// // Consumes the order.xml file that contains a list of all the assemblies to build // and produces a solution and the csproj files for it // // Currently this hardcodes a set of assemblies to build, the net-4.x series, but // it can be extended to handle the command line tools. // // KNOWN ISSUES: // * This fails to find matches for "System" and "System.xml" when processing the // RabbitMQ executable, likely, because we do not process executables yet // // * Has not been tested in a while with the command line tools // using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; public enum Target { Library, Exe, Module, WinExe } class SlnGenerator { public static readonly string NewLine = "\r\n"; //Environment.NewLine; // "\n"; public SlnGenerator (string formatVersion = "2012") { switch (formatVersion) { case "2008": this.header = MakeHeader ("10.00", "2008"); break; default: this.header = MakeHeader ("12.00", "2012"); break; } } const string project_start = "Project(\"{{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}}\") = \"{0}\", \"{1}\", \"{2}\""; // Note: No need to double up on {} around {2} const string project_end = "EndProject"; public List libraries = new List (); string header; string MakeHeader (string formatVersion, string yearTag) { return string.Format ("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version {0}" + NewLine + "# Visual Studio {1}", formatVersion, yearTag); } public void Add (MsbuildGenerator.VsCsproj vsproj) { try { libraries.Add (vsproj); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); } } public void Write (string filename) { var fullPath = Path.GetDirectoryName (filename) + "/"; using (var sln = new StreamWriter (filename)) { sln.WriteLine (); sln.WriteLine (header); foreach (var proj in libraries) { var unixProjFile = proj.csProjFilename.Replace ("\\", "/"); var fullProjPath = Path.GetFullPath (unixProjFile); sln.WriteLine (project_start, proj.library, MsbuildGenerator.GetRelativePath (fullPath, fullProjPath), proj.projectGuid); sln.WriteLine (project_end); } sln.WriteLine ("Global"); sln.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution"); sln.WriteLine ("\t\tDebug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU"); sln.WriteLine ("\t\tRelease|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU"); sln.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection"); sln.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution"); foreach (var proj in libraries) { var guid = proj.projectGuid; sln.WriteLine ("\t\t{0}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU", guid); sln.WriteLine ("\t\t{0}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU", guid); sln.WriteLine ("\t\t{0}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU", guid); sln.WriteLine ("\t\t{0}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU", guid); } sln.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection"); sln.WriteLine ("\tGlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution"); sln.WriteLine ("\t\tHideSolutionNode = FALSE"); sln.WriteLine ("\tEndGlobalSection"); sln.WriteLine ("EndGlobal"); } } internal bool ContainsProjectIdentifier (string projId) { return libraries.FindIndex (x => (x.library == projId)) >= 0; } public int Count { get { return libraries.Count; } } } class MsbuildGenerator { static readonly string NewLine = SlnGenerator.NewLine; static XmlNamespaceManager xmlns; public const string profile_2_0 = "_2_0"; public const string profile_3_5 = "_3_5"; public const string profile_4_0 = "_4_0"; public const string profile_4_x = "_4_x"; static void Usage () { Console.WriteLine ("Invalid argument"); } static string template; static MsbuildGenerator () { using (var input = new StreamReader ("csproj.tmpl")) { template = input.ReadToEnd (); } xmlns = new XmlNamespaceManager (new NameTable ()); xmlns.AddNamespace ("x", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); } // The directory as specified in order.xml public string dir; string library; string projectGuid; string fx_version; XElement xproject; public string CsprojFilename; // // Our base directory, this is relative to our exectution point mono/msvc/scripts string base_dir; string mcs_topdir; public string LibraryOutput, AbsoluteLibraryOutput; public MsbuildGenerator (XElement xproject) { this.xproject = xproject; dir = xproject.Attribute ("dir").Value; library = xproject.Attribute ("library").Value; CsprojFilename = "..