using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using SPath = System.IO.Path; using Gtk; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Core.Assemblies; using MonoDevelop.Ide; using MonoDevelop.Projects; namespace MonoDevelop.Autotools { public partial class MakefileOptionPanelWidget : Gtk.Bin { MakefileData data; ComboBox [] combos = null; bool isDotNetProject; bool loading = true; Window parentDialog; public MakefileOptionPanelWidget (Window parentDialog, Project project, MakefileData tmpData) : this () { = tmpData; this.parentDialog = parentDialog; isDotNetProject = (project is DotNetProject); if (!isDotNetProject) { // Disable all References combos etc for non-dotnet projects cbKeepRefSync.Sensitive = false; HandleKeepRefSyncClicked (cbKeepRefSync); } if (data == null) { //Use defaults data = new MakefileData (); data.OwnerProject = project; this.cbEnableMakefileIntegration.Active = false; FindExistingMakefile (project); this.fileEntryMakefilePath.DefaultPath = project.BaseDirectory; FillCompilerMessageCombo (); HandleEnableMakefileIntegrationClicked (false); //FIXME: Look for in parent dirs } else { this.fileEntryMakefilePath.Path = data.AbsoluteMakefileName; this.fileEntryMakefilePath.DefaultPath = data.AbsoluteMakefileName; this.cbEnableMakefileIntegration.Active = data.IntegrationEnabled; FillCompilerMessageCombo (); SetActiveVar (comboMessageType, data.MessageRegexName); HandleEnableMakefileIntegrationClicked (cbEnableMakefileIntegration.Active); } //FIXME: ResetAll : use for new data, use for new makefile //Load values this.fileEntryMakefilePath.BrowserTitle = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Makefile"); this.cbKeepFilesSync.Active = data.BuildFilesVar.Sync; this.entryFilesPattern.Text = data.BuildFilesVar.Prefix; this.cbKeepDeployFilesSync.Active = data.DeployFilesVar.Sync; this.entryDeployFilesPattern.Text = data.DeployFilesVar.Prefix; this.cbKeepResourcesSync.Active = data.ResourcesVar.Sync; this.entryResourcesPattern.Text = data.ResourcesVar.Prefix; this.cbKeepOthersSync.Active = data.OthersVar.Sync; this.entryOthersPattern.Text = data.OthersVar.Prefix; if (data.BuildFilesVar.Sync || data.DeployFilesVar.Sync || data.ResourcesVar.Sync || data.OthersVar.Sync) { // Enable File sync if any of the filevars are set to sync this.cbFileSync.Active = true; HandleFileSyncClicked (cbFileSync); } //References this.cbKeepRefSync.Active = data.SyncReferences; this.entryPackageRefPattern.Text = data.PackageRefVar.Prefix; this.entryAsmRefPattern.Text = data.AsmRefVar.Prefix; this.entryProjectRefPattern.Text = data.ProjectRefVar.Prefix; this.cbAutotoolsProject.Active = data.IsAutotoolsProject; HandleCbAutotoolsProjectClicked (cbAutotoolsProject); this.fileEntryConfigureInPath.Path = data.AbsoluteConfigureInPath; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (data.AbsoluteConfigureInPath)) this.fileEntryConfigureInPath.DefaultPath = project.ParentSolution.BaseDirectory; else this.fileEntryConfigureInPath.DefaultPath = data.AbsoluteConfigureInPath; this.BuildTargetName.Text = data.BuildTargetName; this.ExecuteTargetName.Text = data.ExecuteTargetName; this.CleanTargetName.Text = data.CleanTargetName; spinProcesses.Value = data.ParallelProcesses; cbBuildTarget.Active = BuildTargetName.Sensitive = data.BuildTargetName != string.Empty; cbRunTarget.Active = ExecuteTargetName.Sensitive = data.ExecuteTargetName != string.Empty; cbCleanTarget.Active = CleanTargetName.Sensitive = data.CleanTargetName != string.Empty; HandleComboMessageTypeChanged (comboMessageType); this.fileEntryMakefilePath.FocusChildSet += new FocusChildSetHandler (OnMakefilePathFocusChildSet); ((Gtk.Container) comboAssemblyName.Parent).Remove (comboAssemblyName); ((Gtk.Container) lblAssemblyNameVar.Parent).Remove (lblAssemblyNameVar); ((Gtk.Container) comboOutputDir.Parent).Remove (comboOutputDir); ((Gtk.Container) lblOutputDirVar.Parent).Remove (lblOutputDirVar); loading = false; } void FindExistingMakefile (Project project) { if (File.Exists (SPath.Combine (project.BaseDirectory, ""))) this.fileEntryMakefilePath.Path = SPath.Combine (project.BaseDirectory, ""); else if (File.Exists (SPath.Combine (project.BaseDirectory, "Makefile"))) this.fileEntryMakefilePath.Path = SPath.Combine (project.BaseDirectory, "Makefile"); } public void SetImportMode () { lblMakefileName.Hide (); fileEntryMakefilePath.Hide (); cbEnableMakefileIntegration.Hide (); headerSep1.Hide (); headerSep2.Hide (); } public MakefileOptionPanelWidget() { this.Build(); combos = new ComboBox [7] { comboFilesVar, comboDeployFilesVar, comboResourcesVar, comboOthersVar, comboPackageRefVar, comboAsmRefVar, comboProjectRefVar}; //comboAssemblyName, comboOutputDir}; } public bool ValidateChanges (Project project) { data.IntegrationEnabled = this.cbEnableMakefileIntegration.Active; data.RelativeMakefileName = this.fileEntryMakefilePath.Path; data.BuildFilesVar.Sync = this.cbKeepFilesSync.Active; data.BuildFilesVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboFilesVar); data.BuildFilesVar.Prefix = this.entryFilesPattern.Text.Trim (); data.DeployFilesVar.Sync = this.cbKeepDeployFilesSync.Active; data.DeployFilesVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboDeployFilesVar); data.DeployFilesVar.Prefix = this.entryDeployFilesPattern.Text.Trim (); data.ResourcesVar.Sync = this.cbKeepResourcesSync.Active; data.ResourcesVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboResourcesVar); data.ResourcesVar.Prefix = this.entryResourcesPattern.Text.Trim (); data.OthersVar.Sync = this.cbKeepOthersSync.Active; data.OthersVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboOthersVar); data.OthersVar.Prefix = this.entryOthersPattern.Text.Trim (); if (!this.cbFileSync.Active) { // Files sync is unchecked, disable syncing of all files data.BuildFilesVar.Sync = false; data.DeployFilesVar.Sync = false; data.ResourcesVar.Sync = false; data.OthersVar.Sync = false; } // References data.SyncReferences = this.cbKeepRefSync.Active; data.PackageRefVar.Sync = this.cbKeepRefSync.Active; data.PackageRefVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboPackageRefVar); data.PackageRefVar.Prefix = this.entryPackageRefPattern.Text.Trim (); data.AsmRefVar.Sync = this.cbKeepRefSync.Active; data.AsmRefVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboAsmRefVar); data.AsmRefVar.Prefix = this.entryAsmRefPattern.Text.Trim (); data.ProjectRefVar.Sync = this.cbKeepRefSync.Active; data.ProjectRefVar.Name = GetActiveVar (comboProjectRefVar); data.ProjectRefVar.Prefix = this.entryProjectRefPattern.Text.Trim (); data.IsAutotoolsProject = this.cbAutotoolsProject.Active; if (this.cbAutotoolsProject.Active) data.RelativeConfigureInPath = this.fileEntryConfigureInPath.Path; //data.AssemblyNameVar = GetActiveVar (comboAssemblyName); //data.OutputDirVar = GetActiveVar (comboOutputDir); data.BuildTargetName = this.BuildTargetName.Text.Trim (); data.ExecuteTargetName = this.ExecuteTargetName.Text.Trim (); data.CleanTargetName = this.CleanTargetName.Text.Trim (); data.ParallelProcesses = this.spinProcesses.ValueAsInt; data.MessageRegexName = GetActiveVar (comboMessageType); if (data.MessageRegexName == "Custom") { data.CustomErrorRegex = this.entryErrorRegex.Text; data.CustomWarningRegex = this.entryWarningRegex.Text; } // Data validation MakefileData oldData = project.ExtendedProperties ["MonoDevelop.Autotools.MakefileInfo"] as MakefileData; MakefileData tmpData = data; if (tmpData.IntegrationEnabled) { //Validate try { tmpData.Makefile.GetVariables (); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { ShowMakefileNotFoundError (e); return false; } catch (Exception e) { MessageService.ShowException (parentDialog, e, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Specified