// // EditMode.cs // // Author: // Michael Hutchinson // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Gdk; namespace Mono.TextEditor { public abstract class EditMode { //NOTE: the behaviour of this class is actually stateless; these variables are used to make the API // friendlier for subclassers of this class protected TextEditorData textEditorData; protected TextEditor editor; // string status; public void InternalHandleKeypress (TextEditor editor, TextEditorData data, Gdk.Key key, uint unicodeChar, Gdk.ModifierType modifier) { this.editor = editor; this.textEditorData = data; HandleKeypress (key, unicodeChar, modifier); //make sure that nothing funny goes on when the mode should have finished this.textEditorData = null; this.editor = null; } internal virtual void InternalSelectionChanged (TextEditor editor, TextEditorData data) { // only trigger SelectionChanged when event is a result of external stimuli, i.e. when // not already running HandleKeypress if (this.editor == null) { this.editor = editor; this.textEditorData = data; SelectionChanged (); this.textEditorData = null; this.editor = null; } } internal void InternalCaretPositionChanged (TextEditor editor, TextEditorData data) { // only trigger CaretPositionChanged when event is a result of external stimuli, i.e. when // not already running HandleKeypress if (this.editor == null) { this.editor = editor; this.textEditorData = data; CaretPositionChanged (); this.textEditorData = null; this.editor = null; } } protected virtual void SelectionChanged () { } protected virtual void CaretPositionChanged () { } public virtual void SelectValidShortcut (KeyboardShortcut[] accels, out Gdk.Key key, out ModifierType mod) { key = accels [0].Key; mod = accels [0].Modifier; } protected Caret Caret { get { return textEditorData.Caret; } } protected TextDocument Document { get { return textEditorData.Document; } } protected TextEditor Editor { get { return editor; } } protected TextEditorData Data { get { return textEditorData; } } protected abstract void HandleKeypress (Gdk.Key key, uint unicodeKey, Gdk.ModifierType modifier); public virtual bool WantsToPreemptIM { get { return false; } } bool IsSpecialKeyForSelection (uint unicodeKey) { string start, end; return textEditorData.SelectionSurroundingProvider.GetSelectionSurroundings (textEditorData, unicodeKey, out start, out end); } protected void InsertCharacter (uint unicodeKey) { if (!textEditorData.CanEdit (Data.Caret.Line)) return; HideMouseCursor (); using (var undo = Document.OpenUndoGroup ()) { if (textEditorData.IsSomethingSelected && textEditorData.Options.EnableSelectionWrappingKeys && IsSpecialKeyForSelection (unicodeKey)) { textEditorData.SelectionSurroundingProvider.HandleSpecialSelectionKey (textEditorData, unicodeKey); return; } textEditorData.DeleteSelectedText ( textEditorData.IsSomethingSelected ? textEditorData.MainSelection.SelectionMode != SelectionMode.Block : true); // Needs to be called after delete text, delete text handles virtual caret postitions itself, // but afterwards the virtual position may need to be restored. textEditorData.EnsureCaretIsNotVirtual (); char ch = (char)unicodeKey; if (!char.IsControl (ch) && textEditorData.CanEdit (Caret.Line)) { DocumentLine line = Document.GetLine (Caret.Line); if (Caret.IsInInsertMode || Caret.Column >= line.Length + 1) { string text = ch.ToString (); if (textEditorData.IsSomethingSelected && textEditorData.MainSelection.SelectionMode == SelectionMode.Block) { var visualInsertLocation = textEditorData.LogicalToVisualLocation (Caret.Location); var selection = textEditorData.MainSelection; Caret.PreserveSelection = true; for (int lineNumber = selection.MinLine; lineNumber <= selection.MaxLine; lineNumber++) { DocumentLine lineSegment = textEditorData.GetLine (lineNumber); int insertOffset = lineSegment.GetLogicalColumn (textEditorData, visualInsertLocation.Column) - 