\\..\\mcs\\" + dir + "\\" + library + ".csproj"; LibraryOutput = xproject.Element ("library_output").Value; projectGuid = LookupOrGenerateGuid (); fx_version = xproject.Element ("fx_version").Value; Csproj = new VsCsproj () { csProjFilename = this.CsprojFilename, projectGuid = this.projectGuid, library_output = this.LibraryOutput, fx_version = double.Parse (fx_version), library = this.library, MsbuildGenerator = this }; if (dir == "mcs") { mcs_topdir = "../"; class_dir = "../class/"; base_dir = "../../mcs/mcs"; } else { mcs_topdir = "../"; foreach (char c in dir) { if (c == '/') mcs_topdir = "..//" + mcs_topdir; } class_dir = mcs_topdir.Substring (3); base_dir = Path.Combine ("..", "..", "mcs", dir); } AbsoluteLibraryOutput = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (base_dir, LibraryOutput)); } string LookupOrGenerateGuid () { var projectFile = NativeName (CsprojFilename); if (File.Exists (projectFile)){ var doc = XDocument.Load (projectFile); return doc.XPathSelectElement ("x:Project/x:PropertyGroup/x:ProjectGuid", xmlns).Value; } return "{" + Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ().ToUpper () + "}"; } // Currently used bool Unsafe = false; StringBuilder defines = new StringBuilder (); bool Optimize = true; bool want_debugging_support = false; string main = null; Dictionary embedded_resources = new Dictionary (); List warning_as_error = new List (); List ignore_warning = new List (); bool load_default_config = true; bool StdLib = true; List references = new List (); List libs = new List (); List reference_aliases = new List (); bool showWarnings = true; // Currently unused #pragma warning disable 0219, 0414 int WarningLevel = 4; bool Checked = false; bool WarningsAreErrors; bool VerifyClsCompliance = true; string win32IconFile; string StrongNameKeyFile; bool copyLocal = true; Target Target = Target.Library; string TargetExt = ".exe"; string OutputFile; string StrongNameKeyContainer; bool StrongNameDelaySign = false; string LangVersion = "default"; string CodePage; // Class directory, relative to string class_dir; #pragma warning restore 0219,414 readonly char [] argument_value_separator = new char [] { ';', ',' }; // // This parses the -arg and /arg options to the compiler, even if the strings // in the following text use "/arg" on the strings. // bool CSCParseOption (string option, ref string [] args) { int idx = option.IndexOf (':'); string arg, value; if (idx == -1) { arg = option; value = ""; } else { arg = option.Substring (0, idx); value = option.Substring (idx + 1); } switch (arg.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { case "/nologo": return true; case "/t": case "/target": switch (value) { case "exe": Target = Target.Exe; break; case "winexe": Target = Target.WinExe; break; case "library": Target = Target.Library; TargetExt = ".dll"; break; case "module": Target = Target.Module; TargetExt = ".netmodule"; break; default: return false; } return true; case "/out": if (value.Length == 0) { Usage (); Environment.Exit (1); } OutputFile = value; return true; case "/o": case "/o+": case "/optimize": case "/optimize+": Optimize = true; return true; case "/o-": case "/optimize-": Optimize = false; return true; case "/incremental": case "/incremental+": case "/incremental-": // nothing. return true; case "/d": case "/define": { if (value.Length == 0) { Usage (); Environment.Exit (1); } foreach (string d in value.Split (argument_value_separator)) { if (defines.Length != 0) defines.Append (";"); defines.Append (d); } return true; } case "/bugreport": // // We should collect data, runtime, etc and store in the file specified // return true; case "/linkres": case "/linkresource": case "/res": case "/resource": bool embeded = arg [1] == 'r' || arg [1] == 'R'; string [] s = value.Split (argument_value_separator); switch (s.Length) { case 1: if (s [0].Length == 0) goto default; embedded_resources [s [0]] = Path.GetFileName (s [0]); break; case 2: embedded_resources [s [0]] = s [1]; break; case 3: Console.WriteLine ("Does not support this method yet: {0}", arg); Environment.Exit (1); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Wrong number of arguments for option `{0}'", option); Environment.Exit (1); break; } return true; case "/recurse": Console.WriteLine ("/recurse not supported"); Environment.Exit (1); return true; case "/r": case "/reference": { if (value.