using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Autotools; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Deployment; namespace MonoDevelop.ValaBinding { /// /// Handler for makefile generation /// public class MakefileHandler: IMakefileHandler { #region IMakefileHandler implementation public bool CanDeploy (MonoDevelop.Projects.SolutionItem entry, MakefileType type) { return entry is ValaProject; } /// /// Deploys a makefile to build the default configuration. /// /// /// TODO: Make configuration-based targets as advertised. /// public Makefile Deploy (AutotoolsContext ctx, MonoDevelop.Projects.SolutionItem entry, MonoDevelop.Core.IProgressMonitor monitor) { Makefile mkfile = new Makefile (); ValaProject project = (ValaProject) entry; ValaProjectConfiguration conf = (ValaProjectConfiguration)project.DefaultConfiguration; StringBuilder files = new StringBuilder (); foreach (ProjectFile t in project.Files) { if(BuildAction.Compile == t.BuildAction) { files.Append ("\\\n\t" + FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath(project.BaseDirectory, t.FilePath)); } } string dir = ctx.DeployContext.GetResolvedPath (TargetDirectory.ProgramFiles, FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath(conf.OutputDirectory, ctx.TargetSolution.BaseDirectory)); dir = dir.Replace ("@prefix@", "$(prefix)"); dir = dir.Replace ("@PACKAGE@", "$(PACKAGE)"); TemplateEngine templateEngine = new TemplateEngine (); templateEngine.Variables ["TOP_SRCDIR"] = FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath (project.BaseDirectory, ctx.TargetSolution.BaseDirectory); templateEngine.Variables ["FILES"] = files.ToString (); templateEngine.Variables ["BUILD_DIR"] = "."; templateEngine.Variables ["INSTALL_DIR"] = "$(DESTDIR)" + dir; templateEngine.Variables ["ALL_TARGET"] = string.Format("all-{0}", conf.Name); templateEngine.Variables ["VFLAGS"] = string.Format("{0} {1}", ValaCompiler.GetCompilerFlags(conf), ValaCompiler.GeneratePkgCompilerArgs(project.Packages)); templateEngine.Variables ["VTARGET"] = conf.CompiledOutputName; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); string mt; if (ctx.MakefileType == MakefileType.AutotoolsMakefile) mt = ""; else mt = "Makefile.template"; using (Stream stream = GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (mt)) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (stream); templateEngine.Process (reader, sw); reader.Close (); } mkfile.Append (sw.ToString ()); return mkfile; } #endregion } }