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authorSam Williams <sam.williams@Ashleys-MacBook-Pro.local>2019-01-06 07:16:19 +0300
committermonojenkins <jo.shields+jenkins@xamarin.com>2019-01-08 13:53:16 +0300
commit77c06005b2e255910687bdad0cdbd5479b74304a (patch)
tree258cc1fc4247c7e65c69718c8fe2e7ba9aee5e2e /main/external/fsharpbinding
parent47f4888946626df13ab08514f869c97a7e072d49 (diff)
F# open statements code clean up. Added async support. Fixed up adjustments for where the open declaration is made
Diffstat (limited to 'main/external/fsharpbinding')
4 files changed, 169 insertions, 764 deletions
diff --git a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/CodeFix/AddOpenCodeFixProvider.fs b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/CodeFix/AddOpenCodeFixProvider.fs
index 5d714cd31f..7ac727a118 100644
--- a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/CodeFix/AddOpenCodeFixProvider.fs
+++ b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/CodeFix/AddOpenCodeFixProvider.fs
@@ -38,8 +38,16 @@ module internal InsertContext =
// it's an implicit module without any open declarations
let line = getLineStr (ctx.Pos.Line - 2)
let isImpliciteTopLevelModule = not (line.StartsWith "module" && not (line.EndsWith "="))
- if isImpliciteTopLevelModule then 1 else ctx.Pos.Line
- else 1
+ if isImpliciteTopLevelModule then
+ let rec skipComments (line:string) count =
+ if line.StartsWith ("//") then
+ let count = count + 1
+ skipComments (getLineStr count) count
+ else count
+ skipComments (getLineStr 0) 0
+ else ctx.Pos.Line - 1
+ else 0
| ScopeKind.Namespace ->
// for namespaces the start line is start line of the first nested entity
if ctx.Pos.Line > 1 then
@@ -49,204 +57,68 @@ module internal InsertContext =
if lineStr.StartsWith "namespace" then Some i
else None)
|> function
- // move to the next line below "namespace" and convert it to F# 1-based line number
- | Some line -> line + 2
- | None -> ctx.Pos.Line
+ | Some line -> line + 1
+ | None -> ctx.Pos.Line - 1
else 1
- | _ -> ctx.Pos.Line
- let toOffSet line column =
- let lengthOfLines =
- sourceText
- |> Array.take (line - 1) // Don't count the current line
- |> Array.map (fun x -> x.Length)
- |> Array.sum
- let numOfNewLines = (line - 1) // Again, don't count the current line
- lengthOfLines + column + numOfNewLines
+ | _ -> ctx.Pos.Line - 1
+ if line = 0 then 0
+ else
+ let lengthOfLines = sourceText |> Array.take line |> String.concat "\n" |> sprintf "%s\n"
+ lengthOfLines.Length
- toOffSet ctx.Pos.Line ctx.Pos.Column
- //{ ctx.Pos with Line = line }
/// <summary>
- /// Inserts open declaration into `SourceText`.
+ /// Creates a TextReplaceChange with open declaration at an appropriate offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceText">SourceText.</param>
/// <param name="ctx">Insertion context. Typically returned from tryGetInsertionContext</param>
/// <param name="ns">Namespace to open.</param>
- //let insertOpenDeclaration (sourceText: SourceText) (ctx: InsertContext) (ns: string) : SourceText =
- //let insert line lineStr (sourceText: SourceText) : SourceText =
- // let pos = sourceText.Lines.[line].Start
- // sourceText.WithChanges(TextChange(TextSpan(pos, 0), lineStr + Environment.NewLine))
- //let pos = adjustInsertionPoint sourceText ctx
- //let docLine = pos.Line - 1
- //let lineStr = (String.replicate pos.Column " ") + "open " + ns
- //let sourceText = sourceText |> insert docLine lineStr
- //// if there's no a blank line between open declaration block and the rest of the code, we add one
- //let sourceText =
- // if sourceText.Lines.[docLine + 1].ToString().Trim() <> "" then
- // sourceText |> insert (docLine + 1) ""
- // else sourceText
- //// for top level module we add a blank line between the module declaration and first open statement
- //if (pos.Column = 0 || ctx.ScopeKind = ScopeKind.Namespace) && docLine > 0
- // && not (sourceText.Lines.[docLine - 1].ToString().Trim().StartsWith "open") then
- // sourceText |> insert docLine ""
- //else sourceText
- let insertOpenDeclartionWithEditor lastIdent findIdent (editor:TextEditor) (ctx) (ns:string, multipleNames, name) =
+ let insertOpenDeclartionWithEditor (editor:TextEditor) (ctx) displayText =
+ let activeDocFileName = editor.FileName.ToString ()
+ let offset = adjustInsertionPoint editor.Text ctx
+ TextReplaceChange (FileName = activeDocFileName,
+ Offset = offset,
+ RemovedChars = 0,
+ InsertedText = displayText,
+ Description = String.Format ("Insert open declartion '{0}''", displayText)) :> Change
+ |> Array.singleton
- //match findIdent () with
- //| Some (symbolUse: FSharpSymbolUse) ->
- let activeDocFileName = editor.FileName.ToString ()
- let offset = adjustInsertionPoint editor.Text ctx
- //let symbols =
- // languageService.GetUsesOfSymbolInProject (ctx.Project.FileName.ToString(), activeDocFileName, editor.Text, symbolUse.Symbol)
- // |> (fun p -> Async.RunSynchronously(p, timeout=ServiceSettings.maximumTimeout))
- //let locations =
- // symbols |> Array.map (Symbols.getTextSpanTrimmed lastIdent)
- //let file =
- //locations
- //|> Array.map fst
- //|> Array.head
- //if fileLocations.Count = 1 then
+[<CompilationRepresentation (CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>]
+module internal FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider =
+ let getSuggestions editor monitor (candidates: (Entity * InsertContext) list) =
+ candidates
+ |> Seq.choose (fun (entity, ctx) -> entity.Namespace |> Option.map (fun ns -> ns, entity.Name, ctx))
+ |> Seq.groupBy (fun (ns, _, _) -> ns)
+ |> Seq.map (fun (ns, xs) ->
+ ns,
+ xs
+ |> Seq.map (fun (_, name, ctx) -> name, ctx)
+ |> Seq.distinctBy (fun (name, _) -> name)
+ |> Seq.sort
+ |> Seq.toArray)
+ |> Seq.map (fun (ns, names) ->
+ let multipleNames = names |> Array.length > 1
+ names |> Seq.map (fun (name, ctx) -> ns, name, ctx, multipleNames))
+ |> Seq.concat
+ |> Seq.map (fun (ns, name, ctx, multipleNames) ->
let displayText = "open " + ns + if multipleNames then " (" + name + ")" else "" + Environment.NewLine
- TextReplaceChange (FileName = activeDocFileName,
- Offset = offset,
- RemovedChars = 0,
- InsertedText = displayText,
- Description = String.Format ("Replace '{0}' with '{1}'", lastIdent, ns)) :> Change
- |> Array.singleton
- //| None ->[||]
- //|> Array.iter (fun x -> x.)
