// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // // File: RemotingServices.cs // // [....] // // Author(s): Gopal Kakivaya (GopalK) // // Purpose: Defines various remoting related services such as // marshal, unmarshal, connect, wrap, unwrap etc. // // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting { using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Services; using RemotingConfigInfo = System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfigHandler.RemotingConfigInfo; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; // Implements various remoting services [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public static class RemotingServices { private const BindingFlags LookupAll = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static; private const String FieldGetterName = "FieldGetter"; private const String FieldSetterName = "FieldSetter"; private const String IsInstanceOfTypeName = "IsInstanceOfType"; private const String CanCastToXmlTypeName = "CanCastToXmlType"; private const String InvokeMemberName = "InvokeMember"; private static volatile MethodBase s_FieldGetterMB; private static volatile MethodBase s_FieldSetterMB; private static volatile MethodBase s_IsInstanceOfTypeMB; private static volatile MethodBase s_CanCastToXmlTypeMB; private static volatile MethodBase s_InvokeMemberMB; private static volatile bool s_bRemoteActivationConfigured; // have we registered the well known channels private static volatile bool s_bRegisteredWellKnownChannels; // are we in the middle of registering well known channels private static bool s_bInProcessOfRegisteringWellKnownChannels; private static readonly Object s_delayLoadChannelLock = new Object(); // //Native Static Methods // [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [Pure] [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall), ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] public static extern bool IsTransparentProxy(Object proxy); // Check whether the given object's context is the same as // the current context. // // // [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated public static bool IsObjectOutOfContext(Object tp) { if (!IsTransparentProxy(tp)) { return false; } RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(tp); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; ServerIdentity serverID = id as ServerIdentity; if ((null == serverID) || !(rp is RemotingProxy)) { return true; } return(Thread.CurrentContext != serverID.ServerContext); } // Check whether the given object's app domain is the same as // the current app domain // // // public static bool IsObjectOutOfAppDomain(Object tp) { return IsClientProxy(tp); } // IsObjectOutOfAppDomain internal static bool IsClientProxy(Object obj) { MarshalByRefObject mbr = obj as MarshalByRefObject; if (mbr == null) return false; bool bIsClientProxy = false; bool fServer; Identity id = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(mbr, out fServer); // If the identity is null, this is defintely a locally hosted object; // otherwise...(see if statement below). if (id != null) { if (!(id is ServerIdentity)) bIsClientProxy = true; } return bIsClientProxy; } // IsClientProxy // Check whether the given object's process is the same as // the current process // // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static bool IsObjectOutOfProcess(Object tp) { if (!IsTransparentProxy(tp)) return false; RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(tp); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; if (id is ServerIdentity) return false; else { if (null != id) { ObjRef objRef = id.ObjectRef; if (objRef != null && objRef.IsFromThisProcess()) { return false; } else { return true; } } // assume out of process return true; } } // IsObjectOutOfProcess // Get the real proxy backing the transparent proxy // // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] public static extern RealProxy GetRealProxy(Object proxy); // Create a transparent proxy given an instance of a real proxy and type // // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern Object CreateTransparentProxy( RealProxy rp, RuntimeType typeToProxy, IntPtr stub, Object stubData); // Note: for each of these calls that take a RuntimeXXX reflection // structure, there is a wrapper that takes XXX and throws if it is // not a RuntimeXXX. This is to avoid clutter in code where these // methods are called. (48721) Ideally this should have been done // as a breaking change to the public APIs that use them! [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object CreateTransparentProxy( RealProxy rp, Type typeToProxy, IntPtr stub, Object stubData) { RuntimeType rTypeToProxy = typeToProxy as RuntimeType; if (rTypeToProxy == null) throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_WrongType"), "typeToProxy" ) ); return CreateTransparentProxy( rp, rTypeToProxy, stub, stubData); } // Allocate an uninitialized object of the given type. // // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern MarshalByRefObject AllocateUninitializedObject( RuntimeType objectType); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void CallDefaultCtor(Object o); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static MarshalByRefObject AllocateUninitializedObject( Type objectType) { RuntimeType rObjectType = objectType as RuntimeType; if (rObjectType == null) throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_WrongType"), "objectType" ) ); return AllocateUninitializedObject( rObjectType); } // Allocate an Initialized object of the given type. // runs the default constructor // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern MarshalByRefObject AllocateInitializedObject( RuntimeType objectType); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static MarshalByRefObject AllocateInitializedObject( Type objectType) { RuntimeType rObjectType = objectType as RuntimeType; if (rObjectType == null) throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_WrongType"), "objectType" ) ); return AllocateInitializedObject( rObjectType); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static bool RegisterWellKnownChannels() { // Any code coming through this method MUST not exit // until the well known channels have been registered // (unless we are reentering in the call to // RefreshChannelData() while registering a well known // channel). if (!s_bRegisteredWellKnownChannels) { bool fLocked = false; Object configLock = Thread.GetDomain().RemotingData.ConfigLock; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { Monitor.Enter(configLock, ref fLocked); if (!s_bRegisteredWellKnownChannels && !s_bInProcessOfRegisteringWellKnownChannels) { // we set this flag true before registering channels to prevent reentrancy // when we go to refresh the channel data at the end of the call to // ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(). s_bInProcessOfRegisteringWellKnownChannels = true; CrossAppDomainChannel.RegisterChannel(); s_bRegisteredWellKnownChannels = true; } } finally { if (fLocked) { Monitor.Exit(configLock); } } } return true; } // RegisterWellKnownChannels [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static void InternalSetRemoteActivationConfigured() { if (!s_bRemoteActivationConfigured) { nSetRemoteActivationConfigured(); s_bRemoteActivationConfigured = true; } } // InternalSetRemoteActivationConfigured [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern void nSetRemoteActivationConfigured(); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static String GetSessionIdForMethodMessage(IMethodMessage msg) { return msg.Uri; } // GetSessionIdForMessage [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated public static Object GetLifetimeService(MarshalByRefObject obj) { if(null != obj) { return obj.GetLifetimeService(); } else { return null; } } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static String GetObjectUri(MarshalByRefObject obj) { // Retrieve the uri for the object. If it doesn't have an identity // we'll just return null (this encompasses the case of an actual // object not having been marshalled yet. bool fServer; Identity id = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(obj, out fServer); if(null != id) return id.URI; else return null; } // GetObjectUri [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration)] public static void SetObjectUriForMarshal( MarshalByRefObject obj, String uri) { // if obj is ever Marshal'd it should use this uri. If a uri has // already been assigned to the object, it should throw. Message.DebugOut("Entered SetObjectUriForMarshal \n"); Identity idObj = null; Identity srvIdObj = null; bool fServer; idObj = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(obj, out fServer); srvIdObj = idObj as ServerIdentity; // Ensure that if we have a transparent proxy then we are not given a remoting // proxy. This routine should only be called for objects that // live in this AppDomains. if ((idObj != null) && (srvIdObj == null)) // <-- means idObj is not a ServerIdentity { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_SetObjectUriForMarshal__ObjectNeedsToBeLocal")); } if ((idObj != null) && (idObj.URI != null)) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_SetObjectUriForMarshal__UriExists")); } if (idObj == null) { // obj is not ContextBound Contract.Assert(!