using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Xunit; using WebAssembly.Net.Debugging; [assembly: CollectionBehavior (CollectionBehavior.CollectionPerAssembly)] namespace DebuggerTests { public class SourceList : DebuggerTestBase { [Fact] public async Task CheckThatAllSourcesAreSent () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); //all sources are sent before runtime ready is sent, nothing to check await insp.Ready (); Assert.Contains ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", scripts.Values); Assert.Contains ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test2.cs", scripts.Values); Assert.Contains ("dotnet://Simple.Dependency.dll/dependency.cs", scripts.Values); } [Fact] public async Task CreateGoodBreakpoint () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var bp1_res = await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-test.cs", bp1_res.Value ["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc = bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; Assert.NotNull (loc ["scriptId"]); Assert.Equal("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", scripts [loc["scriptId"]?.Value ()]); Assert.Equal (5, loc ["lineNumber"]); Assert.Equal (2, loc ["columnNumber"]); }); } [Fact] public async Task CreateJSBreakpoint () { // Test that js breakpoints get set correctly var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); // 13 24 // 13 31 var bp1_res = await SetBreakpoint ("/debugger-driver.html", 13, 24); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-driver.html", bp1_res.Value ["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc = bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; Assert.NotNull (loc ["scriptId"]); Assert.Equal (13, loc ["lineNumber"]); Assert.Equal (24, loc ["columnNumber"]); var bp2_res = await SetBreakpoint ("/debugger-driver.html", 13, 31); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-driver.html", bp2_res.Value ["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp2_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc2 = bp2_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; Assert.NotNull (loc2 ["scriptId"]); Assert.Equal (13, loc2 ["lineNumber"]); Assert.Equal (31, loc2 ["columnNumber"]); }); } [Fact] public async Task CreateJS0Breakpoint () { // Test that js column 0 does as expected var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); // 13 24 // 13 31 var bp1_res = await SetBreakpoint ("/debugger-driver.html", 13, 0); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-driver.html", bp1_res.Value ["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc = bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; Assert.NotNull (loc ["scriptId"]); Assert.Equal (13, loc ["lineNumber"]); Assert.Equal (24, loc ["columnNumber"]); var bp2_res = await SetBreakpoint ("/debugger-driver.html", 13, 31); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-driver.html", bp2_res.Value ["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp2_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc2 = bp2_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; Assert.NotNull (loc2 ["scriptId"]); Assert.Equal (13, loc2 ["lineNumber"]); Assert.Equal (31, loc2 ["columnNumber"]); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (0)] [InlineData (44)] public async Task CheckMultipleBreakpointsOnSameLine (int col) { var insp = new Inspector (); var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var bp1_res = await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs", 197, col); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-array-test.cs", bp1_res.Value["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc = bp1_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs", 197, 44, scripts, loc); var bp2_res = await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs", 197, 49); Assert.EndsWith ("debugger-array-test.cs", bp2_res.Value["breakpointId"].ToString()); Assert.Equal (1, bp2_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()?.Count); var loc2 = bp2_res.Value ["locations"]?.Value ()[0]; CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs", 197, 49, scripts, loc2); }); } [Fact] public async Task CreateBadBreakpoint () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { var bp1_req = JObject.FromObject(new { lineNumber = 5, columnNumber = 2, url = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/this-file-doesnt-exist.cs", }); var bp1_res = await cli.SendCommand ("Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl", bp1_req, token); Assert.True (bp1_res.IsOk); Assert.Empty (bp1_res.Value["locations"].Values()); //Assert.Equal ((int)MonoErrorCodes.BpNotFound, bp1_res.Error ["code"]?.Value ()); }); } [Fact] public async Task CreateGoodBreakpointAndHit () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var bp = await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2); var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new { expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);", }); await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, "IntAdd", wait_for_event_fn: (pause_location) => { Assert.Equal ("other", pause_location ["reason"]?.Value ()); Assert.Equal (bp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(), pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value ()); var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0]; Assert.Equal ("IntAdd", top_frame ["functionName"].Value()); Assert.Contains ("debugger-test.cs", top_frame ["url"].Value ()); CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame["functionLocation"]); //now check the scope var scope = top_frame ["scopeChain"][0]; Assert.Equal ("local", scope ["type"]); Assert.Equal ("IntAdd", scope ["name"]); Assert.Equal ("object", scope ["object"]["type"]); Assert.Equal ("dotnet:scope:0", scope ["object"]["objectId"]); CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, scope["startLocation"]); CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 9, 1, scripts, scope["endLocation"]); return Task.CompletedTask; } ); }); } [Fact] public async Task ExceptionThrownInJS () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new { expression = "invoke_bad_js_test();" }); var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token); Assert.True (eval_res.IsErr); Assert.Equal ("Uncaught", eval_res.Error ["exceptionDetails"]? ["text"]? .Value ()); }); } [Fact] public async Task ExceptionThrownInJSOutOfBand () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); await SetBreakpoint ("/debugger-driver.html", 27, 2); var eval_req = JObject.FromObject(new { expression = "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_bad_js_test(); }, 1);", }); var eval_res = await cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.evaluate", eval_req, token); // Response here will be the id for the timer from JS! Assert.True (eval_res.IsOk); var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync (async () => await insp.WaitFor("Runtime.exceptionThrown")); var ex_json = JObject.Parse (ex.Message); Assert.Equal (dicFileToUrl["/debugger-driver.html"], ex_json ["exceptionDetails"]? ["url"]? .Value ()); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite (bool use_cfo) => await CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite ( "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, "IntAdd", "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);", use_cfo: use_cfo, test_fn: (locals) => { CheckNumber (locals, "a", 10); CheckNumber (locals, "b", 20); CheckNumber (locals, "c", 30); CheckNumber (locals, "d", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "e", 0); } ); [Fact] public async Task InspectPrimitiveTypeLocalsAtBreakpointSite () => await CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite ( "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 145, 2, "PrimitiveTypesTest", "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] Math:PrimitiveTypesTest'); }, 1);", test_fn: (locals) => { CheckSymbol (locals, "c0", "8364 '€'"); CheckSymbol (locals, "c1", "65 'A'"); } ); [Fact] public async Task InspectLocalsTypesAtBreakpointSite () => await CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite ( "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test2.cs", 40, 2, "Types", "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method (\"[debugger-test] Fancy:Types\")(); }, 1);", use_cfo: false, test_fn: (locals) => { CheckNumber (locals, "dPI", Math.PI); CheckNumber (locals, "fPI", (float)Math.PI); CheckNumber (locals, "iMax", int.MaxValue); CheckNumber (locals, "iMin", int.MinValue); CheckNumber (locals, "uiMax", uint.MaxValue); CheckNumber (locals, "uiMin", uint.MinValue); CheckNumber (locals, "l", uint.MaxValue * (long)2); //CheckNumber (locals, "lMax", long.MaxValue); // cannot be represented as double //CheckNumber (locals, "lMin", long.MinValue); // cannot be represented as double CheckNumber (locals, "sbMax", sbyte.MaxValue); CheckNumber (locals, "sbMin", sbyte.MinValue); CheckNumber (locals, "bMax", byte.MaxValue); CheckNumber (locals, "bMin", byte.MinValue); CheckNumber (locals, "sMax", short.MaxValue); CheckNumber (locals, "sMin", short.MinValue); CheckNumber (locals, "usMin", ushort.MinValue); CheckNumber (locals, "usMax", ushort.MaxValue); } ); [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsWithGenericTypesAtBreakpointSite (bool use_cfo) => await CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite ( "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 65, 2, "GenericTypesTest", "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_generic_types_test (); }, 1);", use_cfo: use_cfo, test_fn: (locals) => { CheckObject (locals, "list", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary"); CheckObject (locals, "list_null", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary", is_null: true); CheckArray (locals, "list_arr", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[]"); CheckObject (locals, "list_arr_null", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[]", is_null: true); // Unused locals CheckObject (locals, "list_unused", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary"); CheckObject (locals, "list_null_unused", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary", is_null: true); CheckObject (locals, "list_arr_unused", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[]"); CheckObject (locals, "list_arr_null_unused", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[]", is_null: true); } ); object TGenericStruct(string typearg, string stringField) => new { List = TObject ($"System.Collections.Generic.List<{typearg}>"), StringField = TString (stringField) }; [Fact] public async Task RuntimeGetPropertiesWithInvalidScopeIdTest () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var bp = await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 41, 