- //MessageService.ShowCustomDialog (Dialog.op_Implicit (new Rename.RenameItemDialog("Add Open", symbolUse.Symbol.DisplayName, performChanges symbolUse locations)))
- //|> ignore
- //if (segment.Offset <= editor.CaretOffset && editor.CaretOffset <= segment.EndOffset) then
- // link.Links.Insert (0, segment)
- ////else
- //link.AddLink (segment)
- //links.Add (link)
- //editor.StartTextLinkMode (TextLinkModeOptions (links))
+ displayText,
+ fun () ->
+ let changes = InsertContext.insertOpenDeclartionWithEditor editor ctx displayText
+ RefactoringService.AcceptChanges(monitor, changes)
+ )
-[<ExportCodeFixProvider("F#", Name = "AddOpen"); Shared>]
-type internal FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider
- [<ImportingConstructor>]
- (
- document: MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document,
- assemblyContentProvider: AssemblyContentProvider,
- findIdent: unit -> FSharpSymbolUse option,
- monitor
- ) =
- inherit CodeFixProvider()
- let fixableDiagnosticIds = ["FS0039"]
- let checker = MonoDevelop.FSharp.MDLanguageService.Instance.Checker
- let fixUnderscoresInMenuText (text: string) = text.Replace("_", "__")
- // TryGetOptionsForEditingDocumentOrProject
- //let projectInfoManger = MonoDevelop.FSharp.MDLanguageService.Instance.Getproj
- //let qualifySymbolFix (context: CodeFixContext) (fullName, qualifier) =
- //CodeAction.Create(
- //fixUnderscoresInMenuText fullName,
- //fun (cancellationToken: CancellationToken) ->
- //async {
- // let! (sourceText : SourceText) = context.Document.GetTextAsync()
- // return context.Document.WithText(sourceText.Replace(context.Span, qualifier))
- //} |> CommonRoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask(cancellationToken))
- //let openNamespaceFix (contextDocument: Document) ctx name ns multipleNames =
- //let displayText = "open " + ns + if multipleNames then " (" + name + ")" else ""
- //// TODO when fresh Roslyn NuGet packages are published, assign "Namespace" Tag to this CodeAction to show proper glyph.
- //CodeAction.Create(
- //fixUnderscoresInMenuText displayText,
- //(fun (cancellationToken: CancellationToken) ->
- // async {
- // let! sourceText = contextDocument.GetTextAsync()
- // return contextDocument.WithText(InsertContext.insertOpenDeclaration sourceText ctx ns)
- // } |> CommonRoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask(cancellationToken)),
- //displayText)
- let getSuggestions lastIdent (candidates: (Entity * InsertContext) list) =
- //let openNamespaceFixes =
- candidates
- |> Seq.choose (fun (entity, ctx) -> entity.Namespace |> Option.map (fun ns -> ns, entity.Name, ctx))
- |> Seq.groupBy (fun (ns, _, _) -> ns)
- |> Seq.map (fun (ns, xs) ->
- ns,
- xs
- |> Seq.map (fun (_, name, ctx) -> name, ctx)
- |> Seq.distinctBy (fun (name, _) -> name)
- |> Seq.sort
- |> Seq.toArray)
- |> Seq.map (fun (ns, names) ->
- let multipleNames = names |> Array.length > 1
- names |> Seq.map (fun (name, ctx) -> ns, name, ctx, multipleNames))
- //names |> Seq.map (fun (name) -> ns, name, multipleNames))
- |> Seq.concat
- |> Seq.map (fun (ns, name, ctx, multipleNames) ->
- ns,
- fun () ->
- let changes = InsertContext.insertOpenDeclartionWithEditor lastIdent findIdent document.Editor ctx (ns, multipleNames, name)
- RefactoringService.AcceptChanges(monitor, changes)
- )
- //openNamespaceFix contextDocument ctx name ns multipleNames)
- //"open " + ns + if multipleNames then " (" + name + ")" else "" )
- //|> Seq.toList
- //let quilifySymbolFixes =
- //candidates
- //|> Seq.map (fun (entity, _) -> entity.FullRelativeName, entity.Qualifier)
- //|> Seq.distinct
- //|> Seq.sort
- //|> Seq.map (qualifySymbolFix context)
- //|> Seq.toList
- //openNamespaceFixes
- //(openNamespaceFixes )//@ quilifySymbolFixes)
- //|> List.map (fun x codefix ->
- // //context.RegisterCodeFix
- // (codeFix, (context.Diagnostics |> Seq.filter (fun x -> fixableDiagnosticIds |> List.contains x.Id))
- //)
- override __.FixableDiagnosticIds = fixableDiagnosticIds.ToImmutableArray()
- override __.RegisterCodeFixesAsync context : Task = Task.CompletedTask
- member __.CodeFixesAsync (ast:ParseAndCheckResults) (unresolvedIdentRange:Range.range) (cancellationToken) = // (context:CodeFixContext) =
+ let getCodeFixesAsync (editor:TextEditor) (assemblyContentProvider: AssemblyContentProvider) monitor
+ (ast:ParseAndCheckResults) (unresolvedIdentRange:Range.range) =
asyncMaybe {
- //let _, sourceText = document.Editor
- //let editor = document.Editor
- //let sourceText = document.Editor.Text
- //let! options = languageService.GetCheckerOptions(contextDocument.FilePath, contextDocument.Project.FilePath, sourceText.ToString())
- //let! sourceText = contextDocument.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken)
- //let! _, parsedInput, checkResults = checker.ParseAndCheckDocument(contextDocument, options, allowStaleResults = true, sourceText = sourceText)
- //let! ast = editor.DocumentContext.TryGetAst()
let! parsedInput = ast.ParseTree
let! checkResults = ast.CheckResults
- let sourceText = document.Editor.Text
- //let! parsedInput = document.TryGetFSharpParsedDocument()
- //parseedInput.