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("-reference requires an argument"); Environment.Exit (1); } string [] refs = value.Split (argument_value_separator); foreach (string r in refs) { string val = r; int index = val.IndexOf ('='); if (index > -1) { reference_aliases.Add (r); continue; } if (val.Length != 0) references.Add (val); } return true; } case "/main": main = value; return true; case "/m": case "/addmodule": case "/win32res": case "/doc": if (showWarnings) Console.WriteLine ("{0} = not supported", arg); return true; case "/lib": { libs.Add (value); return true; } case "/win32icon": { win32IconFile = value; return true; } case "/debug-": want_debugging_support = false; return true; case "/debug": case "/debug+": want_debugging_support = true; return true; case "/checked": case "/checked+": Checked = true; return true; case "/checked-": Checked = false; return true; case "/clscheck": case "/clscheck+": return true; case "/clscheck-": VerifyClsCompliance = false; return true; case "/unsafe": case "/unsafe+": Unsafe = true; return true; case "/unsafe-": Unsafe = false; return true; case "/warnaserror": case "/warnaserror+": if (value.Length == 0) { WarningsAreErrors = true; } else { foreach (string wid in value.Split (argument_value_separator)) warning_as_error.Add (wid); } return true; case "/-runtime": // Console.WriteLine ("Warning ignoring /runtime:v4"); return true; case "/warnaserror-": if (value.Length == 0) { WarningsAreErrors = false; } else { foreach (string wid in value.Split (argument_value_separator)) warning_as_error.Remove (wid); } return true; case "/warn": WarningLevel = Int32.Parse (value); return true; case "/nowarn": { string [] warns; if (value.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("/nowarn requires an argument"); Environment.Exit (1); } warns = value.Split (argument_value_separator); foreach (string wc in warns) { try { if (wc.Trim ().Length == 0) continue; int warn = Int32.Parse (wc); if (warn < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("warn"); } ignore_warning.Add (warn); } catch { Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("`{0}' is not a valid warning number", wc)); Environment.Exit (1); } } return true; } case "/noconfig": load_default_config = false; return true; case "/nostdlib": case "/nostdlib+": StdLib = false; return true; case "/nostdlib-": StdLib = true; return true; case "/fullpaths": return true; case "/keyfile": if (value == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} requires an argument", arg); Environment.Exit (1); } StrongNameKeyFile = value; return true; case "/keycontainer": if (value == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} requires an argument", arg); Environment.Exit (1); } StrongNameKeyContainer = value; return true; case "/delaysign+": case "/delaysign": StrongNameDelaySign = true; return true; case "/delaysign-": StrongNameDelaySign = false; return true; case "/langversion": LangVersion = value; return true; case "/codepage": CodePage = value; return true; case "/publicsign": return true; case "/deterministic": return true; case "/runtimemetadataversion": return true; case "/-getresourcestrings": return true; case "/features": return true; } Console.WriteLine ("Failing with : {0}", arg); return false; } static string [] LoadArgs (string file) { StreamReader f; var args = new List (); string line; try { f = new StreamReader (file); } catch { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); while ((line = f.ReadLine ()) != null) { int t = line.Length; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { char c = line [i]; if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { char end = c; for (i++; i < t; i++) { c = line [i]; if (c == end) break; sb.Append (c); } } else if (c == ' ') { if (sb.Length > 0) { args.Add (sb.ToString ()); sb.Length = 0; } } else sb.Append (c); } if (sb.Length > 0) { args.Add (sb.ToString ()); sb.Length = 0; } } string [] ret_value = new string [args.Count]; args.CopyTo (ret_value, 0); return ret_value; } static string Load (string f) { var native = NativeName (f); if (File.Exists (native)) { using (var sr = new StreamReader (native)) { return sr.ReadToEnd (); } } else return ""; } public static string NativeName (string path) { if (System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/') return path.Replace ("\\", "/"); else return path.Replace ("/", "\\"); } public class VsCsproj { public string projectGuid; public string output; public string library_output; public string csProjFilename; public double fx_version; public List projReferences = new List (); public string library; public MsbuildGenerator MsbuildGenerator; } public VsCsproj Csproj; void AppendResource (StringBuilder resources, string source, string logical) { resources.AppendFormat (" " + NewLine, source); resources.AppendFormat (" {0}" + NewLine, logical); resources.AppendFormat (" " + NewLine); } public VsCsproj Generate (string library_output, Dictionary projects, bool showWarnings = false) { var generatedProjFile = NativeName (Csproj.csProjFilename); //Console.WriteLine ("Generating: {0}", generatedProjFile); string boot, flags, output_name, built_sources, response, profile, reskey; boot = xproject.Element ("boot").Value; flags = xproject.Element ("flags").Value; output_name = xproject.Element ("output").Value; if (output_name.EndsWith (".exe")) Target = Target.Exe; built_sources = xproject.Element ("built_sources").Value; response = xproject.Element ("response").Value; reskey = xproject.Element ("resources").Value; profile = xproject.Element ("profile").Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (response)) { // Address the issue where entries are missing the fx_version // Should be fixed in the Makefile or elsewhere; this is a workaround //basic //./../build/deps/mcs.exe.sources.response // response = profile; profile = fx_version; if (response.Contains ("build") || response.Contains ("basic") || response.Contains (profile_2_0)) { fx_version = "2.0"; if (response.Contains (profile_2_0)) profile = "net_2_0"; } if (response.Contains ("build") || response.Contains ("basic") || response.Contains (profile_2_0)) { fx_version = "2.0"; } else if (response.Contains (profile_3_5)) { fx_version = "3.5"; profile = "net_3_5"; } else if (response.Contains (profile_4_0)) { fx_version = "4.0"; profile = "net_4_0"; } else if (response.Contains (profile_4_x)) { fx_version = "4.5"; profile = "net_4_x"; } } // // Prebuild code, might be in inputs, check: // inputs/LIBRARY.pre // string prebuild = GenerateStep (library, ".pre", "PreBuildEvent"); string postbuild = GenerateStep (library, ".post", "PostBuildEvent"); var all_args = new Queue (); all_args.Enqueue (flags.Split ()); while (all_args.Count > 0) { string [] f = all_args.Dequeue (); for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) { if (f [i].Length > 0 && f [i][0] == '-') f [i] = "/" + f [i].Substring (1); if (f [i] [0] == '@') { string [] extra_args; string response_file = f [i].Substring (1); var resp_file_full = Path.Combine (base_dir, response_file); extra_args = LoadArgs (resp_file_full); if (extra_args == null) { Console.WriteLine ($"{library_output}: Unable to open response file: {resp_file_full}"); Environment.Exit (1); } all_args.Enqueue (extra_args); continue; } if (CSCParseOption (f [i], ref f)) continue; Console.WriteLine ("{library_output}: Failure with {0}", f [i]); Environment.Exit (1); } } string [] source_files; using (var reader = new StreamReader (NativeName (base_dir + "\\" + response))) { source_files = reader.ReadToEnd ().Split (); } Array.Sort (source_files); StringBuilder sources = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string s in source_files) { if (s.Length == 0) continue; string src = s.Replace ("/", "\\"); if (src.StartsWith (@"Test\..\")) src = src.Substring (8, src.Length - 8); sources.AppendFormat (" " + NewLine, src); } source_files = built_sources.Split (); Array.Sort (source_files); foreach (string s in source_files) { if (s.Length == 0) continue; string src = s.Replace ("/", "\\"); if (src.StartsWith (@"Test\..