement gotostmt = s as CodeGotoStatement; if (gotostmt != null) { GenerateGotoStatement (gotostmt); handled = true; } CodeIterationStatement iteration = s as CodeIterationStatement; if (iteration != null) { GenerateIterationStatement (iteration); handled = true; } CodeLabeledStatement label = s as CodeLabeledStatement; if (label != null) { GenerateLabeledStatement (label); handled = true; } CodeMethodReturnStatement returnstmt = s as CodeMethodReturnStatement; if (returnstmt != null) { GenerateMethodReturnStatement (returnstmt); handled = true; } CodeRemoveEventStatement remove = s as CodeRemoveEventStatement; if (remove != null) { GenerateRemoveEventStatement (remove); handled = true; } CodeSnippetStatement snippet = s as CodeSnippetStatement; if (snippet != null) { GenerateSnippetStatement (snippet); handled = true; } CodeThrowExceptionStatement exception = s as CodeThrowExceptionStatement; if (exception != null) { GenerateThrowExceptionStatement (exception); handled = true; } CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement trycatch = s as CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement; if (trycatch != null) { GenerateTryCatchFinallyStatement (trycatch); handled = true; } CodeVariableDeclarationStatement declaration = s as CodeVariableDeclarationStatement; if (declaration != null) { GenerateVariableDeclarationStatement (declaration); handled = true; } if (!handled) throw new ArgumentException ("Element type " + s + " is not supported."); if (s.LinePragma != null) GenerateLinePragmaEnd (s.LinePragma); } protected void GenerateStatements (CodeStatementCollection c) { foreach (CodeStatement statement in c) GenerateStatement (statement); } protected abstract void GenerateThisReferenceExpression (CodeThisReferenceExpression e); protected abstract void GenerateThrowExceptionStatement (CodeThrowExceptionStatement s); protected abstract void GenerateTryCatchFinallyStatement (CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement s); protected abstract void GenerateTypeEnd (CodeTypeDeclaration declaration); protected abstract void GenerateTypeConstructor (CodeTypeConstructor constructor); protected virtual void GenerateTypeOfExpression (CodeTypeOfExpression e) { output.Write ("typeof("); OutputType (e.Type); output.Write (")"); } protected virtual void GenerateTypeReferenceExpression (CodeTypeReferenceExpression e) { OutputType (e.Type); } protected void GenerateTypes (CodeNamespace e) { foreach (CodeTypeDeclaration type in e.Types) GenerateType (type); } protected abstract void GenerateTypeStart (CodeTypeDeclaration declaration); protected abstract void GenerateVariableDeclarationStatement (CodeVariableDeclarationStatement e); protected abstract void GenerateVariableReferenceExpression (CodeVariableReferenceExpression e); // // Other members // /* * Output Methods */ protected virtual void OutputAttributeArgument (CodeAttributeArgument argument) { string name = argument.Name; if (name != null) { output.Write (name); output.Write ('='); } GenerateExpression (argument.Value); } private void OutputAttributeDeclaration (CodeAttributeDeclaration attribute) { output.Write (attribute.Name); output.Write ('('); IEnumerator enumerator = attribute.Arguments.GetEnumerator(); if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CodeAttributeArgument argument = (CodeAttributeArgument)enumerator.Current; OutputAttributeArgument (argument); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { output.Write (','); argument = (CodeAttributeArgument)enumerator.Current; OutputAttributeArgument (argument); } } output.Write (')'); } protected virtual void OutputAttributeDeclarations (CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes) { GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart (attributes); IEnumerator enumerator = attributes.GetEnumerator(); if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CodeAttributeDeclaration attribute = (CodeAttributeDeclaration)enumerator.Current; OutputAttributeDeclaration (attribute); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { attribute = (CodeAttributeDeclaration)enumerator.Current; output.WriteLine (','); OutputAttributeDeclaration (attribute); } } GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd (attributes); } protected virtual void OutputDirection (FieldDirection direction) { switch (direction) { case FieldDirection.In: //output.Write ("in "); break; case FieldDirection.Out: output.Write ("out "); break; case FieldDirection.Ref: output.Write ("ref "); break; } } protected virtual void OutputExpressionList (CodeExpressionCollection expressions) { OutputExpressionList (expressions, false); } protected virtual void OutputExpressionList (CodeExpressionCollection expressions, bool newLineBetweenItems) { IEnumerator enumerator = expressions.GetEnumerator(); if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CodeExpression expression = (CodeExpression)enumerator.Current; GenerateExpression (expression); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { expression = (CodeExpression)enumerator.Current; output.Write (','); if (newLineBetweenItems) output.WriteLine (); else output.Write (' '); GenerateExpression (expression); } } } protected virtual void OutputFieldScopeModifier (MemberAttributes attributes) { if ((attributes & MemberAttributes.VTableMask) == MemberAttributes.New) output.Write ("new "); switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Static: output.Write ("static "); break; case MemberAttributes.Const: output.Write ("const "); break; } } protected virtual void OutputIdentifier (string ident) { output.Write (ident); } protected virtual void OutputMemberAccessModifier (MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Assembly: output.Write ("internal "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly: output.Write ("/* FamAndAssem */ internal "); break; case MemberAttributes.Family: output.Write ("protected "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyOrAssembly: output.Write ("protected internal "); break; case MemberAttributes.Private: output.Write ("private "); break; case MemberAttributes.Public: output.Write ("public "); break; } } protected virtual void OutputMemberScopeModifier (MemberAttributes attributes) { if ((attributes & MemberAttributes.VTableMask) == MemberAttributes.New) output.Write( "new " ); switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Abstract: output.Write ("abstract "); break; case MemberAttributes.Final: // Do nothing break; case MemberAttributes.Static: output.Write ("static "); break; case MemberAttributes.Override: output.Write ("override "); break; default: // // FUNNY! if the scope value is // rubbish (0 or >Const), and access // is public or protected, make it // "virtual". // // i'm not sure whether this is 100% // correct, but it seems to be MS // behavior. // MemberAttributes access = attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask; if (access == MemberAttributes.Public || access == MemberAttributes.Family) output.Write ("virtual "); break; } } protected virtual void OutputOperator (CodeBinaryOperatorType op) { switch (op) { case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Add: output.Write ("+"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Subtract: output.Write ("-"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Multiply: output.Write ("*"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Divide: output.Write ("/"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Modulus: output.Write ("%"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Assign: output.Write ("="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality: output.Write ("!