(obj is ContextBoundObject), "ContextBoundObject's shouldn't get here."); // Create a new server identity and add it to the // table. IdentityHolder will take care of ----s Context serverCtx = null; serverCtx = Thread.GetDomain().GetDefaultContext(); Contract.Assert(null != serverCtx, "null != serverCtx"); ServerIdentity serverID = new ServerIdentity(obj, serverCtx, uri); // set the identity idObj = obj.__RaceSetServerIdentity(serverID); Contract.Assert(idObj == MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(obj), "Bad ID state!" ); // If our serverID isn't used then someone else marshalled the object // before we could set the uri. if (idObj != serverID) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_SetObjectUriForMarshal__UriExists")); } } else { // This is the ContextBoundObject case Contract.Assert(obj is ContextBoundObject, "Object should have been a ContextBoundObject."); idObj.SetOrCreateURI(uri, true); } Message.DebugOut("Created ServerIdentity \n"); } // SetObjectUriForMarshal [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration)] public static ObjRef Marshal(MarshalByRefObject Obj) { return MarshalInternal(Obj, null, null); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration)] public static ObjRef Marshal(MarshalByRefObject Obj, String URI) { return MarshalInternal(Obj, URI, null); } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.RemotingConfiguration)] public static ObjRef Marshal(MarshalByRefObject Obj, String ObjURI, Type RequestedType) { return MarshalInternal(Obj, ObjURI, RequestedType); } // Internal flavor without security! [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static ObjRef MarshalInternal(MarshalByRefObject Obj, String ObjURI, Type RequestedType) { return MarshalInternal(Obj, ObjURI, RequestedType, true); } // Internal flavor without security! [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static ObjRef MarshalInternal(MarshalByRefObject Obj, String ObjURI, Type RequestedType, bool updateChannelData) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "Entered Marshal for URI" + ObjURI + "\n"); if (null == Obj) return null; ObjRef objectRef = null; Identity idObj = null; idObj = GetOrCreateIdentity(Obj, ObjURI); if (RequestedType != null) { ServerIdentity srvIdObj = idObj as ServerIdentity; if (srvIdObj != null) { // If more than one thread, marshals with different types the // results would be non-deterministic, so we just let the last // call win (also allows type to be marshalled a second time // to change the exposed type). srvIdObj.ServerType = RequestedType; srvIdObj.MarshaledAsSpecificType = true; } } // If there is no objref associated with the identity then go ahead // and create one and stick it back into the identity object #if _DEBUG idObj.AssertValid(); #endif Contract.Assert(null != idObj.ObjURI,"null != idObj.ObjURI"); Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::Marshal: trying to create objref\n"); // We should definitely have an identity object at this point of time Contract.Assert(null != idObj,"null != idObj"); // Extract the objref from the identity objectRef = idObj.ObjectRef; if (null == objectRef) { Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::Marshal: really trying to create objref\n"); if (IsTransparentProxy(Obj)) { RealProxy realProxy = GetRealProxy(Obj); Contract.Assert(null != realProxy,"null != realProxy"); objectRef = realProxy.CreateObjRef(RequestedType); } else { // Create a new object ref which contains the default information objectRef = Obj.CreateObjRef(RequestedType); } Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::Marshal: created objref\n"); if (idObj == null || objectRef == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidMarshalByRefObject"), "Obj"); // The ObjectRef property setter will take care of ----s objectRef = idObj.RaceSetObjRef(objectRef); } // Retime lease on every marshal on the server side // and extend lease on every marshal on the client side - GopalK ServerIdentity srvId = idObj as ServerIdentity; if (srvId != null) { // Ensure that the lease is started soon as the object is // marshaled. MarshalByRefObject obj = null; // This call forces creation of the lifetime lease sink. srvId.GetServerObjectChain(out obj); // Server side ... object being marshaled => give it another // full lease Lease lease = idObj.Lease; if (lease != null) { // We always make Identity reference our own Lease though // the actual object implements its own ILease object. // This seems completely broken. Further, ILease interface // should have the activate method. - GopalK // This lock ensures coordination with the lifetime service // which might have decided to Disconnect the object about // the same time as it is being marshaled lock (lease) { if (lease.CurrentState == LeaseState.Expired) { // Lease.Renew is a no-op if LeaseState==Expired // So we do a full ActivateLease lease.ActivateLease(); } else { // Lease is still around. Just increase the time lease.RenewInternal(idObj.Lease.InitialLeaseTime); } } } // Every marshal should also ensure that the channel data // being carried in the objRef reflects the latest data from // regisetered channels // < if (updateChannelData && objectRef.ChannelInfo != null) { // Create the channel info Object[] channelData = ChannelServices.CurrentChannelData; // Make sure the channelInfo only has x-appdomain data since the objref is agile while other // channelData might not be and regardless this data is useless for an appdomain proxy if (!(Obj is AppDomain)) objectRef.ChannelInfo.ChannelData = channelData; else { int channelDataLength = channelData.Length; Object[] newChannelData = new Object[channelDataLength]; // Clone the data so that we dont [....] the current appdomain data which is stored // as a static Array.Copy(channelData, newChannelData, channelDataLength); for (int i = 0; i < channelDataLength; i++) { if (!(newChannelData[i] is CrossAppDomainData)) newChannelData[i] = null; } objectRef.ChannelInfo.ChannelData = newChannelData; } } } else { #if false /* */ ILease lease = idObj.Lease; if (lease == null) { lease = (ILease)Obj.GetLifetimeService(); } if (lease != null) { lease.Renew(lease.RenewOnCallTime); } #endif } // Notify TrackingServices that an object has been marshaled // NOTE: This call also keeps the object alive otherwise GC // can report it as dead anytime inside this call when it thinks // that the object will no longer be referenced, either inside // this call or outside. /* < */ TrackingServices.MarshaledObject(Obj, objectRef); return objectRef; } // Gets or generates the identity if one is not present and then returns // it to the caller. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static Identity GetOrCreateIdentity( MarshalByRefObject Obj, String ObjURI) { Identity idObj = null; if (IsTransparentProxy(Obj)) { Message.DebugOut("Marshaling proxy \n"); RealProxy realProxy = GetRealProxy(Obj); Contract.Assert(null != realProxy,"null != realProxy"); idObj = realProxy.IdentityObject; if(null == idObj) { // passing the strongIdentity flag will ensure that a weak // reference to the identity will get converted to a strong // one so as to keep the object alive (and in control of // lifeTimeServices) idObj = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateServerIdentity( Obj, ObjURI, IdOps.StrongIdentity); idObj.RaceSetTransparentProxy(Obj); } // At this point of time we should have an identity Contract.Assert(null != idObj, "null != idObj"); ServerIdentity srvID = idObj as ServerIdentity; if (srvID != null) { // We are marshaling a proxy with a serverIdentity // associated with it but with no URI generated yet. // For a genuine proxy case we will always have a URI // AND it will be a client ID! // So if we are here this must be a SrvID // for a ContextBoundObject Contract.Assert(srvID != null && Obj is ContextBoundObject, "This case should only be hit for ContextBoundObjects & ServerIdentity!"); Message.DebugOut("Marshal::Looking up server side identity \n"); #if _DEBUG srvID.AssertValid(); #endif // passing the strongIdentity flag will ensure that a weak // reference to the identity will get converted to a strong // one so as to keep the object alive (and in control of // lifeTimeServices) idObj = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateServerIdentity( srvID.TPOrObject, ObjURI, IdOps.StrongIdentity); // if an objURI was specified we need to make sure that // the same one was used. if ((null != ObjURI) && (ObjURI != Identity.RemoveAppNameOrAppGuidIfNecessary( idObj.ObjURI))) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_URIExists")); } // We create a unique ID for an object and never // change it! Contract.Assert(srvID == idObj, "Bad ID Table state!"); } else { // We are marshaling a proxy with a (client)Identity associated with it // It must already have a URI. Message.DebugOut("Marshal::Client side identity \n"); Contract.Assert(idObj.ObjURI != null, "Client side id without URI!"); // // One cannot associate a URI with a proxy generated by us // because either a URI was generated at the server side for the object // it represents or it is a well known object in which case the URI is known. // // For custom proxies this restriction is relaxed because we treat the // transparent proxy as the server object for such cases. // if ((null != ObjURI) && (ObjURI != idObj.ObjURI)) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_URIToProxy")); } } Contract.Assert(null != idObj.ObjURI,"null != idObj.ObjURI"); } else { // Find or Add the object identity to the identity table Message.DebugOut("Marshaling object \n"); // passing the strongIdentity flag will ensure that a weak // reference to the identity will get converted to a strong // one so as to keep the object alive (and in control of // lifeTimeServices) // The object may have an ID if it was marshaled but its lease // timed out. #if _DEBUG ServerIdentity idTmp = (ServerIdentity) MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(Obj); #endif idObj = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateServerIdentity( Obj, ObjURI, IdOps.StrongIdentity); // If the object had an ID to begin with that is the one // we must have set in the table. #if _DEBUG Contract.Assert(idTmp==null || idTmp == idObj, "Bad ID Table state!"); #endif } return idObj; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static void GetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } if (info==null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); ObjRef or = RemotingServices.MarshalInternal( (MarshalByRefObject)obj, null, null); or.GetObjectData(info, context); } // GetObjectData [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static Object Unmarshal(ObjRef objectRef) { return InternalUnmarshal(objectRef, null, false); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static Object Unmarshal(ObjRef objectRef, bool fRefine) { return InternalUnmarshal(objectRef, null, fRefine); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public static Object Connect(Type classToProxy, String url) { return Unmarshal(classToProxy, url, null); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public static Object Connect(Type classToProxy, String url, Object data) { return Unmarshal(classToProxy, url, data); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static bool Disconnect(MarshalByRefObject obj) { return Disconnect(obj, true); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static bool Disconnect(MarshalByRefObject obj, bool bResetURI) { if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "RemotingServices.Disconnect ", obj, " for context ", Thread.CurrentContext); // We can extract the identity either from the remoting proxy or // the server object depending on whether we are in the // context/appdomain that the object was created in or outside // the context/appdomain. bool fServer; Identity idrem = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(obj, out fServer); // remove the identity entry for this object (if it exists) bool fDisconnect = false; if(idrem != null) { // Disconnect is supported only on the server side currently if(idrem is ServerIdentity) { // Disconnect is a no op if the object was never marshaled if(idrem.IsInIDTable()) { // When a user calls Disconnect we reset the URI but // when lifetime service calls Disconnect we don't IdentityHolder.RemoveIdentity(idrem.URI, bResetURI); fDisconnect = true; } } else { // < throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString("Remoting_CantDisconnectClientProxy")); } // Notify TrackingServices that an object has been disconnected TrackingServices.DisconnectedObject(obj); } Message.DebugOut("Disconnect:: returning " + fDisconnect + " for context " + Thread.CurrentContext + "\n"); return fDisconnect; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static IMessageSink GetEnvoyChainForProxy(MarshalByRefObject obj) { IMessageSink envoyChain = null; // Extract the envoy chain only if the object is a proxy if(IsObjectOutOfContext(obj)) { RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(obj); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; if(null != id) { envoyChain = id.EnvoyChain; } } return envoyChain; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static ObjRef GetObjRefForProxy(MarshalByRefObject obj) { ObjRef objRef = null; if (!IsTransparentProxy(obj)) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_Proxy_BadType")); } RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(obj); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; if (null != id) { objRef = id.ObjectRef; } return objRef; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object Unmarshal(Type classToProxy, String url) { return Unmarshal(classToProxy, url, null); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object Unmarshal(Type classToProxy, String url, Object data) { if (null == classToProxy) { throw new ArgumentNullException("classToProxy"); } if (null == url) { throw new ArgumentNullException("url"); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); if (!classToProxy.IsMarshalByRef && !classToProxy.IsInterface) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_NotRemotableByReference")); } BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "RemotingService::Unmarshal for URL" + url + "and for Type" + classToProxy); // See if we have already unmarshaled this (wellKnown) url Identity idObj = IdentityHolder.ResolveIdentity(url); Object proxy = null; if (idObj == null || idObj.ChannelSink == null || idObj.EnvoyChain == null) { String objectURI = null; IMessageSink chnlSink = null; IMessageSink envoySink = null; // Create the envoy and channel sinks objectURI = CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks(url, data, out chnlSink, out envoySink); // ensure that we were able to create a channel sink if (chnlSink == null) { throw new RemotingException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_Connect_CantCreateChannelSink"), url)); } // Do not allow Connect() with null objUri (eg. http://localhost/) if (objectURI == null) { throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidUrl")); } #if false // GopalK: Return the server object if the object uri is in the IDTable and is of type // ServerIdentity and the object URI starts with application name ServerIdentity srvId = IdentityHolder.ResolveIdentity(objectURI) as ServerIdentity; if (srvId != null && objectURI.StartsWith(RemotingConfigHandler.ApplicationName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return srvId.ServerObject; } #endif // Try to find an existing identity or create a new one // Note: we create an identity entry hashed with the full url. This // means that the same well known object could have multiple // identities on the client side if it is connected through urls // that have different string representations. // < idObj = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateIdentity(objectURI, url, null); // Set the envoy and channel sinks in a thread safe manner SetEnvoyAndChannelSinks(idObj, chnlSink, envoySink); } // Get the proxy represented by the identity object proxy = GetOrCreateProxy(classToProxy, idObj); Message.DebugOut("RemotingService::Unmarshal returning "); return proxy; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object Wrap(ContextBoundObject obj) { return Wrap(obj, null, true); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object Wrap(ContextBoundObject obj, Object proxy, bool fCreateSinks) { Message.DebugOut("Entering Wrap for context " + Thread.CurrentContext + "\n"); if ((null != obj) && (!IsTransparentProxy(obj))) { Contract.Assert(obj.GetType().IsContextful,"objType.IsContextful"); Message.DebugOut("Wrapping object \n"); Identity idObj = null; if (proxy != null) { // We will come here for strictly x-context activations // since a proxy has already been created and supplied // through the construction message frame (GetThisPtr()). RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(proxy); if (rp.UnwrappedServerObject == null) { rp.AttachServerHelper(obj); } idObj = MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(obj); } else { // Proxy is null when Wrap() is called the second // time during activation // It also will be null when a ContextBoundObject // is being activated from a remote client. idObj = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateServerIdentity( obj, null, IdOps.None); } //********************WARNING******************************* // Always create the proxy before calling out to user code // so that any recursive calls by JIT to wrap will return this // proxy. //********************************************************** // Get the proxy represented by the identity object proxy = GetOrCreateProxy(idObj, proxy, true); // EXTENSIBILITY: GetRealProxy(proxy).Wrap(); if (fCreateSinks) { IMessageSink chnlSink = null; IMessageSink envoySink = null; // Create the envoy sinks and channel sink CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks((MarshalByRefObject)proxy, null, out chnlSink, out envoySink); // Set the envoy and channel sinks in a thread safe manner SetEnvoyAndChannelSinks(idObj, chnlSink, envoySink); } // This will handle the case where we call Wrap() with // a null proxy for real remote activation of ContextFul types. RealProxy rp2 = GetRealProxy(proxy); if (rp2.UnwrappedServerObject == null) { rp2.AttachServerHelper(obj); } Message.DebugOut("Leaving Wrap with proxy \n"); return proxy; } else { Message.DebugOut("Leaving Wrap with passed in object\n"); // Default return value is the object itself return obj; } } // Wrap // This relies on the fact that no object uri is allowed to contain a slash // (in some cases, we might want to do something intelligent by parsing // the uri with the right channel, but that isn't possible in all cases). internal static String GetObjectUriFromFullUri(String fullUri) { if (fullUri == null) return null; int index = fullUri.LastIndexOf('/'); if (index == -1) return fullUri; return fullUri.Substring(index + 1); } // GetObjectUriFromFullUri // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern Object Unwrap(ContextBoundObject obj); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern Object AlwaysUnwrap(ContextBoundObject obj); // This method does the actual work of Ma // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object InternalUnmarshal( ObjRef objectRef, Object proxy, bool fRefine) { Object obj = null; Identity idObj = null; Context currContext = Thread.CurrentContext; Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: Current context id: " + (currContext.ContextID).ToString("x") + "\n"); // This routine can be supplied a custom objref or an objref // generated by us. We do some sanity checking on the objref // to make sure that it is valid if (!ObjRef.IsWellFormed(objectRef)) { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_BadObjRef"), "Unmarshal")); } // If it is a well known objectRef we need to just connect to // the URL inside the objectRef. if (objectRef.IsWellKnown()) { obj = Unmarshal( typeof(System.MarshalByRefObject), objectRef.URI); // ensure that we cache the objectRef in the ID // this contains type-info and we need it for // validating casts on the wellknown proxy // Note: this code path will be relatively rare ... the case // when a well known proxy is passed to a remote call // Otherwise it will be wise to another internal flavor of // Unmarshal call that returns the identity as an out param. idObj = IdentityHolder.ResolveIdentity(objectRef.URI); if (idObj.ObjectRef == null) { idObj.RaceSetObjRef(objectRef); } return obj; } Message.DebugOut("RemotingService::InternalUnmarshal IN URI" + objectRef.URI); // Get the identity for the URI idObj = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateIdentity(objectRef.URI, null, objectRef); currContext = Thread.CurrentContext; Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::Unmarshal: Current context id: " + (currContext.ContextID).ToString("x") + "\n"); // If we successfully completed the above method then we should // have an identity object BCLDebug.Assert(null != idObj,"null != idObj"); Message.DebugOut("RemotingService::InternalUnmarshal IN URI" + objectRef.URI); Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: Current context id: " + (currContext.ContextID).ToString("x") + "\n"); // Check whether we are on the server side or client-side ServerIdentity serverID = idObj as ServerIdentity; if ( serverID != null ) { Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: Unmarshalling ServerIdentity\n"); // SERVER SIDE // We are in the app domain of the server object. // If we are in the same context as the server then // just return the server object else return the proxy currContext = Thread.CurrentContext; Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: Current context id: " + (currContext.ContextID).ToString("x") + "\n"); Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: ServerContext id: " + (serverID.ServerContext.ContextID).ToString("x") + "\n"); if (!serverID.IsContextBound) { BCLDebug.Assert(serverID.ServerType.IsMarshalByRef, "Object must be at least MarshalByRef in order to be marshaled"); if (proxy != null) { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_BadInternalState_ProxySameAppDomain"))); } obj = serverID.TPOrObject; } else { Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: Contexts don't match, returning proxy\n"); IMessageSink chnlSink = null; IMessageSink envoySink = null; // Create the envoy sinks and channel sink CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks( (MarshalByRefObject)serverID.TPOrObject, null, out chnlSink, out envoySink); // Set the envoy and channel sinks in a thread safe manner SetEnvoyAndChannelSinks(idObj, chnlSink, envoySink); // Get or create the proxy and return obj = GetOrCreateProxy(idObj, proxy, true); // This will be a TP BCLDebug.Assert(IsTransparentProxy(obj), "Unexpected server"); } } else { // CLIENT SIDE Message.DebugOut("RemotingServices::InternalUnmarshal: Unmarshalling Client-side Identity\n"); IMessageSink chnlSink = null; IMessageSink envoySink = null; // Create the envoy sinks and channel sink if (!objectRef.IsObjRefLite()) CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks(null, objectRef, out chnlSink, out envoySink); else CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks(objectRef.URI, null, out chnlSink, out envoySink); // Set the envoy and channel sinks in a thread safe manner SetEnvoyAndChannelSinks(idObj, chnlSink, envoySink); if (objectRef.HasProxyAttribute()) { fRefine = true; } // Get or create the proxy and return obj = GetOrCreateProxy(idObj, proxy, fRefine); } // Notify TrackingServices that we unmarshaled an object TrackingServices.UnmarshaledObject(obj, objectRef); // Return the proxy Message.DebugOut("RemotingService::InternalUnmarshl OUT \n"); return obj; } // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static Object GetOrCreateProxy( Identity idObj, Object proxy, bool fRefine) { Message.DebugOut("Entering GetOrCreateProxy for given proxy\n"); // If we are not supplied a proxy then we have to find an existing // proxy or create one if (null == proxy) { // Get the type of the server object Type serverType; ServerIdentity serverID = idObj as ServerIdentity; if (null != serverID) { serverType = serverID.ServerType; // ServerObject.GetType(); } else { BCLDebug.Assert(ObjRef.IsWellFormed(idObj.ObjectRef), "ObjRef.IsWellFormed(idObj.ObjectRef)"); IRemotingTypeInfo serverTypeInfo = idObj.ObjectRef.TypeInfo; // For system generated type info we create the proxy for // object type. Later, when the proxy is cast to the appropriate // type we will update its internal state to refer to the cast type // This way we avoid loading the server type till cast time. // // For type info generated by others we have no choice but to // load the type provided by the typeinfo. Sometimes, we // use this second approach even if the typeinfo has been // generated by us because this saves us an extra checkcast. // A typical example of this usage will be when we are // unmarshaling in parameters. We know that the unmarshal will // be followed by a check cast to ensure that the parameter type // matches the signature type, so we do both in one step. serverType = null; if (((serverTypeInfo is TypeInfo) && !fRefine) || (serverTypeInfo == null)) { serverType = typeof(System.MarshalByRefObject); } else { String typeName = serverTypeInfo.TypeName; if (typeName != null) { String typeNamespace = null; String assemNamespace = null; TypeInfo.ParseTypeAndAssembly(typeName, out typeNamespace, out assemNamespace); Assembly assem = FormatterServices.LoadAssemblyFromStringNoThrow(assemNamespace); if (assem != null) { serverType = assem.GetType(typeNamespace, false, false); } } } if (null == serverType) { throw new RemotingException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_BadType"), serverTypeInfo.TypeName)); } } Message.DebugOut("Creating Proxy for type " + serverType.FullName + "\n"); proxy = SetOrCreateProxy(idObj, serverType, null); } else { // We have been supplied with a proxy. Set that proxy in // the identity object // Assert that this the activation case only as this code path is // not thread safe otherwise! (We call Wrap to associate an object // with its proxy during activation). BCLDebug.Assert( ((RemotingProxy)GetRealProxy(proxy)).ConstructorMessage!=null, "Only expect to be here during activation!"); proxy = SetOrCreateProxy(idObj, null, proxy); } // At this point we should have a non-null transparent proxy if (proxy == null) throw new RemotingException(Environment.GetResourceString("Remoting_UnexpectedNullTP")); BCLDebug.Assert(IsTransparentProxy(proxy),"IsTransparentProxy(proxy)"); Message.DebugOut("Leaving GetOrCreateProxy for given proxy\n"); // Return the underlying transparent proxy return proxy; } // // // This version of GetOrCreateProxy is used for Connect(URI, type) [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static Object GetOrCreateProxy(Type classToProxy, Identity idObj) { Message.DebugOut("Entering GetOrCreateProxy for given class\n"); Object proxy = idObj.TPOrObject; if (null == proxy) { // Create the proxy proxy = SetOrCreateProxy(idObj, classToProxy, null); } // proxy from idObj may be non-null if we are doing a Connect // under new XXX() ... also if we are connecting to a remote URL // which we previously connected. // If we are in the same domain as the server object then we // can check for type compatibility of the proxy with the given // type. Otherwise, we will defer this check to method call time. // If we do not do this now then we run the risk of returning // a proxy which is different from the type given. // < ServerIdentity serverID = idObj as ServerIdentity; if (null != serverID) { // Check for type compatibility Type serverType = serverID.ServerType; if (!classToProxy.IsAssignableFrom(serverType)) { throw new InvalidCastException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidCast_FromTo"), serverType.FullName, classToProxy.FullName)); } } // At this point we should have a non-null transparent proxy BCLDebug.Assert(null != proxy && IsTransparentProxy(proxy),"null != proxy && IsTransparentProxy(proxy)"); Message.DebugOut("Leaving GetOrCreateProxy for given class\n"); return proxy; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static