This directory contains the tools to make MonoDevelop packages and releases for Mac. PREREQUISITES ============ * Builds must be made with the mac profile. * The "artifacts" directory must be beside the top-level monodevelop directory. This contains some binaries that are embedded into the MD app: the Moonlight SDK and the MonoDoc viewer app. BUILDING ======== First ensure that MD has been built successfully from the top-level MD directory. To make an app bundle: make To make a disk image: make monodevelop.dmg BEFORE A RELEASE ================ * The version-info file must be updated manually before making a new build to be distributed. * Changes to the version-info file should be committed to git before making the final build. * Ensure that any version in the dmg background image is correct. * Ensure that no desired extras are in the "Missing files" message when building the app. VERSIONINFO =========== The version-info file contains a release number. The format of the release number is Mmmppbbb where M = major, m = minor, p = point, b = build and these sub-values must be left-padded with zeroes as necessary. For example, 2.4.1 build 3 would be 20401003 The intention is that the value can be compared directly as an integer with older releases' numbers. This format ensures that values of 0-99 are supported for major, minor, point and 0-999 for build.