2); await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_delegates_test (); }, 1);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 41, 2, "DelegatesTest", wait_for_event_fn: async (pause_location) => { //make sure we're on the right bp Assert.Equal (bp.Value ["breakpointId"]?.ToString (), pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value ()); var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0]; var scope = top_frame ["scopeChain"][0]; Assert.Equal ("dotnet:scope:0", scope ["object"]["objectId"]); // Try to get an invalid scope! var get_prop_req = JObject.FromObject(new { objectId = "dotnet:scope:23490871", }); var frame_props = await cli.SendCommand ("Runtime.getProperties", get_prop_req, token); Assert.True (frame_props.IsErr); } ); }); } [Fact] public async Task TrivalStepping () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready (); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var bp = await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2); await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 5, 2, "IntAdd", wait_for_event_fn: (pause_location) => { //make sure we're on the right bp Assert.Equal (bp.Value ["breakpointId"]?.ToString (), pause_location ["hitBreakpoints"]?[0]?.Value ()); var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0]; CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame["functionLocation"]); return Task.CompletedTask; } ); await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 6, 2, "IntAdd", wait_for_event_fn: (pause_location) => { var top_frame = pause_location ["callFrames"][0]; CheckLocation ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 3, 41, scripts, top_frame["functionLocation"]); return Task.CompletedTask; } ); }); } [Fact] public async Task InspectLocalsDuringStepping () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 4, 2); await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_add(); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, 4, 2, "IntAdd", locals_fn: (locals) => { CheckNumber (locals, "a", 10); CheckNumber (locals, "b", 20); CheckNumber (locals, "c", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "d", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "e", 0); } ); await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 5, 2, "IntAdd", locals_fn: (locals) => { CheckNumber (locals, "a", 10); CheckNumber (locals, "b", 20); CheckNumber (locals, "c", 30); CheckNumber (locals, "d", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "e", 0); } ); //step and get locals await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 6, 2, "IntAdd", locals_fn: (locals) => { CheckNumber (locals, "a", 10); CheckNumber (locals, "b", 20); CheckNumber (locals, "c", 30); CheckNumber (locals, "d", 50); CheckNumber (locals, "e", 0); } ); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsInPreviousFramesDuringSteppingIn2 (bool use_cfo) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo; var dep_cs_loc = "dotnet://Simple.Dependency.dll/dependency.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (dep_cs_loc, 24, 2); var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"; // Will stop in Complex.DoEvenMoreStuff var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_use_complex (); }, 1);", dep_cs_loc, 24, 2, "DoEvenMoreStuff", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Single (locals); CheckObject (locals, "this", "Simple.Complex"); } ); var props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location["callFrames"][0], "this"); Assert.Equal (3, props.Count()); CheckNumber (props, "A", 10); CheckString (props, "B", "xx"); CheckObject (props, "c", "object"); // Check UseComplex frame var locals_m1 = await GetLocalsForFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][3], debugger_test_loc, 17, 2, "UseComplex"); Assert.Equal (7, locals_m1.Count()); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "a", 10); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "b", 20); CheckObject (locals_m1, "complex", "Simple.Complex"); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "c", 30); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "d", 50); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "e", 60); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "f", 0); props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location["callFrames"][3], "complex"); Assert.Equal (3, props.Count()); CheckNumber (props, "A", 10); CheckString (props, "B", "xx"); CheckObject (props, "c", "object"); pause_location = await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, dep_cs_loc, 16, 2, "DoStuff", times: 2); // Check UseComplex frame again locals_m1 = await GetLocalsForFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][1], debugger_test_loc, 17, 2, "UseComplex"); Assert.Equal (7, locals_m1.Count()); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "a", 10); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "b", 20); CheckObject (locals_m1, "complex", "Simple.Complex"); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "c", 30); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "d", 50); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "e", 60); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "f", 0); props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location["callFrames"][1], "complex"); Assert.Equal (3, props.Count()); CheckNumber (props, "A", 10); CheckString (props, "B", "xx"); CheckObject (props, "c", "object"); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsInPreviousFramesDuringSteppingIn (bool use_cfo) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo; var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 102, 3); // Will stop in InnerMethod var wait_res = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_outer_method(); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, 102, 3, "InnerMethod", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (4, locals.Count()); CheckNumber (locals, "i", 5); CheckNumber (locals, "j", 24); CheckString (locals, "foo_str", "foo"); CheckObject (locals, "this", "Math.NestedInMath"); } ); var this_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (wait_res["callFrames"][0], "this"); Assert.Equal (2, this_props.Count()); CheckObject (this_props, "m", "Math"); CheckValueType (this_props, "SimpleStructProperty", "Math.SimpleStruct"); var ss_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (this_props, "SimpleStructProperty"); Assert.Equal (2, ss_props.Count()); CheckValueType (ss_props, "dt", "System.DateTime"); CheckValueType (ss_props, "gs", "Math.GenericStruct"); await CheckDateTime (ss_props, "dt", new DateTime (2020, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); // Check OuterMethod frame var locals_m1 = await GetLocalsForFrame (wait_res ["callFrames"][1], debugger_test_loc, 78, 2, "OuterMethod"); Assert.Equal (5, locals_m1.Count()); // FIXME: Failing test CheckNumber (locals_m1, "i", 5); // FIXME: Failing test CheckString (locals_m1, "text", "Hello"); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "new_i", 0); CheckNumber (locals_m1, "k", 0); CheckObject (locals_m1, "nim", "Math.NestedInMath"); // step back into OuterMethod await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 82, 2, "OuterMethod", times: 9, locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (5, locals.Count()); // FIXME: Failing test CheckNumber (locals_m1, "i", 5); CheckString (locals, "text", "Hello"); // FIXME: Failing test CheckNumber (locals, "new_i", 24); CheckNumber (locals, "k", 19); CheckObject (locals, "nim", "Math.NestedInMath"); } ); //await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 81, 2, "OuterMethod", times: 2); // step into InnerMethod2 await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Into, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 87, 1, "InnerMethod2", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (3, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "s", "test string"); //out var: CheckNumber (locals, "k", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "i", 24); } ); await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 91, 1, "InnerMethod2", times: 4, locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (3, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "s", "test string"); // FIXME: Failing test CheckNumber (locals, "k", 34); CheckNumber (locals, "i", 24); } ); await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 83, 2, "OuterMethod", times: 2, locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (5, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "text", "Hello"); // FIXME: failing test CheckNumber (locals, "i", 5); CheckNumber (locals, "new_i", 22); CheckNumber (locals, "k", 34); CheckObject (locals, "nim", "Math.NestedInMath"); } ); }); } [Fact] public async Task InspectLocalsDuringSteppingIn () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); await SetBreakpoint ("dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 77, 2); await EvaluateAndCheck ("window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_outer_method(); }, 1);", "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 77, 2, "OuterMethod", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (5, locals.Count()); CheckObject (locals, "nim", "Math.NestedInMath"); CheckNumber (locals, "i", 5); CheckNumber (locals, "k", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "new_i", 0); CheckString (locals, "text", null); } ); await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 78, 2, "OuterMethod", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (5, locals.Count()); CheckObject (locals, "nim", "Math.NestedInMath"); // FIXME: Failing test CheckNumber (locals, "i", 5); CheckNumber (locals, "k", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "new_i", 0); CheckString (locals, "text", "Hello"); } ); // Step into InnerMethod await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Into, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 96, 2, "InnerMethod"); await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 100, 3, "InnerMethod", times: 5, locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (4, locals.Count()); CheckNumber (locals, "i", 5); CheckNumber (locals, "j", 15); CheckString (locals, "foo_str", "foo"); CheckObject (locals, "this", "Math.NestedInMath"); } ); // Step back to OuterMethod await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 79, 2, "OuterMethod", times: 6, locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (5, locals.Count()); CheckObject (locals, "nim", "Math.NestedInMath"); // FIXME: Failing test CheckNumber (locals, "i", 5); CheckNumber (locals, "k", 0); CheckNumber (locals, "new_i", 24); CheckString (locals, "text", "Hello"); } ); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsInAsyncMethods (bool