using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using Mono.Addins; using Gtk; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Components.Commands; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Components; using MonoDevelop.Ide; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui; using Mono.TextEditor; using MonoDevelop.Components; using System.Text; namespace MonoDevelop.VersionControl.Views { internal class StatusView : BaseView { string filepath; Repository vc; bool disposed; Widget widget; VBox main; Label status; Gtk.Button showRemoteStatus; Gtk.Button buttonCommit; Gtk.Button buttonRevert; FileTreeView filelist; TreeViewColumn colCommit, colRemote, colFile; TreeStore filestore; ScrolledWindow scroller; CellRendererDiff diffRenderer; CellRendererToggle cellToggle; Box commitBox; TextView commitText; Gtk.Label labelCommit; List statuses; bool remoteStatus = false; class DiffData { public Exception Exception { get; private set; } public Lazy Diff { get; set; } public VersionInfo VersionInfo { get; private set; } public DiffData (Repository vc, FilePath root, VersionInfo info, bool remote) { VersionInfo = info; Diff = new Lazy (() => { try { DiffInfo result = null; if (!remote) result = vc.GenerateDiff (root, info); return result ?? vc.PathDiff (root, new [] { info.LocalPath }, remote).FirstOrDefault (); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception = ex; return null; } }); } } List localDiff = new List (); List remoteDiff = new List (); bool updatingComment; ChangeSet changeSet; bool firstLoad = true; VersionControlItemList fileList; const int ColIcon = 0; const int ColStatus = 1; const int ColPath = 2; const int ColRemoteStatus = 3; const int ColCommit = 4; const int ColFilled = 5; const int ColFullPath = 6; const int ColShowStatus = 7; const int ColShowComment = 8; const int ColIconFile = 9; const int ColShowToggle = 10; const int ColRemoteIcon = 11; const int ColStatusColor = 12; const int ColStatusRemoteDiff = 13; const int ColRenderAsText = 14; delegate void DiffDataHandler (List diffdata); public static bool Show (VersionControlItemList items, bool test, bool solution) { FilePath path = items.FindMostSpecificParent (); bool isSingleDirectory = false; if (!Directory.Exists (path) && !File.Exists (path)) return false; if (!path.IsDirectory) path = path.ParentDirectory; else if (items.Count == 1) isSingleDirectory = true; if (items.Any (v => v.VersionInfo.IsVersioned)) { if (test) return true; if (!BringStatusViewToFront (path)) { StatusView d = new StatusView (path, items [0].Repository, isSingleDirectory || solution ? null : items); IdeApp.Workbench.OpenDocument (d, true); } return true; } return false; } void Init () { main = new VBox(false, 6); widget = main; buttonCommit = new Gtk.Button () { Image = new Xwt.ImageView (Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("commit-light-16.png")).ToGtkWidget (), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Commit...") }; buttonCommit.Image.Show (); buttonRevert = new Gtk.Button () { Image = new Xwt.ImageView (Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("revert-light-16.png")).ToGtkWidget (), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Revert") }; buttonRevert.Image.Show (); showRemoteStatus = new Gtk.Button () { Image = new Xwt.ImageView (Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("remote-status-light-16.png")).ToGtkWidget (), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show Remote Status") }; showRemoteStatus.Image.Show (); status = new Label(""); main.PackStart(status, false, false, 0); scroller = new ScrolledWindow(); scroller.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.None; filelist = new FileTreeView(); filelist.Selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Multiple; scroller.Add(filelist); scroller.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroller.