// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; namespace System.Globalization { public partial class JapaneseCalendar : Calendar { private static EraInfo[]? GetJapaneseEras() { if (GlobalizationMode.Invariant) { return null; } string[]? eraNames; if (!CalendarData.EnumCalendarInfo("ja-JP", CalendarId.JAPAN, CalendarDataType.EraNames, out eraNames)) { return null; } string[]? abbrevEnglishEraNames; if (!CalendarData.EnumCalendarInfo("en", CalendarId.JAPAN, CalendarDataType.AbbrevEraNames, out abbrevEnglishEraNames)) { return null; } List eras = new List(); int lastMaxYear = GregorianCalendar.MaxYear; int latestEra = Interop.Globalization.GetLatestJapaneseEra(); for (int i = latestEra; i >= 0; i--) { DateTime dt; if (!GetJapaneseEraStartDate(i, out dt)) { return null; } if (dt < s_calendarMinValue) { // only populate the Eras that are valid JapaneseCalendar date times break; } eras.Add(new EraInfo(i, dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Year - 1, 1, lastMaxYear - dt.Year + 1, eraNames![i], GetAbbreviatedEraName(eraNames, i), abbrevEnglishEraNames![i])); lastMaxYear = dt.Year; } // remap the Era numbers, now that we know how many there will be for (int i = 0; i < eras.Count; i++) { eras[i].era = eras.Count - i; } return eras.ToArray(); } // PAL Layer ends here private static string GetAbbreviatedEraName(string[] eraNames, int eraIndex) { // This matches the behavior on Win32 - only returning the first character of the era name. // See Calendar.EraAsString(Int32) - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br206751.aspx return eraNames[eraIndex].Substring(0, 1); } private static bool GetJapaneseEraStartDate(int era, out DateTime dateTime) { Debug.Assert(!GlobalizationMode.Invariant); dateTime = default(DateTime); int startYear; int startMonth; int startDay; bool result = Interop.Globalization.GetJapaneseEraStartDate( era, out startYear, out startMonth, out startDay); if (result) { dateTime = new DateTime(startYear, startMonth, startDay); } return result; } } }