namespace MonoDevelop.FSharp open System open System.Collections.Generic open System.Text open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices open Mono.TextEditor open Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting open MonoDevelop.Core open MonoDevelop.Ide open MonoDevelop.Ide.CodeCompletion open MonoDevelop.Components open MonoDevelop.FSharp.Shared open ExtCore.Control module Symbols = let getLocationFromSymbolUse (s: FSharpSymbolUse) = [s.Symbol.DeclarationLocation; s.Symbol.SignatureLocation] |> List.choose id |> List.distinctBy (fun r -> r.FileName) let getLocationFromSymbol (s:FSharpSymbol) = [s.DeclarationLocation; s.SignatureLocation] |> List.choose id |> List.distinctBy (fun r -> r.FileName) ///Given a column and line string returns the identifier portion of the string let lastIdent column lineString = match Parsing.findIdents column lineString SymbolLookupKind.ByLongIdent with | Some (_col, identIsland) -> Seq.last identIsland | None -> "" ///Returns a TextSegment that is trimmed to only include the identifier let getTextSegment (doc:Editor.TextEditor) (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) column line = let lastIdent = lastIdent column line let start, finish = Symbol.trimSymbolRegion symbolUse lastIdent let startOffset = doc.LocationToOffset(start.Line, start.Column+1) let endOffset = doc.LocationToOffset(finish.Line, finish.Column+1) MonoDevelop.Core.Text.TextSegment.FromBounds(startOffset, endOffset) let getEditorDataForFileName (fileName:string) = match IdeApp.Workbench.GetDocument (fileName) with | null -> let doc = Editor.TextEditorFactory.LoadDocument (fileName) let editor = new TextEditorData() editor.Text <- doc.Text editor | doc -> doc.Editor.GetContent().GetTextEditorData() let getOffsets (range:Range.range) (editor:Editor.IReadonlyTextDocument) = let startOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (range.StartLine, range.StartColumn+1) let endOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (range.EndLine, range.EndColumn+1) startOffset, endOffset let getTextSpan (range:Range.range) (editor:Editor.IReadonlyTextDocument) = let startOffset, endOffset = getOffsets range editor Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.TextSpan.FromBounds (startOffset, endOffset) let getTrimmedRangesForDeclarations lastIdent (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = symbolUse |> getLocationFromSymbolUse |> (fun range -> let start, finish = Symbol.trimSymbolRegion symbolUse lastIdent range.FileName, start, finish) let getTrimmedOffsetsForDeclarations lastIdent (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = let trimmedSymbols = getTrimmedRangesForDeclarations lastIdent symbolUse trimmedSymbols |> (fun (fileName, start, finish) -> let editor = getEditorDataForFileName fileName let startOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (start.Line, start.Column+1) let endOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (finish.Line, finish.Column+1) //if startOffset < 0 then argOutOfRange "startOffset" "broken" //if endOffset < 0 then argOutOfRange "endOffset" "broken" fileName, startOffset, endOffset) let getTrimmedTextSpanForDeclarations lastIdent (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = let trimmedSymbols = getTrimmedRangesForDeclarations lastIdent symbolUse trimmedSymbols |> (fun (fileName, start, finish) -> let editor = getEditorDataForFileName fileName let startOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (start.Line, start.Column+1) let endOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (finish.Line, finish.Column+1) let ts = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.TextSpan.FromBounds (startOffset, endOffset) let ls = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.LinePositionSpan(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.LinePosition(start.Line, start.Column), Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.LinePosition(finish.Line, finish.Column)) fileName, ts, ls) let getOffsetsTrimmed lastIdent (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = let filename = symbolUse.RangeAlternate.FileName let editor = getEditorDataForFileName filename let start, finish = Symbol.trimSymbolRegion symbolUse lastIdent let startOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (start.Line, start.Column+1) let endOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (finish.Line, finish.Column+1) filename, startOffset, endOffset let getOffsetAndLength lastIdent (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = let editor = getEditorDataForFileName symbolUse.RangeAlternate.FileName let start, finish = Symbol.trimSymbolRegion symbolUse lastIdent let startOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (start.Line, start.Column+1) let endOffset = editor.LocationToOffset (finish.Line, finish.Column+1) startOffset, endOffset - startOffset let getTextSpanTrimmed lastIdent (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = let filename, start, finish = getOffsetsTrimmed lastIdent symbolUse filename, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.TextSpan.FromBounds (start, finish) [] module SymbolUse = let (|ActivePatternCase|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpActivePatternCase as ap-> ActivePatternCase(ap) |> Some | _ -> None let (|Entity|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpEntity as ent -> Some ent | _ -> None let (|Field|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpField as field-> Some field | _ -> None let (|GenericParameter|_|) (symbol: FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpGenericParameter as gp -> Some gp | _ -> None let (|MemberFunctionOrValue|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as func -> Some func | _ -> None let (|ActivePattern|_|) = function | MemberFunctionOrValue m when m.IsActivePattern -> Some m | _ -> None let (|Parameter|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpParameter as param -> Some param | _ -> None let (|StaticParameter|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpStaticParameter as sp -> Some sp | _ -> None let (|UnionCase|_|) (symbol : FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol.Symbol with | :? FSharpUnionCase as uc-> Some uc | _ -> None let (|Constructor|_|) = function | MemberFunctionOrValue func when func.IsConstructor || func.IsImplicitConstructor -> Some func | _ -> None let (|TypeAbbreviation|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsFSharpAbbreviation -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Class|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsClass -> Some symbol | Entity s when s.IsFSharp && s.IsOpaque && not s.IsFSharpModule && not s.IsNamespace && not s.IsDelegate && not s.IsFSharpUnion && not s.IsFSharpRecord && not s.IsInterface && not s.IsValueType -> Some s | _ -> None let (|Delegate|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsDelegate -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Event|_|) = function | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when symbol.IsEvent -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Property|_|) = function | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when symbol.IsProperty || symbol.IsPropertyGetterMethod || symbol.IsPropertySetterMethod -> Some symbol | _ -> None let inline private notCtorOrProp (symbol:FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue) = not symbol.IsConstructor && not symbol.IsPropertyGetterMethod && not symbol.IsPropertySetterMethod let (|Method|_|) (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbolUse with | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when symbol.IsModuleValueOrMember && not symbolUse.IsFromPattern && not symbol.IsOperatorOrActivePattern && not symbol.IsPropertyGetterMethod && not symbol.IsPropertySetterMethod -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Function|_|) (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbolUse with | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when notCtorOrProp symbol && symbol.IsModuleValueOrMember && not symbol.IsOperatorOrActivePattern && not symbolUse.IsFromPattern -> match symbol.FullTypeSafe with | Some fullType when fullType.IsFunctionType -> Some symbol | _ -> None | _ -> None let (|Operator|_|) (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbolUse with | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when notCtorOrProp symbol && not symbolUse.IsFromPattern && not symbol.IsActivePattern && symbol.IsOperatorOrActivePattern -> match symbol.FullTypeSafe with | Some fullType when fullType.IsFunctionType -> Some symbol | _ -> None | _ -> None let (|Pattern|_|) (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbolUse with | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when notCtorOrProp symbol && not symbol.IsOperatorOrActivePattern && symbolUse.IsFromPattern -> match symbol.FullTypeSafe with | Some fullType when fullType.IsFunctionType ->Some symbol | _ -> None | _ -> None let (|ClosureOrNestedFunction|_|) = function | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when notCtorOrProp