;==++== ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ; ;==--== ; NOTE: do not use \", use ' instead ; NOTE: Use # or ; for comments ; These are the managed resources for System.Core.Dll. See ; ResourceManager documentation and the ResGen tool. OwningTeam=DLinq ## ExceptionType=NotSupportedException CannotAddChangeConflicts=Cannot add change conflicts. They are added automatically during SubmitChanges. ## ExceptionType=NotSupportedException CannotRemoveChangeConflicts=Cannot remove change conflicts. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException InconsistentAssociationAndKeyChange=The member '{0}' was changed to be inconsistent with the association member '{1}'. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException UnableToDetermineDataContext=Unable to determine DataContext for compiled query execution. ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException ArgumentTypeHasNoIdentityKey=The type '{0}' has no identity key. ## ExceptionType=InvalidCastException CouldNotConvert=Could not convert from type '{0}' to type '{1}'. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotRemoveUnattachedEntity=Cannot remove an entity that has not been attached. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException ColumnMappedMoreThanOnce=Mapping Problem: The database column '{0}' is mapped more than once. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CouldNotAttach=Item already exists in data context. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CouldNotGetTableForSubtype=Could not retrieve a Table for inheritance subtype '{0}', try Table of {1} instead. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CouldNotRemoveRelationshipBecauseOneSideCannotBeNull=An attempt was made to remove a relationship between a {0} and a {1}. However, one of the relationship's foreign keys ({2}) cannot be set to null. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException EntitySetAlreadyLoaded=The EntitySet is already loaded and the source cannot be changed. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException EntitySetModifiedDuringEnumeration=EntitySet was modified during enumeration. ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException ExpectedQueryableArgument=Argument {0} does not implement {1}. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException ExpectedUpdateDeleteOrChange=Expected update, delete, or change. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException KeyIsWrongSize=Key is the wrong size. Expected {0}. Actual {1}. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException KeyValueIsWrongType=Key value is the wrong type. Expected assignable from {0}. Actual {1}. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException IdentityChangeNotAllowed=Value of member '{0}' of an object of type '{1}' changed.\r\nA member defining the identity of the object cannot be changed.\r\nConsider adding a new object with new identity and deleting the existing one instead. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException DbGeneratedChangeNotAllowed=Value of member '{0}' of an object of type '{1}' changed.\r\nA member that is computed or generated by the database cannot be changed. ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException ModifyDuringAddOrRemove=Could not modify EntitySet. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException ProviderDoesNotImplementRequiredInterface=Specified provider type '{0}' does not implement '{1}'. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException ProviderTypeNull=Non-null provider type expected. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException TypeCouldNotBeAdded=Instance of type '{0}' could not be added. This type is not part of the mapped type system. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException TypeCouldNotBeRemoved=Instance of type '{0}' could not be removed. This type is not part of the mapped type system. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException TypeCouldNotBeTracked=Instance of type '{0}' could not be tracked. This type is not part of the mapped type system. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException TypeIsNotEntity=The type '{0}' is not an entity. ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException UnrecognizedRefreshObject=An object specified for refresh is not recognized. ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException UnhandledExpressionType=Unhandled Expression Type: {0} ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException UnhandledBindingType=Unhandled Binding Type: {0} ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException ObjectTrackingRequired=Object tracking is not enabled for the current data context instance. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException OptionsCannotBeModifiedAfterQuery=Data context options cannot be modified after results have been returned from a query. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException DeferredLoadingRequiresObjectTracking=Deferred loading requires that object tracking is also enabled. ## ExceptionType=NotSupportedException SubqueryDoesNotSupportOperator=The operator '{0}' is not supported in Subquery. ## ExceptionType=NotSupportedException SubqueryNotSupportedOn=Subquery is not supported on '{0}'. ## ExceptionType=NotSupportedException SubqueryNotSupportedOnType=Subquery is not supported on '{0}' of type '{1}'. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException SubqueryNotAllowedAfterFreeze=SetSubquery is not allowed after freeze or attach to DataContext. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException IncludeNotAllowedAfterFreeze=LoadWith is not allowed after freeze or attach to DataContext. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException LoadOptionsChangeNotAllowedAfterQuery=Setting load options is not allowed after results have been returned from a query. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException IncludeCycleNotAllowed=Cycles not allowed in LoadOptions LoadWith type graph. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException SubqueryMustBeSequence=Subquery must be a sequence expression. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException RefreshOfDeletedObject=Unable to refresh the specified object. The object no longer exists in the database. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException RefreshOfNewObject=An object specified for refresh is pending insert and cannot be refreshed. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotChangeInheritanceType=Not allowed: Inheritance discriminator change from '{0}' to '{1}' would change type from '{2}' to '{3}'. ## ExceptionType=ObjectDisposedException DataContextCannotBeUsedAfterDispose=DataContext accessed after Dispose. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException TypeIsNotMarkedAsTable=The type '{0}' is not mapped as a Table. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException NonEntityAssociationMapping=Invalid association mapping for member '{0}.{1}'. '{2}' is not an entity. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotPerformCUDOnReadOnlyTable=Can't perform Create, Update, or Delete operations on '{0}' because it has no primary key. InsertCallbackComment=--Callback into user code for insert. UpdateCallbackComment=--Callback into user code for update. DeleteCallbackComment=--Callback into user code for delete. RowNotFoundOrChanged=Row not found or changed. UpdatesFailedMessage={0} of {1} updates failed. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CycleDetected=A cycle was detected in the set of changes ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CantAddAlreadyExistingItem=Cannot add an entity that already exists. CantAddAlreadyExistingKey=Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use. DatabaseGeneratedAlreadyExistingKey=The database generated a key that is already in use. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException InsertAutoSyncFailure=Member AutoSync failure. For members to be AutoSynced after insert, the type must either have an auto-generated identity, or a key that is not modified by the database after insert. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException EntitySetDataBindingWithAbstractBaseClass=Cannot add an instance of an abstract class to EntitySet<{0}>. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException EntitySetDataBindingWithNonPublicDefaultConstructor={0} must have a parameterless constructor when using IBindingList to add new instances. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException InvalidLoadOptionsLoadMemberSpecification=The expression specified must be of the form p.A, where p is the parameter and A is a property or field member. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException EntityIsTheWrongType=The entity is not of the correct type. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException OriginalEntityIsWrongType=The original state instance has the wrong type. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotAttachAlreadyExistingEntity=Cannot attach an entity that already exists. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotAttachAsModifiedWithoutOriginalState=An entity can only be attached as modified without original state if it declares a version member or does not have an update check policy. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotPerformOperationDuringSubmitChanges=The operation cannot be performed during a call to SubmitChanges. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotPerformOperationOutsideSubmitChanges=The operation can only be performed inside a user override method during a call to SubmitChanges. ## ExceptionType=InvalidOperationException CannotPerformOperationForUntrackedObject=The operation cannot be performed for the entity because it is not being change tracked. ## ExceptionType=NotSupportedException CannotAttachAddNonNewEntities=An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported. ## ExceptionType=ArgumentException QueryWasCompiledForDifferentMappingSource=Query was compiled for a different mapping source than the one associated with the specified DataContext.