color content duration height index kind length name size state type width actual average calculated default display empty end expected final first full initial last long maximum minimum new old optimum partial processed random short specified start total a all an another any anything as at down for from her his if it its me my our some something the their to up you your ADO ANSI API ARGB ASCII ASP BLOB BOID CAB CDO CLSID COM DAO DCOM DES DOM DSA DTE EBCDIC ECMA EMF EOF ETP EULA FAQ GDI GIF GUI GUID IDE IDL IIS IME ISAPI JIT JPEG LDAP MDI MIME MPEG MRU MSDE MSIL MTA MUI ODBC OLE POP3 RAD RESX RSA SAX SDI SOAP UDP UI URI URL UTC UTF16 UTF8 UUID VSA VSIP WMI
Constant ${AllWords}.
Initializes the ${DeclaringType} ${DeclaringTypeKind}.
Initializes a new instance of the ${DeclaringType} ${DeclaringTypeKind}.
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the ${DeclaringType} is reclaimed by garbage collection.
Occurs when ${AllWords}.
${AccessText} the ${DeclaringType} at the specified index.
${AccessText} the ${DeclaringType} with the specified ${ParameterSentence}.
Raises the ${AllWordsExceptFirst} event.
Determines if ${AllWords} ${ParameterSentence}.
${True} if ${AllWords} ${ParameterSentence}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether this instance ${AllWords} ${ParameterSentence}.
${True} if this instance ${AllWords} ${ParameterSentence}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines if ${AllWords}.
${True} if ${AllWords}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether this instance ${AllWords}.
${True} if this instance ${AllWords}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines if ${AllWords} the specified ${ParameterSentence}.
${True} if ${AllWords} the specified ${ParameterSentence}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether this instance ${AllWords} the specified ${ParameterSentence}.
${True} if this instance ${AllWords} the specified ${ParameterSentence}; otherwise, ${False}.
Releases all resource used by the ${DeclaringType} object.
Call ${Member} when you are finished using the ${DeclaringType}. The ${Member} method leaves the ${DeclaringType} in an unusable state. After calling ${Member}, you must release all references to the ${DeclaringType} so the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the ${DeclaringType} was occupying.
Determines whether the specified ${Parameter0.Type} is equal to the current ${DeclaringType}.
The ${Parameter0.Type} to compare with the current ${DeclaringType}.
${True} if the specified ${Parameter0.Type} is equal to the current ${DeclaringType}; otherwise, ${False}.
Serves as a hash function for a ${DeclaringType} object.
A hash code for this instance that is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as a hash table.
Returns a ${ReturnType} that represents the current ${DeclaringType}.
A ${ReturnType} that represents the current ${DeclaringType}.
The entry point of the program, where the program control starts and ends.
The command-line arguments.
The exit code that is given to the operating system after the program ends.
${FirstAsVerb} this instance.
${FirstAsVerb} the specified ${ParameterList}.
The ${AllWords}.
${Sentence} ${ParameterList}.
The ${ReturnType}.
${True}, if ${AllWordsExceptFirst} was ${FirstAsVerbPastParticiple}, ${False} otherwise.
The ${AllWordsExceptFirst}.
Adds a ${Parameter0.Type} to a ${Parameter1.Type}, yielding a new ${ReturnType}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to add.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to add.
The ${ReturnType} that is the sum of the values of ${Parameter0.Name} and ${Parameter1.Name}.
Subtracts a ${Parameter0.Type} from a ${Parameter1.Type}, yielding a new ${ReturnType}.
The ${Parameter0.Type} to subtract from (the minuend).
The ${Parameter1.Type} to subtract (the subtrahend).
The ${ReturnType} that is the ${Parameter0.Name} minus ${Parameter1.Name}.
Computes the product of ${Parameter0.Name} and ${}, yielding a new ${ReturnType}.
The ${Parameter0.Type} to multiply.
The ${Parameter1.Type} to multiply.
The ${ReturnType} that is the ${Parameter0.Name} * ${Parameter1.Name}.
Computes the division of ${Parameter0.Name} and ${}, yielding a new ${ReturnType}.
The ${Parameter0.Type} to divide (the divident).
The ${Parameter1.Type} to divide (the divisor).
The ${ReturnType} that is the ${Parameter0.Name} / ${Parameter1.Name}.
Determines whether a specified instance of ${Parameter0.Type} is equal to another specified ${Parameter1.Type}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to compare.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to compare.
${True} if ${Parameter0.Name} and ${Parameter1.Name} are equal; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether a specified instance of ${Parameter0.Type} is not equal to another specified ${Parameter1.Type}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to compare.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to compare.
${True} if ${Parameter0.Name} and ${Parameter1.Name} are not equal; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether one specified ${Parameter0.Type} is greater than another specfied ${Parameter1.Type}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to compare.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to compare.
${True} if ${Parameter0.Name} is greater than ${Parameter1.Name}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether one specified ${Parameter0.Type} is greater than or equal to another specfied ${Parameter1.Type}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to compare.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to compare.
${True} if ${Parameter0.Name} is greater than or equal to ${Parameter1.Name}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether one specified ${Parameter0.Type} is lower than another specfied ${Parameter1.Type}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to compare.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to compare.
${True} if ${Parameter0.Name} is lower than ${Parameter1.Name}; otherwise, ${False}.
Determines whether one specified ${Parameter0.Type} is lower than or equal to another specfied ${Parameter1.Type}.
The first ${Parameter0.Type} to compare.
The second ${Parameter1.Type} to compare.
${True} if ${Parameter0.Name} is lower than or equal to ${Parameter1.Name}; otherwise, ${False}.
${AccessText} a value indicating ${AllWords}.
${True} if ${AllWords}; otherwise, ${False}.
${AccessText} a value indicating whether this instance ${AllWords}.
${True} if this instance ${AllWords}; otherwise, ${False}.
${AccessText} a value indicating whether this ${DeclaringType} is ${AllWords}.
${True} if ${AllWords}; otherwise, ${False}.
${AccessText} a value indicating whether this ${DeclaringType} ${AllWords}.
${True} if ${AllWords}; otherwise, ${False}.
${AccessText} ${Sentence}.
If set to ${True} ${AllWords}.
The ${ParameterType} instance containing the event data.
The index.
The x coordinate.
The y coordinate.
The z coordinate.
The width.
The height.
The red component.
The green component.
The blue component.
The alpha component.
The first x value.
The second x value.
The first y value.
The second y value.
The first z value.
The second z value.
Is thrown when ${Sentence}.
The ${TypeParamNumber} type parameter.