// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. namespace System.Globalization { public enum UnicodeCategory { UppercaseLetter = 0, LowercaseLetter = 1, TitlecaseLetter = 2, ModifierLetter = 3, OtherLetter = 4, NonSpacingMark = 5, SpacingCombiningMark = 6, EnclosingMark = 7, DecimalDigitNumber = 8, LetterNumber = 9, OtherNumber = 10, SpaceSeparator = 11, LineSeparator = 12, ParagraphSeparator = 13, Control = 14, Format = 15, Surrogate = 16, PrivateUse = 17, ConnectorPunctuation = 18, DashPunctuation = 19, OpenPunctuation = 20, ClosePunctuation = 21, InitialQuotePunctuation = 22, FinalQuotePunctuation = 23, OtherPunctuation = 24, MathSymbol = 25, CurrencySymbol = 26, ModifierSymbol = 27, OtherSymbol = 28, OtherNotAssigned = 29, } }