makefile is invalid: {0}", tmpData.AbsoluteMakefileName)); return false; } if (tmpData.IsAutotoolsProject && !File.Exists (System.IO.Path.Combine (tmpData.AbsoluteConfigureInPath, "")) && !File.Exists (System.IO.Path.Combine (tmpData.AbsoluteConfigureInPath, ""))) { MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Path specified for is invalid: {0}", tmpData.RelativeConfigureInPath)); return false; } if (tmpData.SyncReferences && (String.IsNullOrEmpty (tmpData.PackageRefVar.Name) || String.IsNullOrEmpty (tmpData.AsmRefVar.Name) || String.IsNullOrEmpty (tmpData.ProjectRefVar.Name))) { MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog, GettextCatalog.GetString ("'Sync References' is enabled, but one of Reference variables is not set. Please correct this.")); return false; } if (!CheckNonEmptyFileVar (tmpData.BuildFilesVar, "Build")) return false; if (!CheckNonEmptyFileVar (tmpData.DeployFilesVar, "Deploy")) return false; if (!CheckNonEmptyFileVar (tmpData.ResourcesVar, "Resources")) return false; if (!CheckNonEmptyFileVar (tmpData.OthersVar, "Others")) return false; //FIXME: All file vars must be distinct try { tmpData.GetErrorRegex (true); } catch (Exception e) { MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Invalid regex for Error messages: {0}", e.Message)); return false; } try { tmpData.GetWarningRegex (true); } catch (Exception e) { MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog, GettextCatalog.GetString ( "Invalid regex for Warning messages: {0}", e.Message)); return false; } //FIXME: Do this only if there are changes b/w tmpData and Data project.ExtendedProperties ["MonoDevelop.Autotools.MakefileInfo"] = tmpData; using (ProgressMonitor monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetStatusProgressMonitor ( GettextCatalog.GetString ("Updating project"), "gtk-run", true)) { tmpData.UpdateProject (monitor, oldData == null || (!oldData.IntegrationEnabled && tmpData.IntegrationEnabled)); } } else { if (oldData != null) oldData.IntegrationEnabled = false; } return true; } public void Store (Project project) { // FIXME: Storing currently done in ValidateChanges. It should be done here. } bool CheckNonEmptyFileVar (MakefileVar var, string id) { if (var.Sync && String.IsNullOrEmpty (var.Name.Trim ())) { MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog,GettextCatalog.GetString ( "File variable ({0}) is set for sync'ing, but no valid variable is selected. Either disable the sync'ing or select a variable name.", id)); return false; } return true; } string GetActiveVar (ComboBox combo) { Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (!combo.GetActiveIter (out iter)) return string.Empty; string var = (string) combo.Model.GetValue (iter, 0); if (String.Compare (var, "(None)") == 0) return String.Empty; else return var.Trim (); } void SetActiveVar (ComboBox combo, string val) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (val)) { combo.Active = 0; return; } int i = 0; foreach (object [] o in (ListStore)combo.Model) { string item = o [0] as string; if (item == null) continue; if (String.Compare (val, item) == 0) { combo.Active = i; return; } i ++; } //If not found! combo.Active = 0; } void LoadVariables () { SetActiveVar (comboFilesVar, data.BuildFilesVar.Name); SetActiveVar (comboDeployFilesVar, data.DeployFilesVar.Name); SetActiveVar (comboResourcesVar, data.ResourcesVar.Name); SetActiveVar (comboOthersVar, data.OthersVar.Name); SetActiveVar (comboPackageRefVar, data.PackageRefVar.Name); SetActiveVar (comboAsmRefVar, data.AsmRefVar.Name); SetActiveVar (comboProjectRefVar, data.ProjectRefVar.Name); //SetActiveVar (comboAssemblyName, data.AssemblyNameVar); //SetActiveVar (comboOutputDir, data.OutputDirVar); } void FillCompilerMessageCombo () { foreach (string s in MakefileData.CompilerMessageRegex.Keys) comboMessageType.AppendText (s); comboMessageType.AppendText ("Custom"); comboMessageType.Active = 0; } protected virtual void OnEnableMakefileIntegrationClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleEnableMakefileIntegrationClicked (((CheckButton) sender).Active); } void HandleEnableMakefileIntegrationClicked (bool active) { table1.Sensitive = active; if (active) { bool tryAgain = false; do { bool first_load = String.IsNullOrEmpty (data.RelativeMakefileName); if (TryLoadMakefile (false)) { if (first_load) GuessVariables (); else LoadVariables (); tryAgain = false; } else { bool generate = false; if (!tryAgain && !loading) { generate = MessageService.Confirm ( GettextCatalog.GetString ("No makefile was found in the project directory. Do you want to generate it now?"), GettextCatalog.GetString ("Notice that generation of makefiles is not supported for single projects. A set of makefiles will have to be generated for the whole solution."), new AlertButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Generate Makefile..."))); } if (generate) { AutotoolsCommandHandler.GenerateMakefiles (data.OwnerProject, data.OwnerProject.ParentSolution); FindExistingMakefile (data.OwnerProject); } else fileEntryMakefilePath.Path = fileEntryMakefilePath.DefaultPath; tryAgain = generate; } } while (tryAgain); } else { SetActive (active); } } // return true if all went fine bool TryLoadMakefile (bool showError) { try { data.RelativeMakefileName = fileEntryMakefilePath.Path; ICollection vars = TryGetVariables (showError); bool active = vars != null; if (active) FillCombos (vars); SetActive (active); return active; } catch { return false; } } string FindConfigureScript (string startpath) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (startpath)) return null; string path = startpath; while (true) { string fname = SPath.Combine (path, ""); if (File.Exists (fname)) return fname; fname = SPath.Combine (path, ""); if (File.Exists (fname)) return fname; string parentpath = SPath.GetFullPath (SPath.Combine (path, "..")); if (parentpath == path) //reached root return null; path = parentpath; } } // Try to guess suitable variables for build files, references and resources void GuessVariables () { ICollection vars = TryGetVariables (false); if (vars == null) return; string files_var = GetActiveVar (comboFilesVar); string res_var = GetActiveVar (comboResourcesVar); string ref_var = GetActiveVar (comboPackageRefVar); string prefix; foreach (string var in vars) { if (ref_var.Length > 0 && res_var.Length > 0 && files_var.Length > 0) break; if (files_var.Length == 0 && CheckSourceCode (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var))) { files_var = var; SetFilesVariable (files_var); continue; } if (res_var.Length == 0 && CheckRes (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var), out prefix)) { res_var = var; SetResourcesVariable (res_var, prefix); continue; } // We only try to find one variable for references if (ref_var.Length == 0 && CheckRefs (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var), out prefix)) { ref_var = var; SetReferencesVariable (ref_var, prefix); continue; } } // Try to guess using some common variable names if (files_var.Length == 0) { string [] files_var_names = {"FILES"}; foreach (string var in files_var_names) { if (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var) != null) { SetFilesVariable (var); break; } } } //as these vars would've been already selected if a valid prefix was there if (res_var.Length == 0) { string [] res_var_names = {"RESOURCES", "RES"}; foreach (string var in res_var_names) { if (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var) != null) { SetResourcesVariable (var, GuessResPrefix (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var))); break; } } } if (ref_var.Length == 0) { string [] ref_var_names = {"REFERENCES", "REFS"}; foreach (string var in ref_var_names) { if (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var) != null) { SetReferencesVariable (var, GuessRefPrefix (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (var))); break; } } } // Try to find configure.