use_cfo) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo; var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 111, 3); await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 126, 3); // Will stop in Asyncmethod0 var wait_res = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_async_method_with_await(); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, 111, 3, "MoveNext", //FIXME: locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (4, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "s", "string from js"); CheckNumber (locals, "i", 42); CheckString (locals, "local0", "value0"); CheckObject (locals, "this", "Math.NestedInMath"); } ); Console.WriteLine (wait_res); #if false // Disabled for now, as we don't have proper async traces var locals = await GetProperties (wait_res ["callFrames"][2]["callFrameId"].Value ()); Assert.Equal (4, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "ls", "string from jstest"); CheckNumber (locals, "li", 52); #endif // TODO: previous frames have async machinery details, so no point checking that right now var pause_loc = await SendCommandAndCheck (null, "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, 126, 3, /*FIXME: "AsyncMethodNoReturn"*/ "MoveNext", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (4, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "str", "AsyncMethodNoReturn's local"); CheckObject (locals, "this", "Math.NestedInMath"); //FIXME: check fields CheckValueType (locals, "ss", "Math.SimpleStruct"); CheckArray (locals, "ss_arr", "Math.SimpleStruct[]"); // TODO: struct fields } ); var this_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_loc ["callFrames"][0], "this"); Assert.Equal (2, this_props.Count ()); CheckObject (this_props, "m", "Math"); CheckValueType (this_props, "SimpleStructProperty", "Math.SimpleStruct"); // TODO: Check `this` properties }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsWithStructs (bool use_cfo) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo; var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 16, 2); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_method_with_structs(); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, 16, 2, "MethodWithLocalStructs", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (3, locals.Count ()); CheckValueType (locals, "ss_local", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"); CheckValueType (locals, "gs_local", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"); CheckObject (locals, "vt_local", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest"); } ); var dt = new DateTime (2021, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7); // Check ss_local's properties var ss_local_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "ss_local"); await CheckProps (ss_local_props, new { str_member = TString ("set in MethodWithLocalStructs#SimpleStruct#str_member"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), Kind = TEnum ("System.DateTimeKind", "Utc") }, "ss_local"); { // Check ss_local.dt await CheckDateTime (ss_local_props, "dt", dt); // Check var gs_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (ss_local_props, "gs"); CheckString (gs_props, "StringField", "set in MethodWithLocalStructs#SimpleStruct#gs#StringField"); CheckObject (gs_props, "List", "System.Collections.Generic.List"); } // Check gs_local's properties var gs_local_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "gs_local"); await CheckProps (gs_local_props, new { StringField = TString ("gs_local#GenericStruct#StringField"), List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List", is_null: true), Options = TEnum ("DebuggerTests.Options", "None") }, "gs_local"); // Check vt_local's properties var vt_local_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "vt_local"); Assert.Equal (5, vt_local_props.Count()); CheckString (vt_local_props, "StringField", "string#0"); CheckValueType (vt_local_props, "SimpleStructField", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"); CheckValueType (vt_local_props, "SimpleStructProperty", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"); await CheckDateTime (vt_local_props, "DT", new DateTime (2020, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); CheckEnum (vt_local_props, "RGB", "DebuggerTests.RGB", "Blue"); { // SimpleStructProperty dt = new DateTime (2022, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8); var ssp_props = await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (vt_local_props, "SimpleStructProperty", new { str_member = TString ("SimpleStructProperty#string#0#SimpleStruct#str_member"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), Kind = TEnum ("System.DateTimeKind", "Utc") }, label: "vt_local_props.SimpleStructProperty"); await CheckDateTime (ssp_props, "dt", dt); // SimpleStructField dt = new DateTime (2025, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11); var ssf_props = await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (vt_local_props, "SimpleStructField", new { str_member = TString ("SimpleStructField#string#0#SimpleStruct#str_member"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), Kind = TEnum ("System.DateTimeKind", "Local") }, label: "vt_local_props.SimpleStructField"); await CheckDateTime (ssf_props, "dt", dt); } // FIXME: check's members }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectValueTypeMethodArgs (bool use_cfo) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo; var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 