- //let unresolvedIdentRange =
- //let startLinePos = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePosition context.Span.Start
- //let startPos = Pos.fromZ startLinePos.Line startLinePos.Character
- //let endLinePos = sourceText.Lines.GetLinePosition context.Span.End
- //let endPos = Pos.fromZ endLinePos.Line endLinePos.Character
- //Range.mkRange contextDocument.FilePath startPos endPos
let isAttribute = UntypedParseImpl.GetEntityKind(unresolvedIdentRange.Start, parsedInput) = Some EntityKind.Attribute
let entities =
@@ -263,403 +135,20 @@ type internal FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider
|> Array.replace (e.CleanedIdents.Length - 1) (lastIdent.Substring(0, lastIdent.Length - 9)) ])
- //entities |> List.iter (printfn "%A")
+ let idents = ParsedInput.getLongIdents (Some parsedInput)
let longIdent = ParsedInput.getLongIdentAt parsedInput unresolvedIdentRange.End
let! maybeUnresolvedIdents =
|> Option.map (fun longIdent ->
|> List.map (fun ident ->
{ Ident = ident.idText
- Resolved = not (ident.idRange = unresolvedIdentRange) })
+ Resolved = false }) // not (ident.idRange = unresolvedIdentRange) })
|> List.toArray)
let createEntity = ParsedInput.tryFindInsertionContext unresolvedIdentRange.StartLine parsedInput maybeUnresolvedIdents
let candidates = entities |> Seq.map createEntity |> Seq.concat |> Seq.toList
- return getSuggestions "Application" candidates |> Seq.toList
- }
- //|> Async.Ignore
- //|> CommonRoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask(cancellationToken)
-namespace MonoDevelop.FSharp.CodeActions
-open MonoDevelop.CodeActions
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.Extension
-open System.Threading
-open System.Threading.Tasks
-open System
-open MonoDevelop.Components.Commands
-open MonoDevelop.Refactoring
-//type FSharpCodeActionEditorExtension() =
- //inherit TextEditorExtension()
- //let quickFixCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource ()
- //member internal this.PopupQuickFixMenu (evt:Gdk.EventButton, menuAction:Action<CodeFixMenu>, ?point:Nullable<Xwt.Point>): unit =
- // async {
- // Thread.Sleep 1000
- // } |> Async.Start
- //member this.SmartTagMarginMarker_ShowPopup (sender:obj, e:EventArgs ):unit =
- // let marker = sender :?> (MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.SmartTagMarginMarker)
- // marker |> ignore
- //[<CommandHandler (RefactoryCommands.QuickFix)>]
- //member this.OnQuickFixCommand () =
- // //if not AnalysisOptions.EnableFancyFeatures || smartTagMarginMarker = null then
- // // //Fixes = RefactoringService.GetValidActions (Editor, DocumentContext, Editor.CaretLocation).Result;
- // // PopupQuickFixMenu (null, null);
- // //else
- // //CancelSmartTagPopupTimeout ();
- // this.PopupQuickFixMenu (null, fun menu -> ());
- //member internal this.GetCurrentFixesAsync (cancellationToken:CancellationToken ):Task<CodeActionContainer> =
- // //var loc = Editor.CaretOffset;
- // //var ad = DocumentContext.AnalysisDocument;
- // //var line = Editor.GetLine (Editor.CaretLine);
- // //if (ad == null) {
- // // return Task.FromResult (CodeActionContainer.Empty);
- // //}
- // //TextSpan span;
- // //if (Editor.IsSomethingSelected) {
- // // var selectionRange = Editor.SelectionRange;
- // // span = selectionRange.Offset >= 0 ? TextSpan.FromBounds (selectionRange.Offset, selectionRange.EndOffset) : TextSpan.FromBounds (loc, loc);
- // //} else {
- // // span = TextSpan.FromBounds (loc, loc);
- // //}
- //Async.StartAsTask(async { return null }, cancellationToken = cancellationToken )
-//namespace MonoDevelop.CodeActions
-open Gdk
-open MonoDevelop.SourceEditor
-open MonoDevelop.AnalysisCore.Gui
-//open RefactoringEssentials
-open MonoDevelop.Refactoring
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.Extension
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor
-open MonoDevelop.Core.Text
-open MonoDevelop.Core
-open MonoDevelop.Components.Commands
-open MonoDevelop.Components
-open MonoDevelop.CodeIssues
-open MonoDevelop.AnalysisCore
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
-open Gtk
-open System.Threading.Tasks
-open System.Threading
-open System.Reflection
-open System.Linq
-open System.Collections.Immutable
-open System
-open System.Collections.Generic
-type FsharpCodeActionEditorExtension() as this =
- inherit TextEditorExtension()
- let mutable menuTimeout = 150
- let mutable smartTagTask = null
- //let mutable quickFixCancellationTokenSource = ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- //let mutable codeFixService =
- // this.Ide.Composition.CompositionManager.``GetExportedValue<ICodeFixService>``
- // ()
- //let mutable codeRefactoringService =
- //this.Ide.Composition.CompositionManager.``GetExportedValue<ICodeRefactoringService>``
- //()
- let mutable smartTagMarginMarker = null
- let mutable beginVersion = null
- member val internal smartTagPopupTimeoutId: int32 = -1 with get, set
- member val internal HasCurrentFixes: bool = false with get, set
- //member this.CancelSmartTagPopupTimeout() =
- //if this.smartTagPopupTimeoutId <> 0 then
- //GLib.Source.Remove(smartTagPopupTimeoutId)
- //this.smartTagPopupTimeoutId <- 0
- //member this.RemoveWidget() =
- //if smartTagMarginMarker <> null then