(in|ac) string string path = FindConfigureScript (SPath.GetDirectoryName (data.AbsoluteMakefileName)); if (path != null) { fileEntryConfigureInPath.Path = fileEntryConfigureInPath.DefaultPath = SPath.GetDirectoryName (path); cbAutotoolsProject.Active = true; HandleCbAutotoolsProjectClicked (cbAutotoolsProject); } } void ResetAll () { cbFileSync.Active = false; cbKeepFilesSync.Active = false; entryFilesPattern.Text = String.Empty; cbKeepDeployFilesSync.Active = false; entryDeployFilesPattern.Text = String.Empty; cbKeepResourcesSync.Active = false; entryResourcesPattern.Text = String.Empty; cbKeepOthersSync.Active = false; entryOthersPattern.Text = String.Empty; cbKeepRefSync.Active = false; entryPackageRefPattern.Text = String.Empty; entryAsmRefPattern.Text = String.Empty; entryProjectRefPattern.Text = String.Empty; fileEntryConfigureInPath.Path = String.Empty; cbAutotoolsProject.Active = false; SetActive (false); } void SetFilesVariable (string files_var) { cbFileSync.Sensitive = true; cbFileSync.Active = true; HandleFileSyncClicked (cbFileSync); cbKeepFilesSync.Sensitive = true; cbKeepFilesSync.Active = true; HandleKeepFilesSyncClicked (cbKeepFilesSync); SetActiveVar (comboFilesVar, files_var); } void SetResourcesVariable (string res_var, string prefix) { cbFileSync.Sensitive = true; cbFileSync.Active = true; HandleFileSyncClicked (cbFileSync); cbKeepResourcesSync.Sensitive = true; cbKeepResourcesSync.Active = true; SetActiveVar (comboResourcesVar, res_var); entryResourcesPattern.Text = prefix; } void SetReferencesVariable (string ref_var, string prefix) { cbKeepRefSync.Sensitive = true; cbKeepRefSync.Active = true; HandleKeepRefSyncClicked (cbKeepRefSync); SetActiveVar (comboPackageRefVar, ref_var); SetActiveVar (comboAsmRefVar, ref_var); SetActiveVar (comboProjectRefVar, ref_var); entryPackageRefPattern.Text = prefix; entryAsmRefPattern.Text = prefix; entryProjectRefPattern.Text = prefix; } void SetActive (bool active) { this.cbBuildTarget.Sensitive = active; OnCbBuildTargetClicked (null, null); this.cbRunTarget.Sensitive = active; OnCbRunTargetClicked (null, null); this.cbCleanTarget.Sensitive = active; OnCbCleanTargetClicked (null, null); /*this.lblAssemblyNameVar.Sensitive = active; this.comboAssemblyName.Sensitive = active; this.lblOutputDirVar.Sensitive = active; this.comboOutputDir.Sensitive = active;*/ this.cbFileSync.Sensitive = active; HandleFileSyncClicked (cbFileSync); this.cbKeepFilesSync.Sensitive = active; HandleKeepFilesSyncClicked (cbKeepFilesSync); this.cbKeepDeployFilesSync.Sensitive = active; HandleKeepDeployFilesSyncClicked (cbKeepDeployFilesSync); this.cbKeepResourcesSync.Sensitive = active; HandleKeepResourcesSyncClicked (cbKeepResourcesSync); this.cbKeepOthersSync.Sensitive = active; HandleKeepOthersSyncClicked (cbKeepOthersSync); if (isDotNetProject) { this.cbKeepRefSync.Sensitive = active; HandleKeepRefSyncClicked (cbKeepRefSync); } this.cbAutotoolsProject.Sensitive = active; HandleCbAutotoolsProjectClicked (cbAutotoolsProject); this.comboMessageType.Sensitive = active; label7.Sensitive = active; lblErrorRegex.Sensitive = active; lblMessageType.Sensitive = active; lblWarningRegex.Sensitive = active; HandleComboMessageTypeChanged (comboMessageType); } protected virtual void OnCbFileSyncClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleFileSyncClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleFileSyncClicked (CheckButton cb) { if (cb.Sensitive) table3.Sensitive = cb.Active; else table3.Sensitive = false; } protected virtual void OnCbKeepRefSyncClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleKeepRefSyncClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleKeepRefSyncClicked (CheckButton cb) { bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = cb.Active; else state = false; this.label6.Sensitive = state; this.lblCol5.Sensitive = state; this.lblCol6.Sensitive = state; this.lblPackageRef.Sensitive = state; this.comboPackageRefVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryPackageRefPattern.Sensitive = state; this.lblAsmRef.Sensitive = state; this.comboAsmRefVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryAsmRefPattern.Sensitive = state; this.lblProjectRef.Sensitive = state; this.comboProjectRefVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryProjectRefPattern.Sensitive = state; } protected virtual void OnCbAutotoolsProjectClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleCbAutotoolsProjectClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleCbAutotoolsProjectClicked (CheckButton cb) { bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = cb.Active; else state = false; this.lblConfigureInPath.Sensitive = state; this.fileEntryConfigureInPath.Sensitive = state; } void OnMakefilePathFocusChildSet (object sender, FocusChildSetArgs e) { if (data.AbsoluteMakefileName != fileEntryMakefilePath.Path) { ResetAll (); if (TryLoadMakefile (true)) GuessVariables (); } } void FillCombos (ICollection vars) { if (vars == null) return; try { //Clearing for (int i = 0; i < combos.Length; i ++) ((ListStore) combos [i].Model).Clear (); List list = new List (vars); list.Sort (); comboFilesVar.AppendText ("(None)"); foreach (string item in list) combos [0].AppendText (item); combos [0].Active = 0; for (int i = 1; i < combos.Length; i ++) { combos [i].Model = combos [0].Model; combos [i].Active = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); } } ICollection TryGetVariables (bool showError) { ICollection vars = null; try { vars = data.Makefile.GetVariables (); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (showError) ShowMakefileNotFoundError (e); } catch (Exception e) { if (showError) MessageService.ShowException (parentDialog,e, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Error while trying to read the specified Makefile")); return null; } if (vars != null && vars.Count == 0) { if (showError) MessageService.ShowError (parentDialog, GettextCatalog.GetString ("No variables found in the selected Makefile")); return null; } return vars; } protected virtual void OnFileEntryMakefilePathFocusOutEvent (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { } protected virtual void OnCbKeepFilesSyncClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleKeepFilesSyncClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleKeepFilesSyncClicked (CheckButton cb) { bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = cb.Active; else state = false; this.comboFilesVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryFilesPattern.Sensitive = state; } protected virtual void OnCbKeepDeployFilesSyncClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleKeepDeployFilesSyncClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleKeepDeployFilesSyncClicked (CheckButton cb) { bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = cb.Active; else state = false; this.comboDeployFilesVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryDeployFilesPattern.Sensitive = state; } protected virtual void OnCbKeepResourcesSyncClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleKeepResourcesSyncClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleKeepResourcesSyncClicked (CheckButton cb) { bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = cb.Active; else state = false; this.comboResourcesVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryResourcesPattern.Sensitive = state; } protected virtual void OnCbKeepOthersSyncClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleKeepOthersSyncClicked ((CheckButton) sender); } void HandleKeepOthersSyncClicked (CheckButton cb) { bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = cb.Active; else state = false; this.comboOthersVar.Sensitive = state; this.entryOthersPattern.Sensitive = state; } protected virtual void OnComboMessageTypeChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleComboMessageTypeChanged (comboMessageType); } void HandleComboMessageTypeChanged (ComboBox cb) { string active = GetActiveVar (cb); bool isCustom = (active == "Custom"); bool state; if (cb.Sensitive) state = isCustom; else state = false; if (!isCustom) { this.entryErrorRegex.Text = MakefileData.CompilerMessageRegex [active][0]; this.entryWarningRegex.Text = MakefileData.CompilerMessageRegex [active][1]; } else if (data.MessageRegexName == "Custom") { // Custom selected and data.MessageRegexName == "Custom" this.entryErrorRegex.Text = data.CustomErrorRegex; this.entryWarningRegex.Text = data.CustomWarningRegex; } this.entryErrorRegex.Sensitive = state; this.entryWarningRegex.Sensitive = state; } protected virtual void OnCbBuildTargetClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (cbBuildTarget.Sensitive && cbBuildTarget.Active) { BuildTargetName.Sensitive = true; BuildTargetName.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.BuildTargetName)? "all": data.BuildTargetName; } else { BuildTargetName.Sensitive = false; BuildTargetName.Text = ""; } } protected virtual void OnCbRunTargetClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (cbRunTarget.Sensitive && cbRunTarget.Active) { ExecuteTargetName.Sensitive = true; ExecuteTargetName.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.ExecuteTargetName)? "run": data.ExecuteTargetName; } else { ExecuteTargetName.Sensitive = false; ExecuteTargetName.Text = ""; } } protected virtual void OnCbCleanTargetClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (cbCleanTarget.Sensitive && cbCleanTarget.Active) { CleanTargetName.Sensitive = true; CleanTargetName.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.CleanTargetName)? "clean": data.CleanTargetName; } else { CleanTargetName.Sensitive = false; CleanTargetName.Text = ""; } } protected virtual void OnComboPackageRefVarChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleComboPackageRefVarChanged ((ComboBox) sender); } void HandleComboPackageRefVarChanged (ComboBox cb) { string active = GetActiveVar (cb); entryPackageRefPattern.Text = GuessRefPrefix (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (active)); } protected virtual void OnComboAsmRefVarChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleComboAsmRefVarChanged ((ComboBox) sender); } void HandleComboAsmRefVarChanged (ComboBox cb) { string active = GetActiveVar (cb); entryAsmRefPattern.Text = GuessRefPrefix (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (active)); } protected virtual void OnComboProjectRefVarChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleComboProjectRefVarChanged ((ComboBox) sender); } void HandleComboProjectRefVarChanged (ComboBox cb) { string active = GetActiveVar (cb); entryProjectRefPattern.Text = GuessRefPrefix (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (active)); } protected virtual void OnComboResourcesVarChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HandleComboResourcesVarChanged ((ComboBox) sender); } void HandleComboResourcesVarChanged (ComboBox cb) { string active = GetActiveVar (cb); entryResourcesPattern.Text = GuessResPrefix (data.Makefile.GetListVariable (active)); } void ShowMakefileNotFoundError (Exception e) { MessageService.ShowException (parentDialog, e, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Unable to find the specified Makefile. You need to specify the path to an existing Makefile for use with the 'Makefile Integration' feature.")); } // Returns true if either // - has a valid prefix // - Or all