27, 3); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:TestStructsAsMethodArgs'); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, 27, 3, "MethodWithStructArgs", locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (3, locals.Count ()); CheckString (locals, "label", "TestStructsAsMethodArgs#label"); CheckValueType (locals, "ss_arg", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"); CheckNumber (locals, "x", 3); } ); var dt = new DateTime (2025, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11); var ss_local_as_ss_arg = new { str_member = TString ("ss_local#SimpleStruct#string#0#SimpleStruct#str_member"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), Kind = TEnum ("System.DateTimeKind", "Local") }; var ss_local_gs = new { StringField = TString ("ss_local#SimpleStruct#string#0#SimpleStruct#gs#StringField"), List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List"), Options = TEnum ("DebuggerTests.Options", "Option1") }; // Check ss_arg's properties var ss_arg_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "ss_arg"); await CheckProps (ss_arg_props, ss_local_as_ss_arg, "ss_arg"); { // Check ss_local.dt await CheckDateTime (ss_arg_props, "dt", dt); // Check await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (ss_arg_props, "gs", ss_local_gs); } pause_location = await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 31, 3, "MethodWithStructArgs", times: 4, locals_fn: (locals) => { Assert.Equal (3, locals.Count()); CheckString (locals, "label", "TestStructsAsMethodArgs#label"); CheckValueType (locals, "ss_arg", "DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"); CheckNumber (locals, "x", 3); } ); var ss_arg_updated = new { str_member = TString ("ValueTypesTest#MethodWithStructArgs#updated#ss_arg#str_member"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), Kind = TEnum ("System.DateTimeKind", "Utc") }; ss_arg_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "ss_arg"); await CheckProps (ss_arg_props, ss_arg_updated, "ss_ar"); { // Check await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (ss_arg_props, "gs", new { StringField = TString ("ValueTypesTest#MethodWithStructArgs#updated#gs#StringField#3"), List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List"), Options = TEnum ("DebuggerTests.Options", "Option1") }); await CheckDateTime (ss_arg_props, "dt", dt); } // Check locals on previous frame, same as earlier in this test ss_arg_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][1], "ss_local"); await CheckProps (ss_arg_props, ss_local_as_ss_arg, "ss_local"); { // Check ss_local.dt await CheckDateTime (ss_arg_props, "dt", dt); // Check var gs_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (ss_arg_props, "gs"); CheckString (gs_props, "StringField", "ss_local#SimpleStruct#string#0#SimpleStruct#gs#StringField"); CheckObject (gs_props, "List", "System.Collections.Generic.List"); } // ----------- Step back to the caller --------- pause_location = await StepAndCheck (StepKind.Over, debugger_test_loc, 22, 3, "TestStructsAsMethodArgs", times: 2, locals_fn: (l) => { /* non-null to make sure that locals get fetched */} ); var locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckProps (locals, new { ss_local = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"), ss_ret = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct") }, "locals#0"); ss_arg_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"] [0], "ss_local"); await CheckProps (ss_arg_props, ss_local_as_ss_arg, "ss_local"); { // Check await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (ss_arg_props, "gs", ss_local_gs, label: "ss_local_gs"); } // FIXME: check's members }); } [Fact] public async Task CheckUpdatedValueTypeFieldsOnResume () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; var lines = new [] {186, 189}; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, lines [0], 3); await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, lines [1], 3); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodUpdatingValueTypeMembers'); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, lines [0], 3, "MethodUpdatingValueTypeMembers"); var dt = new DateTime (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); await CheckLocals (pause_location, dt); // Resume dt = new DateTime (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4); pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck (JObject.FromObject (new{}), "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 3, "MethodUpdatingValueTypeMembers"); await CheckLocals (pause_location, dt); }); async Task CheckLocals (JToken pause_location, DateTime dt) { var locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckProps (locals, new { obj = TObject ("DebuggerTests.ClassForToStringTests"), vt = TObject ("DebuggerTests.StructForToStringTests") }, "locals"); var obj_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (locals, "obj"); { await CheckProps (obj_props, new { DT = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()) }, "locals#obj.DT", num_fields: 5); await CheckDateTime (obj_props, "DT", dt); } var vt_props = await GetObjectOnLocals (locals, "obj"); { await CheckProps (vt_props, new { DT = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()) }, "locals#obj.DT", num_fields: 5); await CheckDateTime (vt_props, "DT", dt); } } } [Fact] public async Task