\")) src = src.Substring (8, src.Length - 8); sources.AppendFormat (" " + NewLine, src); } if (sources.Length > 1) sources.Remove (sources.Length - 1, 1); //if (library == "corlib-build") // otherwise, does not compile on fx_version == 4.0 //{ // references.Add("System.dll"); // references.Add("System.Xml.dll"); //} //if (library == "System.Core-build") // otherwise, slow compile. May be a transient need. //{ // this.ignore_warning.Add(1685); // this.ignore_warning.Add(0436); //} var refs = new StringBuilder (); if (response.Contains ("_test")) { refs.Append ($@" {NewLine}"); } // // Generate resource referenced from the command line // var resources = new StringBuilder (); if (embedded_resources.Count > 0) { foreach (var dk in embedded_resources) { var source = dk.Key; if (source.EndsWith (".resources")) source = source.Replace (".resources", ".resx"); // try to find a pre-built resource, and use that instead of trying to build it if (source.EndsWith (".resx")) { var probe_prebuilt = Path.Combine (base_dir, source.Replace (".resx", ".resources.prebuilt")); if (File.Exists (probe_prebuilt)) { source = GetRelativePath (base_dir + "/", probe_prebuilt); } } AppendResource (resources, source, dk.Value); } } // // Generate resources that were part of the explicit node // if (reskey != null && reskey != ""){ var pairs = reskey.Split (' ', '\n', '\t'); foreach (var pair in pairs){ var p = pair.IndexOf (","); if (p == -1){ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"Found a resource without a filename: {pairs} for {Csproj.csProjFilename}"); Environment.Exit (1); } AppendResource (resources, pair.Substring (p+1), pair.Substring (0, p) + ".resources"); } } if (resources.Length > 0){ resources.Insert (0, " " + NewLine); resources.AppendFormat (" " + NewLine); } if (references.Count > 0 || reference_aliases.Count > 0) { // -r:mscorlib.dll -r:System.dll // // {155aef28-c81f-405d-9072-9d52780e3e70} // corlib-basic // // // {2094e859-db2f-481f-9630-f89d31d9ed48} // System-basic // var refdistinct = references.Distinct (); foreach (string reference in refdistinct) { var match = GetMatchingCsproj (library_output, reference, projects); if (match != null) { AddProjectReference (refs, Csproj, match, reference, null); } else { if (showWarnings){ Console.WriteLine ("{0}: Could not find a matching project reference for {1}", library, Path.GetFileName (reference)); Console.WriteLine (" --> Adding reference with hintpath instead"); } refs.Append (" " + NewLine); refs.Append (" False" + NewLine); refs.Append (" " + reference + "" + NewLine); refs.Append (" False" + NewLine); refs.Append (" " + NewLine); } } foreach (string r in reference_aliases) { int index = r.IndexOf ('='); string alias = r.Substring (0, index); string assembly = r.Substring (index + 1); var match = GetMatchingCsproj (library_output, assembly, projects, explicitPath: true); if (match != null) { AddProjectReference (refs, Csproj, match, r, alias); } else { throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format ("From {0}, could not find a matching project reference for {1}", library, r)); refs.Append (" " + NewLine); refs.Append (" False" + NewLine); refs.Append (" " + r + "" + NewLine); refs.Append (" " + alias + "" + NewLine); refs.Append (" " + NewLine); } } } // Possible inputs: // ../class/lib/build/tmp/System.Xml.dll [No longer possible, we should be removing this from order.xml] // /class/lib/basic/System.Core.dll // mcs.exe string build_output_dir; if (LibraryOutput.Contains ("/")) build_output_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (LibraryOutput); else build_output_dir = "bin\\Debug\\" + library; if (build_output_dir.Contains ("-linux") || build_output_dir.Contains ("-darwin") || build_output_dir.Contains ("-win32")) build_output_dir = build_output_dir .Replace ("-linux", "-$(HostPlatform)") .Replace ("-darwin", "-$(HostPlatform)") .Replace ("-win32", "-$(HostPlatform)"); bool basic_or_build = (library.Contains ("-basic") || library.Contains ("-build")); // // Replace the template values // string