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; filelist.RowActivated += OnRowActivated; filelist.DiffLineActivated += OnDiffLineActivated; cellToggle = new CellRendererToggle(); cellToggle.Toggled += new ToggledHandler(OnCommitToggledHandler); var crc = new CellRendererImage (); crc.StockId = "vc-comment"; colCommit = new TreeViewColumn (); colCommit.Spacing = 2; colCommit.Widget = new Xwt.ImageView (Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("commit-light-16.png")).ToGtkWidget (); colCommit.Widget.Show (); colCommit.PackStart (cellToggle, false); colCommit.PackStart (crc, false); colCommit.AddAttribute (cellToggle, "active", ColCommit); colCommit.AddAttribute (cellToggle, "visible", ColShowToggle); colCommit.AddAttribute (crc, "visible", ColShowComment); CellRendererText crt = new CellRendererText(); var crp = new CellRendererImage (); TreeViewColumn colStatus = new TreeViewColumn (); colStatus.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Status"); colStatus.PackStart (crp, false); colStatus.PackStart (crt, true); colStatus.AddAttribute (crp, "image", ColIcon); colStatus.AddAttribute (crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute (crt, "text", ColStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute (crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); colFile = new TreeViewColumn (); colFile.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("File"); colFile.Spacing = 2; crp = new CellRendererImage (); diffRenderer = new CellRendererDiff (); colFile.PackStart (crp, false); colFile.PackStart (diffRenderer, true); colFile.AddAttribute (crp, "image", ColIconFile); colFile.AddAttribute (crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colFile.SetCellDataFunc (diffRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc (SetDiffCellData)); crt = new CellRendererText(); crp = new CellRendererImage (); colRemote = new TreeViewColumn (); colRemote.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Remote Status"); colRemote.PackStart (crp, false); colRemote.PackStart (crt, true); colRemote.AddAttribute (crp, "image", ColRemoteIcon); colRemote.AddAttribute (crt, "text", ColRemoteStatus); colRemote.AddAttribute (crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); filelist.AppendColumn(colStatus); filelist.AppendColumn(colRemote); filelist.AppendColumn(colCommit); filelist.AppendColumn(colFile); colRemote.Visible = false; filestore = new TreeStore (typeof (Xwt.Drawing.Image), typeof (string), typeof (string[]), typeof (string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof (bool), typeof(Xwt.Drawing.Image), typeof(bool), typeof (Xwt.Drawing.Image), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool)); filelist.Model = filestore; filelist.TestExpandRow += new Gtk.TestExpandRowHandler (OnTestExpandRow); commitBox = new VBox (); HeaderBox commitMessageLabelBox = new HeaderBox (); commitMessageLabelBox.SetPadding (6, 6, 6, 6); commitMessageLabelBox.SetMargins (1, 1, 0, 0); HBox labBox = new HBox (); labelCommit = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Commit message:")); labelCommit.Xalign = 0; labBox.PackStart (new Xwt.ImageView (Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("comment-light-16.png")).ToGtkWidget (), false, false, 0); labBox.PackStart (labelCommit, true, true, 3); commitMessageLabelBox.Add (labBox); commitMessageLabelBox.ShowAll (); //commitBox.PackStart (commitMessageLabelBox, false, false, 0); Gtk.ScrolledWindow frame = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (); frame.HeightRequest = 75; frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.None; commitText = new TextView (); commitText.WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar; commitText.Buffer.Changed += OnCommitTextChanged; frame.Add (commitText); commitBox.PackStart (frame, true, true, 0); var paned = new VPanedThin (); paned.HandleWidget = commitMessageLabelBox; paned.Pack1 (scroller, true, true); paned.Pack2 (commitBox, false, false); main.PackStart (paned, true, true, 0); main.ShowAll(); status.Visible = false; filelist.