// // ServicePointTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Net.ServicePoint // // Author: // Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl) // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Threading; namespace MonoTests.System.Net { public class ServicePointTest : TestCase { public ServicePointTest () : base ("[MonoTests.System.Net.ServicePointTest]") {} public ServicePointTest (string name) : base (name) {} protected override void SetUp () {} protected override void TearDown () {} public static ITest Suite { get { return new TestSuite (typeof (ServicePointTest)); } } public void TestAll () { try { ServicePoint p = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (new Uri ("mailto:xx@yyy.com")); WriteServicePoint ("A servicepoint that isn't really", p); ServicePointManager.MaxServicePoints = 2; ServicePoint google = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (new Uri ("http://www.google.com")); try { ServicePoint slashdot = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (new Uri ("http://www.slashdot.org")); Fail ("#1"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } ServicePointManager.MaxServicePoints = 0; WriteServicePoint ("google before getting a webrequest", google); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ("http://www.google.com"); HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse (); WriteServicePoint ("google after getting a response", google); ServicePoint google2 = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (new Uri ("http://www.google.com/dilbert.html")); AssertEquals ("#equals", google, google2); res.Close (); // in both instances property CurrentConnections is 0 according to ms.net. // let's see what it says when we do async operations... HttpWebRequest req2 = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ("http://www.google.com"); req2.Method = "PUT"; IAsyncResult async = req2.BeginGetRequestStream (null, null); WriteServicePoint ("after async BeginGetRequestStream", google); // CurrentConnections: 1 Stream stream2 = req2.EndGetRequestStream (async); WriteServicePoint ("after async EndGetRequestStream", google); // CurrentConnections: 1 stream2.Close (); req2 = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ("http://www.google.com"); async = req2.BeginGetResponse (null, null); WriteServicePoint ("after async BeginGetResponse", google); // CurrentConnections: 2 WebResponse res2 = req2.EndGetResponse (async); WriteServicePoint ("after async EndGetResponse", google); // CurrentConnections: 0 // curious that after you get the webresponse object CurrentConnections is set to 0. // you'd think that you'd still be connected until you close the webresponse.. Console.WriteLine ("ContentLength: " + res2.ContentLength); res2.Close (); // unless of course some buffering is taking place.. let's check Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.0.36.tar.gz"); ServicePoint sp2 = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (uri2); req2 = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (uri2); async = req2.BeginGetResponse (null, null); WriteServicePoint ("Large file: after async BeginGetResponse", sp2); // CurrentConnections: 1 res2 = req2.EndGetResponse (async); WriteServicePoint ("Large file: after async EndGetResponse", sp2); // CurrentConnections: 1 // and so it shows Console.WriteLine ("ContentLength: " + res2.ContentLength); res2.Close (); // what's the limit of the cache? req2 = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ("http://www.apache.org/"); res2 = req2.GetResponse (); sp2 = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (new Uri("http://www.apache.org/")); WriteServicePoint ("apache", sp2); Console.WriteLine ("ContentLength: " + res2.ContentLength); // CurrentConnections: 1 res2.Close (); // curious other effect: address is actually the full Uri of the previous request // anyways, buffer is probably 4096 bytes } catch (WebException e) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe following Exception was raised : {0}", e.Message); } } // try getting the stream to 5 web response objects // while ConnectionLimit equals 2 /* public void TestConnectionLimit () { try { // the default is already 2, just in case it isn't.. ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 2; Uri uri = new Uri ("http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.0.36.tar.gz"); ServicePoint sp = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint (uri); WebResponse [] res = new WebResponse [5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Console.WriteLine ("GOT1 : " + i); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (uri); Console.WriteLine ("GOT2 : " + i); res [i] = req.GetResponse (); WriteServicePoint ("after getting " + (i + 1) + " web response objects", sp); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Stream stream = res [i].GetResponseStream(); Console.WriteLine ("Reading stream: " + i + " : " + stream); int len = 0; while (stream.ReadByte () != -1) len++; Console.WriteLine ("Finished reading: " + len + " bytes"); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { res [i].Close (); } } catch (WebException e) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe following Exception was raised : {0}", e.Message); } } */ private void WriteServicePoint (string label, ServicePoint sp) { Console.WriteLine ("\n" + label); Console.WriteLine ("Address: " + sp.Address); Console.WriteLine ("ConnectionLimit: " + sp.ConnectionLimit); Console.WriteLine ("ConnectionName: " + sp.ConnectionName); Console.WriteLine ("CurrentConnections: " + sp.CurrentConnections); Console.WriteLine ("IdleSince: " + sp.IdleSince); Console.WriteLine ("MaxIdletime: " + sp.MaxIdleTime); Console.WriteLine ("ProtocolVersion: " + sp.ProtocolVersion); Console.WriteLine ("SupportsPipelining: " + sp.SupportsPipelining); } } }