The following list are ideas that we should look into supporting in this addin. Code Completion * Complete items in modules Parser * Index installed system modules Gui * Support project based space settings so python projects can have 4 spaces instead of tab. [MonoDevelop.Projects] - Support the MonoDevelop Class Pad - Auto Indentation * Interactive Python Console (Terminal) - Integrate with the Text Editor region combo boxes * Setuptools support (like autotools) - Support the Document pad Refactoring / Code Coverage * Extract method * Rename method * Rename class * Code Coverage of methods during runtime * UML diagrams Debugger / Profiler * Integrate pdb to the Debugger engine * Add python profiler as well * Remote debugging Templates - Basic Shell Script * Gtk app * Gnome app * Clutter app * PyQT app * Twisted python Unit Testing * Twisted trial unit tests * PyUnit