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnCursorChanged); VersionControlService.FileStatusChanged += OnFileStatusChanged; filelist.HeadersClickable = true; filestore.SetSortFunc (0, CompareNodes); colStatus.SortColumnId = 0; filestore.SetSortFunc (1, CompareNodes); colRemote.SortColumnId = 1; filestore.SetSortFunc (2, CompareNodes); colCommit.SortColumnId = 2; filestore.SetSortFunc (3, CompareNodes); colFile.SortColumnId = 3; filestore.SetSortColumnId (3, Gtk.SortType.Ascending); filelist.DoPopupMenu = DoPopupMenu; StartUpdate(); } public StatusView (string filepath, Repository vc, VersionControlItemList list) : base (Path.GetFileName (filepath) + " Status") { = vc; this.filepath = Directory.Exists (filepath) ? filepath : Path.GetDirectoryName (filepath); fileList = list; if (list != null) firstLoad = false; changeSet = vc.CreateChangeSet (filepath); Init (); } protected override void OnWorkbenchWindowChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnWorkbenchWindowChanged (e); if (WorkbenchWindow == null) return; var toolbar = WorkbenchWindow.GetToolbar (this); buttonCommit.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnCommitClicked); toolbar.Add (buttonCommit); var btnRefresh = new Gtk.Button () { Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Refresh"), Image = new Xwt.ImageView (ImageService.GetIcon ("vc-status-refresh", IconSize.Menu)).ToGtkWidget () }; btnRefresh.Image.Show (); btnRefresh.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRefresh); toolbar.Add (btnRefresh); buttonRevert.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRevert); toolbar.Add (buttonRevert); showRemoteStatus.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnShowRemoteStatusClicked); if (vc.SupportsRemoteStatus) toolbar.Add (showRemoteStatus); var btnCreatePatch = new Gtk.Button () { Image = new Xwt.ImageView (Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("diff-light-16.png")).ToGtkWidget (), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Create Patch") }; btnCreatePatch.Image.Show (); btnCreatePatch.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnCreatePatch); toolbar.Add (btnCreatePatch); toolbar.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem ()); var btnOpen = new Gtk.Button () { Image = new Xwt.ImageView (ImageService.GetIcon (Gtk.Stock.Open, IconSize.Menu)).ToGtkWidget (), Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Open") }; btnOpen.Image.Show (); btnOpen.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnOpen); toolbar.Add (btnOpen); toolbar.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem ()); var btnExpand = new Gtk.Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Expand All")); btnExpand.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnExpandAll); toolbar.Add (btnExpand); var btnCollapse = new Gtk.Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Collapse All")); btnCollapse.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnCollapseAll); toolbar.Add (btnCollapse); toolbar.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem ()); var btnSelectAll = new Gtk.Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Select All")); btnSelectAll.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnSelectAll); toolbar.Add (btnSelectAll); var btnSelectNone = new Gtk.Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Select None")); btnSelectNone.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnSelectNone); toolbar.Add (btnSelectNone); toolbar.ShowAll (); } public override string StockIconId { get { return "vc-status"; } } int CompareNodes (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter a, Gtk.TreeIter b) { int col, val=0; SortType type; filestore.GetSortColumnId (out col, out type); switch (col) { case 0: val = ColStatus; break; case 1: val = ColRemoteStatus; break; case 2: val = ColCommit; break; case 3: val = ColPath; break; } object o1 = filestore.GetValue (a, val); object o2 = filestore.GetValue (b, val); if (o1 is string[]) o1 = ((string[])o1)[0]; if (o2 is string[]) o2 = ((string[])o2)[0]; if (o1 == null && o2 == null) return 0; else if (o1 == null) return 1; else if (o2 == null) return -1; return ((IComparable)o1).CompareTo (o2); } public override void Dispose () { disposed = true; if (colCommit != null) { colCommit.Destroy (); colCommit = null; } if (colRemote != null) { colRemote.Destroy (); colRemote = null; } if (colFile != null) { colFile.Destroy (); colFile = null; } if (filestore != null) { filestore.Dispose (); filestore = null; } if (filelist != null) { filelist.DoPopupMenu = null; filelist.RowActivated -= OnRowActivated; filelist.DiffLineActivated -= OnDiffLineActivated; filelist.TestExpandRow -= OnTestExpandRow; filelist.Selection.Changed -= OnCursorChanged; filelist.Destroy (); filelist = null; } if (cellToggle != null) { cellToggle.Toggled -= OnCommitToggledHandler; cellToggle.Destroy (); cellToggle = null; } if (this.diffRenderer != null) { this.diffRenderer.Destroy (); this.diffRenderer = null; } VersionControlService.FileStatusChanged -= OnFileStatusChanged; if (widget != null) { widget.Destroy (); widget = null; } localDiff.Clear (); remoteDiff.Clear (); base.Dispose (); } public override Gtk.Widget Control { get { return widget; } } void StartUpdate () { if (!remoteStatus) status.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Scanning for changes..."); else status.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Scanning for local and remote changes..."); status.Visible = true; scroller.Visible = false; commitBox.Visible = false; showRemoteStatus.Sensitive = false; buttonCommit.Sensitive = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate { if (fileList != null) { var group = fileList.GroupBy (v => v.IsDirectory || v.WorkspaceObject is SolutionItem); foreach (var item in group) { // Is directory. if (item.Key) { foreach (var directory in item) changeSet.AddFiles (vc.GetDirectoryVersionInfo (directory.Path, remoteStatus, true)); } else changeSet.AddFiles (item.Select (v => v.VersionInfo).ToArray ()); } changeSet.AddFiles (fileList.Where (v => !v.IsDirectory).Select (v => v.VersionInfo).ToArray ()); fileList = null; } List newList = new List (); newList.AddRange (vc.GetDirectoryVersionInfo (filepath, remoteStatus, true)); DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate { if (!disposed) LoadStatus (newList); }); }); } void LoadStatus (List newList) { statuses = newList.Where (f => FileVisible (f)).ToList (); // Remove from the changeset files/folders which have been deleted var toRemove = new List (); foreach (ChangeSetItem item in changeSet.Items) { bool found = false; foreach (VersionInfo vi in statuses) { if (vi.LocalPath == item.LocalPath) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) toRemove.Add (item); } foreach (var item in toRemove) changeSet.RemoveItem (item); Update(); } void UpdateControlStatus () { // Set controls to the correct state according to the changes found showRemoteStatus.Sensitive = !remoteStatus; TreeIter it; if (!filestore.GetIterFirst (out it)) { commitBox.Visible = false; buttonCommit.Sensitive = false; scroller.Visible = false; status.Visible = true; if (!remoteStatus) status.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("No files have local modifications."); else status.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("No files have local or remote modifications."); } else { status.Visible = false; scroller.Visible = true; commitBox.Visible = true; colRemote.Visible = remoteStatus; try { buttonCommit.Sensitive = statuses.Any (v => v.CanCommit); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); buttonCommit.Sensitive = true; } } UpdateSelectionStatus (); } void UpdateSelectionStatus () { buttonRevert.Sensitive = filelist.Selection.CountSelectedRows () != 0; buttonCommit.Sensitive = !changeSet.IsEmpty; commitBox.Visible = filelist.Selection.CountSelectedRows () != 0; } void Update () { localDiff.Clear (); remoteDiff.Clear (); filestore.Clear(); diffRenderer.Reset (); if (statuses.Count > 0) { try { filelist.FreezeChildNotify (); foreach (VersionInfo n in statuses) { if (firstLoad) changeSet.AddFile (n); AppendFileInfo (n); // Calling GenerateDiff and supplying the versioninfo // is the new fast way of doing things. If we do not get // the same number of diffs as VersionInfos, we should // fall back to the old slow method as the VC addin probably // has not implemented the new fast one. // The new way can also only be used locally. localDiff.Add (new DiffData (vc, filepath, n, false)); remoteDiff.Add (new DiffData (vc, filepath, n, true)); } } finally { filelist.ThawChildNotify (); } } UpdateControlStatus (); if (firstLoad) { TreeIter it; if (filestore.GetIterFirst (out it)) filelist.Selection.SelectIter (it); firstLoad = false; } } TreeIter