* Compilers for other languages Here are some other free compilers for other languages that target .NET and should work with Mono with no problem: Languages we would like to have supported, with links to resources: Some experimental languages: ** MonoLogo An implementation of Logo for Mono (and .NET) The Mono Logo compiler is hosted in the Mono CVS repository and also available on the AnonCVS mirrors. ** Oberon This Oberon compiler is written in Oberon.NET (another self hosting compiler): http://www.superin.formativ.net/mono/oberon/oberon.zip ** Component Pascal The Component Pascal compiler: Home Page, you can download it ** Delta Forth The Delta Forth.NET project: Home Page and more details here. ** Tachy A subset of Scheme language called Tachy * Missing languages Here is a list of a few languages that we would like to see supported. We will try to maintain a set of links here with technical information for those interested in porting, implementing or adapting a compiler for any of these languages: * Java Script The Mozilla project has an implementation of JavaScript written in Java called Rhino. You could port this code from Java to C#. Note that since JavaScript allows for evaluation at runtime, the compiler has to be built as a class that can be invoked at runtime. * C Ideally GCC could be modified to generate CIL, but it is a big task. That would give us various compilers in one pass. Rumor is that the next version of the LCC compiler will include an IL backend. We do not know how extensive the support for integration with .NET will be, but it would be an interesting excercise to add an extension to C to call into .NET code. LCC is not an open source compiler, but it is free as long as you do not profit from selling it. * Java We have a separate page for Java.