// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. namespace System.Diagnostics { public partial class DebugProvider { public static void FailCore(string stackTrace, string? message, string? detailMessage, string errorSource) { if (s_FailCore != null) { s_FailCore(stackTrace, message, detailMessage, errorSource); return; } if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Break(); } else { // In Core, we do not show a dialog. // Fail in order to avoid anyone catching an exception and masking // an assert failure. DebugAssertException ex = new DebugAssertException(message, detailMessage, stackTrace); Environment.FailFast(ex.Message, ex, errorSource); } } private static readonly object s_ForLock = new object(); public static void WriteCore(string message) { if (s_WriteCore != null) { s_WriteCore(message); return; } // really huge messages mess up both VS and dbmon, so we chop it up into // reasonable chunks if it's too big. This is the number of characters // that OutputDebugstring chunks at. const int WriteChunkLength = 4091; // We don't want output from multiple threads to be interleaved. lock (s_ForLock) { if (message.Length <= WriteChunkLength) { WriteToDebugger(message); } else { int offset; for (offset = 0; offset < message.Length - WriteChunkLength; offset += WriteChunkLength) { WriteToDebugger(message.Substring(offset, WriteChunkLength)); } WriteToDebugger(message.Substring(offset)); } } } private static void WriteToDebugger(string message) { if (Debugger.IsLogging()) { Debugger.Log(0, null, message); } else { Interop.Kernel32.OutputDebugString(message ?? string.Empty); } } } }