AppendFileInfo (VersionInfo n) { Xwt.Drawing.Image statusicon = VersionControlService.LoadIconForStatus(n.Status); string lstatus = VersionControlService.GetStatusLabel (n.Status); Xwt.Drawing.Image rstatusicon = VersionControlService.LoadIconForStatus(n.RemoteStatus); string rstatus = VersionControlService.GetStatusLabel (n.RemoteStatus); string scolor = n.HasLocalChanges && n.HasRemoteChanges ? "red" : null; string localpath = n.LocalPath.ToRelative (filepath); if (localpath.Length > 0 && localpath[0] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) localpath = localpath.Substring(1); if (localpath == "") { localpath = "."; } // not sure if this happens bool hasComment = GetCommitMessage (n.LocalPath).Length > 0; bool commit = changeSet.ContainsFile (n.LocalPath); Xwt.Drawing.Image fileIcon; if (n.IsDirectory) fileIcon = ImageService.GetIcon (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.ClosedFolder, Gtk.IconSize.Menu); else fileIcon = DesktopService.GetIconForFile (n.LocalPath, Gtk.IconSize.Menu); TreeIter it = filestore.AppendValues (statusicon, lstatus, GLib.Markup.EscapeText (localpath).Split ('\n'), rstatus, commit, false, n.LocalPath.ToString (), true, hasComment, fileIcon, n.HasLocalChanges, rstatusicon, scolor, n.HasRemoteChange (VersionStatus.Modified)); if (!n.IsDirectory) filestore.AppendValues (it, statusicon, "", new string[0], "", false, true, n.LocalPath.ToString (), false, false, fileIcon, false, null, null, false); return it; } string[] GetCurrentFiles () { TreePath[] paths = filelist.Selection.GetSelectedRows (); string[] files = new string [paths.Length]; for (int n=0; n 0) { commitBox.Visible = true; updatingComment = true; if (files.Length == 1) labelCommit.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Commit message for file '{0}':", Path.GetFileName (files[0])); else labelCommit.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Commit message (multiple selection):"); // If all selected files have the same message, // then show it so it can be modified. If not, show // a blank message string msg = GetCommitMessage (files [0]); foreach (string file in files) { if (msg != GetCommitMessage (file)) { commitText.Buffer.Text = ""; updatingComment = false; return; } } commitText.Buffer.Text = msg; updatingComment = false; } else { updatingComment = true; commitText.Buffer.Text = String.Empty; updatingComment = false; commitBox.Visible = false; } } void OnCommitTextChanged (object o, EventArgs args) { if (updatingComment) return; string msg = commitText.Buffer.Text; // Update the comment in all selected files string[] files = GetCurrentFiles (); foreach (string file in files) SetCommitMessage (file, msg); // Make the comment icon visible in all selected rows TreePath[] paths = filelist.Selection.GetSelectedRows (); foreach (TreePath path in paths) { TreeIter iter; filestore.GetIter (out iter, path); if (filestore.IterDepth (iter) != 0) filestore.IterParent (out iter, iter); bool curv = (bool) filestore.GetValue (iter, ColShowComment); if (curv != (msg.Length > 0)) filestore.SetValue (iter, ColShowComment, msg.Length > 0); string fp = (string) filestore.GetValue (iter, ColFullPath); filestore.SetValue (iter, ColCommit, changeSet.ContainsFile (fp)); } UpdateSelectionStatus (); } static string GetCommitMessage (string file) { string txt = VersionControlService.GetCommitComment (file); return txt ?? String.Empty; } void SetCommitMessage (string file, string text) { if (text.Length > 0) { ChangeSetItem item = changeSet.GetFileItem (file); if (item == null) item = changeSet.AddFile (file); item.Comment = text; } else { VersionControlService.SetCommitComment (file, text, true); } } void OnRowActivated (object o, RowActivatedArgs args) { OnOpen (null, null); } void OnDiffLineActivated (object o, EventArgs a) { OnOpen (null, null); } void OnCommitToggledHandler(object o, ToggledArgs args) { TreeIter pos; if (!filestore.GetIterFromString (out pos, args.Path)) return; string localpath = (string) filestore.GetValue (pos, ColFullPath); if (changeSet.ContainsFile (localpath)) { changeSet.RemoveFile (localpath); } else { VersionInfo vi = GetVersionInfo (localpath); if (vi != null) changeSet.AddFile (vi); } filestore.SetValue (pos, ColCommit, changeSet.ContainsFile (localpath)); UpdateSelectionStatus (); } VersionInfo GetVersionInfo (string file) { foreach (VersionInfo vi in statuses) if (vi.LocalPath == file) return vi; return null; } void OnShowRemoteStatusClicked(object src, EventArgs args) { remoteStatus = true; StartUpdate (); } void OnCommitClicked (object src, EventArgs args) { // Nothing to commit if (changeSet.IsEmpty) return; int comments = changeSet.CommentsCount; if ((comments > 0) && (changeSet.Count > comments)) { if (MessageService.AskQuestion ( GettextCatalog.GetString ("Some of the files in this commit do not have ChangeLog messages."), GettextCatalog.GetString ("You may have forgotten to unselect items."), AlertButton.Cancel, AlertButton.Proceed) != AlertButton.Proceed) return; } CommitCommand.Commit (vc, changeSet.Clone ()); } void OnTestExpandRow (object sender, Gtk.TestExpandRowArgs args) { bool filled = (bool) filestore.GetValue (args.Iter, ColFilled); if (!filled) { filestore.SetValue (args.Iter, ColFilled, true); TreeIter iter; filestore.IterChildren (out iter, args.Iter); string fileName = (string) filestore.GetValue (args.Iter, ColFullPath); FillDiffInfo (iter, fileName, GetDiffData (remoteStatus)); } } void DoPopupMenu (Gdk.EventButton evnt) { object commandChain = this; CommandEntrySet opset = new CommandEntrySet (); VersionControlItemList items = GetSelectedItems (); foreach (object ob in AddinManager.GetExtensionNodes ("/MonoDevelop/VersionControl/StatusViewCommands")) { if (ob is TypeExtensionNode) { TypeExtensionNode node = (TypeExtensionNode) ob; opset.AddItem (ParseCommandId (node)); VersionControlCommandHandler handler = node.CreateInstance () as VersionControlCommandHandler; if (handler == null) { LoggingService.LogError ("Invalid type specified in extension point 'MonoDevelop/VersionControl/StatusViewCommands'. Subclass of 'VersionControlCommandHandler' expected."); continue; } handler.Init (items); CommandRouter rt = new CommandRouter (handler); rt.Next = commandChain; commandChain = rt; } else opset.AddSeparator (); } IdeApp.CommandService.ShowContextMenu (filelist, evnt, opset, commandChain); } public VersionControlItemList GetSelectedItems () { string[] files = GetCurrentFiles (); VersionControlItemList items = new VersionControlItemList (); foreach (string file in files) { Project prj = IdeApp.Workspace.GetProjectContainingFile (file); items.Add (new VersionControlItem (vc, prj, file, Directory.Exists (file), null)); } return items; } class CommandRouter: ICommandDelegatorRouter { object handler; public object Next; public CommandRouter (object handler) { this.handler = handler; } public object GetNextCommandTarget () { return Next; } public object GetDelegatedCommandTarget () { return handler; } } internal static object ParseCommandId (ExtensionNode codon) { string id = codon.Id; if (id.StartsWith ("@", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return id.Substring (1); else return id; } void OnExpandAll (object s, EventArgs args) { filelist.ExpandAll (); } void OnCollapseAll (object s, EventArgs args) { filelist.CollapseAll (); } void OnSelectAll (object s, EventArgs args) { TreeIter pos; if (filestore.GetIterFirst (out pos)) { do { string localpath = (string) filestore.GetValue (pos, ColFullPath); if (!changeSet.ContainsFile (localpath)) { VersionInfo vi = GetVersionInfo (localpath); changeSet.AddFile (vi); } filestore.SetValue (pos, ColCommit, changeSet.ContainsFile (localpath)); } while (filestore.IterNext (ref pos)); } UpdateSelectionStatus (); } void OnSelectNone (object s, EventArgs args) { TreeIter pos; if (filestore.GetIterFirst (out pos)) { do { string localpath = (string) filestore.GetValue (pos, ColFullPath); if (changeSet.ContainsFile (localpath)) { changeSet.RemoveFile (localpath); } filestore.SetValue (pos, ColCommit, changeSet.ContainsFile (localpath)); } while (filestore.IterNext (ref pos)); } UpdateSelectionStatus (); } /// /// Handler for "Create Patch" toolbar button click. /// void OnCreatePatch (object s, EventArgs args) { CreatePatchCommand.CreatePatch (changeSet, false); } void OnRefresh (object s, EventArgs args) { StartUpdate (); } void OnRevert (object s, EventArgs args) { RevertCommand.Revert (GetSelectedItems (), false); } void OnOpen (object s, EventArgs args) { string[] files = GetCurrentFiles (); if (files.Length == 0) return; else if (files.Length == 1) { TreePath[] rows = filelist.Selection.GetSelectedRows (); int line = 1; if (rows.Length == 1 && rows [0].Depth == 2) { line = diffRenderer.GetSelectedLine (rows [0]); if (line == -1) line = 1; } IdeApp.Workbench.OpenDocument (files [0], line, 0); } else { AlertButton openAll = new AlertButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Open All")); if (MessageService.AskQuestion (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Do you want to open all {0} files?", files.Length), AlertButton.Cancel, openAll) == openAll) { for (int n=0; n f.FilePath == filepath || (f.FilePath.IsChildPathOf (filepath) && f.IsDirectory))) { StartUpdate (); return; } foreach (FileUpdateEventInfo f in args) { if (!OnFileStatusChanged (f)) break; } UpdateControlStatus (); } bool OnFileStatusChanged (FileUpdateEventInfo args) { if (!args.FilePath.IsChildPathOf (filepath) && args.FilePath != filepath) return true; if (args.IsDirectory) { StartUpdate (); return false; } bool found = false; int oldStatusIndex; TreeIter oldStatusIter = TreeIter.Zero; // Locate the file in the status object list if (statuses == null) return false; for (oldStatusIndex = 0; oldStatusIndex < statuses.Count; oldStatusIndex++) { if (statuses [oldStatusIndex].LocalPath == args.FilePath) { found = true; break; } } // Locate the file in the treeview if (found) { found = false; if (filestore.GetIterFirst (out oldStatusIter)) { do { if (args.FilePath == (string) filestore.GetValue (oldStatusIter, ColFullPath)) { found = true; break; } } while (filestore.IterNext (ref oldStatusIter)); } } VersionInfo newInfo; try { // Reuse remote status from old version info newInfo = vc.GetVersionInfo (args.FilePath); if (found && newInfo != null) { VersionInfo oldInfo = statuses [oldStatusIndex]; if (oldInfo != null) { newInfo.RemoteStatus = oldInfo.RemoteStatus; newInfo.RemoteRevision = oldInfo.RemoteRevision; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); return true; } if (found) { if (!FileVisible (newInfo)) { // Just remove the file from the change set changeSet.RemoveFile (args.FilePath); statuses.RemoveAt (oldStatusIndex); filestore.Remove (ref oldStatusIter); return true; } statuses [oldStatusIndex] = newInfo; // Update the tree AppendFileInfo (newInfo); filestore.Remove (ref oldStatusIter); } else { if (FileVisible (newInfo)) { statuses.Add (newInfo); changeSet.AddFile (newInfo); AppendFileInfo (newInfo); } } return true; } static bool FileVisible (VersionInfo vinfo) { return vinfo != null && (vinfo.HasLocalChanges || vinfo.HasRemoteChanges); } List GetDiffData (bool remote) { if (remote) return remoteDiff; else return localDiff; } void FillDiffInfo (TreeIter iter, string file, List ddata) { bool asText = true; string[] text = null; DiffData info = ddata.FirstOrDefault (d => d.VersionInfo.LocalPath == file); if (info == null) { // This should be impossible. We shouldn't generate a diff for a file // which is not in our list text = new[] { GettextCatalog.GetString ("No differences found") }; LoggingService.LogError ("Attempted to generate the diff for a file not in the changeset", (Exception) null); } else if (!info.Diff.IsValueCreated) { text = new [] { GettextCatalog.GetString ("Loading data...") }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate { // Here we just touch the property so that the Lazy creates // the value. Do not capture the TreeIter as it may invalidate // before the diff data has asyncronously loaded. GC.KeepAlive (info.Diff.Value); Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate { if (!disposed) FillDifs (); }); }); } else if (info.Exception != null) { text = new [] { GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not get diff information. ") + info.Exception.Message }; } else if (info.Diff.Value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (info.Diff.Value.Content)) { text = new [] { GettextCatalog.GetString ("No differences found") }; } else { text = info.Diff.Value.Content.Split ('\n'); asText = false; } filestore.SetValue (iter, ColRenderAsText, asText); filestore.SetValue (iter, ColPath, text); } void FillDifs () { if (disposed) return; diffRenderer.Reset (); TreeIter it; if (!filestore.GetIterFirst (out it)) return; do { bool filled = (bool) filestore.GetValue (it, ColFilled); if (filled) { string fileName = (string) filestore.GetValue (it, ColFullPath); TreeIter citer; filestore.IterChildren (out citer, it); FillDiffInfo (citer, fileName, GetDiffData (remoteStatus)); } } while (filestore.IterNext (ref it)); } void SetDiffCellData (Gtk.TreeViewColumn tree_column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { if (disposed) return; CellRendererDiff rc = (CellRendererDiff)cell; string[] lines = (string[])filestore.GetValue (iter, ColPath); TreePath path = filestore.GetPath (iter); if (filestore.IterDepth (iter) == 0 || (bool)filestore.GetValue (iter, ColRenderAsText)) { rc.InitCell (filelist, false, lines, path); } else { rc.InitCell (filelist, true, lines, path); } } static bool BringStatusViewToFront (string filepath) { foreach (var doc in IdeApp.Workbench.Documents) { StatusView view = doc.GetContent (); if (view != null && view.filepath == filepath) { doc.Select (); view.StartUpdate (); return true; } } return false; } [CommandHandler (MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands.EditCommands.Copy)] protected void OnCopy () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); TreeIter iter; foreach (var p in filelist.Selection.GetSelectedRows ()) { if (!filestore.GetIter (out iter, p)) continue; string[] data = (string[])filestore.GetValue (iter, ColPath); foreach (var line in data) sb.AppendLine (line); } var clipboard = Clipboard.Get (Gdk.Atom.Intern ("CLIPBOARD", false)); clipboard.Text = sb.ToString (); clipboard = Clipboard.Get (Gdk.Atom.Intern ("PRIMARY", false)); clipboard.Text = sb.ToString (); } } class FileTreeView: TreeView { const Gdk.ModifierType selectionModifiers = Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask | Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask; protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent (Gdk.EventButton evnt) { bool keepPos = false; double vpos = 0; bool ctxMenu = evnt.TriggersContextMenu (); bool handled = false; if (!ctxMenu) { TreePath path; GetPathAtPos ((int)evnt.X, (int)evnt.Y, out path); if (path != null && path.Depth == 2) { vpos = Vadjustment.Value; keepPos = true; if (Selection.PathIsSelected (path) && Selection.GetSelectedRows ().Length == 1 && evnt.Button == 1) { if (evnt.Type == Gdk.EventType.TwoButtonPress && DiffLineActivated != null) DiffLineActivated (this, EventArgs.Empty); handled = true; } } } handled = handled || ( IsClickedNodeSelected ((int)evnt.X, (int)evnt.Y) && this.Selection.GetSelectedRows ().Length > 1 && (evnt.State & selectionModifiers) == 0); if (!handled) handled = base.OnButtonPressEvent (evnt); if (ctxMenu) { if (DoPopupMenu != null) DoPopupMenu (evnt); handled = true; } if (keepPos) Vadjustment.Value = vpos; return handled; } bool IsClickedNodeSelected (int x, int y) { Gtk.TreePath path; if (GetPathAtPos (x, y, out path)) return Selection.PathIsSelected (path); else return false; } protected override bool OnPopupMenu() { if (DoPopupMenu != null) DoPopupMenu (null); return true; } internal Gdk.Point? CursorLocation { get; private set; } protected override bool OnMotionNotifyEvent (Gdk.EventMotion evnt) { TreePath path; GetPathAtPos ((int)evnt.X, (int)evnt.Y, out path); // Diff cells need to be redrawn so they can show the updated selected line if (path != null && path.Depth == 2) { CursorLocation = new Gdk.Point ((int)evnt.X, (int)evnt.Y); //FIXME: we should optimize these draws QueueDraw (); } else if (CursorLocation.HasValue) { CursorLocation = null; QueueDraw (); } return base.OnMotionNotifyEvent (evnt); } protected override bool OnLeaveNotifyEvent (Gdk.EventCrossing evnt) { if (CursorLocation.HasValue) { CursorLocation = null; QueueDraw (); } return base.OnLeaveNotifyEvent (evnt); } protected override bool OnScrollEvent (Gdk.EventScroll evnt) { QueueDraw (); return base.OnScrollEvent (evnt); } public Action DoPopupMenu; public event EventHandler DiffLineActivated; } }