// MSBuildProject.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (c) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using MonoDevelop.Projects.Utility; using MonoDevelop.Projects.Text; using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine; namespace MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild { public class MSBuildProject { XmlDocument doc; string file; Dictionary elemCache = new Dictionary (); Dictionary bestGroups; public const string Schema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"; static XmlNamespaceManager manager; bool endsWithEmptyLine; string newLine = Environment.NewLine; ByteOrderMark bom; internal static XmlNamespaceManager XmlNamespaceManager { get { if (manager == null) { manager = new XmlNamespaceManager (new NameTable ()); manager.AddNamespace ("tns", Schema); } return manager; } } public string FileName { get { return file; } } public XmlDocument Document { get { return doc; } } public MSBuildProject () { doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; doc.AppendChild (doc.CreateElement (null, "Project", Schema)); } public void Load (string file) { this.file = file; using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (file)) { byte[] buf = new byte [1024]; int nread, i; if ((nread = fs.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length)) <= 0) return; if (ByteOrderMark.TryParse (buf, nread, out bom)) i = bom.Length; else i = 0; do { // Read to the first newline to figure out which line endings this file is using while (i < nread) { if (buf[i] == '\r') { newLine = "\r\n"; break; } else if (buf[i] == '\n') { newLine = "\n"; break; } i++; } if (newLine == null) { if ((nread = fs.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length)) <= 0) { newLine = "\n"; break; } i = 0; } } while (newLine == null); // Check for a blank line at the end endsWithEmptyLine = fs.Seek (-1, SeekOrigin.End) > 0 && fs.ReadByte () == (int) '\n'; } // Load the XML document doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; // HACK: XmlStreamReader will fail if the file is encoded in UTF-8 but has // To work around this, we load the XML content into a string and use XmlDocument.LoadXml() instead. string xml = File.ReadAllText (file); doc.LoadXml (xml); Evaluate (); } class ProjectWriter : StringWriter { Encoding encoding; public ProjectWriter (ByteOrderMark bom) { encoding = bom != null ? Encoding.GetEncoding (bom.Name) : null; ByteOrderMark = bom; } public ByteOrderMark ByteOrderMark { get; private set; } public override Encoding Encoding { get { return encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8; } } } public void Save (string fileName) { string content = SaveToString (); TextFile.WriteFile (fileName, content, bom, true); } public string SaveToString () { // StringWriter.Encoding always returns UTF16. We need it to return UTF8, so the // XmlDocument will write the UTF8 header. ProjectWriter sw = new ProjectWriter (bom); sw.NewLine = newLine; doc.Save (sw); string content = sw.ToString (); if (endsWithEmptyLine && !content.EndsWith (newLine)) content += newLine; return content; } public void Evaluate () { Evaluate (new MSBuildEvaluationContext ()); } public void Evaluate (MSBuildEvaluationContext context) { context.InitEvaluation (this); foreach (var pg in PropertyGroups) pg.Evaluate (context); foreach (var pg in ItemGroups) pg.Evaluate (context); } public string DefaultTargets { get { return doc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("DefaultTargets"); } set { doc.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("DefaultTargets", value); } } public string ToolsVersion { get { return doc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute ("ToolsVersion"); } set { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) doc.DocumentElement.SetAttribute ("ToolsVersion", value); else doc.DocumentElement.RemoveAttribute ("ToolsVersion"); } } public MSBuildImport AddNewImport (string name, MSBuildImport beforeImport = null) { XmlElement elem = doc.CreateElement (null, "Import", MSBuildProject.Schema); elem.SetAttribute ("Project", name); if (beforeImport != null) { doc.DocumentElement.InsertBefore (elem, beforeImport.Element); } else { XmlElement last = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:Import[last()]", XmlNamespaceManager) as XmlElement; if (last != null) doc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter (elem, last); else doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (elem); } return new MSBuildImport (elem); } public void RemoveImport (string name) { XmlElement elem = (XmlElement) doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:Import[@Project='" + name + "']", XmlNamespaceManager); if (elem != null) elem.ParentNode.RemoveChild (elem); else //FIXME: should this actually log an error? Console.WriteLine ("ppnf:"); } public IEnumerable Imports { get { foreach (XmlElement elem in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes ("tns:Import", XmlNamespaceManager)) yield return new MSBuildImport (elem); } } public MSBuildPropertySet