symbol && not symbol.IsOperatorOrActivePattern && not symbol.IsModuleValueOrMember -> match symbol.FullTypeSafe with | Some fullType when fullType.IsFunctionType -> Some symbol | _ -> None | _ -> None let (|Val|_|) = function | MemberFunctionOrValue symbol when notCtorOrProp symbol && not symbol.IsOperatorOrActivePattern -> match symbol.FullTypeSafe with | Some _fullType -> Some symbol | _ -> None | _ -> None let (|Enum|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsEnum -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Interface|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsInterface -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Module|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsFSharpModule -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Namespace|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsNamespace -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Record|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsFSharpRecord -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|Union|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsFSharpUnion -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|ValueType|_|) = function | Entity symbol when symbol.IsValueType && not symbol.IsEnum -> Some symbol | _ -> None let (|ComputationExpression|_|) (symbol:FSharpSymbolUse) = if symbol.IsFromComputationExpression then Some symbol else None let (|Attribute|_|) = function | Entity ent -> if ent.AllBaseTypes |> Seq.exists (fun t -> if t.HasTypeDefinition then t.TypeDefinition.TryFullName |> Option.exists ((=) "System.Attribute" ) else false) then Some ent else None | _ -> None let symbolToIcon (symbolUse:FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbolUse with | ActivePatternCase _ -> "ActivePatternCase" | Field _ -> "Field" | UnionCase _ -> "UnionCase" | Class _ -> "Class" | Delegate _ -> "Delegate" | Constructor _ -> "Constructor" | Event _ -> "Event" | Property _ -> "Property" | Function f -> if f.IsExtensionMember then "ExtensionMethod" elif f.IsMember then "Method" else "Field" | Operator _ -> "Operator" | ClosureOrNestedFunction _ -> "ClosureOrNestedFunction" | Val _ -> "Val" | Enum _ -> "Enum" | Interface _ -> "Interface" | Module _ -> "Module" | Namespace _ -> "Namespace" | Record _ -> "Record" | Union _ -> "Union" | ValueType _ -> "ValueType" | Entity _ -> "Entity" | _ -> "Event" //type XmlDoc = // ///A full xmldoc tooltip //| Full of string // ///A lookup of key, filename //| Lookup of string * string option // ///No xmldoc //| EmptyDoc //type ToolTips = // ///A ToolTip of signature, summary // | ToolTip of signature:string * doc:XmlDoc * footer:string // ///A empty tip // | EmptyTip [] module internal Highlight = type HighlightType = | Symbol | Brackets | Keyword | UserType | Number let getColourScheme () = Highlighting.SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme.Value) let getColourPart x = round(x * 255.0) |> int let argbToHex (c : Cairo.Color) = sprintf "#%02X%02X%02X" (getColourPart c.R) (getColourPart c.G) (getColourPart c.B) let syntaxHighlight s = let data = new TextEditorData (new TextDocument (s)) data.Document.SyntaxMode <- SyntaxModeService.GetSyntaxMode (data.Document, "text/x-fsharp") data.ColorStyle <- getColourScheme() data.GetMarkup (0, data.Length, false) let asUnderline = sprintf "_STARTUNDERLINE_%s_ENDUNDERLINE_" // we replace with real markup after highlighting [] module PrintParameter = let print sb = Printf.bprintf sb "%s" module SymbolTooltips = let maxPadding = 20 type NestedFunctionParams = | GenericParam of FSharpGenericParameter | TupleParam of IList | NamedType of FSharpType /// Concat two strings with a space between if both a and b are not IsNullOrWhiteSpace let internal (++) (a:string) (b:string) = match String.IsNullOrEmpty a, String.IsNullOrEmpty b with | true, true -> "" | false, true -> a | true, false -> b | false, false -> a + " " + b let getKeywordTooltip (keyword:string) = let signatureline = syntaxHighlight keyword ++ "(keyword)" let summary = match KeywordList.keywordDescriptions.TryGetValue keyword with | true, description -> Full description | false, _ -> EmptyDoc signatureline, summary, "" let getSummaryFromSymbol (symbol:FSharpSymbol) = let xmlDoc, xmlDocSig = match symbol with | :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as func -> func.XmlDoc, func.XmlDocSig | :? FSharpEntity as fse -> fse.XmlDoc, fse.XmlDocSig | :? FSharpField as fsf -> fsf.XmlDoc, fsf.XmlDocSig | :? FSharpUnionCase as fsu -> fsu.XmlDoc, fsu.XmlDocSig | :? FSharpActivePatternCase