entries are // assembly names from packages (eg. System, gtk-sharp) or // variables like $(FOO) or // *.dll bool CheckRefs (List list, out string prefix) { prefix = GuessRefPrefix (list); if (prefix.Length > 0) return true; DotNetProject dnp = data.OwnerProject as DotNetProject; if (dnp == null) return false; // 'core' here simply means any assemblies in the gac foreach (string file in list) { try { string fullName = dnp.AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyFullName (file, dnp.TargetFramework); if (fullName != null) { SystemAssembly asm = dnp.AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyFromFullName (fullName, null, dnp.TargetFramework); if (asm != null && asm.Package.IsGacPackage) return true; } } catch { // Ignore } if (IsPkgRef (file)) return true; // invalid if any entry isn't one of core/variable/dll/pkgrefs if (!IsVariable (file) && !IsDll (file)) return false; } return false; } bool CheckRes (List list, out string prefix) { prefix = GuessResPrefix (list); if (prefix.Length > 0) return true; // no consistent prefix found // FIXME: any other checks? check for *.resx/*.resources? return false; } // Returns the prefix if all files, // other than variables like $(FOO) and // pkg references like -pkg:foo, // have the same prefix. // Valid prefixes : -r: /r: -reference: /reference: string GuessRefPrefix (List list) { if (list == null || list.Count == 0) return String.Empty; string prefix = String.Empty; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i ++) { string file = list [i]; if (IsVariable (file) || IsPkgRef (file)) continue; //check for prefix if (file.Length > 3 && (file [0] == '-' || file [0] == '/') && file [1] == 'r') { if (file [2] == ':' || (file.Length > 12 && file.Substring (2, 9) == "eference:")) { prefix = file.Substring (0, file.IndexOf (':') + 1); } } break; } if (prefix.Length > 0) { // Ensure that all remaining entries are valid for (; i < list.Count; i ++) { string s = list [i]; if (! ((s.StartsWith (prefix) && s.Length > prefix.Length) || IsVariable (s) || IsPkgRef (s))) return String.Empty; } } return prefix; } // Returns the prefix if all files, // other than variables like $(FOO), // have the same prefix. // Valid prefixes : -res: /res: -resource: /resource: string GuessResPrefix (List list) { if (list == null || list.Count == 0) return String.Empty; string prefix = String.Empty; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i ++) { string file = list [i]; if (IsVariable (file)) continue; if (file.Length > 5 && (file [0] == '-' || file [0] == '/') && file [1] == 'r' && file [2] == 'e' && file [3] == 's') { //check for prefix if (file [4] == ':' || (file.Length > 11 && file.Substring (2, 8) == "esource:")) prefix = file.Substring (0, file.IndexOf (':') + 1); } break; } if (prefix.Length > 0) { // Ensure that all remaining entries are valid for (; i < list.Count; i ++) { string file = list [i]; if (! ((file.StartsWith (prefix) && file.Length > prefix.Length) || IsVariable (file))) return String.Empty; } } return prefix; } // Return true if entries are either source code files // or variables. Atleast one source file must be present. bool CheckSourceCode (List list) { if (!isDotNetProject || list == null || list.Count == 0) return false; bool has_source = false; DotNetProject dnp = (DotNetProject) data.OwnerProject; foreach (string s in list) { if (dnp.LanguageBinding.IsSourceCodeFile (s)) has_source = true; else if (!IsVariable (s)) return false; } return has_source; } bool IsVariable (string file) { return (file.Length > 3 && file [0] == '$' && file [1] == '(' && file.IndexOf (')') == file.Length - 1); } bool IsDll (string file) { return SPath.GetExtension (file).ToUpper () == ".DLL"; } bool IsPkgRef (string file) { return (file.Length > 5 && file [0] == '-' && file [1] == 'p' && file [2] == 'k' && file [3] == 'g' && file [4] == ':'); } } }