- // this.Editor.RemoveMarker(this.smartTagMarginMarker)
- // ``smartTagMarginMarker.ShowPopup -= SmartTagMarginMarker_ShowPopup``
- // smartTagMarginMarker <- null
- //else this.CancelSmartTagPopupTimeout()
- //member this.Dispose() =
- //this.CancelQuickFixTimer()
- //this.RefactoringPreviewTooltipWindow.HidePreviewTooltip()
- //``Editor.CaretPositionChanged -= HandleCaretPositionChanged``
- //``DocumentContext.DocumentParsed -= HandleDocumentDocumentParsed``
- //``Editor.TextChanged -= Editor_TextChanged``
- //``Editor.BeginAtomicUndoOperation -= Editor_BeginAtomicUndoOperation``
- //``Editor.EndAtomicUndoOperation -= Editor_EndAtomicUndoOperation``
- //this.RemoveWidget()
- //base.Dispose()
- //member this.CancelQuickFixTimer() =
- //quickFixCancellationTokenSource.Cancel()
- //quickFixCancellationTokenSource <- ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- //smartTagTask <- null
- //member this.HandleCaretPositionChanged(sender: obj, e: EventArgs) =
- // if this.Editor.IsInAtomicUndo then ()
- // else
- // this.CancelQuickFixTimer()
- // let mutable token = quickFixCancellationTokenSource.Token
- // if this.AnalysisOptions.EnableFancyFeatures
- // && this.DocumentContext.ParsedDocument <> null then
- // if HasCurrentFixes then
- // let mutable curOffset = this.Editor.CaretOffset
- // for fix in smartTagTask.Result.CodeFixActions do
- // if not fix.TextSpan.Contains(curOffset) then
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // BreakStatement
- // smartTagTask <- this.GetCurrentFixesAsync(token)
- // else this.RemoveWidget()
- //member this.GetCurrentFixesAsync(cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
- // let mutable loc = this.Editor.CaretOffset
- // let mutable ad = this.DocumentContext.AnalysisDocument
- // let mutable line = this.Editor.GetLine(this.Editor.CaretLine)
- // let mutable span = null
- // if this.Editor.IsSomethingSelected then
- // let mutable selectionRange = this.Editor.SelectionRange
- // span <- ConditionalExpressionSyntax
- // else span <- this.TextSpan.FromBounds(loc, loc)
- // this.Task.Run(fun () -> TryStatement, cancellationToken)
- //member this.FilterOnUIThread(collections: ``ImmutableArray<CodeFixCollection>``,
- // workspace: Workspace) =
- // this.Runtime.AssertMainThread()
- // let mutable caretOffset = this.Editor.CaretOffset
- // collections.``Select (c => FilterOnUIThread (c, workspace))``.``Where(x => x != null)``.``OrderBy(x => GetDistance (x, caretOffset))``.ToImmutableArray
- // ()
- //member this.GetDistance(fixCollection: CodeFixCollection, caretOffset: int) =
- // ConditionalExpressionSyntax
- //member this.FilterOnUIThread(collection: CodeFixCollection,
- // workspace: Workspace) =
- // this.Runtime.AssertMainThread()
- // let mutable applicableFixes =
- // collection.Fixes.WhereAsArray
- // (fun f -> this.IsApplicable(f.Action, workspace))
- // ConditionalExpressionSyntax
- //member this.IsApplicable(action: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions.CodeAction,
- // workspace: Workspace) =
- // if not action.PerformFinalApplicabilityCheck then True
- // else
- // this.Runtime.AssertMainThread()
- // action.IsApplicable(workspace)
- //member this.PopupQuickFixMenu(evt: Gdk.EventButton,
- // menuAction: ``Action<CodeFixMenu>``,
- // point: Xwt.``Point?``) =
- // use ``_`` =
- // this.Refactoring.Counters.FixesMenu.BeginTiming
- // ("Show quick fixes menu")
- // let mutable token = quickFixCancellationTokenSource.Token
- // let mutable fixes = AwaitExpressionSyntax
- // if token.IsCancellationRequested then ()
- // Editor.SuppressTooltips <- True
- // this.PopupQuickFixMenu(evt, fixes, menuAction, point)
- //member this.PopupQuickFixMenu(evt: Gdk.EventButton,
- // fixes: CodeActionContainer,
- // menuAction: ``Action<CodeFixMenu>``,
- // point: Xwt.``Point?``) =
- // let mutable token = quickFixCancellationTokenSource.Token
- // if token.IsCancellationRequested then ()
- // let mutable menu =
- // this.CodeFixMenuService.CreateFixMenu(Editor, fixes, token)
- // if token.IsCancellationRequested then ()
- // if menu.Items.Count = 0 then ()
- // if menuAction <> null then menuAction (menu)
- // let mutable rect = null
- // let mutable widget = Editor
- // if not point.HasValue then
- // let mutable p =
- // this.Editor.LocationToPoint(this.Editor.CaretLocation)
- // rect <- ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- // else rect <- ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- // this.ShowFixesMenu(widget, rect, menu)
- //member this.ShowFixesMenu(parent: Widget, evt: Gdk.Rectangle,
- // entrySet: CodeFixMenu) =
- // if parent = null || parent.GdkWindow = null then
- // Editor.SuppressTooltips <- False
- // True
- // else TryStatement; True
- //member this.CreateContextMenu(entrySet: CodeFixMenu) =
- // let mutable menu = ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- // for item in entrySet.Items do
- // if item = this.CodeFixMenuEntry.Separator then
- // menu.Items.Add(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)
- // ContinueStatement
- // let mutable menuItem = ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- // menuItem.Context <- item.Action
- // if item.Action = null then