CheckUpdatedValueTypeLocalsOnResumeAsync () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; var lines = new [] { 195, 197 }; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, lines [0], 3); await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, lines [1], 3); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodUpdatingValueTypeLocalsAsync'); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, lines [0], 3, "MoveNext"); var dt = new DateTime (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); var locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckDateTime (locals, "dt", dt); // Resume dt = new DateTime (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4); pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck (JObject.FromObject (new{}), "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 3, "MoveNext"); locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckDateTime (locals, "dt", dt); }); } [Fact] public async Task CheckUpdatedVTArrayMembersOnResume () { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; var lines = new [] { 205, 207 }; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, lines [0], 3); await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, lines [1], 3); var dt = new DateTime (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodUpdatingVTArrayMembers'); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, lines [0], 3, "MethodUpdatingVTArrayMembers"); await CheckArrayElements (pause_location, dt); // Resume dt = new DateTime (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4); pause_location = await SendCommandAndCheck (JObject.FromObject (new{}), "Debugger.resume", debugger_test_loc, lines[1], 3, "MethodUpdatingVTArrayMembers"); await CheckArrayElements (pause_location, dt); }); async Task CheckArrayElements (JToken pause_location, DateTime dt) { var locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckProps (locals, new { ssta = TArray ("DebuggerTests.StructForToStringTests[]", 1) }, "locals"); var ssta = await GetObjectOnLocals (locals, "ssta"); var sst0 = await GetObjectOnLocals (ssta, "0"); await CheckProps (sst0, new { DT = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()) }, "dta [0]", num_fields: 5); await CheckDateTime (sst0, "DT", dt); } } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsWithStructsStaticAsync (bool use_cfo) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); ctx.UseCallFunctionOnBeforeGetProperties = use_cfo; var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, 47, 3); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck ( "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async (" + "'[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodWithLocalStructsStaticAsync'" + "); }, 1);", debugger_test_loc, 47, 3, "MoveNext"); //BUG: method name var locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckProps (locals, new { ss_local = TObject ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.SimpleStruct"), gs_local = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), result = TBool (true) }, "locals#0"); var dt = new DateTime (2021, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7); // Check ss_local's properties var ss_local_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "ss_local"); await CheckProps (ss_local_props, new { str_member = TString ("set in MethodWithLocalStructsStaticAsync#SimpleStruct#str_member"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest.GenericStruct"), Kind = TEnum ("System.DateTimeKind", "Utc") }, "ss_local"); { // Check ss_local.dt await CheckDateTime (ss_local_props, "dt", dt); // Check await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (ss_local_props, "gs", new { StringField = TString ("set in MethodWithLocalStructsStaticAsync#SimpleStruct#gs#StringField"), List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List"), Options = TEnum ("DebuggerTests.Options", "Option1") } ); } // Check gs_local's properties var gs_local_props = await GetObjectOnFrame (pause_location ["callFrames"][0], "gs_local"); await CheckProps (gs_local_props, new { StringField = TString ("gs_local#GenericStruct#StringField"), List = TObject ("System.Collections.Generic.List"), Options = TEnum ("DebuggerTests.Options", "Option2") }, "gs_local"); // FIXME: check's members }); } [Theory] [InlineData (123, 3, "MethodWithLocalsForToStringTest", false, false)] [InlineData (133, 3, "MethodWithArgumentsForToStringTest", true, false)] [InlineData (175, 3, "MethodWithArgumentsForToStringTestAsync", true, true)] [InlineData (165, 3, "MethodWithArgumentsForToStringTestAsync", false, true)] public async Task InspectLocalsForToStringDescriptions (int line, int col, string method_name, bool call_other, bool invoke_async) { var insp = new Inspector (); //Collect events var scripts = SubscribeToScripts(insp); string entry_method_name = $"[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.ValueTypesTest:MethodWithLocalsForToStringTest{(invoke_async ? "Async" : String.Empty)}"; int frame_idx = 0; await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var debugger_test_loc = "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-valuetypes-test.cs"; await SetBreakpoint (debugger_test_loc, line, col); var eval_expr = "window.setTimeout(function() {" + (invoke_async ? "invoke_static_method_async (" : "invoke_static_method (") + $"'{entry_method_name}'," + (call_other ? "true" : "false") + "); }, 1);"; Console.WriteLine ($"{eval_expr}"); var pause_location = await EvaluateAndCheck (eval_expr, debugger_test_loc, line, col, invoke_async ? "MoveNext" : method_name); var dt0 = new DateTime (2020, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); var dt1 = new DateTime (2010, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1); var ts = dt0 - dt1; var dto = new DateTimeOffset (dt0, new TimeSpan(4, 5, 0)); var frame_locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][frame_idx]["callFrameId"].Value ()); await CheckProps (frame_locals, new { call_other = TBool (call_other), dt0 = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt0.ToString ()), dt1 = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt1.ToString ()), dto = TValueType ("System.DateTimeOffset", dto.ToString ()), ts = TValueType ("System.TimeSpan", ts.ToString ()), dec = TValueType ("System.Decimal", "123987123"), guid = TValueType ("System.Guid", "3D36E07E-AC90-48C6-B7EC-A481E289D014"), dts = TArray ("System.DateTime[]", 2), obj = TObject ("DebuggerTests.ClassForToStringTests"), sst = TObject ("DebuggerTests.StructForToStringTests") }, "locals#0"); var dts_0 = new DateTime (1983, 6, 7, 5, 6, 10); var dts_1 = new DateTime (1999, 10, 15, 1, 2, 3); var dts_elements = await GetObjectOnLocals (frame_locals, "dts"); await CheckDateTime (dts_elements, "0", dts_0); await CheckDateTime (dts_elements, "1", dts_1); // TimeSpan await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "ts", new { Days = TNumber (3530), Minutes = TNumber (2), Seconds = TNumber (4), }, "ts_props", num_fields: 12); // DateTimeOffset await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "dto", new { Day = TNumber (2), Year = TNumber (2020), DayOfWeek = TEnum ("System.DayOfWeek", "Thursday") }, "dto_props", num_fields: 22); var DT = new DateTime (2004, 10, 15, 1, 2, 3); var DTO = new DateTimeOffset (dt0, new TimeSpan(2, 14, 0)); var obj_props = await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "obj", new { DT = TValueType ("System.DateTime", DT.ToString ()), DTO = TValueType ("System.DateTimeOffset", DTO.ToString ()), TS = TValueType ("System.TimeSpan", ts.ToString ()), Dec = TValueType ("System.Decimal", "1239871"), Guid = TValueType ("System.Guid", "3D36E07E-AC90-48C6-B7EC-A481E289D014") }, "obj_props"); DTO = new DateTimeOffset (dt0, new TimeSpan (3, 15, 0)); var sst_props = await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "sst", new { DT = TValueType ("System.DateTime", DT.ToString ()), DTO = TValueType ("System.DateTimeOffset", DTO.ToString ()), TS = TValueType ("System.TimeSpan", ts.ToString ()), Dec = TValueType ("System.Decimal", "1239871"), Guid = TValueType ("System.Guid", "3D36E07E-AC90-48C6-B7EC-A481E289D014") }, "sst_props"); }); } [Fact] public async Task InspectLocals () { var insp = new Inspector (); var scripts = SubscribeToScripts (insp); await Ready(); await insp.Ready (async (cli, token) => { ctx = new DebugTestContext (cli, insp, token, scripts); var wait_res = await RunUntil ("locals_inner"); var locals = await GetProperties (wait_res ["callFrames"][1]["callFrameId"].Value ()); }); } [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsWithPointers (bool use_cfo) => await CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite ( "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-test.cs", 294, 2, "PointersTest", "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async ('[debugger-test] Math:PointersTest'); })", use_cfo: use_cfo, wait_for_event_fn: async (pause_location) => { var locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value()); var dt = new DateTime (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); await CheckProps (locals, new { ivalue0 = TNumber (5), ivalue1 = TNumber (10), ip = TPointer ("int*"), ip_null = TPointer ("int*", is_null: true), ipp = TPointer ("int**"), ipa = TArray ("int*[]", 3), cvalue0 = TSymbol ("113 'q'"), cp = TPointer ("char*"), dt = TValueType ("System.DateTime", dt.ToString ()), vp = TPointer ("void*"), vp_null = TPointer ("void*", is_null: true), dtp = TPointer ("System.DateTime*"), dtp_null = TPointer ("System.DateTime*", is_null: true) }, "locals"); }); [Theory] [InlineData (false)] [InlineData (true)] public async Task InspectLocalsForStructInstanceMethod (bool use_cfo) => await CheckInspectLocalsAtBreakpointSite ( "dotnet://debugger-test.dll/debugger-array-test.cs", 236, 3, "GenericInstanceMethod", "window.setTimeout(function() { invoke_static_method_async ('[debugger-test] DebuggerTests.EntryClass:run'); })", use_cfo: use_cfo, wait_for_event_fn: async (pause_location) => { var frame_locals = await GetProperties (pause_location ["callFrames"][0]["callFrameId"].Value()); await CheckProps (frame_locals, new { sc_arg = TObject ("DebuggerTests.SimpleClass"), @this = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.Point"), local_gs = TValueType ("DebuggerTests.SimpleGenericStruct") }, "locals#0"); await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "local_gs", new { Id = TString ("local_gs#Id"), Color = TEnum ("DebuggerTests.RGB", "Green"), Value = TNumber (4) }, label: "local_gs#0"); await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "sc_arg", TSimpleClass (10, 45, "sc_arg#Id", "Blue"), label: "sc_arg#0"); await CompareObjectPropertiesFor (frame_locals, "this", TPoint (90, -4, "point#Id", "Green"), label: "this#0"); }); // //TODO add tests covering basic stepping behavior as step in/out/over } }