// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Globalization { public partial class CompareInfo { internal static unsafe int InvariantIndexOf(string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, bool ignoreCase) { Debug.Assert(source != null); Debug.Assert(value != null); Debug.Assert(startIndex >= 0 && startIndex < source.Length); fixed (char* pSource = source) fixed (char* pValue = value) { char* pSrc = &pSource[startIndex]; int index = InvariantFindString(pSrc, count, pValue, value.Length, ignoreCase, fromBeginning: true); if (index >= 0) { return index + startIndex; } return -1; } } internal static unsafe int InvariantIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan source, ReadOnlySpan value, bool ignoreCase, bool fromBeginning = true) { Debug.Assert(source.Length != 0); Debug.Assert(value.Length != 0); fixed (char* pSource = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(source)) fixed (char* pValue = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(value)) { return InvariantFindString(pSource, source.Length, pValue, value.Length, ignoreCase, fromBeginning); } } internal static unsafe int InvariantLastIndexOf(string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, bool ignoreCase) { Debug.Assert(source != null); Debug.Assert(value != null); Debug.Assert(startIndex >= 0 && startIndex < source.Length); fixed (char* pSource = source) fixed (char* pValue = value) { char* pSrc = &pSource[startIndex - count + 1]; int index = InvariantFindString(pSrc, count, pValue, value.Length, ignoreCase, fromBeginning: false); if (index >= 0) { return index + startIndex - count + 1; } return -1; } } private static unsafe int InvariantFindString(char* source, int sourceCount, char* value, int valueCount, bool ignoreCase, bool fromBeginning) { int ctrSource = 0; // index value into source int ctrValue = 0; // index value into value char sourceChar; // Character for case lookup in source char valueChar; // Character for case lookup in value int lastSourceStart; Debug.Assert(source != null); Debug.Assert(value != null); Debug.Assert(sourceCount >= 0); Debug.Assert(valueCount >= 0); if (valueCount == 0) { return fromBeginning ? 0 : sourceCount - 1; } if (sourceCount < valueCount) { return -1; } if (fromBeginning) { lastSourceStart = sourceCount - valueCount; if (ignoreCase) { char firstValueChar = InvariantToUpper(value[0]); for (ctrSource = 0; ctrSource <= lastSourceStart; ctrSource++) { sourceChar = InvariantToUpper(source[ctrSource]); if (sourceChar != firstValueChar) { continue; } for (ctrValue = 1; ctrValue < valueCount; ctrValue++) { sourceChar = InvariantToUpper(source[ctrSource + ctrValue]); valueChar = InvariantToUpper(value[ctrValue]); if (sourceChar != valueChar) { break; } } if (ctrValue == valueCount) { return ctrSource; } } } else { char firstValueChar = value[0]; for (ctrSource = 0; ctrSource <= lastSourceStart; ctrSource++) { sourceChar = source[ctrSource]; if (sourceChar != firstValueChar) { continue; } for (ctrValue = 1; ctrValue < valueCount; ctrValue++) { sourceChar = source[ctrSource + ctrValue]; valueChar = value[ctrValue]; if (sourceChar != valueChar) { break; } } if (ctrValue == valueCount) { return ctrSource; } } } } else { lastSourceStart = sourceCount - valueCount; if (ignoreCase) { char firstValueChar = InvariantToUpper(value[0]); for (ctrSource = lastSourceStart; ctrSource >= 0; ctrSource--) { sourceChar = InvariantToUpper(source[ctrSource]); if (sourceChar != firstValueChar) { continue; } for (ctrValue = 1; ctrValue < valueCount; ctrValue++) { sourceChar = InvariantToUpper(source[ctrSource + ctrValue]); valueChar = InvariantToUpper(value[ctrValue]); if (sourceChar != valueChar) { break; } } if (ctrValue == valueCount) { return ctrSource; } } } else { char firstValueChar = value[0]; for (ctrSource = lastSourceStart; ctrSource >= 0; ctrSource--) { sourceChar = source[ctrSource]; if (sourceChar != firstValueChar) { continue; } for (ctrValue = 1; ctrValue < valueCount; ctrValue++) { sourceChar = source[ctrSource + ctrValue]; valueChar = value[ctrValue]; if (sourceChar != valueChar) { break; } } if (ctrValue == valueCount) { return ctrSource; } } } } return -1; } private static char InvariantToUpper(char c) { return (uint)(c - 'a') <= (uint)('z' - 'a') ? (char)(c - 0x20) : c; } private unsafe SortKey InvariantCreateSortKey(string source, CompareOptions options) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if ((options & ValidSortkeyCtorMaskOffFlags) != 0) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidFlag, nameof(options)); } byte[] keyData; if (source.Length == 0) { keyData = Array.Empty(); } else { // In the invariant mode, all string comparisons are done as ordinal so when generating the sort keys we generate it according to this fact keyData = new byte[source.Length * sizeof(char)]; fixed (char* pChar = source) fixed (byte* pByte = keyData) { if ((options & (CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != 0) { short* pShort = (short*)pByte; for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) { pShort[i] = (short)InvariantToUpper(source[i]); } } else { Buffer.MemoryCopy(pChar, pByte, keyData.Length, keyData.Length); } } } return new SortKey(Name, source, options, keyData); } } }