def isPrivate = (env.JENKINS_URL ==~ /.*jenkins\.internalx\.com.*/ ? true : false) def isPr = (env.ghprbPullId && !env.ghprbPullId.empty ? true : false) def monoBranch = (isPr ? "pr" : env.BRANCH_NAME) def isReleaseJob = (!isPr && monoBranch ==~ /201\d-\d\d/) // check if we're on a 2017-xx branch, i.e. release def jobName = (isPr ? "build-package-osx-mono-pullrequest" : isPrivate ? "build-package-osx-mono-private" : "build-package-osx-mono") def windowsJobName = (isPr ? "build-package-win-mono-pullrequest" : isPrivate ? "build-package-win-mono-private/${monoBranch}" : "build-package-win-mono/${monoBranch}") def isWindowsPrBuild = (isPr && env.ghprbCommentBody.contains("@monojenkins build pkg and msi")) def packageFileName = null def commitHash = null def utils = null node ("mono-package") { ws ("workspace/${jobName}/${monoBranch}") { timestamps { stage('Checkout') { // clone and checkout repo checkout scm // remove old stuff sh 'git clean -xdff' // get current commit sha commitHash = sh (script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim() currentBuild.displayName = "${commitHash.substring(0,7)}" utils = load "scripts/ci/pipeline/utils.groovy" } try { stage('Build') { utils.reportGitHubStatus (isPr ? env.ghprbActualCommit : commitHash, 'PKG-mono', env.BUILD_URL, 'PENDING', 'Building...') // install openssl for .net core (remove once msbuild uses a 2.x version which doesn't rely on openssl) sh 'brew update && brew install openssl' sh 'mkdir -p /usr/local/lib' sh 'rm /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib || true' sh 'rm /usr/local/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib || true' sh 'ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/' sh 'ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/' // workaround for libtiff issue sh 'make -C external/bockbuild/builds/tiff-4.0.8-x86 clean || true' sh 'make -C external/bockbuild/builds/tiff-4.0.8-x64 clean || true' // build the .pkg timeout (time: 420, unit: 'MINUTES') { withEnv (["MONO_BRANCH=${isPr ? '' : monoBranch}", "MONO_BUILD_REVISION=${commitHash}"]) { sshagent (credentials: ['mono-extensions-ssh']) { sh "external/bockbuild/bb MacSDKRelease --arch darwin-universal --verbose --package ${isReleaseJob ? '--release' : ''}" } } } // move .pkg to the workspace root sh 'mv packaging/MacSDKRelease/MonoFramework-MDK-*.pkg .' packageFileName = findFiles (glob: "MonoFramework-MDK-*.pkg")[0].name } stage('Upload .pkg to Azure') { azureUpload(storageCredentialId: (isPrivate ? "bc6a99d18d7d9ca3f6bf6b19e364d564" : "fbd29020e8166fbede5518e038544343"), storageType: "blobstorage", containerName: "${jobName}", virtualPath: "${monoBranch}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/${commitHash}/", filesPath: "${packageFileName}", allowAnonymousAccess: (isPrivate ? false : true), pubAccessible: (isPrivate ? false : true), doNotWaitForPreviousBuild: true, uploadArtifactsOnlyIfSuccessful: true) } if (isReleaseJob) { stage("Signing") { timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { // waits until the signing job posts completion signal to this pipeline input input id: 'FinishedSigning', message: 'Waiting for signing to finish...', submitter: 'monojenkins' echo "Signing done." } } } else { echo "Not a release job, skipping signing." } def storageAccount = (isPrivate ? "" : "") def packageUrl = "https://${storageAccount}/${jobName}/${monoBranch}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/${commitHash}" currentBuild.description = "

DOWNLOAD: ${packageFileName}

" if (isReleaseJob) { utils.reportGitHubStatus (isPr ? env.ghprbActualCommit : commitHash, 'artifacts.json', "${packageUrl}/artifacts.json", 'SUCCESS', '') } utils.reportGitHubStatus (isPr ? env.ghprbActualCommit : commitHash, 'PKG-mono', "${packageUrl}/${packageFileName}", 'SUCCESS', packageFileName) } catch (Exception e) { utils.reportGitHubStatus (isPr ? env.ghprbActualCommit : commitHash, 'PKG-mono', env.BUILD_URL, 'FAILURE', "Build failed.") throw e } } } } if (isPrivate) { // skip Windows build on private jobs for now return } if (!isPr || isWindowsPrBuild) { def parameters = null if (isWindowsPrBuild) { parameters = [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'sha1', value: commitHash], [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'ghprbPullId', value: env.ghprbPullId], [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'ghprbActualCommit', value: env.ghprbActualCommit]] } // trigger the Windows build build(job: "${windowsJobName}", wait: false, parameters: parameters) }