strongNameSection = ""; if (StrongNameKeyFile != null){ strongNameSection = String.Format ( " true" + NewLine + "{1}" + " {0}", StrongNameKeyFile, StrongNameDelaySign ? " true" + NewLine : ""); } Csproj.output = template. Replace ("@OUTPUTTYPE@", Target == Target.Library ? "Library" : "Exe"). Replace ("@SIGNATURE@", strongNameSection). Replace ("@PROJECTGUID@", Csproj.projectGuid). Replace ("@DEFINES@", defines.ToString ()). Replace ("@DISABLEDWARNINGS@", string.Join (",", (from i in ignore_warning select i.ToString ()).ToArray ())). Replace ("@LANGVERSION@", LangVersion). //Replace("@NOSTDLIB@", (basic_or_build || (!StdLib)) ? "true" : string.Empty). Replace ("@NOSTDLIB@", "" + (!StdLib).ToString () + ""). Replace ("@NOCONFIG@", "" + (!load_default_config).ToString () + ""). Replace ("@ALLOWUNSAFE@", Unsafe ? "true" : ""). Replace ("@FX_VERSION", fx_version). Replace ("@ASSEMBLYNAME@", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (output_name)). Replace ("@OUTPUTDIR@", build_output_dir). Replace ("@OUTPUTSUFFIX@", Path.GetFileName (build_output_dir)). Replace ("@DEFINECONSTANTS@", defines.ToString ()). Replace ("@DEBUG@", want_debugging_support ? "true" : "false"). Replace ("@DEBUGTYPE@", want_debugging_support ? "full" : "pdbonly"). Replace ("@REFERENCES@", refs.ToString ()). Replace ("@PREBUILD@", prebuild). Replace ("@POSTBUILD@", postbuild). Replace ("@STARTUPOBJECT@", main == null ? "" : $"{main}"). //Replace ("@ADDITIONALLIBPATHS@", String.Format ("{0}", string.Join (",", libs.ToArray ()))). Replace ("@ADDITIONALLIBPATHS@", String.Empty). Replace ("@RESOURCES@", resources.ToString ()). Replace ("@OPTIMIZE@", Optimize ? "true" : "false"). Replace ("@SOURCES@", sources.ToString ()); //Console.WriteLine ("Generated {0}", ofile.Replace ("\\", "/")); using (var o = new StreamWriter (generatedProjFile)) { o.WriteLine (Csproj.output); } return Csproj; } string GenerateStep (string library, string suffix, string eventKey) { string target = Load (library + suffix); string target_windows, target_unix; int q = library.IndexOf ("-"); if (q != -1) target = target + Load (library.Substring (0, q) + suffix); if (target.IndexOf ("@MONO@") != -1){ target_unix = target.Replace ("@MONO@", "mono").Replace ("@CAT@", "cat"); target_windows = target.Replace ("@MONO@", "").Replace ("@CAT@", "type"); } else { target_unix = target.Replace ("jay.exe", "jay"); target_windows = target; } target_unix = target_unix.Replace ("@COPY@", "cp"); target_windows = target_unix.Replace ("@COPY@", "copy"); target_unix = target_unix.Replace ("\r", ""); const string condition_unix = "Condition=\" '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' \""; const string condition_windows = "Condition=\" '$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' \""; var result = $" <{eventKey} {condition_unix}>\n{target_unix}\n {NewLine}" + $" <{eventKey} {condition_windows}>{NewLine}{target_windows}{NewLine} "; return result; } void AddProjectReference (StringBuilder refs, VsCsproj result, MsbuildGenerator match, string r, string alias) { refs.AppendFormat (" {1}", GetRelativePath (result.csProjFilename, match.CsprojFilename), NewLine); refs.Append (" " + match.projectGuid + "" + NewLine); refs.Append (" " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (match.CsprojFilename.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) + "" + NewLine); if (alias != null) refs.Append (" " + alias + ""); refs.Append (" " + NewLine); if (!result.projReferences.Contains (match.Csproj)) result.projReferences.Add (match.Csproj); } public static string GetRelativePath (string from, string to) { from = from.Replace ("\\", "/"); to = to.Replace ("\\", "/"); var fromUri = new Uri (Path.GetFullPath (from)); var toUri = new Uri (Path.GetFullPath (to)); var ret = fromUri.MakeRelativeUri (toUri).ToString ().Replace ("%5C", "\x5c"); return ret; } MsbuildGenerator GetMatchingCsproj (string library_output, string dllReferenceName, Dictionary projects, bool explicitPath = false) { // libDir would be "./../../class/lib/net_4_x for example // project if (!dllReferenceName.EndsWith (".dll") && !dllReferenceName.EndsWith (".exe")) dllReferenceName += ".dll"; var probe = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (base_dir, dllReferenceName)); foreach (var project in projects){ if (probe == project.Value.AbsoluteLibraryOutput) return project.Value; } // not explicit, search for the library in the lib path order specified foreach (var libDir in libs) { var abs = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (base_dir, libDir)); foreach (var project in projects){ probe = Path.Combine (abs, dllReferenceName); if (probe == project.Value.AbsoluteLibraryOutput) return project.Value; } } // Last attempt, try to find the library in all the projects foreach (var project in projects) { if (project.Value.AbsoluteLibraryOutput.EndsWith (dllReferenceName)) return project.Value; } var ljoined = String.Join (", ", libs); Console.WriteLine ($"{library_output}: did not find referenced {dllReferenceName} with libs={ljoined}"); foreach (var p in projects) { Console.WriteLine ("{0}", p.Value.AbsoluteLibraryOutput); } return null; } } public class Driver { static IEnumerable GetProjects (bool withTests = false) { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load ("order.xml"); foreach (XElement project in doc.Root.Elements ()) { string dir = project.Attribute ("dir").Value; string library = project.Attribute ("library").Value; var profile = project.Element ("profile").Value; #if false // Skip facades for now, the tool doesn't know how to deal with them yet. if (dir.Contains ("Facades")) continue; // These are currently broken, skip until they're fixed. if (dir.StartsWith ("mcs") || dir.Contains ("apigen")) continue; // // Do only class libraries for now // if (!(dir.StartsWith ("class") || dir.StartsWith ("mcs") || dir.StartsWith ("basic"))) continue; #endif // // Do not do 2.1, it is not working yet // Do not do basic, as there is no point (requires a system mcs to be installed). // if (library.Contains ("moonlight") || library.Contains ("-basic") || library.EndsWith ("bootstrap") || library.Contains ("build")) continue; // The next ones are to make debugging easier for now if (profile == "basic") continue; // For now -- problem is, our resolver currently only considers the assembly name, and we ahve // conflicing 2.0 and 2.4 versions so for now, we just skip the nunit20 versions if (dir.Contains ("nunit20")) continue; if (library.Contains ("tests") && !withTests) continue; if (profile != "net_4_x") continue; yield return project; } } static void Main (string [] args) { if (!File.Exists ("genproj.cs")) { Console.WriteLine ("This command must be executed from mono/msvc/scripts"); Environment.Exit (1); } if (args.Length == 1 && args [0].ToLower ().Contains ("-h")) { Console.WriteLine ("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine ("genproj.exe [visual_studio_release] [output_full_solutions] [with_tests]"); Console.WriteLine ("If output_full_solutions is false, only the main System*.dll"); Console.WriteLine (" assemblies (and dependencies) is included in the solution."); Console.WriteLine ("Example:"); Console.WriteLine ("genproj.exe 2012 false false"); Console.WriteLine ("genproj.exe with no arguments is equivalent to 'genproj.exe 2012 true false'\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("genproj.exe deps"); Console.WriteLine ("Generates a Makefile dependency file from the projects input"); Environment.Exit (0); } var slnVersion = (args.Length > 0) ? args [0] : "2012"; bool fullSolutions = (args.Length > 1) ? bool.Parse (args [1]) : true; bool withTests = (args.Length > 2) ? bool.Parse (args [2]) : false; // To generate makefile depenedencies var makefileDeps = (args.Length > 0 && args [0] == "deps"); var sln_gen = new SlnGenerator (slnVersion); var four_five_sln_gen = new SlnGenerator (slnVersion); var projects = new Dictionary (); var duplicates = new List (); foreach (var project in GetProjects (withTests)) { var library_output = project.Element ("library_output").Value; projects [library_output] = new MsbuildGenerator (project); } foreach (var project in GetProjects (withTests)){ var library_output = project.Element ("library_output").Value; //Console.WriteLine ("=== {0} ===", library_output); var gen = projects [library_output]; try { var csproj = gen.Generate (library_output, projects); var csprojFilename = csproj.csProjFilename; if (!sln_gen.ContainsProjectIdentifier (csproj.library)) { sln_gen.Add (csproj); } else { duplicates.Add (csprojFilename); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error in {0}\n{1}", project, e); } } Func additionalFilter; additionalFilter = fullSolutions ? (Func)null : IsCommonLibrary; FillSolution (four_five_sln_gen, MsbuildGenerator.profile_4_x, projects.Values, additionalFilter); if (duplicates.Count () > 0) { var sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.AppendLine ("WARNING: Skipped some project references, apparent duplicates in order.xml:"); foreach (var item in duplicates) { sb.AppendLine (item); } Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ()); } WriteSolution (four_five_sln_gen, Path.Combine ("..", "..", MakeSolutionName (MsbuildGenerator.profile_4_x))); if (makefileDeps){ const string classDirPrefix = "./../../"; Console.WriteLine ("here {0}", sln_gen.libraries.Count); foreach (var p in sln_gen.libraries){ string rebasedOutput = RebaseToClassDirectory (MsbuildGenerator.GetRelativePath ("../../mcs/class", p.library_output)); Console.Write ("{0}: ", rebasedOutput); foreach (var r in p.projReferences){ var lo = r.library_output; if (lo.StartsWith (classDirPrefix)) lo = lo.Substring (classDirPrefix.Length); else lo = "<>"; Console.Write ("{0} ", lo); } Console.Write ("\n\t(cd {0}; make {1})", p.MsbuildGenerator.dir, p.library_output); Console.WriteLine ("\n"); } } // A few other optional solutions // Solutions with 'everything' and the most common libraries used in development may be of interest //WriteSolution (sln_gen, "./mcs_full.sln"); //WriteSolution (small_full_sln_gen, "small_full.sln"); // The following may be useful if lacking visual studio or MonoDevelop, to bootstrap mono compiler self-hosting //WriteSolution (basic_sln_gen, "mcs_basic.sln"); //WriteSolution (build_sln_gen, "mcs_build.sln"); } // Rebases a path, assuming that execution is taking place in the "class" subdirectory, // so it strips ../class/ from a path, which is a no-op static string RebaseToClassDirectory (string path) { const string prefix = "../class/"; int p = path.IndexOf (prefix); if (p == -1) return path; return path.Substring (0, p) + path.Substring (p+prefix.Length); return path; } static string MakeSolutionName (string profileTag) { return "net" + profileTag + ".sln"; } static void FillSolution (SlnGenerator solution, string profileString, IEnumerable projects, Func additionalFilter = null) { foreach (var generator in projects) { var vsCsproj = generator.Csproj; if (!vsCsproj.library.Contains (profileString)) continue; if (additionalFilter != null && !additionalFilter (vsCsproj)) continue; var csprojFilename = vsCsproj.csProjFilename; if (!solution.ContainsProjectIdentifier (vsCsproj.library)) { solution.Add (vsCsproj); RecursiveAddProj (solution, vsCsproj); } } } static void RecursiveAddProj (SlnGenerator solution, MsbuildGenerator.VsCsproj vsCsproj, int recursiveDepth = 1) { const int max_recursive = 16; if (recursiveDepth > max_recursive) throw new Exception (string.Format ("Reached {0} levels of project dependency", max_recursive)); foreach (var projRef in vsCsproj.projReferences) { if (!solution.ContainsProjectIdentifier (projRef.library)) { solution.Add (projRef); RecursiveAddProj (solution, projRef, recursiveDepth + 1); } } } static void WriteSolution (SlnGenerator sln_gen, string slnfilename) { Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("Writing solution {1}, with {0} projects", sln_gen.Count, slnfilename)); sln_gen.Write (slnfilename); } static bool IsCommonLibrary (MsbuildGenerator.VsCsproj proj) { var library = proj.library; //if (library.Contains ("-basic")) // return true; //if (library.Contains ("-build")) // return true; //if (library.StartsWith ("corlib")) // return true; if (library.StartsWith ("System-")) return true; if (library.StartsWith ("System.Xml")) return true; if (library.StartsWith ("System.Secu")) return true; if (library.StartsWith ("System.Configuration")) return true; if (library.StartsWith ("System.Core")) return true; //if (library.StartsWith ("Mono.")) // return true; return false; } }