using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Xunit; using WebAssembly.Net.Debugging; namespace DebuggerTests { public class CallFunctionOnTests : DebuggerTestBase { // This tests `callFunctionOn` with a function that the vscode-js-debug extension uses // Using this here as a non-trivial test case [Theory] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, 10, false)] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (0);", "/other.js", 5, 1, 0, true)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, 10, false)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 0);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, 0, true)] public async Task CheckVSCodeTestFunction1 (string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, int len, bool roundtrip) { string vscode_fn0 = "function(){const e={__proto__:this.__proto__},t=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this);for(let r=0;r>>0;if(String(i>>>0)===n&&i>>>0!=4294967295)continue;const a=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this,n);a&&Object.defineProperty(e,n,a)}return e}"; await RunCallFunctionOn (eval_fn, vscode_fn0, "big", bp_loc, line, col, res_array_len: len, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { var is_js = bp_loc.EndsWith (".js", StringComparison.Ordinal); var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); if (is_js) await CheckProps (obj_accessors.Value ["result"], new { __proto__ = TIgnore () }, "obj_accessors"); else AssertEqual (0, obj_accessors.Value ["result"]?.Count (), "obj_accessors-count"); // Check for a __proto__ object // isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); await CheckProps (obj_own.Value ["result"], new { length = TNumber (len), // __proto__ = TArray (type, 0) // Is this one really required? }, $"obj_own", num_fields: is_js ? 2 : 1); }); } void CheckJFunction (JToken actual, string className, string label) { AssertEqual ("function", actual ["type"]?.Value (), $"{label}-type"); AssertEqual (className, actual ["className"]?.Value (), $"{label}-className"); } // This tests `callFunctionOn` with a function that the vscode-js-debug extension uses // Using this here as a non-trivial test case [Theory] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, 10)] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (0);", "/other.js", 5, 1, 0)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, 10)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 0);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, 0)] public async Task CheckVSCodeTestFunction2 (string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, int len) { var fetch_start_idx = 2; var num_elems_fetch = 3; string vscode_fn1 = "function(e,t){const r={},n=-1===e?0:e,i=-1===t?this.length:e+t;for(let e=n;e { var is_js = bp_loc.EndsWith (".js", StringComparison.Ordinal); // isOwn = false, accessorPropertiesOnly = true var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); if (is_js) await CheckProps (obj_accessors.Value ["result"], new { __proto__ = TIgnore () }, "obj_accessors"); else AssertEqual (0, obj_accessors.Value ["result"]?.Count (), "obj_accessors-count"); // Ignoring the __proto__ property // isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); var obj_own_val = obj_own.Value ["result"]; var num_elems_recd = len == 0 ? 0 : num_elems_fetch; AssertEqual (is_js ? num_elems_recd + 1 : num_elems_recd, obj_own_val.Count (), $"obj_own-count"); if (is_js) CheckObject (obj_own_val, "__proto__", "Object"); for (int i = fetch_start_idx; i < fetch_start_idx + num_elems_recd; i ++) CheckNumber (obj_own_val, i.ToString (), 1000 + i); }); } [Theory] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, false)] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, true)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, false)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, true)] public async Task RunOnArrayReturnEmptyArray (string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, bool roundtrip) { var ret_len = 0; await RunCallFunctionOn (eval_fn, "function () { return []; }", "big", bp_loc, line, col, res_array_len: ret_len, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { var is_js = bp_loc.EndsWith (".js", StringComparison.Ordinal); // getProperties (isOwn = false, accessorPropertiesOnly = true) var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); if (is_js) await CheckProps (obj_accessors.Value ["result"], new { __proto__ = TIgnore () }, "obj_accessors"); else AssertEqual (0, obj_accessors.Value ["result"]?.Count (), "obj_accessors-count"); // getProperties (isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false) var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); await CheckProps (obj_own.Value ["result"], new { length = TNumber (ret_len), // __proto__ returned by js }, $"obj_own", num_fields: is_js ? 