// VBBindingCompilerServices.cs // // This file was derived from a file from #Develop, and relicensed // by Markus Palme to MIT/X11 // // Authors: // Markus Palme // Rolf Bjarne Kvinge // // Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Markus Palme // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Core.Execution; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Projects.Text; namespace MonoDevelop.VBNetBinding { /// /// This class controls the compilation of VB.net files and VB.net projects /// public class VBBindingCompilerServices { //matches "/home/path/Default.aspx.vb (40,31) : Error VBNC30205: Expected end of statement." //and "Error : VBNC99999: vbnc crashed nearby this location in the source code." //and "Error : VBNC99999: Unexpected error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" static Regex regexError = new Regex (@"^\s*((?.*)\s?\((?\d*)(,(?\d*))?\) : )?(?\w+) :? ?(?[^:]*): (?.*)$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); string GenerateOptions (DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration, VBCompilerParameters compilerparameters, VBProjectParameters projectparameters, string outputFileName) { DotNetProject project = (DotNetProject) configuration.ParentItem; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.AppendFormat ("\"-out:{0}\"", outputFileName); sb.AppendLine (); sb.AppendLine ("-nologo"); sb.AppendLine ("-utf8output"); sb.AppendLine ("-quiet"); sb.AppendFormat ("-debug:{0}", compilerparameters.DebugType); sb.AppendLine (); if (compilerparameters.Optimize) sb.AppendLine ("-optimize+"); if (projectparameters.OptionStrict) sb.AppendLine ("-optionstrict+"); else sb.AppendLine ("-optionstrict-"); if (projectparameters.OptionExplicit) sb.AppendLine ("-optionexplicit+"); else sb.AppendLine ("-optionexplicit-"); if (projectparameters.BinaryOptionCompare) sb.AppendLine ("-optioncompare:binary"); else sb.AppendLine ("-optioncompare:text"); if (projectparameters.OptionInfer) sb.AppendLine ("-optioninfer+"); else sb.AppendLine ("-optioninfer-"); string mytype = projectparameters.MyType; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (mytype)) { sb.AppendFormat ("-define:_MYTYPE=\\\"{0}\\\"", mytype); sb.AppendLine (); } string win32IconPath = projectparameters.ApplicationIcon; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (win32IconPath) && File.Exists (win32IconPath)) { sb.AppendFormat ("\"-win32icon:{0}\"", win32IconPath); sb.AppendLine (); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (projectparameters.CodePage)) { TextEncoding enc = TextEncoding.GetEncoding (projectparameters.CodePage); sb.AppendFormat ("-codepage:{0}", enc.CodePage); sb.AppendLine (); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (project.DefaultNamespace)) { sb.AppendFormat ("-rootnamespace:{0}", project.DefaultNamespace); sb.AppendLine (); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (compilerparameters.DefineConstants)) { sb.AppendFormat ("\"-define:{0}\"", compilerparameters.DefineConstants); sb.AppendLine (); } if (compilerparameters.DefineDebug) sb.AppendLine ("-define:DEBUG=-1"); if (compilerparameters.DefineTrace) sb.AppendLine ("-define:TRACE=-1"); if (compilerparameters.WarningsDisabled) { sb.AppendLine ("-nowarn"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (compilerparameters.NoWarn)) { sb.AppendFormat ("-nowarn:{0}", compilerparameters.NoWarn); sb.AppendLine (); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (compilerparameters.WarningsAsErrors)) { sb.AppendFormat ("-warnaserror+:{0}", compilerparameters.WarningsAsErrors); sb.AppendLine (); } if (configuration.SignAssembly) { if (File.Exists (configuration.AssemblyKeyFile)) { sb.AppendFormat ("\"-keyfile:{0}\"", configuration.AssemblyKeyFile); sb.AppendLine (); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (compilerparameters.DocumentationFile)) { sb.AppendFormat ("\"-doc:{0}\"", compilerparameters.DocumentationFile); sb.AppendLine (); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (projectparameters.StartupObject) && projectparameters.StartupObject != "Sub Main") { sb.Append ("-main:"); sb.Append (projectparameters.StartupObject); sb.AppendLine (); } if (compilerparameters.RemoveIntegerChecks) sb.AppendLine ("-removeintchecks+"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (compilerparameters.AdditionalParameters)) { sb.Append (compilerparameters.AdditionalParameters); sb.AppendLine (); } switch (configuration.CompileTarget) { case CompileTarget.Exe: sb.AppendLine ("-target:exe"); break; case CompileTarget.WinExe: sb.AppendLine ("-target:winexe"); break; case CompileTarget.Library: sb.AppendLine ("-target:library"); break; case CompileTarget.Module: sb.AppendLine ("-target:module"); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("unknown compile target:" + configuration.CompileTarget); } return sb.ToString(); } public BuildResult Compile (ProjectItemCollection items, DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration, ConfigurationSelector configSelector, IProgressMonitor monitor) { VBCompilerParameters