- // if not ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax
- // || itemAsMenu.Items.Count <= 0 then
- // menuItem.Sensitive <- False
- // let mutable subMenu = item :?> CodeFixMenu
- // if subMenu <> null then
- // menuItem.SubMenu <- this.CreateContextMenu(subMenu)
- // menuItem.Selected.AddHandler<_>
- // (fun () ->
- // this.RefactoringPreviewTooltipWindow.HidePreviewTooltip())
- // menuItem.Deselected.AddHandler<_>
- // (fun () ->
- // this.RefactoringPreviewTooltipWindow.HidePreviewTooltip())
- // else
- // menuItem.Clicked.AddHandler<_>
- // (fun (sender, e) ->
- // this.``((System``.``Action)((ContextMenuItem)sender)``.``Context)``
- // ())
- // menuItem.Selected.AddHandler<_>
- // (fun (sender, e) ->
- // this.RefactoringPreviewTooltipWindow.HidePreviewTooltip()
- // if item.ShowPreviewTooltip <> null then
- // item.ShowPreviewTooltip(e))
- // menuItem.Deselected.AddHandler<_>
- // (fun () ->
- // this.RefactoringPreviewTooltipWindow.HidePreviewTooltip())
- // menu.Items.Add(menuItem)
- // menu.Closed.AddHandler<_>
- // (fun () -> this.RefactoringPreviewTooltipWindow.HidePreviewTooltip())
- // menu
- //member this.CreateSmartTag(fixes: CodeActionContainer, offset: int) =
- // if not this.AnalysisOptions.EnableFancyFeatures || fixes.IsEmpty then
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // ()
- // else
- // let mutable editor = Editor
- // if editor = null then
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // ()
- // if this.DocumentContext.ParsedDocument = null
- // || this.DocumentContext.ParsedDocument.IsInvalid then
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // ()
- // let mutable severity = fixes.GetSmartTagSeverity()
- // if ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax <> editor.CaretLine then
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // smartTagMarginMarker <- ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- // smartTagMarginMarker.ShowPopup.AddHandler<_>
- // (SmartTagMarginMarker_ShowPopup)
- // editor.AddMarker
- // (editor.GetLine(editor.CaretLine), smartTagMarginMarker)
- // else
- // smartTagMarginMarker.SmartTagSeverity <- severity
- // let mutable view = editor.``GetContent<SourceEditorView>`` ()
- // view.TextEditor.RedrawMarginLine
- // (view.TextEditor.TextArea.QuickFixMargin, editor.CaretLine)
- //member this.SmartTagMarginMarker_ShowPopup(sender: obj, e: EventArgs) =
- // let mutable marker = CastExpressionSyntax
- // this.CancelSmartTagPopupTimeout()
- // smartTagPopupTimeoutId <- this.GLib.Timeout.Add(menuTimeout,
- // fun () ->
- // this.PopupQuickFixMenu
- // (null,
- // fun menu -> (),
- // ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)
- // smartTagPopupTimeoutId <- 0
- // False)
- //member this.Initialize() =
- // base.Initialize()
- // DocumentContext.DocumentParsed.AddHandler<_>
- // (HandleDocumentDocumentParsed)
- // Editor.CaretPositionChanged.AddHandler<_> (HandleCaretPositionChanged)
- // Editor.TextChanged.AddHandler<_> (Editor_TextChanged)
- // Editor.BeginAtomicUndoOperation.AddHandler<_>
- // (Editor_BeginAtomicUndoOperation)
- // Editor.EndAtomicUndoOperation.AddHandler<_>
- // (Editor_EndAtomicUndoOperation)
- //member this.Editor_BeginAtomicUndoOperation(sender: obj, e: EventArgs) =
- // beginVersion <- this.Editor.Version
- //member this.Editor_EndAtomicUndoOperation(sender: obj, e: EventArgs) =
- // if beginVersion <> null
- // && beginVersion.CompareAge(this.Editor.Version) <> 0 then
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // else beginVersion <- null
- //member this.Editor_TextChanged(sender: obj,
- // e: MonoDevelop.Core.Text.TextChangeEventArgs) =
- // if this.Editor.IsInAtomicUndo then ()
- // else
- // this.RemoveWidget()
- // this.HandleCaretPositionChanged(null, this.EventArgs.Empty)
- //member this.HandleDocumentDocumentParsed(sender: obj, e: EventArgs) =
- // this.HandleCaretPositionChanged(null, this.EventArgs.Empty)
- //member this.CurrentSmartTagPopup() =
- //this.CancelSmartTagPopupTimeout()
- //smartTagPopupTimeoutId <- this.GLib.Timeout.Add(menuTimeout,
- //fun () ->
- //this.PopupQuickFixMenu
- // (null,
- // fun menu -> ())
- //smartTagPopupTimeoutId <- 0
- //False)
- [<CommandHandler(RefactoryCommands.QuickFix)>]
- member this.OnQuickFixCommand() =
- //if not AnalysisOptions.EnableFancyFeatures
- //|| smartTagMarginMarker = null then
- //this.PopupQuickFixMenu(null, null)
- ()
- //else
- //this.CancelSmartTagPopupTimeout()
- //this.PopupQuickFixMenu(null, fun menu -> ())
-open MonoDevelop.Core
-open System.Threading
-open System.Threading.Tasks
-open MonoDevelop.Ide
-open MonoDevelop.CodeActions
-open System
-open MonoDevelop.Components.Commands
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.CodeCompletion
-open System.Collections.Immutable
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
-open MonoDevelop.Projects
-open MonoDevelop.Ide
-open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor
-open MonoDevelop.Core.Instrumentation
-open System.Diagnostics
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem
-open MonoDevelop.CodeIssues
-open MonoDevelop.CodeActions
-open System.Threading
-open System.Threading.Tasks
-open MonoDevelop.AnalysisCore
-open System.Linq
