TOP=$(realpath $(CURDIR)/../..) -include $(TOP)/sdks/Make.config MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules CONFIGURATION?=release RELEASE=$(if $(filter $(CONFIGURATION),release),1) lowercase=$(shell echo "$(1)" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') UNAME=$(shell uname) ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME))) UNAME=Windows endif ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) UNAME_WSL_CHECK=$(shell uname -a) ifneq (,$(findstring Microsoft,$(UNAME_WSL_CHECK))) UNAME=Windows endif endif ifneq ($(UNAME),Darwin) ifneq ($(UNAME),Linux) ifneq ($(UNAME),Windows) $(error "Unsupported UNAME=$(UNAME)") endif endif endif ifeq ($(UNAME),Windows) # x86_64 or i686 HOST_ARCH_MINGW32=$(shell uname -m) endif ifneq ($(UNAME),Darwin) # iOS and Mac requires Xcode to be available, and Xcode is only available on macOS ENABLE_IOS= ENABLE_MAC= endif # On Windows, we will just trigger LLVM and Android builds using this Makefile. ifeq ($(UNAME),Windows) ENABLE_IOS= ENABLE_MAC= ENABLE_WASM= ENABLE_WASM_CROSS= ENABLE_DESKTOP= DISABLE_CCACHE=1 DISABLE_LIBTOOLIZE=1 IGNORE_PROVISION_MXE=1 endif CCACHE:=$(if $(DISABLE_CCACHE),,$(shell which ccache)) NINJA:=$(shell which ninja) include $(TOP)/sdks/ include $(TOP)/sdks/ ifndef DISABLE_LIBTOOLIZE #brew's libtool is not compatible with some of the deps needed (I.E. V8) so in those systems we need to explicit add to the path #this is due mono not being compatible with xcode's libtool, which is what's on path by default ifeq (, $(shell which glibtoolize)) EXTRA_PATH=$(wildcard /usr/local/Cellar/libtool/*/bin/) endif endif .PHONY: all all: ## Common Mono targets .PHONY: configure-mono configure-mono: $(TOP)/configure ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) .stamp-ulimit-check: @if [ $$(ulimit -n) -lt 1024 ] ; then \ echo "Error: Increase ulimit -n to at least 1024"; \ exit 1; \ fi touch $@ else .stamp-ulimit-check: touch $@ endif $(TOP)/configure: $(TOP)/ $(TOP)/ .stamp-ulimit-check cd $(TOP) && PATH=$(EXTRA_PATH):$$PATH NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ $(if $(wildcard $(TOP)/../mono-extensions),--enable-extension-module=xamarin --enable-extension-module) ## Archive targets ifdef ENABLE_ANDROID android_ARCHIVE= endif ifdef ENABLE_IOS ios_ARCHIVE= endif ifdef ENABLE_MAC mac_ARCHIVE= endif ifdef ENABLE_WASM wasm_ARCHIVE= endif ## # Parameters: # $(1): target (android, ios, mac, wasm) # $(2): compression format (7z, zip) define ArchiveTemplate _$(1)_HASH = $$(shell git -C $$(TOP) rev-parse HEAD) _$(1)_PACKAGE = $(1)-$$(CONFIGURATION)-$$(UNAME)-$$(_$(1)_HASH).$(2) ifeq ($(2),7z) _$(1)_COMPRESSION_ARGS = -t7z -mx=9 endif .PHONY: archive-$(1) archive-$(1): cd $$(TOP)/sdks/out && 7z a $$(_$(1)_COMPRESSION_ARGS) $$(TOP)/$$(_$(1)_PACKAGE) $$(sort $$($(1)_ARCHIVE)) endef ifdef ENABLE_ANDROID $(eval $(call ArchiveTemplate,android,7z)) endif ifdef ENABLE_IOS $(eval $(call ArchiveTemplate,ios,7z)) endif ifdef ENABLE_MAC $(eval $(call ArchiveTemplate,mac,7z)) endif ifdef ENABLE_WASM $(eval $(call ArchiveTemplate,wasm,zip)) endif ## Targets .PHONY: build-custom-% build-custom-%: $(MAKE) -C $* .PHONY: setup-custom-% setup-custom-%: mkdir -p $(TOP)/sdks/out/$* ## # Parameters: # $(1): product # $(2): target define TargetTemplate .PHONY: toolchain-$(1)-$(2) toolchain-$(1)-$(2): .stamp-$(1)-$(2)-toolchain .PHONY: toolchain toolchain: toolchain-$(1)-$(2) .stamp-$(1)-$(2)-configure: .stamp-$(1)-$(2)-toolchain .PHONY: configure-$(1)-$(2) configure-$(1)-$(2): .stamp-$(1)-$(2)-configure .PHONY: configure configure: configure-$(1)-$(2) .PHONY: build-$(1)-$(2) build-$(1)-$(2): .stamp-$(1)-$(2)-configure $$(MAKE) build-custom-$(1)-$(2) .PHONY: build build: build-$(1)-$(2) .PHONY: setup-$(1)-$(2) setup-$(1)-$(2): $$(MAKE) setup-custom-$(1)-$(2) .PHONY: package-$(1)-$(2) package-$(1)-$(2): setup-$(1)-$(2) build-$(1)-$(2) .PHONY: clean-$(1)-$(2) clean-$(1)-$(2): .PHONY: clean clean: clean-$(1)-$(2) endef ## Products include include ## MXE targets ifeq ($(and $(DISABLE_ANDROID),$(DISABLE_WASM_CROSS)),) # FIXME add iOS support(?) include endif ## LLVM targets include ## Android targets ifdef ENABLE_ANDROID include endif ## iOS targets ifdef ENABLE_IOS include endif ## Mac targets ifdef ENABLE_MAC include endif ## Desktop targets ## To run host-side tests ifdef ENABLE_DESKTOP include endif ## WASM targets include