#!/bin/bash # # mono-find-provides # # Authors: # Ben Maurer (bmaurer@ximian.com) # # (C) 2005 Novell (http://www.novell.com) # if [ -n "$DISABLE_MONO_RPM_AUTO_DEPS" ]; then exit 0; fi IFS=$'\n' filelist=($(grep -Ev '/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/')) monolist=($(printf "%s\n" "${filelist[@]}" | egrep "\\.(exe|dll)\$")) # Only include files with /gac/, /Facades/ or /4.5/ in path # (Allows packages to contain private assemblies that don't conflict with other packages) monolist=($(printf "%s\n" "${monolist[@]}" | egrep "/(gac|Facades|4\\.5)/")) # Disabled... see ChangeLog # Set the prefix, unless it is overriden (used when building mono rpms) : ${prefix=@prefix@} libdir=$prefix/@reloc_libdir@ bindir=$prefix/bin # Bail out if monodis or libmono is missing if [ ! -x $bindir/monodis ] || [ ! -f $libdir/libmono-2.0.so.1 ] ; then echo "monodis missing or unusable, exiting..." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ensure that libmono is found export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$libdir${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # and set MONO_PATH to ensure that mscorlib.dll can be found export MONO_PATH=$prefix/lib/mono/4.5 for i in "${monolist[@]}"; do ($bindir/monodis --assembly $i | awk ' BEGIN { LIBNAME=""; VERSION=""; } /^Version:/ { VERSION=$2 } /^Name:/ { LIBNAME=$2 } END { if (LIBNAME ~ /^policy/) { cnt = split(LIBNAME, toks, ".") VERSION=toks[2] "." toks[3] ".0.0" LIBNAME="" for (i=4; i<= cnt; i++) LIBNAME = (LIBNAME toks[i] ".") LIBNAME=substr(LIBNAME, 1, length(LIBNAME)-1) } if (VERSION && LIBNAME) print "mono(" LIBNAME ") = " VERSION } ') 2>/dev/null done