-open MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui
-open MonoDevelop.Core
-open Mono.Addins
-open System
-open System.Collections.Generic
+ return getSuggestions editor monitor candidates |> Seq.toList
+ }
diff --git a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/RefactoringOperationsHandler.fs b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/RefactoringOperationsHandler.fs
index bf654def09..2a2e682e8d 100644
--- a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/RefactoringOperationsHandler.fs
+++ b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/RefactoringOperationsHandler.fs
@@ -756,6 +756,7 @@ open System.Collections.Immutable;
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Range
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Ast
+open MonoDevelop.FSharp.Shared
type RapidFixMenuHandler() as this =
@@ -782,100 +783,84 @@ type RapidFixMenuHandler() as this =
let symbolStart, _symbolEnd = symbolRange
symbolStart >= selection.Offset
- let getExpandRange (editor:TextEditor, tree:ParsedInput) =
- let posStart = Range.mkPos 7 12
- let posEnd = Range.mkPos 7 23
- Range.mkRange "File" posStart posEnd |> Some
- //if not editor.IsSomethingSelected then None
- //else
- //let rangeAsOffsets(range:Range.range) =
- // let startPos = editor.LocationToOffset(range.StartLine, range.StartColumn + 1)
- // let endPos = editor.LocationToOffset(range.EndLine, range.EndColumn + 1)
- // (startPos, endPos)
+ let getSymbolAtLocationInFile(projectFilename, fileName, version, source, line:int, col, lineStr) =
+ asyncMaybe {
+ LoggingService.logDebug "LanguageService: GetUsesOfSymbolAtLocationInFile: file:%s, line:%i, col:%i" (Path.GetFileName(fileName)) line col
+ let! _colu, identIsland = Parsing.findIdents col lineStr SymbolLookupKind.ByLongIdent |> async.Return
+ let! results = languageService.GetTypedParseResultWithTimeout(projectFilename, fileName, version, source, AllowStaleResults.MatchingSource)
+ let! range =
+ results.GetErrors()
+ |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Severity = FSharpErrorSeverity.Error)
+ |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.StartLineAlternate = x.EndLineAlternate)
+ |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.StartLineAlternate = line)
+ |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.StartColumn < col && col < x.EndColumn)
+ |> Seq.map (fun x ->
+ let startPos = mkPos line x.StartColumn
+ let endPos = mkPos line x.EndColumn
+ mkRange "" startPos endPos
+ )
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.tryHead
+ return range
- //let rec walker =
- // { new AstTraversal.AstVisitorBase<_>() with
- // override this.VisitModuleDecl(defaultTraverse, decl) =
- // match decl with
- // | SynModuleDecl.Open(_, range) -> Some([], range)
- // | _ -> defaultTraverse(decl)
- // member this.VisitExpr(path, traverseSynExpr, defaultTraverse, expr) =
- // match expr with
- // | SynExpr.LongIdent(_,_,_,range) -> Some (path, range)
- // | SynExpr.Ident ident -> Some (path, ident.idRange)
- // | SynExpr.Const(synconst, constRange) ->
- // match synconst with
- // | SynConst.String(_str, range) -> Some (path, range)
- // | _ -> Some (path, constRange)
- // | _ ->
- // if inside(rangeAsOffsets expr.Range, editor.SelectionRange) then
- // Some (path, expr.Range)
- // else
- // defaultTraverse(expr) }
- ////let traversePath =
- //AstTraversal.Traverse(mkPos editor.CaretLine (editor.CaretColumn), tree, walker)
- //|> Option.map (snd)
- //let rangesFromTraverse = function
- // | TraverseStep.Binding binding -> [binding.RangeOfHeadPat; binding.RangeOfBindingAndRhs; binding.RangeOfBindingSansRhs]
- // | TraverseStep.MatchClause synMatchClause -> [synMatchClause.Range]
- // | TraverseStep.Expr synExpr -> [synExpr.Range]
- // | TraverseStep.MemberDefn synMemberDefn -> [synMemberDefn.Range]
- // | TraverseStep.Module synModuleDecl -> [synModuleDecl.Range]
- // | TraverseStep.ModuleOrNamespace synModuleOrNamespace -> [synModuleOrNamespace.Range]
- // | TraverseStep.TypeDefn synTypeDefn -> [synTypeDefn.Range]
- //let selectionLineStart =
- // let line = editor.GetLine editor.SelectionRegion.BeginLine
- // if editor.SelectionRegion.BeginLine <> editor.SelectionRegion.EndLine then
- // line.Offset + line.GetIndentation(editor).Length, editor.SelectionRange.EndOffset
- // else
- // line.Offset + line.GetIndentation(editor).Length, line.EndOffset
- //let wholeDocument =
- // 0, editor.Length
- //traversePath
- //|> Option.bind
- //(fun (traverseSteps, range) ->
- //let ranges =
- // traverseSteps
- // |> List.collect rangesFromTraverse
- //let offsetRanges =
- // range::ranges |> List.map rangeAsOffsets
- //let allranges =
- // [yield wholeDocument; yield selectionLineStart; yield! offsetRanges]
- //allranges
- //|> List.filter (fun range -> biggerOverlap(range, editor.SelectionRange))
- //|> List.sortBy (fun (startPos, endPos) -> endPos - startPos)
- //|> List.tryHead)
- let selection (editor:TextEditor) =
- maybe {
- let! ast = editor.DocumentContext.TryGetAst()
- let! tree = ast.ParseTree
- let! selection = getExpandRange(editor, tree)
- return (ast, selection)
