**MonoDevelop** is a full-featured integrated development environment (IDE) for mono using Gtk#. See http://www.monodevelop.com for more info. Directory organization ---------------------- There are two main directories: * `main`: The core MonoDevelop assemblies and add-ins (all in a single tarball/package). * `extras`: Additional add-ins (each add-in has its own tarball/package). Compiling --------- If you are building from Git, make sure that you initialize the submodules that are part of this repository by executing: `git submodule update --init --recursive` To compile execute: `./configure ; make` There are two variables you can set when running `configure`: * The install prefix: `--prefix=/path/to/prefix` * To install with the rest of the assemblies, use: `--prefix="pkg-config --variable=prefix mono"` * The build profile: `--profile=profile-name` * `stable`: builds the MonoDevelop core and some stable extra add-ins. * `core`: builds the MonoDevelop core only. * `all`: builds everything * You can also create your own profile by adding a file to the profiles directory containing a list of the directories to build. Running ------- You can run MonoDevelop from the build directory by executing: `make run` Installing *(Optional)* ---------- You can install MonoDevelop by running: `make install` *(It's possible that you need to install for your locale to be correctly set.)* Packaging for OSX ----------------- To package MonoDevelop for OSX in a convenient MonoDevelop.app file, just do this after MonoDevelop has finished building (with `make`): `cd main/build/MacOSX ; make MonoDevelop.app` Dependencies ------------ Mono >= 3.0.4 Gtk# >= 2.12.8 monodoc >= 1.0 mono-addins >= 0.6 Special Environment Variables ----------------------------- **BUILD_REVISION** If this environment variable exists we assume we are compiling inside wrench. We use this to enable raygun only for 'release' builds and not for normal developer builds compiled on a dev machine with 'make && make run'. References ---------- **MonoDevelop website** http://www.monodevelop.com **Gnome Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)** http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/1.0/ **freedesktop.org standards** http://freedesktop.org/Standards/ **Integrating with GNOME** *(a little out of date)* http://developers.sun.com/solaris/articles/integrating_gnome.html **Bugzilla** http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/bugwritinghelp.html http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=etiquette.html Discussion, Bugs, Patches ------------------------- monodevelop-list@lists.ximian.com *(questions and discussion)* monodevelop-patches-list@lists.ximian.com *(track commits to MonoDevelop)* monodevelop-bugs@lists.ximian.com *(track MonoDevelop bugzilla component)* http://bugzilla.xamarin.com *(submit bugs and patches here)*