="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityEquality: output.Write ("=="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.ValueEquality: output.Write ("=="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr: output.Write ("|"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd: output.Write ("&"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanOr: output.Write ("||"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanAnd: output.Write ("&&"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.LessThan: output.Write ("<"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.LessThanOrEqual: output.Write ("<="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan: output.Write (">"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual: output.Write (">="); break; } } protected virtual void OutputParameters (CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection parameters) { bool first = true; foreach (CodeParameterDeclarationExpression expr in parameters) { if (first) first = false; else output.Write (", "); GenerateExpression (expr); } } protected abstract void OutputType (CodeTypeReference t); protected virtual void OutputTypeAttributes (TypeAttributes attributes, bool isStruct, bool isEnum) { switch (attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.NotPublic: // private by default break; case TypeAttributes.Public: case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic: output.Write ("public "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate: output.Write ("private "); break; } if (isStruct) output.Write ("struct "); else if (isEnum) output.Write ("enum "); else { if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Interface) != 0) output.Write ("interface "); else if (currentType is CodeTypeDelegate) output.Write ("delegate "); else { if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0) output.Write ("sealed "); if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0) output.Write ("abstract "); output.Write ("class "); } } } protected virtual void OutputTypeNamePair (CodeTypeReference type, string name) { OutputType (type); output.Write (' '); output.Write (name); } protected abstract string QuoteSnippetString (string value); /* * ICodeGenerator */ protected abstract string CreateEscapedIdentifier (string value); string ICodeGenerator.CreateEscapedIdentifier (string value) { return CreateEscapedIdentifier (value); } protected abstract string CreateValidIdentifier (string value); string ICodeGenerator.CreateValidIdentifier (string value) { return CreateValidIdentifier (value); } private void InitOutput (TextWriter output, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { if (options == null) options = new CodeGeneratorOptions (); this.output = new IndentedTextWriter (output, options.IndentString); this.options = options; } void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (CodeCompileUnit compileUnit, TextWriter output, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { InitOutput (output, options); GenerateCompileUnit (compileUnit); } void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromExpression (CodeExpression expression, TextWriter output, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { InitOutput (output, options); GenerateExpression (expression); } void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromNamespace (CodeNamespace ns, TextWriter output, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { InitOutput (output, options); GenerateNamespace (ns); } void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromStatement (CodeStatement statement, TextWriter output, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { InitOutput (output, options); GenerateStatement (statement); } void ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromType (CodeTypeDeclaration type, TextWriter output, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { InitOutput (output, options); GenerateType (type); } private void GenerateType (CodeTypeDeclaration type) { CodeTypeDelegate del = type as CodeTypeDelegate; if (del != null) GenerateDelegate (del); else GenerateNonDelegateType (type); } private void GenerateDelegate (CodeTypeDelegate type) { CodeTypeDeclaration prevType = this.currentType; this.currentType = type; InitOutput (output, options); foreach (CodeCommentStatement statement in type.Comments) GenerateCommentStatement (statement); GenerateTypeStart (type); OutputParameters (type.Parameters); GenerateTypeEnd (type); this.currentType = prevType; } private void GenerateNonDelegateType (CodeTypeDeclaration type) { CodeTypeDeclaration prevType = this.currentType; this.currentType = type; InitOutput (output, options); foreach (CodeCommentStatement statement in type.Comments) GenerateCommentStatement (statement); GenerateTypeStart (type); CodeTypeMember [] members = new CodeTypeMember [type.Members.Count]; type.Members.CopyTo (members, 0); int[] order = new int[members.Length]; for (int n=0; n 1) { for (int x = 0; x < value.Length; x++) { switch (char.GetUnicodeCategory (value[x])) { case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber: case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter: case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter: case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter: case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter: case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter: case UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation: case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber: case UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark: case UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark: case UnicodeCategory.Format: return true; } return false; } } else return true; break; } return false; } protected abstract bool Supports (GeneratorSupport supports); bool ICodeGenerator.Supports (GeneratorSupport value) { return Supports (value); } protected virtual void ValidateIdentifier (string value) { if (!(IsValidIdentifier (value))) throw new ArgumentException ("Identifier is invalid", "value"); } [MonoTODO] public static void ValidateIdentifiers (CodeObject e) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } void ICodeGenerator.ValidateIdentifier (string value) { ValidateIdentifier (value); } // The position in the array determines the order in which those // kind of CodeTypeMembers are generated. Less is more ;-) static Type [] memberTypes = { typeof (CodeMemberField), typeof (CodeSnippetTypeMember), typeof (CodeTypeConstructor), typeof (CodeConstructor), typeof (CodeMemberProperty), typeof (CodeMemberEvent), typeof (CodeMemberMethod), typeof (CodeTypeDeclaration), typeof (CodeEntryPointMethod) }; } }