2 : 1); }); } [Theory] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, false)] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, true)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, false)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, true)] public async Task RunOnArrayReturnArray (string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, bool roundtrip) { var ret_len = 5; await RunCallFunctionOn (eval_fn, "function (m) { return Object.values (this).filter ((k, i) => i%m == 0); }", "big", bp_loc, line, col, fn_args: JArray.FromObject (new [] { new { value = 2 } }), res_array_len: ret_len, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { var is_js = bp_loc.EndsWith (".js"); // getProperties (own=false) var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); if (is_js) await CheckProps (obj_accessors.Value ["result"], new { __proto__ = TIgnore () }, "obj_accessors"); else AssertEqual (0, obj_accessors.Value ["result"]?.Count (), "obj_accessors-count"); // getProperties (own=true) // isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); // AssertEqual (2, obj_own.Value ["result"].Count (), $"{label}-obj_own.count"); var obj_own_val = obj_own.Value ["result"]; await CheckProps (obj_own_val, new { length = TNumber (ret_len), // __proto__ returned by JS }, $"obj_own", num_fields: (is_js ? ret_len + 2 : ret_len + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < ret_len; i ++) CheckNumber (obj_own_val, i.ToString (), i*2 + 1000); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task RunOnVTArray (bool roundtrip) => await RunCallFunctionOn ( "invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "function (m) { return Object.values (this).filter ((k, i) => i%m == 0); }", "ss_arr", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, fn_args: JArray.FromObject (new [] { new { value = 2 } }), res_array_len: 5, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { var ret_len = 5; // getProperties (own=false) var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); AssertEqual (0, obj_accessors.Value ["result"]?.Count (), "obj_accessors-count"); // getProperties (own=true) // isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); var obj_own_val = obj_own.Value ["result"]; await CheckProps (obj_own_val, new { length = TNumber (ret_len), // __proto__ returned by JS }, "obj_own", num_fields: ret_len + 1); for (int i = 0; i < ret_len; i ++) { var act_i = CheckValueType (obj_own_val, i.ToString (), "Math.SimpleStruct"); // Valuetypes can get sent as part of the container's getProperties, so ensure that we can access it var act_i_props = await GetProperties (act_i ["value"]["objectId"]?.Value ()); await CheckProps (act_i_props, new { dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", new DateTime (2020 + (i*2), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("Math.GenericStruct") }, "obj_own ss_arr[{i}]"); var gs_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (act_i_props, "gs"); await CheckProps (gs_props, new { List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List", is_null: true), StringField = TString ($"ss_arr # {i*2} # gs # StringField") }, "obj_own ss_arr[{i}].gs"); } }); [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task RunOnCFOValueTypeResult (bool roundtrip) => await RunCallFunctionOn ( eval_fn: "invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", fn_decl: "function () { return this; }", local_name: "simple_struct", bp_loc: "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { // getProperties (own=false) var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); AssertEqual (0, obj_accessors.Value ["result"].Count (), "obj_accessors-count"); // getProperties (own=true) // isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); var obj_own_val = obj_own.Value ["result"]; var dt = new DateTime (2020, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); await CheckProps (obj_own_val, new { dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("Math.GenericStruct") }, $"obj_own-props"); await CheckDateTime (obj_own_val, "dt", dt); var gs_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (obj_own_val, "gs"); await CheckProps (gs_props, new { List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List", is_null: true), StringField = TString ($"simple_struct # gs # StringField") }, ""); }); [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task RunOnJSObject (bool roundtrip) => await RunCallFunctionOn ( "object_js_test ();", "function () { return this; }", "obj", "/other.js", 14, 1, fn_args: JArray.FromObject (new [] { new { value = 2 } }), roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { // getProperties (own=false) var obj_accessors = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = true, ownProperties = false }), ctx.token); await CheckProps (obj_accessors.Value ["result"], new { __proto__ = TIgnore () }, "obj_accessors"); // getProperties (own=true) // isOwn = true, accessorPropertiesOnly = false var obj_own = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", JObject.FromObject (new { objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"].Value (), accessorPropertiesOnly = false, ownProperties = true }), ctx.token); var obj_own_val = obj_own.Value ["result"]; await CheckProps (obj_own_val, new { a_obj = TObject ("Object"), b_arr = TArray ("Array", 2) }, "obj_own", num_fields: 3); }); [Theory] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, false)] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, true)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, false)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, true)] public async Task RunOnArrayReturnObjectArrayByValue (string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, bool roundtrip) { var ret_len = 5; await RunCallFunctionOn (eval_fn, "function () { return Object.values (this).filter ((k, i) => i%2 == 0); }", "big", bp_loc, line, col, returnByValue: true, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { // Check cfo result AssertEqual ("object", result.Value ["result"]["type"]?.Value (), "cfo-res-type"); AssertEqual (1, result.Value.Values ().Count (), "cfo-res-value-count"); var actual = result.Value ["result"]?