+ //let! foo = results.GetSymbolAtLocation (line, col, lineStr) |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ //let foobar = results.GetDeclarationLocation (line, col, lineStr) |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ //let range: Range.range option = None
+ //let! symbolUse = results.GetSymbolAtLocation(line, col, lineStr)
+ //let lastIdent = Seq.last identIsland
+ //return (lastIdent, symbolUse)
- let provider () =
- IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument
- |> Option.ofObj
- |> Option.bind (fun document ->
- selection document.Editor |> Option.map (fun (ast, range) -> document, ast, range))
- |> Option.map (fun (document, ast, range) ->
- let monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetBackgroundProgressMonitor ("Add Open", IconId());
- ast, range, FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider(document, MonoDevelop.FSharp.AssemblyContentProvider (), findIdent, monitor )
- )
+ //let getSymbolAtLocationInFile (projectFilename, fileName, version, source, line:int, col, lineStr) =
+ //asyncMaybe {
+ //LoggingService.logDebug "LanguageService: GetUsesOfSymbolAtLocationInFile: file:%s, line:%i, col:%i" (Path.GetFileName(fileName)) line col
+ //let! _colu, identIsland = Parsing.findIdents col lineStr SymbolLookupKind.ByLongIdent |> async.Return
+ //let! results = languageService.GetTypedParseResultWithTimeout(projectFilename, fileName, version, source, AllowStaleResults.MatchingSource)
+ //let! symbolUse = results.GetSymbolAtLocation(line, col, lineStr)
+ //let lastIdent = Seq.last identIsland
+ //return (lastIdent, symbolUse) }
+ let getSymbolUseForEditorCaret (editor: TextEditor) =
+ match IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument with
+ | null -> async { return None }
+ | doc when doc.FileName = FilePath.Null || doc.FileName <> editor.FileName || doc.ParsedDocument = null -> async { return None }
+ | _doc ->
+ let documentContext = _doc
+ async {
+ LoggingService.logDebug "HighlightUsagesExtension: ResolveAsync starting on %s" (documentContext.Name |> IO.Path.GetFileName )
+ try
+ let line, col, lineStr = editor.GetLineInfoByCaretOffset ()
+ //let idents = Parsing.findIdents col lineStr MonoDevelop.FSharp.Shared.SymbolLookupKind.ByLongIdent
+ let currentFile = documentContext.Name
+ let source = editor.Text
+ let projectFile = documentContext.Project |> function null -> currentFile | project -> project.FileName.ToString()
+ //let tast = lang
+ let! symbolReferences = getSymbolAtLocationInFile (projectFile, currentFile, 0, source, line, col, lineStr)
+ return symbolReferences
+ with
+ | :? TaskCanceledException -> return None
+ | exn -> LoggingService.LogError("Unhandled Exception in F# HighlightingUsagesExtension", exn)
+ return None
+ }
+ let getCodeFixes () =
+ asyncMaybe {
+ let! document = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument |> Option.ofObj
+ let editor = document.Editor
+ let! ast = editor.DocumentContext.TryGetAst()
+ let! range = getSymbolUseForEditorCaret editor
- let cancellationToken = new CancellationToken()
+ let monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetBackgroundProgressMonitor ("Add Open", IconId());
+ let assemblyProvider = MonoDevelop.FSharp.AssemblyContentProvider ()
+ let! codeFixes = FSharpAddOpenCodeFixProvider.getCodeFixesAsync document.Editor assemblyProvider monitor ast range
+ return codeFixes
+ }
override x.Run () =
base.Run ()
@@ -888,98 +873,31 @@ type RapidFixMenuHandler() as this =
override x.Update (ci:CommandInfo) =
this.Update (ci.ArrayInfo)
+ override x.UpdateAsync (info:CommandArrayInfo, cancelToken: CancellationToken) =
+ info.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Loading..."), false, false), null);
+ let mainThread = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
- override x.Update (ainfo:CommandArrayInfo) =
- //let ainfo = ci.ArrayInfo
- let document = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument
- let editor = document.Editor
- //document.Project
- //let mutable fixes = []
- //let context =
- //new CodeFixContext(document, ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>.Empty,
- //// TODO: Can we share code between similar lambdas that we pass to this API in BatchFixAllProvider.cs, CodeFixService.cs and CodeRefactoringService.cs?
- //Action<CodeActions.CodeAction, ImmutableArray<Diagnostic>>(fun action applicableDiagnostics ->
- //// Serialize access for thread safety - we don't know what thread the fix provider will call this delegate from.
- //lock (fixes) (fun () ->
- // fixes <- (new CodeFix(document.Project, action, applicableDiagnostics)) :: fixes
- //)), cancellationToken)
- //,
- //verifyArguments = false,
- //cancellationToken = cancellationToken);
- provider ()
- |> Option.bind (fun (ast, range, x) ->
- let t = x.CodeFixesAsync ast range cancellationToken
- Async.RunSynchronously (t, cancellationToken = cancellationToken)
- )
- |> Option.toList
- |> List.concat
- |> function
- | [] ->
- ainfo.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString ("No code fixes available"), false, false), null);
- | xs ->
- xs |> List.iter (fun (x, action) ->
- //let x = x.Title
- printfn "Suggestion: %s" x
- ainfo.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString (x), true, false), Action(action));
- )
- //context.Document.
