require 'pp' NOT_INSTALLED_VERSION="-1" XAMARIN_MAC_MIN_VERSION="2.3" XAMARIN_MAC_VERSION=lambda { product_version ("/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Mac.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mmp") } XAMARIN_MAC_URL="" MONO_MIN_VERSION="4.2" MONO_VERSION=lambda { mono_version("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mono") } MONO_URL="" class String def red; "\e[31m#{self}\e[0m" end end def compare_version(first, second) val1 = first.split('.').map { |x| x.to_i } val2 = second.split('.').map { |x| x.to_i } return val1 <=> val2 end def mono_version(binary) if File.exist?("#{binary}") actual_version = `#{binary} --version` # Extract the version number from a string like this: # `Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.0 (explicit/08b7103 Mon Aug 17 16:58:52 EDT 2015)` actual_version = actual_version.split('version ')[1] return actual_version.split(' ')[0] else return NOT_INSTALLED_VERSION end end def product_version(binary) if File.exist?("#{binary}") version = `#{binary} --version` return version.split(' ')[1] else return NOT_INSTALLED_VERSION end end def check_product(product_min_version, product_version, product_url, product_name) actual_version = retval = compare_version(actual_version, product_min_version) if (retval < 0) if (actual_version == NOT_INSTALLED_VERSION) puts "You do not have #{product_name} installed.".red else puts "Your installed #{product_name} (#{actual_version}) is too old, please use #{product_min_version} or newer".red end puts "You can download it from #{product_url}".red puts end return retval end def check_monodevelop_dependencies() result = [ check_product(MONO_MIN_VERSION, MONO_VERSION, MONO_URL, "Mono"), check_product(XAMARIN_MAC_MIN_VERSION, XAMARIN_MAC_VERSION, XAMARIN_MAC_URL, "Xamarin.Mac") ] if (result.min < 0) exit 1 end end $stdout.sync = true check_monodevelop_dependencies() if __FILE__==$0