["value"].Values ().ToArray (); for (int i = 0; i < ret_len; i ++) { var exp_num = i*2 + 1000; if (bp_loc.EndsWith (".js", StringComparison.Ordinal)) AssertEqual (exp_num, actual [i].Value (), $"[{i}]"); else { AssertEqual ("number", actual [i]?["type"]?.Value (), $"[{i}]-type"); AssertEqual (exp_num.ToString (), actual [i]?["description"]?.Value (), $"[{i}]-description"); AssertEqual (exp_num, actual [i]?["value"]?.Value (), $"[{i}]-value"); } } await Task.CompletedTask; }); } [Theory] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, false)] [InlineData ("big_array_js_test (10);", "/other.js", 5, 1, true)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, false)] [InlineData ("invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2, true)] public async Task RunOnArrayReturnArrayByValue (string eval_fn, string bp_loc, int line, int col, bool roundtrip) => await RunCallFunctionOn (eval_fn, "function () { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames (this); }", "big", bp_loc, line, col, returnByValue: true, roundtrip: roundtrip, test_fn: async (result) => { // Check cfo result AssertEqual ("object", result.Value ["result"]["type"]?.Value (), "cfo-res-type"); var exp = new JArray (); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) exp.Add (i.ToString ()); exp.Add ("length"); var actual = result.Value ["result"]?["value"]; if (!JObject.DeepEquals (exp, actual)) { Assert.True (false, $"Results don't match.\nExpected: {exp}\nActual: {actual}"); } await Task.CompletedTask; }); [Theory] [InlineData (null)] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task CheckErrorsWithSilent (bool? silent) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 311, 2); // callFunctionOn var eval_expr = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:CallFunctionOnTest', 10); }, 1);"; var result = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject (new { expression = eval_expr }), ctx.token); var pause_location = await ctx.insp.WaitFor (Inspector.PAUSE); // Check the object at the bp var cfo_args = JObject.FromObject (new { functionDeclaration = "function () { throw Error ('test error'); }", objectId = "dotnet:object:xyasd", }); if (silent.HasValue) cfo_args ["silent"] = silent; // callFunctionOn result = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.callFunctionOn", cfo_args, ctx.token); Assert.True ((silent ?? false) == result.IsOk); }); } /* * 1. runs `Runtime.callFunctionOn` on the objectId, * if @roundtrip == false, then * -> calls @test_fn for that result (new objectId) * else * -> runs it again on the *result's* objectId. * -> calls @test_fn on the *new* result objectId * * Returns: result of `Runtime.callFunctionOn` */ async Task RunCallFunctionOn (string eval_fn, string fn_decl, string local_name, string bp_loc, int line, int col, int res_array_len = -1, Func test_fn = null, bool returnByValue = false, JArray fn_args = null, bool roundtrip = false) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); await SetBreakpoint (bp_loc, line, col); // callFunctionOn var eval_expr = $"window.setTimeout(function() {{ {eval_fn} }}, 1);"; var result = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.evaluate", JObject.FromObject (new { expression = eval_expr }), ctx.token); var pause_location = await ctx.insp.WaitFor (Inspector.PAUSE); // Um for js we get "scriptId": "6" // CheckLocation (bp_loc, line, col, ctx.scripts, pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["location"]); // Check the object at the bp var frame_locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["scopeChain"][0]["object"]["objectId"].Value ()); var obj = GetAndAssertObjectWithName (frame_locals, local_name); var obj_id = obj ["value"]["objectId"].Value (); var cfo_args = JObject.FromObject (new { functionDeclaration = fn_decl, objectId = obj_id }); if (fn_args != null) cfo_args ["arguments"] = fn_args; if (returnByValue) cfo_args ["returnByValue"] = returnByValue; // callFunctionOn result = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.callFunctionOn", cfo_args, ctx.token); await CheckCFOResult (result); // If it wasn't `returnByValue`, then try to run a new function // on that *returned* object // This second function, just returns the object as-is, so the same // test_fn is re-usable. if (!returnByValue && roundtrip) { cfo_args = JObject.FromObject (new { functionDeclaration = "function () { return this; }", objectId = result.Value ["result"]["objectId"]?.Value () }); if (fn_args != null) cfo_args ["arguments"] = fn_args; result = await ctx.cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.callFunctionOn", cfo_args, ctx.token); await CheckCFOResult (result); } if (test_fn != null) await test_fn (result); return; async Task CheckCFOResult (Result result) { if (returnByValue) return; if (res_array_len < 0) await CheckValue (result.Value ["result"], TObject ("Object"), $"cfo-res"); else await CheckValue (result.Value ["result"], TArray ("Array", res_array_len), $"cfo-res"); } }); } } }