namespace MonoDevelop.FSharp open System open MonoDevelop.Core open MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor open MonoDevelop.Ide.Editor.Extension type FSharpTextPasteHandler(editor:TextEditor) = inherit TextPasteHandler() override x.GetCopyData(offset, _length) = // get the indent level the line was originally at let line = editor.OffsetToLineNumber offset let indent = editor.GetLineIndent line [|byte indent.Length|] override x.PostFomatPastedText (_offset, _length) = () override x.FormatPlainText(offset, text, copyData) = if editor.Options.IndentStyle = IndentStyle.Smart || editor.Options.IndentStyle = IndentStyle.Virtual then // adjust the original indentation size // for the new location let location = editor.OffsetToLocation offset if location.Column > 1 then let getIndent (line:string) = line.Length - (String.trimStart [|' '|] line).Length let fixIndent (line:string, indentDifference:int) = if indentDifference > 0 then (String(' ', indentDifference)) + line else line.Substring -indentDifference let line = location.Line let insertionIndent = editor.GetLineIndent line let lines = String.getLines text let firstLine = lines.[0] let firstLineIndent = if copyData.Length > 0 then int copyData.[0] else getIndent firstLine let indentDifference = insertionIndent.Length - firstLineIndent let remainingLines = lines |> Seq.skip (1) |> line -> fixIndent(line, indentDifference)) let lines = remainingLines |> Seq.append (seq [(String.trimStart [|' '|] firstLine)]) let res = String.Join (editor.Options.DefaultEolMarker, lines) res else text else text type FSharpIndentationTracker(editor:TextEditor) = inherit IndentationTracker () let indentSize = editor.Options.IndentationSize do editor.SetTextPasteHandler (FSharpTextPasteHandler(editor)) // Lines ending in these strings will be indented let indenters = ["=";" do"; "("; "{";"[";"[|";"->";" try"; " then"; " else"; "("] let (|AddIndent|_|) (x:string) = if indenters |> List.exists(x.EndsWith) then Some () else None let (|Match|_|) (x:string) = if x.EndsWith "with" && x.Contains("match ") then Some (x.LastIndexOf "match ") else None let initialWhiteSpace (s:string) offset = if offset >= s.Length then 0 else let s = s.Substring offset s.Length - s.TrimStart([|' '|]).Length let rec getIndentation lineDistance (line: IDocumentLine) = if line = null then "" else match editor.GetLineText(line.LineNumber).TrimEnd() with | x when String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) -> getIndentation (lineDistance + 1) line.PreviousLine | Match i when lineDistance < 2 -> String(' ', i) | AddIndent when lineDistance < 2 -> String(' ', line.GetIndentation(editor).Length + indentSize) | _ -> line.GetIndentation editor let getIndentString lineNumber = let caretColumn = editor.CaretColumn let line = editor.GetLine lineNumber let indentation = getIndentation 0 line if line = null then indentation else // Find white space in front of the caret and strip it out let text = editor.GetLineText(line.LineNumber) //TODO using 0 instead of column, which we dont have now let reIndent = 0 = text.Length + 1 && caretColumn = 1 if not reIndent then indentation else let indent = getIndentation 0 (line.PreviousLine) let initialWs = initialWhiteSpace text 0 if initialWs >= indent.Length then indentation else indent.Substring(initialWhiteSpace text 0) override x.GetIndentationString (lineNumber) = try let line = editor.GetLine (lineNumber) let indent = if line = null then "" else getIndentString lineNumber LoggingService.LogDebug ("FSharpIndentationTracker: indent: '{0}'", indent) indent with | ex -> LoggingService.LogError ("FSharpIndentationTracker", ex) "" override x.SupportedFeatures = IndentatitonTrackerFeatures.None