MarshalByRefObject SetOrCreateProxy( Identity idObj, Type classToProxy, Object proxy) { Message.DebugOut("Entering SetOrCreateProxy for type \n"); RealProxy realProxy = null; // If a proxy has not been supplied create one if (null == proxy) { // Create a remoting proxy Message.DebugOut("SetOrCreateProxy::Creating Proxy for " + classToProxy.FullName + "\n"); ServerIdentity srvID = idObj as ServerIdentity; if (idObj.ObjectRef != null) { ProxyAttribute pa = ActivationServices.GetProxyAttribute(classToProxy); realProxy = pa.CreateProxy(idObj.ObjectRef, classToProxy, null, // null); // } if(null == realProxy) { // The custom proxy attribute does not want to create a proxy. We create a default // proxy in this case. ProxyAttribute defaultProxyAttribute = ActivationServices.DefaultProxyAttribute; realProxy = defaultProxyAttribute.CreateProxy(idObj.ObjectRef, classToProxy, null, (null == srvID ? null : srvID.ServerContext)); } } else { BCLDebug.Assert(IsTransparentProxy(proxy),"IsTransparentProxy(proxy)"); // Extract the remoting proxy from the transparent proxy Message.DebugOut("SetOrCreateProxy::Proxy already created \n"); realProxy = GetRealProxy(proxy); } BCLDebug.Assert(null != realProxy,"null != realProxy"); // Set the back reference to the identity in the proxy object realProxy.IdentityObject = idObj; // Set the reference to the proxy in the identity object proxy = realProxy.GetTransparentProxy(); proxy = idObj.RaceSetTransparentProxy(proxy); Message.DebugOut("Leaving SetOrCreateProxy\n"); // return the transparent proxy return (MarshalByRefObject)proxy; } // Check private static bool AreChannelDataElementsNull(Object[] channelData) { foreach(Object o in channelData) { if (o != null) return false; } return true; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static void CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks( MarshalByRefObject tpOrObject, ObjRef objectRef, out IMessageSink chnlSink, out IMessageSink envoySink) { Message.DebugOut("Creating envoy and channel sinks \n"); BCLDebug.Assert( ((null != tpOrObject) || (null != objectRef)), "((null != tpOrObject) || (null != objectRef)"); // Set the out parameters chnlSink = null; envoySink = null; if (null == objectRef) { // If the objectRef is not present this is a cross context case // and we should set the cross context channel sink chnlSink = ChannelServices.GetCrossContextChannelSink(); envoySink = Thread.CurrentContext.CreateEnvoyChain(tpOrObject); } else { // Extract the channel from the channel data and name embedded // inside the objectRef Object[] channelData = objectRef.ChannelInfo.ChannelData; if (channelData != null && !AreChannelDataElementsNull(channelData)) { for (int i = 0; i < channelData.Length; i++) { // Get the first availabe sink chnlSink = ChannelServices.CreateMessageSink(channelData[i]); if (null != chnlSink) { break; } } // if chnkSink is still null, try to find a channel that can service // this uri. if (null == chnlSink) { // NOTE: careful! we are calling user code here after holding // the delayLoadChannelLock (channel ctor-s for arbitrary channels // will run while the lock is held). lock (s_delayLoadChannelLock) { // Check once to ensure that noone beat us in a ---- for (int i = 0; i < channelData.Length; i++) { // Get the first availabe sink chnlSink = ChannelServices.CreateMessageSink(channelData[i]); if (null != chnlSink) { break; } } if (null == chnlSink) { // We don't have a sink foreach (Object data in channelData) { String objectURI; chnlSink = RemotingConfigHandler.FindDelayLoadChannelForCreateMessageSink( null, data, out objectURI); if (null != chnlSink) break; } } } } } // Extract the envoy sinks from the objectRef if ((null != objectRef.EnvoyInfo) && (null != objectRef.EnvoyInfo.EnvoySinks)) { envoySink = objectRef.EnvoyInfo.EnvoySinks; } else { envoySink = EnvoyTerminatorSink.MessageSink; } } } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static String CreateEnvoyAndChannelSinks(String url, Object data, out IMessageSink chnlSink, out IMessageSink envoySink) { BCLDebug.Assert(null != url,"null != url"); String objectURI = null; objectURI = CreateChannelSink(url, data, out chnlSink); envoySink = EnvoyTerminatorSink.MessageSink; return objectURI; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static String CreateChannelSink(String url, Object data, out IMessageSink chnlSink) { BCLDebug.Assert(null != url,"null != url"); String objectURI = null; chnlSink = ChannelServices.CreateMessageSink(url, data, out objectURI); // if chnkSink is still null, try to find a channel that can service this uri. if (null == chnlSink) { lock (s_delayLoadChannelLock) { chnlSink = ChannelServices.CreateMessageSink(url, data, out objectURI); if (null == chnlSink) { chnlSink = RemotingConfigHandler.FindDelayLoadChannelForCreateMessageSink( url, data, out objectURI); } } } return objectURI; } // CreateChannelSinks internal static void SetEnvoyAndChannelSinks(Identity idObj, IMessageSink chnlSink, IMessageSink envoySink) { Message.DebugOut("Setting up envoy and channel sinks \n"); BCLDebug.Assert(null != idObj,"null != idObj"); // Decide if we need to set the envoy sink chain if (null == idObj.ChannelSink) { if (null != chnlSink) { idObj.RaceSetChannelSink(chnlSink); } } // Decide if we need to set the envoy sink chain if (null == idObj.EnvoyChain) { if (null != envoySink) { idObj.RaceSetEnvoyChain(envoySink); } else { throw new RemotingException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_BadInternalState_FailEnvoySink"))); } } } // Check whether the transparent proxy backing the real proxy // is assignable from the given type. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static bool CheckCast(RealProxy rp, RuntimeType castType) { // NOTE: This is the point where JIT_CheckCastClass ultimately // lands up in the managed world if the object being cast is // a transparent proxy. // If we are here, it means that walking the current EEClass // up the chain inside the EE was unable to verify the cast. Message.DebugOut("Entered CheckCast for type " + castType); bool fCastOK = false; BCLDebug.Assert(rp != null, "Shouldn't be called with null real proxy."); // Always return true if cast is to System.Object if (castType == typeof(Object)) return true; // We do not allow casting to non-interface types that do not extend // from System.MarshalByRefObject if (!castType.IsInterface && !castType.IsMarshalByRef) return false; // Note: this is a bit of a hack to allow deserialization of WellKnown // object refs (in the well known cases, we always return TRUE for // interface casts but doing so messes us up in the case when // the object manager is trying to resolve object references since // it ends up thinking that the proxy we returned needs to be resolved // further). if (castType != typeof(IObjectReference)) { IRemotingTypeInfo typeInfo = rp as IRemotingTypeInfo; if(null != typeInfo) { fCastOK = typeInfo.CanCastTo(castType, rp.GetTransparentProxy()); } else { // The proxy does not implement IRemotingTypeInfo, so we should // try to do casting based on the ObjRef type info. Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; if (id != null) { ObjRef objRef = id.ObjectRef; if (objRef != null) { typeInfo = objRef.TypeInfo; if (typeInfo != null) { fCastOK = typeInfo.CanCastTo(castType, rp.GetTransparentProxy()); } } } } } Message.DebugOut("CheckCast returning " + fCastOK); return fCastOK; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static bool ProxyCheckCast(RealProxy rp, RuntimeType castType) { return CheckCast(rp, castType); } // ProxyCheckCast /* **CheckCast **Action: When a proxy to an object is serialized, the MethodTable is only ** expanded on an on-demand basis. For purely managed operations, this ** happens in a transparent fashion. However, for delegates (and ** potentially other types) we need to force this expansion to happen. **Returns: The newly expanded object. Returns the identity if no expansion is required. **Arguments: objToExpand -- The object to be expanded. ** type -- the type to which to expand it. **Exceptions: None. */ [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern Object CheckCast(Object objToExpand, RuntimeType type); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static GCHandle CreateDelegateInvocation(WaitCallback waitDelegate, Object state) { Object[] delegateCallToken = new Object[2]; delegateCallToken[0] = waitDelegate; delegateCallToken[1] = state; return System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(delegateCallToken); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static void DisposeDelegateInvocation(GCHandle delegateCallToken) { delegateCallToken.Free(); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object CreateProxyForDomain(int appDomainId, IntPtr defCtxID) { AppDomain proxy = null; ObjRef objRef = CreateDataForDomain(appDomainId, defCtxID); // Unmarshal the objref in the old app domain proxy = (AppDomain)Unmarshal(objRef); return proxy; } // CreateProxyForDomain [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object CreateDataForDomainCallback(Object[] args) { // Ensure that the well known channels are registered in this domain too RegisterWellKnownChannels(); // Marshal the app domain object ObjRef objref = MarshalInternal( Thread.CurrentContext.AppDomain, null, null, false); ServerIdentity si = (ServerIdentity)MarshalByRefObject.GetIdentity(Thread.CurrentContext.AppDomain); si.SetHandle(); objref.SetServerIdentity(si.GetHandle()); objref.SetDomainID(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetId()); return objref; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static ObjRef CreateDataForDomain(int appDomainId, IntPtr defCtxID) { // This is a subroutine of CreateProxyForDomain // so we can segregate the object references // from different app domains into different frames. This is // important for the app domain leak checking code. Message.DebugOut("Creating proxy for domain " + appDomainId + "\n"); RegisterWellKnownChannels(); InternalCrossContextDelegate xctxDel = new InternalCrossContextDelegate(CreateDataForDomainCallback); return (ObjRef) Thread.CurrentThread.InternalCrossContextCallback(null, defCtxID, appDomainId, xctxDel, null); } // CreateDataForDomain [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static MethodBase GetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage(IMethodMessage msg) { MethodBase mb = InternalGetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage(msg); return mb; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static MethodBase InternalGetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage(IMethodMessage msg) { if(null == msg) { return null; } Type t = RemotingServices.InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName(msg.TypeName); if (t == null) { throw new RemotingException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_BadType"), msg.TypeName)); } // Use the signature, type and method name to determine the // methodbase via reflection. Type[] signature = (Type[])msg.MethodSignature; return GetMethodBase(msg, t, signature); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static bool IsMethodOverloaded(IMethodMessage msg) { RemotingMethodCachedData cache = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(msg.MethodBase); return cache.IsOverloaded(); } // IsMethodOverloaded [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static MethodBase GetMethodBase(IMethodMessage msg, Type t, Type[] signature) { MethodBase mb = null; // Get the reflection object depending on whether it is a // constructor call or a method call. if((msg is IConstructionCallMessage) || (msg is IConstructionReturnMessage)) { if((null == signature)) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "RemotingServices.MethodBaseFromMethodCallMessage with null sig ", msg.MethodName); ConstructorInfo[] ci; RuntimeType rt = t as RuntimeType; if (rt == null) ci = t.GetConstructors(); else ci = rt.GetConstructors(); if(1 != ci.Length) { // There is more than one constructor defined but // we do not have a signature to differentiate between // them. throw new AmbiguousMatchException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Remoting_AmbiguousCTOR")); } mb = ci[0]; } else { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "RemotingServices.MethodBaseFromMethodCallMessage with non-null sig ", msg.MethodName, " ", signature.Length); RuntimeType rt = t as RuntimeType; if (rt == null) mb = t.GetConstructor(signature); else mb = rt.GetConstructor(signature); } } else if((msg is IMethodCallMessage) || (msg is IMethodReturnMessage)) { // We demand reflection permission in the api that calls this // for non-public types if(null == signature) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "RemotingServices.MethodBaseFromMethodCallMessage with null sig ", msg.MethodName); RuntimeType rt = t as RuntimeType; if (rt == null) mb = t.GetMethod(msg.MethodName, RemotingServices.LookupAll); else mb = rt.GetMethod(msg.MethodName, RemotingServices.LookupAll); } else { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTE", "RemotingServices.MethodBaseFromMethodCallMessage with non-null sig ", msg.MethodName, " ", signature.Length); RuntimeType rt = t as RuntimeType; if (rt == null) mb = t.GetMethod(msg.MethodName, RemotingServices.LookupAll, null, signature, null); else mb = rt.GetMethod(msg.MethodName, RemotingServices.LookupAll, null, CallingConventions.Any, signature, null); } } return mb; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static bool IsMethodAllowedRemotely(MethodBase method) { // MarhsalByRefObject.InvokeMember is allowed to be invoked remotely. It is a wrapper for a com method as represented in managed // code. The managed code was generated by tlbimpl. A test does not have to be made to make sure that the COM object method is public because // the tlbimpl will only generate methods which can be invoked remotely. if (s_FieldGetterMB == null || s_FieldSetterMB == null || s_IsInstanceOfTypeMB == null || s_InvokeMemberMB == null || s_CanCastToXmlTypeMB == null) { System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Assert(true); if (s_FieldGetterMB == null) s_FieldGetterMB = typeof(Object).GetMethod(FieldGetterName,RemotingServices.LookupAll); if (s_FieldSetterMB == null) s_FieldSetterMB = typeof(Object).GetMethod(FieldSetterName, RemotingServices.LookupAll); if (s_IsInstanceOfTypeMB == null) { s_IsInstanceOfTypeMB = typeof(MarshalByRefObject).GetMethod( IsInstanceOfTypeName, RemotingServices.LookupAll); } if (s_CanCastToXmlTypeMB == null) { s_CanCastToXmlTypeMB = typeof(MarshalByRefObject).GetMethod( CanCastToXmlTypeName, RemotingServices.LookupAll); } if (s_InvokeMemberMB == null) { s_InvokeMemberMB = typeof(MarshalByRefObject).GetMethod( InvokeMemberName, RemotingServices.LookupAll); } } return method == s_FieldGetterMB || method == s_FieldSetterMB || method == s_IsInstanceOfTypeMB || method == s_InvokeMemberMB || method == s_CanCastToXmlTypeMB; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static bool IsOneWay(MethodBase method) { if (method == null) return false; RemotingMethodCachedData cache = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(method); return cache.IsOneWayMethod(); } // Given a method base object, see if we can find an async version of the // method on the same class. internal static bool FindAsyncMethodVersion(MethodInfo method, out MethodInfo beginMethod, out MethodInfo endMethod) { beginMethod = null; endMethod = null; // determine names of Begin/End versions String beginName = "Begin" + method.Name; String endName = "End" + method.Name; // determine parameter lists for Begin/End versions ArrayList beginParameters = new ArrayList(); ArrayList endParameters = new ArrayList(); Type beginReturnType = typeof(IAsyncResult); Type endReturnType = method.ReturnType; ParameterInfo[] paramList = method.GetParameters(); foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramList) { if (param.IsOut) endParameters.Add(param); else if (param.ParameterType.IsByRef) { beginParameters.Add(param); endParameters.Add(param); } else { // it's an in parameter beginParameters.Add(param); } } beginParameters.Add(typeof(AsyncCallback)); beginParameters.Add(typeof(Object)); endParameters.Add(typeof(IAsyncResult)); // try to match these signatures with the methods on the type Type type = method.DeclaringType; MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(); foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) { ParameterInfo[] parameterList = mi.GetParameters(); // see if return value is IAsyncResult if (mi.Name.Equals(beginName) && (mi.ReturnType == beginReturnType) && CompareParameterList(beginParameters, parameterList)) { beginMethod = mi; } else if (mi.Name.Equals(endName) && (mi.ReturnType == endReturnType) && CompareParameterList(endParameters, parameterList)) { endMethod = mi; } } if ((beginMethod != null) && (endMethod != null)) return true; else return false; } // FindAsyncMethodVersion // Helper function for FindAsyncMethodVersion private static bool CompareParameterList(ArrayList params1, ParameterInfo[] params2) { // params1 contains a list of parameters (and possibly some types which are // assumed to be in parameters) // param2 just contains the list of parameters from some method if (params1.Count != params2.Length) return false; int co = 0; foreach (Object obj in params1) { ParameterInfo param = params2[co]; ParameterInfo pi = obj as ParameterInfo; if (null != pi) { if ((pi.ParameterType != param.ParameterType) || (pi.IsIn != param.IsIn) || (pi.IsOut != param.IsOut)) { return false; } } else if (((Type)obj != param.ParameterType) && param.IsIn) return false; co++; } return true; } // CompareParameterList [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static Type GetServerTypeForUri(String URI) { Type svrType = null; if(null != URI) { ServerIdentity srvID = (ServerIdentity)IdentityHolder.ResolveIdentity(URI); if(null == srvID) { // Check if this a well-known object which needs to be faulted in svrType = RemotingConfigHandler.GetServerTypeForUri(URI); } else { svrType = srvID.ServerType; } } return svrType; } // This method is called after an appdomain is unloaded from the // current domain. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static void DomainUnloaded(Int32 domainID) { // Remove any client side identities, presumably the driver // domain has released all references to proxies in the unloaded // domain. IdentityHolder.FlushIdentityTable(); // Remove the cross domain channel sink for the unloaded domain CrossAppDomainSink.DomainUnloaded(domainID); } // This method is called from the VM and helps the appdomain // folks to get to the server appdomain from a proxy. This is // expected to be called on strictly cross domain proxies. // // This returns the unmanaged context object for the proxy. // We fetch the appDomain out of the context in the VM. // This will return NULL (or 0) if the server for the proxy is // not from this process or if the server domain is invalid // or if there is not enough information to determine the server // context. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static IntPtr GetServerContextForProxy(Object tp) { ObjRef objRef = null; bool bSameDomain; int domainId; return GetServerContextForProxy( tp, out objRef, out bSameDomain, out domainId); } // This returns the domain ID if the proxy is from this process // whether or not the domain is valid! [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] internal static int GetServerDomainIdForProxy(Object tp) { Contract.Assert(IsTransparentProxy(tp),"Must be called only for TPs"); RealProxy rp=GetRealProxy(tp); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; return id.ObjectRef.GetServerDomainId(); } // This will retrieve the server domain and context id [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static void GetServerContextAndDomainIdForProxy(Object tp, out IntPtr contextId, out int domainId) { ObjRef objRef; bool bSameDomain; contextId = GetServerContextForProxy( tp, out objRef, out bSameDomain, out domainId); } // GetServerContextAndDomainIdForProxy // This is a helper for the methods above. // NOTE:: Returns the unmanaged server context for a proxy // This is *NOT* the same as "public int Context::ContextID" [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static IntPtr GetServerContextForProxy( Object tp, out ObjRef objRef, out bool bSameDomain, out int domainId) { // Note: the contextId we return from here should be the address // of the unmanaged (VM) context object or NULL. IntPtr contextId = IntPtr.Zero; objRef = null; bSameDomain = false; domainId = 0; if (IsTransparentProxy(tp)) { // This is a transparent proxy. Try to obtain the backing // RealProxy from it. RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(tp); // Get the identity from the realproxy Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; if(null != id) { ServerIdentity serverID = id as ServerIdentity; if (null != serverID) { // We are in the app domain of the server bSameDomain = true; contextId = serverID.ServerContext.InternalContextID; domainId = Thread.GetDomain().GetId(); } else { // Server is from another app domain // (possibly from another process) objRef = id.ObjectRef; if (objRef != null) { contextId = objRef.GetServerContext(out domainId); } else { // Proxy does not have an associated ObjRef // < //Contract.Assert(false, "Found proxy without an objref"); contextId = IntPtr.Zero; } } } else { // This was probably a custom proxy other than RemotingProxy Contract.Assert( !(rp is RemotingProxy), "!(rp is RemotingProxy)"); contextId = Context.DefaultContext.InternalContextID; } } return contextId; } // Return the server context of the object provided if the object // was born in the current appdomain, else return null. // // NOTE: This returns the managed context object that the server // is associated with ... // < [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Context GetServerContext(MarshalByRefObject obj) { Context serverCtx = null; if(!IsTransparentProxy(obj) && (obj is ContextBoundObject)) { // The object is native to the current context. serverCtx = Thread.CurrentContext; } else { RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(obj); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; ServerIdentity serverID = id as ServerIdentity; if(null != serverID) { // The object was born in the current appdomain. // Extract the server context. serverCtx = serverID.ServerContext; } } return serverCtx; } // Return the actual type of the server object given the proxy // // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private static Object GetType(Object tp) { Contract.Assert(IsTransparentProxy(tp), "IsTransparentProxy(tp)"); Type serverType = null; RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(tp); Identity id = rp.IdentityObject; Contract.Assert(!(id is ServerIdentity), "(!id is ServerIdentity)"); if((null != id) && (null != id.ObjectRef) && (null != id.ObjectRef.TypeInfo)) { IRemotingTypeInfo serverTypeInfo = id.ObjectRef.TypeInfo; String typeName = serverTypeInfo.TypeName; if (typeName != null) { serverType = InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName(typeName); } } return serverType; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static byte[] MarshalToBuffer(Object o, bool crossRuntime) { if (crossRuntime) { // Making a call on a MBRO cross-process or cross-runtime likely fails in most common // scenarios. We check for signs that Remoting is really expected by the user. if (RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(o)) { if (RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(o) is RemotingProxy) { // the object uses a default proxy - it means that Remoting may not be expected if (ChannelServices.RegisteredChannels.Length == 0) { return null; } } } else { MarshalByRefObject mbro = o as MarshalByRefObject; if (mbro != null) { ProxyAttribute proxyAttr = ActivationServices.GetProxyAttribute(mbro.GetType()); if (proxyAttr == ActivationServices.DefaultProxyAttribute) { // the object does not use a custom proxy - it means that Remoting may not be expected if (ChannelServices.RegisteredChannels.Length == 0) { return null; } } } } } // serialize headers and args together using the binary formatter MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(); RemotingSurrogateSelector ss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector(); BinaryFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter(); fmt.SurrogateSelector = ss; fmt.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other); fmt.Serialize(stm, o, null, false /* No Security check */); return stm.GetBuffer(); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Object UnmarshalFromBuffer(byte [] b, bool crossRuntime) { MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(b); BinaryFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter(); fmt.AssemblyFormat = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple; //*******Add this line fmt.SurrogateSelector = null; fmt.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other); Object o = fmt.Deserialize(stm, null, false /* No Security check */); if (crossRuntime && RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(o)) { // Making a call on a MBRO cross-process or cross-runtime likely fails in most common // scenarios. We check for signs that Remoting is really expected by the user. if (!(RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(o) is RemotingProxy)) { // the object uses a non-default proxy - this means that Remoting is expected return o; } if (ChannelServices.RegisteredChannels.Length == 0) { // the object uses the default Remoting proxy but there are no channels registered return null; } // make a dummy call on the proxy and if it passes use Remoting (the caller of this method // catches exceptions and interprets them as fallback to COM) o.GetHashCode(); } return o; } internal static Object UnmarshalReturnMessageFromBuffer(byte [] b, IMethodCallMessage msg) { MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(b); BinaryFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter(); fmt.SurrogateSelector = null; fmt.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other); Object o = fmt.DeserializeMethodResponse(stm, null, (IMethodCallMessage)msg); //= fmt.Deserialize(stm, null, false /* No Security check */); return o; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required public static IMethodReturnMessage ExecuteMessage(MarshalByRefObject target, IMethodCallMessage reqMsg) { // Argument validation if(null == target) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); RealProxy rp = GetRealProxy(target); // Check for context match if( rp is RemotingProxy && !rp.DoContextsMatch() ) { throw new RemotingException( Environment.GetResourceString("Remoting_Proxy_WrongContext")); } // Dispatch the message StackBuilderSink dispatcher = new StackBuilderSink(target); // dispatch the message IMethodReturnMessage retMsg = (IMethodReturnMessage)dispatcher.SyncProcessMessage(reqMsg); return retMsg; } // ExecuteMessage // // Methods for mapping and resolving qualified type names // A qualified type name describes the name that we use in the ObjRef and // message TypeName. It consists either of the actual type name or // ":typename" where for now "soap:" is the only // supported alternative. In the future, we may make this type resolution // extensible and publicly exposed. // // This is used by the cached type data to figure out which type name // to use (this should never be publicly exposed; GetDefaultQualifiedTypeName should, // if anything at all) [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static String DetermineDefaultQualifiedTypeName(Type type) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); // see if there is an xml type name String xmlTypeName = null; String xmlTypeNamespace = null; if (SoapServices.GetXmlTypeForInteropType(type, out xmlTypeName, out xmlTypeNamespace)) { return "soap:" + xmlTypeName + ", " + xmlTypeNamespace; } // there are no special mappings, so use the fully qualified CLR type name // < return type.AssemblyQualifiedName; } // DetermineDefaultQualifiedTypeName // retrieves type name from the cache data which uses