1; string textToInsert; if (lineSegment.Length < insertOffset) { int visualLastColumn = lineSegment.GetVisualColumn (textEditorData, lineSegment.Length + 1); int charsToInsert = visualInsertLocation.Column - visualLastColumn; int spaceCount = charsToInsert % editor.Options.TabSize; textToInsert = new string ('\t', (charsToInsert - spaceCount) / editor.Options.TabSize) + new string (' ', spaceCount) + text; insertOffset = lineSegment.Length; } else { textToInsert = text; } textEditorData.Insert (lineSegment.Offset + insertOffset, textToInsert); } var visualColumn = textEditorData.GetLine (Caret.Location.Line).GetVisualColumn (textEditorData, Caret.Column); textEditorData.MainSelection = new Selection ( new DocumentLocation (selection.Anchor.Line, textEditorData.GetLine (selection.Anchor.Line).GetLogicalColumn (textEditorData, visualColumn)), new DocumentLocation (selection.Lead.Line, textEditorData.GetLine (selection.Lead.Line).GetLogicalColumn (textEditorData, visualColumn)), SelectionMode.Block ); Document.CommitMultipleLineUpdate (textEditorData.MainSelection.MinLine, textEditorData.MainSelection.MaxLine); } else { textEditorData.Insert (Caret.Offset, text); } } else { textEditorData.Replace (Caret.Offset, 1, ch.ToString ()); } // That causes unnecessary redraws: // bool autoScroll = Caret.AutoScrollToCaret; // Caret.Column++; if (Caret.PreserveSelection) Caret.PreserveSelection = false; // Caret.AutoScrollToCaret = autoScroll; // if (autoScroll) // Editor.ScrollToCaret (); // Document.RequestUpdate (new LineUpdate (Caret.Line)); // Document.CommitDocumentUpdate (); } } Document.OptimizeTypedUndo (); } internal void AddedToEditor (TextEditorData data) { OnAddedToEditor (data); } protected virtual void OnAddedToEditor (TextEditorData data) { } internal void RemovedFromEditor (TextEditorData data) { OnRemovedFromEditor (data); } protected virtual void OnRemovedFromEditor (TextEditorData data) { } protected void RunAction (Action action) { HideMouseCursor (); try { action (this.textEditorData); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error while executing action " + action.ToString () + " :" + e); } } protected void RunActions (params Action[] actions) { HideMouseCursor (); try { using (var undo = Document.OpenUndoGroup ()) { foreach (var action in actions) action (this.textEditorData); } } catch (Exception e) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ("Error while executing actions "); foreach (var action in actions) sb.AppendFormat (" {0}", action); Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString () + ": " + e); } } static Dictionary keyMappings = new Dictionary (); static EditMode () { for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { keyMappings[(Gdk.Key)ch] = (Gdk.Key)(ch -'a' + 'A'); } } public virtual bool PreemptIM (Gdk.Key key, uint unicodeKey, Gdk.ModifierType modifier) { return false; } public static int GetKeyCode (Gdk.Key key) { return (int)(keyMappings.ContainsKey (key) ? keyMappings[key] : key); } public static int GetKeyCode (Gdk.Key key, Gdk.ModifierType modifier) { uint m = (uint)(((modifier & Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask) != 0)? 1 : 0); m = (m << 1) | (uint)(((modifier & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) != 0)? 1 : 0); m = (m << 1) | (uint)(((modifier & Gdk.ModifierType.MetaMask) != 0)? 1 : 0); m = (m << 1) | (uint)(((modifier & Gdk.ModifierType.Mod1Mask) != 0)? 1 : 0); m = (m << 1) | (uint)(((modifier & Gdk.ModifierType.SuperMask) != 0)? 1 : 0); return GetKeyCode (key) | (int)(m << 16); } protected void HideMouseCursor () { //should only be null during tests if (editor != null) editor.HideMouseCursor (); } #region TextAreaControl public virtual void AllocateTextArea (TextEditor textEditor, TextArea textArea, Rectangle allocation) { if (textArea.Allocation != allocation) textArea.SizeAllocate (allocation); } #endregion } }