compilerparameters = (VBCompilerParameters) configuration.CompilationParameters; if (compilerparameters == null) compilerparameters = new VBCompilerParameters (); VBProjectParameters projectparameters = (VBProjectParameters) configuration.ProjectParameters; if (projectparameters == null) projectparameters = new VBProjectParameters (); string exe = configuration.CompiledOutputName; string responseFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (responseFileName); writer.WriteLine (GenerateOptions (configuration, compilerparameters, projectparameters, exe)); // Write references foreach (ProjectReference lib in items.GetAll ()) { foreach (string fileName in lib.GetReferencedFileNames (configSelector)) { writer.Write ("\"-r:"); writer.Write (fileName); writer.WriteLine ("\""); } } // Write source files and embedded resources foreach (ProjectFile finfo in items.GetAll ()) { if (finfo.Subtype != Subtype.Directory) { switch (finfo.BuildAction) { case "Compile": writer.WriteLine("\"" + finfo.Name + "\""); break; case "EmbeddedResource": string fname = finfo.Name; if (String.Compare (Path.GetExtension (fname), ".resx", true) == 0) fname = Path.ChangeExtension (fname, ".resources"); writer.WriteLine("\"-resource:{0},{1}\"", fname, finfo.ResourceId); break; default: continue; } } } // Write source files and embedded resources foreach (Import import in items.GetAll ()) { writer.WriteLine ("-imports:{0}", import.Include); } TempFileCollection tf = new TempFileCollection (); writer.Close(); string output = ""; string compilerName = configuration.TargetRuntime.GetToolPath (configuration.TargetFramework, "vbc"); if (compilerName == null) { BuildResult res = new BuildResult (); res.AddError (string.Format ("Visual Basic .NET compiler not found ({0})", configuration.TargetRuntime.DisplayName)); return res; } string workingDir = "."; if (configuration.ParentItem != null) workingDir = configuration.ParentItem.BaseDirectory; int exitCode; var envVars = configuration.TargetRuntime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment (configuration.TargetFramework); monitor.Log.WriteLine (Path.GetFileName (compilerName) + " " + string.Join (" ", File.ReadAllLines (responseFileName))); exitCode = DoCompilation (compilerName, responseFileName, tf, workingDir, envVars, ref output); monitor.Log.WriteLine (output); BuildResult result = ParseOutput (tf, output); if (result.Errors.Count == 0 && exitCode != 0) { // Compilation failed, but no errors? // Show everything the compiler said. result.AddError (output); } FileService.DeleteFile (responseFileName); if (configuration.CompileTarget != CompileTarget.Library) { WriteManifestFile (exe); } return result; } // code duplication: see C# backend : CSharpBindingCompilerManager void WriteManifestFile(string fileName) { string manifestFile = String.Concat(fileName, ".manifest"); if (File.Exists(manifestFile)) { return; } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(manifestFile); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(" "); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.Close(); } BuildResult ParseOutput(TempFileCollection tf, string output) { CompilerResults results = new CompilerResults (tf); using (StringReader sr = new StringReader (output)) { while (true) { string curLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (curLine == null) { break; } curLine = curLine.Trim(); if (curLine.Length == 0) { continue; } CompilerError error = CreateErrorFromString (curLine); if (error != null) results.Errors.Add (error); } } return new BuildResult (results, output); } private static CompilerError CreateErrorFromString (string error_string) { Match match; int i; match = regexError.Match (error_string); if (match.Success) { CompilerError error = new CompilerError (); error.IsWarning = match.Result ("${level}").ToLowerInvariant () == "warning"; error.ErrorNumber = match.Result("${number}"); error.ErrorText = match.Result("${message}"); error.FileName = match.Result ("${file}").Trim (); if (int.TryParse (match.Result ("${line}"), out i)) error.Line = i; if (int.TryParse (match.Result ("${column}"), out i)) error.Column = i; // Workaround for bug #484351. Vbnc incorrectly emits this warning. if (error.ErrorNumber == "VBNC2009" && error.ErrorText != null && error.ErrorText.IndexOf ("optioninfer") != -1) return null; return error; } return null; } private int DoCompilation (string compilerName, string responseFileName, TempFileCollection tf, string working_dir, ExecutionEnvironment envVars, ref string output) { StringWriter outwr = new StringWriter (); try { ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (compilerName, "\"@" + responseFileName + "\""); pinfo.WorkingDirectory = working_dir; envVars.MergeTo (pinfo); pinfo.UseShellExecute = false; pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true; ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (pinfo, outwr, outwr, null); pw.WaitForOutput (); output = outwr.ToString (); return pw.ExitCode; } finally { if (outwr != null) outwr.Dispose (); } } } }