DetermineDefaultQualifiedTypeName [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static String GetDefaultQualifiedTypeName(RuntimeType type) { RemotingTypeCachedData cache = (RemotingTypeCachedData) InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(type); return cache.QualifiedTypeName; } // GetDefaultQualifiedTypeName internal static String InternalGetClrTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(String qualifiedTypeName) { // look to see if this is a clr type name if (qualifiedTypeName.Length > 4) // length of "clr:" { if (String.CompareOrdinal(qualifiedTypeName, 0, "clr:", 0, 4) == 0) { // strip "clr:" off the front String actualTypeName = qualifiedTypeName.Substring(4); return actualTypeName; } } return null; } private static int IsSoapType(String qualifiedTypeName) { // look to see if this is a soap type name if (qualifiedTypeName.Length > 5) // length of "soap:" { if (String.CompareOrdinal(qualifiedTypeName, 0, "soap:", 0, 5) == 0) { // find comma starting from just past "soap:" return qualifiedTypeName.IndexOf(',', 5); } } return -1; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static String InternalGetSoapTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(String xmlTypeName, String xmlTypeNamespace) { // This must be the default encoding of the soap type (or the type wasn't // preloaded). String typeNamespace; String assemblyName; if (!SoapServices.DecodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace( xmlTypeNamespace, out typeNamespace, out assemblyName)) { return null; } String typeName; if ((typeNamespace != null) && (typeNamespace.Length > 0)) typeName = typeNamespace + "." + xmlTypeName; else typeName = xmlTypeName; try { String fullTypeName = typeName + ", " + assemblyName; return fullTypeName; } catch { // We ignore errors and will just return null below since the type // isn't set. } return null; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static String InternalGetTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(String qualifiedTypeName) { if (qualifiedTypeName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("qualifiedTypeName"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); String decodedName = InternalGetClrTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(qualifiedTypeName); if (decodedName != null) { return decodedName; } int index = IsSoapType(qualifiedTypeName); if (index != -1) { // This is a soap type name. We need to parse it and try to // find the actual type. Format is "soap:xmlTypeName, xmlTypeNamespace" String xmlTypeName = qualifiedTypeName.Substring(5, index - 5); // +2 is to skip the comma and following space String xmlTypeNamespace = qualifiedTypeName.Substring(index + 2, qualifiedTypeName.Length - (index + 2)); decodedName = InternalGetSoapTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(xmlTypeName, xmlTypeNamespace); if (decodedName != null) { return decodedName; } } //no prefix return same return qualifiedTypeName; } // Retrieves type based on qualified type names. This does not do security checks // so don't expose this publicly (at least not directly). It returns null if the // type cannot be loaded. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static RuntimeType InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName(String qualifiedTypeName, bool partialFallback) { if (qualifiedTypeName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("qualifiedTypeName"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); String decodedName = InternalGetClrTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(qualifiedTypeName); if (decodedName != null) { return LoadClrTypeWithPartialBindFallback(decodedName, partialFallback); } int index = IsSoapType(qualifiedTypeName); if (index != -1) { // This is a soap type name. We need to parse it and try to // find the actual type. Format is "soap:xmlTypeName, xmlTypeNamespace" String xmlTypeName = qualifiedTypeName.Substring(5, index - 5); // +2 is to skip the comma and following space String xmlTypeNamespace = qualifiedTypeName.Substring(index + 2, qualifiedTypeName.Length - (index + 2)); RuntimeType type = (RuntimeType)SoapServices.GetInteropTypeFromXmlType(xmlTypeName, xmlTypeNamespace); if (type != null) { return type; } decodedName = InternalGetSoapTypeNameFromQualifiedTypeName(xmlTypeName, xmlTypeNamespace); if (decodedName != null) { return LoadClrTypeWithPartialBindFallback(decodedName, true); } } // There is no prefix, so assume this is a normal CLR type name. return LoadClrTypeWithPartialBindFallback(qualifiedTypeName, partialFallback); } // InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static Type InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName(String qualifiedTypeName) { return InternalGetTypeFromQualifiedTypeName(qualifiedTypeName, true); } [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable private unsafe static RuntimeType LoadClrTypeWithPartialBindFallback(String typeName, bool partialFallback) { // Try to load a type with fully qualified name if partialFallback is not requested if (!partialFallback) { return (RuntimeType)Type.GetType(typeName, false); } else { // A hack StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; return RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(typeName, false, false, false, ref stackMark, true /* hack */); } } // LoadClrTypeWithPartialBindFallback // // end of Methods for mapping and resolving qualified type names // // // These are used by the profiling code to profile remoting. // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern bool CORProfilerTrackRemoting(); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern bool CORProfilerTrackRemotingCookie(); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern bool CORProfilerTrackRemotingAsync(); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void CORProfilerRemotingClientSendingMessage(out Guid id, bool fIsAsync); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void CORProfilerRemotingClientReceivingReply(Guid id, bool fIsAsync); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void CORProfilerRemotingServerReceivingMessage(Guid id, bool fIsAsync); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void CORProfilerRemotingServerSendingReply(out Guid id, bool fIsAsync); [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("REMOTING_PERF")] [Obsolete("Use of this method is not recommended. The LogRemotingStage existed for internal diagnostic purposes only.")] public static void LogRemotingStage(int stage) {} [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void ResetInterfaceCache(Object proxy); } // RemotingServices [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated_required [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public class InternalRemotingServices { [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("_LOGGING")] public static void DebugOutChnl(String s) { // BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTINGCHANNELS", "CHNL:" + s + "\n"); Message.OutToUnmanagedDebugger("CHNL:"+s+"\n"); // Console.WriteLine("CHNL:"+s+"\n"); } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("_LOGGING")] public static void RemotingTrace(params Object[]messages) { BCLDebug.Trace("REMOTINGCHANNELS",messages); } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("_DEBUG")] public static void RemotingAssert(bool condition, String message) { Contract.Assert(condition, message); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void SetServerIdentity(MethodCall m, Object srvID) { IInternalMessage im = (IInternalMessage) m; im.ServerIdentityObject = (ServerIdentity)srvID; } // access attribute cached on the reflection object internal static RemotingMethodCachedData GetReflectionCachedData(MethodBase mi) { RuntimeMethodInfo rmi = null; RuntimeConstructorInfo rci = null; if ((rmi = mi as RuntimeMethodInfo) != null) { return rmi.RemotingCache; } else if ((rci = mi as RuntimeConstructorInfo) != null) { return rci.RemotingCache; } else throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeReflectionObject")); } internal static RemotingTypeCachedData GetReflectionCachedData(RuntimeType type) { return type.RemotingCache; } internal static RemotingCachedData GetReflectionCachedData(MemberInfo mi) { MethodBase mb = null; RuntimeType rt = null; RuntimeFieldInfo rfi = null; SerializationFieldInfo sfi = null; if ((mb = mi as MethodBase) != null) return GetReflectionCachedData(mb); else if ((rt = mi as RuntimeType) != null) return GetReflectionCachedData(rt); else if ((rfi = mi as RuntimeFieldInfo) != null) return rfi.RemotingCache; else if ((sfi = mi as SerializationFieldInfo) != null) return sfi.RemotingCache; else throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MustBeRuntimeReflectionObject")); } internal static RemotingCachedData GetReflectionCachedData(RuntimeParameterInfo reflectionObject) { return reflectionObject.RemotingCache; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated public static SoapAttribute GetCachedSoapAttribute(Object reflectionObject) { MemberInfo mi = reflectionObject as MemberInfo; RuntimeParameterInfo parameter = reflectionObject as RuntimeParameterInfo; if (mi != null) return GetReflectionCachedData(mi).GetSoapAttribute(); else if (parameter != null) return GetReflectionCachedData(parameter).GetSoapAttribute(); else return null; } // GetCachedSoapAttribute } // InternalRemotingServices }