using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Options; public class AppBuilder { public static void Main (String[] args) { new AppBuilder ().Run (args); } void GenMain (string builddir, List assembly_names, bool isinterp) { var symbols = new List (); foreach (var img in assembly_names) { symbols.Add (String.Format ("mono_aot_module_{0}_info", img.Replace ('.', '_').Replace ('-', '_'))); } var w = File.CreateText (Path.Combine (builddir, "main.m")); /* copy from */ w.WriteLine ("typedef enum {"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_NONE,"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_NORMAL,"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_HYBRID,"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_FULL,"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_LLVMONLY,"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_INTERP,"); w.WriteLine (" MONO_AOT_MODE_INTERP_LLVMONLY"); w.WriteLine ("} MonoAotMode;"); w.WriteLine (); w.WriteLine ("void mono_jit_set_aot_mode (MonoAotMode mode);"); w.WriteLine (); w.WriteLine ("extern void mono_aot_register_module (char *name);"); w.WriteLine (); if (isinterp) { w.WriteLine ("extern void mono_ee_interp_init (const char *);"); w.WriteLine ("extern void mono_icall_table_init (void);"); w.WriteLine ("extern void mono_marshal_ilgen_init (void);"); w.WriteLine ("extern void mono_method_builder_ilgen_init (void);"); w.WriteLine ("extern void mono_sgen_mono_ilgen_init (void);"); w.WriteLine (); } foreach (var symbol in symbols) { w.WriteLine ($"extern void *{symbol};"); } w.WriteLine (); w.WriteLine ("void mono_ios_register_modules (void)"); w.WriteLine ("{"); foreach (var symbol in symbols) { w.WriteLine ($"\tmono_aot_register_module ({symbol});"); } w.WriteLine ("}"); w.WriteLine (); w.WriteLine ("void mono_ios_setup_execution_mode (void)"); w.WriteLine ("{"); if (isinterp) { w.WriteLine ("\tmono_icall_table_init ();"); w.WriteLine ("\tmono_marshal_ilgen_init ();"); w.WriteLine ("\tmono_method_builder_ilgen_init ();"); w.WriteLine ("\tmono_sgen_mono_ilgen_init ();"); w.WriteLine ("\tmono_ee_interp_init (0);"); } w.WriteLine ("\tmono_jit_set_aot_mode ({0});", isinterp ? "MONO_AOT_MODE_INTERP" : "MONO_AOT_MODE_FULL"); w.WriteLine ("}"); w.WriteLine (); w.Close (); } void check_mandatory (string val, string name) { if (val == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine ($"The {name} argument is mandatory."); Environment.Exit (1); } } void Run (String[] args) { string target = null; string appdir = null; string builddir = null; string runtimedir = null; string mono_sdkdir = null; string bundle_identifier = null; string bundle_name = null; string bundle_executable = null; string sysroot = null; string aotdir = null; string exe = null; string signing_identity = null; string profile = null; bool isdev = false; bool isrelease = false; bool isllvm = false; bool isinterponly = false; bool isinterpmixed = false; var assemblies = new List (); var p = new OptionSet () { { "target=", s => target = s }, { "appdir=", s => appdir = s }, { "builddir=", s => builddir = s }, { "runtimedir=", s => runtimedir = s }, { "mono-sdkdir=", s => mono_sdkdir = s }, { "sysroot=", s => sysroot = s }, { "aot-cachedir=", s => aotdir = s }, { "bundle-identifier=", s => bundle_identifier = s }, { "bundle-name=", s => bundle_name = s }, { "bundle-executable=", s => bundle_executable = s }, { "signing-identity=", s => signing_identity = s }, { "profile=", s => profile = s }, { "llvm", s => isllvm = true }, { "interp-only", s => isinterponly = true }, { "interp-mixed", s => isinterpmixed = true }, { "exe=", s => exe = s }, { "r=", s => assemblies.Add (s) }, }; var new_args = p.Parse (args).ToArray (); check_mandatory (target, "--target"); check_mandatory (runtimedir, "--runtimedir"); check_mandatory (appdir, "--appdir"); check_mandatory (mono_sdkdir, "--mono-sdkdir"); check_mandatory (sysroot, "--sysroot"); check_mandatory (signing_identity, "--signing-identity"); switch (target) { case "ios-dev64": isdev = true; break; case "ios-sim64": break; default: Console.WriteLine ($"Possible values for the '--target=' argument are 'ios-dev64', 'ios-sim64', got {target}."); Environment.Exit (1); break; } if (isllvm) isrelease = true; bool isinterpany = isinterponly || isinterpmixed; string aot_args = ""; string cross_runtime_args = ""; if (isinterponly) { aot_args = "interp"; } else if (isinterpmixed) { aot_args = "interp,full"; } else { aot_args = "full"; } if (!isrelease) aot_args += ",soft-debug"; if (isllvm) { cross_runtime_args = "--llvm"; aot_args += ",llvm-path=$mono_sdkdir/ios-llvm64/bin,llvm-outfile=$llvm_outfile"; } Directory.CreateDirectory (builddir); // Create Info.plist file var lines = File.ReadAllLines (Path.Combine (runtimedir, "")); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i) { string line = lines [i]; line = line.Replace ("BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", bundle_identifier); line = line.Replace ("BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE", bundle_executable); line = line.Replace ("BUNDLE_NAME", bundle_name); line = line.Replace ("PLATFORM", isdev ? "iPhoneOS" : "iPhoneSimulator"); lines [i] = line; } File.WriteAllLines (Path.Combine (builddir, "Info.plist"), lines); // Create config.json file string config = "{ \"exe\" : \"" + exe + "\" }"; File.WriteAllLines (Path.Combine (builddir, "config.json"), new string [] { config }); var ninja = File.CreateText (Path.Combine (builddir, "")); // Defines ninja.WriteLine ($"mono_sdkdir = {mono_sdkdir}"); ninja.WriteLine ($"monoios_dir = {runtimedir}"); ninja.WriteLine ($"appdir = {appdir}"); ninja.WriteLine ($"sysroot = {sysroot}"); ninja.WriteLine ("cross = $mono_sdkdir/ios-cross64-release/bin/aarch64-darwin-mono-sgen"); ninja.WriteLine ($"builddir = ."); if (aotdir != null) ninja.WriteLine ($"aotdir = {aotdir}"); ninja.WriteLine ($"signing_identity = {signing_identity}"); // Rules ninja.WriteLine ("rule aot"); ninja.WriteLine ($" command = MONO_PATH=$mono_path $cross -O=gsharedvt,float32 --debug {cross_runtime_args} --aot=mtriple=arm64-ios,static,asmonly,direct-icalls,no-direct-calls,dwarfdebug,{aot_args},outfile=$outfile,data-outfile=$data_outfile $src_file"); ninja.WriteLine (" description = [AOT] $src_file -> $outfile"); // ninja remakes files it hadn't seen before even if the timestamp is newer, so have to add a test ourselves ninja.WriteLine ("rule aot-cached"); ninja.WriteLine ($" command = if ! test -f $outfile; then MONO_PATH=$mono_path $cross -O=gsharedvt,float32 --debug {cross_runtime_args} --aot=mtriple=arm64-ios,static,asmonly,direct-icalls,no-direct-calls,dwarfdebug,{aot_args},outfile=$outfile,data-outfile=$data_outfile $src_file; fi"); ninja.WriteLine (" description = [AOT] $src_file -> $outfile"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule assemble"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = clang -isysroot $sysroot -miphoneos-version-min=10.1 -arch arm64 -c -o $out $in"); ninja.WriteLine (" description = [ASM] $in -> $out"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule assemble-cached"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = if ! test -f $out; then clang -isysroot $sysroot -miphoneos-version-min=10.1 -arch arm64 -c -o $out $in; fi"); ninja.WriteLine (" description = [ASM] $in -> $out"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule cp"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = cp $in $out"); ninja.WriteLine (" description = [CP] $in -> $out"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule cp-recursive"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = cp -r $in $out"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule cpifdiff"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = if cmp -s $in $out ; then : ; else cp $in $out ; fi"); ninja.WriteLine (" restat = true"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule plutil"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = cp $in $out; plutil -convert binary1 $out"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule codesign"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = codesign -v --force --sign \"$signing_identity\" --entitlements $entitlements --timestamp=none $in"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule codesign-sim"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = codesign --force --sign - --timestamp=none $in"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule mkdir"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = mkdir -p $out"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule compile-objc"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = clang -isysroot $sysroot -miphoneos-version-min=10.1 -arch arm64 -c -o $out $in"); ninja.WriteLine ("rule gen-exe"); ninja.WriteLine (" command = mkdir $appdir"); ninja.WriteLine ($" command = clang -ObjC -isysroot $sysroot -miphoneos-version-min=10.1 -arch arm64 -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -o $appdir/{bundle_executable} $in -liconv"); var ofiles = ""; var assembly_names = new List (); foreach (var assembly in assemblies) { string filename = Path.GetFileName (assembly); var filename_noext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (filename); File.Copy (assembly, Path.Combine (builddir, filename), true); if (aotdir != null && !File.Exists (Path.Combine (aotdir, filename))) /* Don't overwrite to avoid changing the timestamp */ File.Copy (assembly, Path.Combine (aotdir, filename), false); ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/{filename}: cpifdiff $builddir/{filename}"); if (isinterpany && filename_noext != "mscorlib") continue; if (isdev) { string destdir = null; string srcfile = null; string assemble_rule = null; if (aotdir != null) { destdir = "$aotdir"; srcfile = Path.Combine (aotdir, filename); assemble_rule = "assemble-cached"; } else { destdir = "$builddir"; srcfile = $"{filename}"; assemble_rule = "assemble"; } string outputs = $"{destdir}/{filename}.s {destdir}/{filename_noext}.aotdata"; if (isllvm) outputs += $" {destdir}/{filename}.llvm.s"; if (aotdir != null) ninja.WriteLine ($"build {outputs}: aot-cached {srcfile}"); else ninja.WriteLine ($"build {outputs}: aot {srcfile}"); ninja.WriteLine ($" src_file={srcfile}"); ninja.WriteLine ($" outfile={destdir}/{filename}.s"); ninja.WriteLine ($" data_outfile={destdir}/{filename_noext}.aotdata"); ninja.WriteLine ($" mono_path={destdir}"); if (isllvm) ninja.WriteLine ($" llvm_outfile={destdir}/{filename}.llvm.s"); ninja.WriteLine ($"build {destdir}/{filename}.o: {assemble_rule} {destdir}/{filename}.s"); if (isllvm) ninja.WriteLine ($"build {destdir}/{filename}.llvm.o: {assemble_rule} {destdir}/{filename}.llvm.s"); ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/{filename_noext}.aotdata: cp {destdir}/{filename_noext}.aotdata"); ofiles += " " + ($"{destdir}/{filename}.o"); if (isllvm) ofiles += " " + ($"{destdir}/{filename}.llvm.o"); } var aname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (assembly); assembly_names.Add (aname.Name); } ninja.WriteLine ("build $appdir: mkdir"); if (isdev) { string libs = "$mono_sdkdir/ios-target64-release/lib/libmonosgen-2.0.a"; if (isinterpany) { libs += " $mono_sdkdir/ios-target64-release/lib/libmono-ee-interp.a"; libs += " $mono_sdkdir/ios-target64-release/lib/libmono-icall-table.a"; libs += " $mono_sdkdir/ios-target64-release/lib/libmono-ilgen.a"; } ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/{bundle_executable}: gen-exe {ofiles} $builddir/main.o " + libs + " $monoios_dir/libmonoios.a"); ninja.WriteLine ("build $builddir/main.o: compile-objc $builddir/main.m"); } else { ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/{bundle_executable}: cp $monoios_dir/runtime"); } ninja.WriteLine ("build $builddir/Info.plist.binary: plutil $builddir/Info.plist"); ninja.WriteLine ("build $appdir/Info.plist: cpifdiff $builddir/Info.plist.binary"); ninja.WriteLine ("build $appdir/config.json: cpifdiff $builddir/config.json"); ninja.WriteLine ("build $builddir/Entitlements.xcent: cpifdiff $monoios_dir/Entitlements.xcent"); if (profile != null) { ninja.WriteLine ($"build $builddir/embedded.mobileprovision: cp {profile}"); ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/embedded.mobileprovision: cp $builddir/embedded.mobileprovision"); } if (isdev) ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/_CodeSignature: codesign $appdir/{bundle_executable} | $builddir/Entitlements.xcent"); else ninja.WriteLine ($"build $appdir/_CodeSignature: codesign-sim $appdir/{bundle_executable} | $builddir/Entitlements.xcent"); ninja.WriteLine (" entitlements=$builddir/Entitlements.xcent"); ninja.WriteLine ("build $appdir/Base.lproj: cp-recursive $monoios_dir/Base.lproj"); ninja.Close (); GenMain (builddir, assembly_names, isinterpany); } }