as apc -> apc.XmlDoc, apc.XmlDocSig | :? FSharpGenericParameter as gp -> gp.XmlDoc, "" | _ -> ResizeArray() :> IList<_>, "" if xmlDoc.Count > 0 then Full (String.Join( "\n", xmlDoc)) else Lookup(xmlDocSig, symbol.Assembly.FileName) let formatSummary (summary:XmlDoc) = match summary with | Full(summary) -> TooltipsXml.getTooltipSummary Styles.simpleMarkup summary | Lookup(key, potentialFilename) -> maybe { let! filename = potentialFilename let! markup = TooltipXmlDoc.findDocForEntity(filename, key) let summary = TooltipsXml.getTooltipSummary Styles.simpleMarkup markup return summary } |> Option.fill "" | EmptyDoc -> "" let getUnioncaseSignature displayContext (unionCase:FSharpUnionCase) = if unionCase.UnionCaseFields.Count > 0 then let typeList = unionCase.UnionCaseFields |> (fun unionField -> unionField.Name ++ ":" ++ ((unionField.FieldType.Format displayContext))) |> String.concat " * " unionCase.DisplayName ++ "of" ++ typeList else unionCase.DisplayName let formatGenericParameter displayContext (param:FSharpGenericParameter) = let chopStringTo (s:string) (c:char) = // chopStringTo "abcdef" 'c' --> "def" if s.IndexOf c <> -1 then let i = s.IndexOf c + 1 s.Substring(i, s.Length - i) else s let tryChopPropertyName (s: string) = // member names start with get_ or set_ when the member is a property let s = if s.StartsWith("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || s.StartsWith("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) then s else chopStringTo s '.' if s.Length <= 4 || (let s = s.Substring(0,4) in s <> "get_" && s <> "set_") then None else Some(s.Substring(4,s.Length - 4)) let asGenericParamName (param: FSharpGenericParameter) = (if param.IsSolveAtCompileTime then "^" else "'") + param.Name let sb = new StringBuilder() print sb (asGenericParamName param) let getConstraintSymbols (constrainedBy: FSharpGenericParameterConstraint) = let memberConstraint (c: FSharpGenericParameterMemberConstraint) = let formattedMemberName, isProperty = match c.IsProperty, tryChopPropertyName c.MemberName with | true, Some(chopped) when chopped <> c.MemberName -> chopped, true | _, _ -> c.MemberName, false seq { yield " : (" if c.MemberIsStatic then yield "static " yield "member " yield formattedMemberName yield " : " if isProperty then yield (c.MemberReturnType.Format displayContext) else if c.MemberArgumentTypes.Count <= 1 then yield "unit" else yield asGenericParamName param yield " -> " yield ((c.MemberReturnType.Format displayContext).TrimStart()) yield ")" } let typeConstraint (tc: FSharpType) = seq { yield " :> " yield (tc.Format displayContext) } let constructorConstraint () = seq { yield " : " yield "(" yield "new" yield " : " yield "unit" yield " -> '" yield param.DisplayName yield ")" } let enumConstraint (ec: FSharpType) = seq { yield " : " yield "enum" yield "<" yield ec.Format displayContext yield ">" } let delegateConstraint (tc: FSharpGenericParameterDelegateConstraint) = seq { yield " : " yield "delegate" yield "<" yield tc.DelegateTupledArgumentType.Format displayContext yield ", " yield tc.DelegateReturnType.Format displayContext yield ">" } let symbols = match constrainedBy with | _ when constrainedBy.IsCoercesToConstraint -> typeConstraint constrainedBy.CoercesToTarget | _ when constrainedBy.IsMemberConstraint -> memberConstraint constrainedBy.MemberConstraintData | _ when constrainedBy.IsSupportsNullConstraint -> seq { yield " : "; yield "null" } | _ when constrainedBy.IsRequiresDefaultConstructorConstraint -> constructorConstraint() | _ when constrainedBy.IsReferenceTypeConstraint -> seq { yield " : "; yield "not struct" } | _ when constrainedBy.IsEnumConstraint -> enumConstraint constrainedBy.EnumConstraintTarget | _ when constrainedBy.IsComparisonConstraint -> seq { yield " : "; yield "comparison" } | _ when constrainedBy.IsEqualityConstraint -> seq { yield " : "; yield "equality" } | _ when constrainedBy.IsDelegateConstraint -> delegateConstraint constrainedBy.DelegateConstraintData | _ when constrainedBy.IsUnmanagedConstraint -> seq { yield " : "; yield "unmanaged"} | _ when constrainedBy.IsNonNullableValueTypeConstraint -> seq { yield " : "; yield "struct" } | _ -> Seq.empty seq { yield " when " yield asGenericParamName param yield! symbols } if param.Constraints.Count > 0 then param.Constraints |> Seq.collect getConstraintSymbols |> Seq.iter(fun symbol -> print sb symbol) sb.ToString() type FormatOptions = {Indent : int; Highlight :string option} static member Default = {Indent=3;Highlight=None} let getFuncSignatureWithFormat displayContext (func: FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue) (format:FormatOptions) = let indent = String.replicate format.Indent " " let functionName = let name = if func.IsConstructor then match func.EnclosingEntitySafe with | Some ent -> ent.DisplayName | _ -> LoggingService.LogWarning(sprintf "getFuncSignatureWithFormat: No enclosing entity found for: %s" func.DisplayName) func.DisplayName elif func.IsOperatorOrActivePattern then func.DisplayName elif func.DisplayName.StartsWith "( " then PrettyNaming.QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded func.LogicalName else func.DisplayName name let modifiers = let accessibility = match func.Accessibility with | a when a.IsInternal -> "internal" | a when a.IsPrivate -> "private" | _ -> "" let modifier = //F# types are prefixed with new, should non F# types be too for consistancy? if func.IsConstructor then match func.EnclosingEntitySafe with | Some ent -> if ent.IsFSharp then "new" ++ accessibility else accessibility | _ -> LoggingService.LogWarning(sprintf "getFuncSignatureWithFormat: No enclosing entity found for: %s" func.DisplayName) accessibility elif func.IsMember then if func.IsInstanceMember then if func.IsDispatchSlot then "abstract member" ++ accessibility else "member" ++ accessibility else "static member" ++ accessibility else if func.InlineAnnotation = FSharpInlineAnnotation.AlwaysInline then "val" ++ accessibility ++ "inline" elif func.IsInstanceMember then "val" ++ accessibility else "val" ++ accessibility //does this need to be static prefixed? modifier let argInfos = func.CurriedParameterGroups |> Seq.toList |> Seq.toList let retType = //This try block will be removed when FCS updates try func.ReturnParameter.Type.Format displayContext with _ex -> try if func.FullType.GenericArguments.Count > 0 then let lastArg = func.FullType.GenericArguments |> Seq.last lastArg.Format displayContext else "Unknown" with _ -> "Unknown" let padLength = let allLengths = argInfos |> List.concat |> (fun p -> match p.Name with Some name -> name.Length | None -> p.DisplayName.Length) match allLengths with | [] -> 0 | l -> l |> List.maxUnderThreshold maxPadding let formatName indent padding (parameter:FSharpParameter) = let name = match parameter.Name with Some name -> name | None -> parameter.DisplayName match format.Highlight with | Some paramName when paramName = name -> match padding - name.Length with | i when i > 0 -> indent + asUnderline name + String.replicate i " " + ":" | _ -> indent + asUnderline name + ":" | _ -> indent + name.PadRight padding + ":" let isDelegate = match func.EnclosingEntitySafe with | Some ent -> ent.IsDelegate | _ -> LoggingService.logWarning "getFuncSignatureWithFormat: No enclosing entity found for: %s" func.DisplayName false match argInfos with | [] -> //When does this occur, val type within module? if isDelegate then retType else modifiers ++ functionName ++ ":" ++ retType | [[]] -> //A ctor with () parameters seems to be a list with an empty list if isDelegate then retType else modifiers ++ functionName ++ "() :" ++ retType | many -> let allParamsLengths = many |> ( (fun p -> (p.Type.Format displayContext).Length) >> List.sum) let maxLength = (allParamsLengths |> List.maxUnderThreshold maxPadding)+1 let parameterTypeWithPadding (p: FSharpParameter) length = (p.Type.Format displayContext) + (String.replicate (if length >= maxLength then 1 else maxLength - length) " ") let allParams = many allParamsLengths |> (paramTypes, length) -> paramTypes |> p -> formatName indent padLength p ++ (parameterTypeWithPadding p length)) |> String.concat (" *" ++ "\n")) |> String.concat ("->\n") let typeArguments = allParams + "\n" + indent + (String.replicate (max (padLength-1) 0) " ") + "->" ++ retType if isDelegate then typeArguments else modifiers ++ functionName ++ ":" + "\n" + typeArguments let getFuncSignature f c = getFuncSignatureWithFormat f c FormatOptions.Default let getEntitySignature displayContext (fse: FSharpEntity) = let modifier = match fse.Accessibility with | a when a.IsInternal -> "internal " | a when a.IsPrivate -> "private " | _ -> "" let typeName = match fse with | _ when fse.IsFSharpModule -> "module" | _ when fse.IsEnum -> "enum" | _ when fse.IsValueType -> "struct" | _ when fse.IsNamespace -> "namespace" | _ -> "type" let enumtip () = " =\n" + "|" ++ (fse.FSharpFields |> Seq.filter (fun f -> not f.IsCompilerGenerated) |> (fun field -> match field.LiteralValue with | Some lv -> field.Name + " = " + (string lv) | None -> field.Name ) |> String.concat ("\n" + "| " ) ) let uniontip () = " =" + "\n" + "|" ++ (fse.UnionCases |> (getUnioncaseSignature displayContext) |> String.concat ("\n" + "| " ) ) let delegateTip () = let invoker = fse.MembersFunctionsAndValues |> Seq.find (fun f -> f.DisplayName = "Invoke") let invokerSig = getFuncSignatureWithFormat displayContext invoker {Indent=6;Highlight=None} " =" + "\n" + " " + "delegate" + " of\n" + invokerSig let typeDisplay = let name = if fse.GenericParameters.Count > 0 then let p = fse.GenericParameters |> (formatGenericParameter displayContext) |> String.concat "," fse.DisplayName + ("<") + p + (">") else fse.DisplayName let basicName = modifier + typeName ++ name if fse.IsFSharpAbbreviation then let unannotatedType = fse.UnAnnotate() basicName ++ "=" ++ (unannotatedType.DisplayName) else basicName if fse.IsFSharpUnion then typeDisplay + uniontip () elif fse.IsEnum then typeDisplay + enumtip () elif fse.IsDelegate then typeDisplay + delegateTip () else typeDisplay let getValSignature displayContext (v:FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue) = let retType = v.FullType.Format displayContext let prefix = if v.IsMutable then "val" ++ "mutable" else "val" let name = if v.DisplayName.StartsWith "( " then PrettyNaming.QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded v.LogicalName else v.DisplayName prefix ++ name ++ ":" ++ retType let getFieldSignature displayContext (field: FSharpField) = let retType = field.FieldType.Format displayContext match field.LiteralValue with | Some lv -> field.DisplayName ++ ":" ++ retType ++ "=" ++ (string lv) | None -> let prefix = if field.IsMutable then "val" ++ "mutable" else "val" prefix ++ field.DisplayName ++ ":" ++ retType let getAPCaseSignature displayContext (apc:FSharpActivePatternCase) = let findVal = apc.Group.EnclosingEntity |> Option.bind (fun ent -> ent.MembersFunctionsAndValues |> Seq.tryFind (fun func -> func.DisplayName.Contains apc.DisplayName) |> (getFuncSignature displayContext)) match findVal with | Some v -> v | None -> apc.Group.OverallType.Format displayContext let footerForType (entity:FSharpSymbolUse) = match entity with | MemberFunctionOrValue m -> if m.FullType.HasTypeDefinition then let ent = m.FullType.TypeDefinition let parent = ent.UnAnnotate() let parentType = parent.DisplayName let parentDesc = if parent.IsFSharpModule then "module" else "type" sprintf "From %s:\t%s%sAssembly:\t%s" parentDesc parentType Environment.NewLine ent.Assembly.SimpleName else sprintf "Assembly:\t%s" m.Assembly.SimpleName | Entity c -> let ns = c.Namespace |> Option.getOrElse (fun () -> c.AccessPath) let fullName = match c.TryGetFullNameWithUnderScoreTypes() with | Some fullname -> "Full name: " + fullname + "" | None -> "Full name: " + c.QualifiedName + "" sprintf "%s%sNamespace:\t%s%sAssembly:\t%s" fullName Environment.NewLine ns Environment.NewLine c.Assembly.SimpleName | Field f -> let parent = f.DeclaringEntity.UnAnnotate().DisplayName sprintf "From type:\t%s%sAssembly:\t%s" parent Environment.NewLine f.Assembly.SimpleName | ActivePatternCase ap -> let parent = ap.Group.EnclosingEntity |> (fun enclosing -> enclosing.UnAnnotate().DisplayName) |> Option.fill "None" sprintf "From type:\t%s%sAssembly:\t%s" parent Environment.NewLine ap.Assembly.SimpleName | UnionCase uc -> let parent = uc.ReturnType.TypeDefinition.UnAnnotate().DisplayName sprintf "From type:\t%s%sAssembly:\t%s" parent Environment.NewLine uc.Assembly.SimpleName | _ -> "" let getTooltipFromSymbolUse (symbol:FSharpSymbolUse) = match symbol with | Entity fse -> try let signature = getEntitySignature symbol.DisplayContext fse Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol fse, footerForType symbol) with exn -> MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogWarning (sprintf "getTooltipFromSymbolUse: Error occured processing %A" fse) None | Constructor func -> match func.EnclosingEntitySafe with | Some ent when ent.IsValueType || ent.IsEnum -> //ValueTypes let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext func Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol func, footerForType symbol) | _ -> //ReferenceType constructor let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext func Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol func, footerForType symbol) | Operator func -> let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext func Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol func, footerForType symbol) | Pattern func -> //Active pattern or operator let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext func Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol func, footerForType symbol) | ClosureOrNestedFunction func -> //represents a closure or nested function let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext func let summary = getSummaryFromSymbol func Some(signature, summary, footerForType symbol) | Function func -> let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext func Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol func, footerForType symbol) | Val func -> //val name : Type let signature = getValSignature symbol.DisplayContext func Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol func, footerForType symbol) | Property prop -> let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext prop Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol prop, footerForType symbol) | Field fsf -> let signature = getFieldSignature symbol.DisplayContext fsf Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol fsf, footerForType symbol) | UnionCase uc -> let signature = getUnioncaseSignature symbol.DisplayContext uc Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol uc, footerForType symbol) | ActivePatternCase apc -> let signature = getAPCaseSignature symbol.DisplayContext apc Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol apc, footerForType symbol) | ActivePattern ap -> let signature = getFuncSignature symbol.DisplayContext ap Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol ap, footerForType symbol) | GenericParameter gp -> let signature = formatGenericParameter symbol.DisplayContext gp Some(signature, getSummaryFromSymbol gp, footerForType symbol) | other -> LoggingService.logWarning "F# Tooltip not rendered for: %A" other.Symbol None let getTooltipFromParameter (p:FSharpParameter) context = let typ = p.Type.Format context let signature = match p.Name with | Some name -> name ++ ":" ++ typ | None -> typ signature, getSummaryFromSymbol p let getTooltipInformationFromTip tip = async { try let signature, xmldoc, footer = tip let signature = syntaxHighlight signature let toolTipInfo = new TooltipInformation(SignatureMarkup = signature, FooterMarkup=footer) let result = match xmldoc with | Full(summary) -> toolTipInfo.SummaryMarkup <- summary toolTipInfo | Lookup(key, potentialFilename) -> let summary = maybe { let! filename = potentialFilename let! markup = TooltipXmlDoc.findDocForEntity(filename, key) let summary = TooltipsXml.getTooltipSummary Styles.simpleMarkup markup return summary } summary |> Option.iter (fun summary -> toolTipInfo.SummaryMarkup <- summary) toolTipInfo | EmptyDoc -> toolTipInfo return result with ex -> LoggingService.LogError ("F# Tooltip error", ex) return TooltipInformation() } let getTooltipInformation symbol = async { let tip = getTooltipFromSymbolUse symbol match tip with | Some tip' -> return! getTooltipInformationFromTip tip' | _ -> return TooltipInformation() } let getTooltipInformationFromSignature summary signature parameterName = let summary, parameterInfo = match summary with | Full(summary) -> let parameterMarkup = match TooltipsXml.getParameterTip Styles.simpleMarkup summary parameterName with | Some p -> parameterName ++ ":" ++ p | None -> "" summary, parameterMarkup | Lookup(key, filename) -> let summaryAndparameterInfo = maybe { let! filename = filename let! markup = TooltipXmlDoc.findDocForEntity(filename, key) let parameterMarkup = match TooltipsXml.getParameterTip Styles.simpleMarkup markup parameterName with | Some p -> parameterName ++ ":" ++ p | None -> "" let summary = TooltipsXml.getTooltipSummary Styles.simpleMarkup markup return (summary, parameterMarkup) } summaryAndparameterInfo |> Option.getOrElse (fun () -> "", "") | EmptyDoc -> "", "" let toolTipInfo = TooltipInformation(SignatureMarkup = signature, SummaryMarkup=summary) if not (String.isNullOrEmpty parameterInfo) then toolTipInfo.AddCategory("Parameter", parameterInfo) toolTipInfo let getParameterTooltipInformation symbol parameterIndex = match symbol with | MemberFunctionOrValue m -> let parameterName = match m.CurriedParameterGroups |> Seq.toList with | [single] when parameterIndex < single.Count -> let param = single.[parameterIndex] match param.Name with | Some n -> n | _ -> param.DisplayName | _ -> "" let signature = syntaxHighlight (getFuncSignatureWithFormat symbol.DisplayContext m {Indent=3;Highlight=Some(parameterName)}) let signature = signature.Replace("_STARTUNDERLINE_", "").Replace("_ENDUNDERLINE_", "") let summary = getSummaryFromSymbol m getTooltipInformationFromSignature summary signature parameterName | _ -> TooltipInformation()