- //member x.UpdateQuickFixMenu(ci:CommandInfo) =
- // x.Update(ci)
- //override x.Update (ci:CommandInfo) =
- //let info = ci.ArrayInfo
- //ainfo.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString ("No code fixes available"), false, false), null);
- //let mutable ext = editor |> Option.bind (fun x -> x.GetContent<CodeActionEditorExtension> () |> Option.ofObj)
- //if Option.isNone ext then () else
- //()
- //let mutable metadata = new Counters.FixesMenuMetadata ();
- //use timer = Counters.FixesMenu.BeginTiming ("Quick Fix menu", metadata)
- //info.Add(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax, null)
- //let mutable currentFixes = AwaitExpressionSyntax
- //let mutable menu =
- // this.CodeFixMenuService.CreateFixMenu
- // (editor, currentFixes, cancelToken)
- //info.Clear()
- //for item in menu.Items do
- // this.AddItem(info, item)
- //if menu.Items.Count = 0 then
- // info.Add(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax, null)
- //metadata.SetSuccess()
- //info.NotifyChanged()
- member this.CreateCommandInfoSet(menu: CodeFixMenu) =
- let mutable cis = new CommandInfoSet ();
- cis.Text <- menu.Label
- for item in menu.Items do
- this.AddItem(cis.CommandInfos, item)
- cis
- //override this.Run(data) =
- // match data with
- // | :? Action as x -> x.Invoke()
- // | _ -> ()
- //member this.Run(editor:TextEditor, ctx:DocumentContext) =
- //()
+ async {
+ let! codeFixQuery = getCodeFixes ()
+ do! Async.SwitchToContext mainThread
+ info.Clear()
+ match codeFixQuery with
+ | None ->
+ info.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString ("No code fixes available"), false, false), null);
+ | Some codeFixes ->
+ match codeFixes with
+ | [] ->
+ info.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString ("No code fixes available"), false, false), null);
+ | xs ->
+ xs |> List.iter (fun (x, action) ->
+ info.Add (new CommandInfo (GettextCatalog.GetString (x), true, false), Action(action));
+ )
+ info.NotifyChanged ();
+ }
+ |> Async.Ignore
+ |> CommonRoslynHelpers.StartAsyncUnitAsTask cancelToken
member this.AddItem(cis: CommandArrayInfo, item: CodeFixMenuEntry) =
if item = CodeFixMenuEntry.Separator then
@@ -1024,12 +942,4 @@ type FSharpCommandsTextEditorExtension () =
[<CommandHandler ("MonoDevelop.Refactoring.RefactoryCommands.FindReferences")>]
member x.FindReferences () =
FindReferencesHandler().Run(x.Editor, x.DocumentContext)
- //[<CommandHandler ("MonoDevelop.Refactoring.RefactoryCommands.QuickFixMenu")>]
- //member x.QuickFixComand () =
- // SuperFixMenuHandler().Run(x.Editor, x.DocumentContext)
- //[<CommandHandler ("MonoDevelop.Refactoring.RefactoryCommands.QuickFixMenu")>]
- //member x.QuickFixCommand_Update(ci:CommandInfo) =
- //SuperFixMenuHandler().UpdateQuickFixMenu(ci)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/Services/LanguageService.fs b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/Services/LanguageService.fs
index c1a4f6ef5b..1fea03dc65 100644
--- a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/Services/LanguageService.fs
+++ b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/Services/LanguageService.fs
@@ -510,6 +510,15 @@ type LanguageService(dirtyNotify, _extraProjectInfo) as x =
let! refs = results.GetUsesOfSymbolInFile(symbolUse.Symbol) |> Async.map Some
return (lastIdent, refs) }
+ member x.GetSymbolAtLocationInFile(projectFilename, fileName, version, source, line:int, col, lineStr) =
+ asyncMaybe {
+ LoggingService.logDebug "LanguageService: GetUsesOfSymbolAtLocationInFile: file:%s, line:%i, col:%i" (Path.GetFileName(fileName)) line col
+ let! _colu, identIsland = Parsing.findIdents col lineStr SymbolLookupKind.ByLongIdent |> async.Return
+ let! results = x.GetTypedParseResultWithTimeout(projectFilename, fileName, version, source, AllowStaleResults.MatchingSource)
+ let! symbolUse = results.GetSymbolAtLocation(line, col, lineStr)
+ let lastIdent = Seq.last identIsland
+ return (lastIdent, symbolUse) }
/// Get all the uses of the specified symbol in the current project and optionally all dependent projects
member x.GetUsesOfSymbolInProject(projectFilename, file, source, symbol:FSharpSymbol, ?dependentProjects) =
async {
diff --git a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/VS/ServiceAssemblyContent.fs b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/VS/ServiceAssemblyContent.fs
index 3565b1dddc..239f1eb888 100644
--- a/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/VS/ServiceAssemblyContent.fs
+++ b/main/external/fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/VS/ServiceAssemblyContent.fs
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ module internal Entity =
|> Array.heads
// long ident must contain an unresolved part, otherwise we show false positive suggestions like
// "open System" for `let _ = System.DateTime.Naaaw`. Here only "Naaw" is unresolved.
- //|> Array.filter (fun x -> x |> Array.exists (fun x -> not x.Resolved))
+ |> Array.filter (fun x -> x |> Array.exists (fun x -> not x.Resolved))
|> Array.choose (fun parts ->
let parts = parts |> Array.map (fun x -> x.Ident)
if not (candidate |> Array.endsWith parts) then None
@@ -892,12 +892,9 @@ module internal ParsedInput =
let getLongIdentAt ast pos =
let idents = getLongIdents (Some ast)
- idents.Values |> Seq.tryFind (fun x ->
- x |> List.exists (fun x -> x.idText = "Application") )
- //match idents.TryGetValue pos with
- //| true, idents -> Some idents
- //| _ -> None
+ match idents.TryGetValue pos with
+ | true, idents -> Some idents
+ | _ -> None
type Col = int