GetGlobalPropertyGroup () { MSBuildPropertyGroupMerged res = new MSBuildPropertyGroupMerged (); foreach (MSBuildPropertyGroup grp in PropertyGroups) { if (grp.Condition.Length == 0) res.Add (grp); } return res.GroupCount > 0 ? res : null; } public MSBuildPropertyGroup AddNewPropertyGroup (bool insertAtEnd) { XmlElement elem = doc.CreateElement (null, "PropertyGroup", MSBuildProject.Schema); if (insertAtEnd) { XmlElement last = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:PropertyGroup[last()]", XmlNamespaceManager) as XmlElement; if (last != null) doc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter (elem, last); } else { XmlElement first = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:PropertyGroup", XmlNamespaceManager) as XmlElement; if (first != null) doc.DocumentElement.InsertBefore (elem, first); } if (elem.ParentNode == null) { XmlElement first = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:ItemGroup", XmlNamespaceManager) as XmlElement; if (first != null) doc.DocumentElement.InsertBefore (elem, first); else doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (elem); } return GetGroup (elem); } public IEnumerable GetAllItems () { foreach (XmlElement elem in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes ("tns:ItemGroup/*", XmlNamespaceManager)) { yield return GetItem (elem); } } public IEnumerable GetAllItems (params string[] names) { string name = string.Join ("|tns:ItemGroup/tns:", names); foreach (XmlElement elem in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes ("tns:ItemGroup/tns:" + name, XmlNamespaceManager)) { yield return GetItem (elem); } } public IEnumerable PropertyGroups { get { foreach (XmlElement elem in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes ("tns:PropertyGroup", XmlNamespaceManager)) yield return GetGroup (elem); } } public IEnumerable ItemGroups { get { foreach (XmlElement elem in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes ("tns:ItemGroup", XmlNamespaceManager)) yield return GetItemGroup (elem); } } public MSBuildItemGroup AddNewItemGroup () { XmlElement elem = doc.CreateElement (null, "ItemGroup", MSBuildProject.Schema); doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (elem); return GetItemGroup (elem); } public MSBuildItem AddNewItem (string name, string include) { MSBuildItemGroup grp = FindBestGroupForItem (name); return grp.AddNewItem (name, include); } MSBuildItemGroup FindBestGroupForItem (string itemName) { MSBuildItemGroup group; if (bestGroups == null) bestGroups = new Dictionary (); else { if (bestGroups.TryGetValue (itemName, out group)) return group; } foreach (MSBuildItemGroup grp in ItemGroups) { foreach (MSBuildItem it in grp.Items) { if (it.Name == itemName) { bestGroups [itemName] = grp; return grp; } } } group = AddNewItemGroup (); bestGroups [itemName] = group; return group; } public string GetProjectExtensions (string section) { XmlElement elem = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:ProjectExtensions/tns:" + section, XmlNamespaceManager) as XmlElement; if (elem != null) return elem.InnerXml; else return string.Empty; } public void SetProjectExtensions (string section, string value) { XmlElement elem = doc.DocumentElement ["ProjectExtensions", MSBuildProject.Schema]; if (elem == null) { elem = doc.CreateElement (null, "ProjectExtensions", MSBuildProject.Schema); doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (elem); } XmlElement sec = elem [section]; if (sec == null) { sec = doc.CreateElement (null, section, MSBuildProject.Schema); elem.AppendChild (sec); } sec.InnerXml = value; } public void RemoveProjectExtensions (string section) { XmlElement elem = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode ("tns:ProjectExtensions/tns:" + section, XmlNamespaceManager) as XmlElement; if (elem != null) { XmlElement parent = (XmlElement) elem.ParentNode; parent.RemoveChild (elem); if (!parent.HasChildNodes) parent.ParentNode.RemoveChild (parent); } } public void RemoveItem (MSBuildItem item) { elemCache.Remove (item.Element); XmlElement parent = (XmlElement) item.Element.ParentNode; item.Element.ParentNode.RemoveChild (item.Element); if (parent.ChildNodes.Count == 0) { elemCache.Remove (parent); parent.ParentNode.RemoveChild (parent); bestGroups = null; } } internal MSBuildItem GetItem (XmlElement elem) { MSBuildObject ob; if (elemCache.TryGetValue (elem, out ob)) return (MSBuildItem) ob; MSBuildItem it = new MSBuildItem (elem); elemCache [elem] = it; return it; } MSBuildPropertyGroup GetGroup (XmlElement elem) { MSBuildObject ob; if (elemCache.TryGetValue (elem, out ob)) return (MSBuildPropertyGroup) ob; MSBuildPropertyGroup it = new MSBuildPropertyGroup (this, elem); elemCache [elem] = it; return it; } MSBuildItemGroup GetItemGroup (XmlElement elem) { MSBuildObject ob; if (elemCache.TryGetValue (elem, out ob)) return (MSBuildItemGroup) ob; MSBuildItemGroup it = new MSBuildItemGroup (this, elem); elemCache [elem] = it; return it; } public void RemoveGroup (MSBuildPropertyGroup grp) { elemCache.Remove (grp.Element); grp.Element.ParentNode.RemoveChild (grp.Element); } } public class MSBuildObject { XmlElement elem; XmlElement evaluatedElem; public MSBuildObject (XmlElement elem) { this.elem = elem; } public XmlElement Element { get { return elem; } } public XmlElement EvaluatedElement { get { return evaluatedElem ?? elem; } protected set { evaluatedElem = value; } } public bool IsEvaluated { get { return evaluatedElem != null; } } protected XmlElement AddChildElement (string name) { XmlElement e = elem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement (null, name, MSBuildProject.Schema); elem.AppendChild (e); return e; } public string Label { get { return EvaluatedElement.GetAttribute ("Label"); } set { Element.SetAttribute ("Label", value); } } public string Condition { get { return Element.GetAttribute ("Condition"); } set { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) Element.RemoveAttribute ("Condition"); else Element.SetAttribute ("Condition", value); } } internal virtual void Evaluate (MSBuildEvaluationContext context) { } } public class MSBuildImport: MSBuildObject { public MSBuildImport (XmlElement elem): base (elem) { } public string Project { get { return EvaluatedElement.GetAttribute ("Project"); } set { Element.SetAttribute ("Project", value); } } public string Condition { get { return EvaluatedElement.GetAttribute ("Condition"); } set { Element.SetAttribute ("Condition", value); } } } public class MSBuildProperty: MSBuildObject { public MSBuildProperty (XmlElement elem): base (elem) { } public string Name { get { return Element.Name; } } internal bool Overwritten { get; set; } public string GetValue (bool isXml = false) { if (isXml) return EvaluatedElement.InnerXml; return EvaluatedElement.InnerText; } public void SetValue (string value, bool isXml = false) { if (isXml) Element.InnerXml = value; else Element.InnerText = value; } internal override void Evaluate (MSBuildEvaluationContext context) { EvaluatedElement = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Condition)) { string cond; if (!context.Evaluate (Condition, out cond)) { // The value could not be evaluated, so if there is an existing value, it is not valid anymore context.ClearPropertyValue (Name); return; } if (!ConditionParser.ParseAndEvaluate (cond, context)) return; } XmlElement elem; if (context.Evaluate (Element, out elem)) { EvaluatedElement = elem; context.SetPropertyValue (Name, GetValue ()); } else { // The value could not be evaluated, so if there is an existing value, it is not valid anymore context.ClearPropertyValue (Name); } } } public interface MSBuildPropertySet { MSBuildProperty GetProperty (string name); IEnumerable Properties { get; } MSBuildProperty SetPropertyValue (string name, string value, bool preserveExistingCase, bool isXml = false); string GetPropertyValue (string name, bool isXml = false); bool RemoveProperty (string name); void RemoveAllProperties (); void UnMerge (MSBuildPropertySet baseGrp, ISet propertiesToExclude); } class MSBuildPropertyGroupMerged: MSBuildPropertySet { List groups = new List (); public void Add (MSBuildPropertyGroup g) { groups.Add (g); } public int GroupCount { get { return groups.Count; } } public MSBuildProperty GetProperty (string name) { // Find property in reverse order, since the last set // value is the good one for (int n=groups.Count - 1; n >= 0; n--) { var g = groups [n]; MSBuildProperty p = g.GetProperty (name); if (p != null) return p; } return null; } public MSBuildProperty SetPropertyValue (string name, string value, bool preserveExistingCase, bool isXml = false) { MSBuildProperty p = GetProperty (name); if (p != null) { if (!preserveExistingCase || !string.Equals (value, p.GetValue (isXml), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { p.SetValue (value, isXml); } return p; } return groups [0].SetPropertyValue (name, value, preserveExistingCase, isXml); } public string GetPropertyValue (string name, bool isXml = false) { MSBuildProperty prop = GetProperty (name); return prop != null ? prop.GetValue (isXml) : null; } public bool RemoveProperty (string name) { bool found = false; foreach (var g in groups) { if (g.RemoveProperty (name)) { Prune (g); found = true; } } return found; } public void RemoveAllProperties () { foreach (var g in groups) { g.RemoveAllProperties (); Prune (g); } } public void UnMerge (MSBuildPropertySet baseGrp, ISet propertiesToExclude) { foreach (var g in groups) { g.UnMerge (baseGrp, propertiesToExclude); } } public IEnumerable Properties { get { foreach (var g in groups) { foreach (var p in g.Properties) yield return p; } } } void Prune (MSBuildPropertyGroup g) { if (g != groups [0] && !g.Properties.Any()) { // Remove this group since it's now empty g.Parent.RemoveGroup (g); } } } public class MSBuildPropertyGroup: MSBuildObject, MSBuildPropertySet { Dictionary properties = new Dictionary (); List propertyList = new List (); MSBuildProject parent; public MSBuildPropertyGroup (MSBuildProject parent, XmlElement elem): base (elem) { this.parent = parent; foreach (var pelem in Element.ChildNodes.OfType ()) { MSBuildProperty prevSameName; if (properties.TryGetValue (pelem.Name, out prevSameName)) prevSameName.Overwritten = true; var prop = new MSBuildProperty (pelem); propertyList.Add (prop); properties [pelem.Name] = prop; // If a property is defined more than once, we only care about the last registered value } } public MSBuildProject Parent { get { return this.parent; } } public MSBuildProperty GetProperty (string name) { MSBuildProperty prop; properties.TryGetValue (name, out prop); return prop; } public IEnumerable Properties { get { return propertyList.Where (p => !p.Overwritten); } } public MSBuildProperty SetPropertyValue (string name, string value, bool preserveExistingCase, bool isXml = false) { MSBuildProperty prop = GetProperty (name); if (prop == null) { XmlElement pelem = AddChildElement (name); prop = new MSBuildProperty (pelem); properties [name] = prop; propertyList.Add (prop); prop.SetValue (value, isXml); } else if (!preserveExistingCase || !string.Equals (value, prop.GetValue (isXml), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { prop.SetValue (value, isXml); } return prop; } public string GetPropertyValue (string name, bool isXml = false) { MSBuildProperty prop = GetProperty (name); if (prop == null) return null; else return prop.GetValue (isXml); } public bool RemoveProperty (string name) { MSBuildProperty prop = GetProperty (name); if (prop != null) { properties.Remove (name); propertyList.Remove (prop); Element.RemoveChild (prop.Element); return true; } return false; } public void RemoveAllProperties () { List toDelete = new List (); foreach (XmlNode node in Element.ChildNodes) { if (node is XmlElement) toDelete.Add (node); } foreach (XmlNode node in toDelete) Element.RemoveChild (node); properties.Clear (); propertyList.Clear (); } public void UnMerge (MSBuildPropertySet baseGrp, ISet propsToExclude) { foreach (MSBuildProperty prop in baseGrp.Properties) { if (propsToExclude != null && propsToExclude.Contains (prop.Name)) continue; MSBuildProperty thisProp = GetProperty (prop.Name); if (thisProp != null && prop.GetValue (true).Equals (thisProp.GetValue (true), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) RemoveProperty (prop.Name); } } internal override void Evaluate (MSBuildEvaluationContext context) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Condition)) { string cond; if (!context.Evaluate (Condition, out cond)) { // The condition could not be evaluated. Clear all properties that this group defines // since we don't know if they will have a value or not foreach (var prop in Properties) context.ClearPropertyValue (prop.Name); return; } if (!ConditionParser.ParseAndEvaluate (cond, context)) return; } foreach (var prop in propertyList) prop.Evaluate (context); } public override string ToString() { string s = "[MSBuildPropertyGroup:"; foreach (MSBuildProperty prop in Properties) s += " " + prop.Name + "=" + prop.GetValue (true); return s + "]"; } } public class MSBuildItem: MSBuildObject { public MSBuildItem (XmlElement elem): base (elem) { } public string Include { get { return EvaluatedElement.GetAttribute ("Include"); } set { Element.SetAttribute ("Include", value); } } public string UnevaluatedInclude { get { return Element.GetAttribute ("Include"); } set { Element.SetAttribute ("Include", value); } } public string Name { get { return Element.Name; } } public bool HasMetadata (string name) { return EvaluatedElement [name, MSBuildProject.Schema] != null; } public void SetMetadata (string name, bool value) { SetMetadata (name, value ? "True" : "False"); } public void SetMetadata (string name, string value, bool isXml = false) { // Don't overwrite the metadata value if the new value is the same as the old // This will keep the old metadata string, which can contain property references if (GetMetadata (name, isXml) == value) return; XmlElement elem = Element [name, MSBuildProject.Schema]; if (elem == null) { elem = AddChildElement (name); Element.AppendChild (elem); } if (isXml) elem.InnerXml = value; else elem.InnerText = value; } public void UnsetMetadata (string name) { XmlElement elem = Element [name, MSBuildProject.Schema]; if (elem != null) { Element.RemoveChild (elem); if (!Element.HasChildNodes) Element.IsEmpty = true; } } public string GetMetadata (string name, bool isXml = false) { XmlElement elem = EvaluatedElement [name, MSBuildProject.Schema]; if (elem != null) return isXml ? elem.InnerXml : elem.InnerText; else return null; } public bool? GetBoolMetadata (string name) { var val = GetMetadata (name); if (String.Equals (val, "False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return false; if (String.Equals (val, "True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true; return null; } public bool GetMetadataIsFalse (string name) { return String.Compare (GetMetadata (name), "False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0; } public void MergeFrom (MSBuildItem other) { foreach (XmlNode node in Element.ChildNodes) { if (node is XmlElement) SetMetadata (node.LocalName, node.InnerXml, true); } } internal override void Evaluate (MSBuildEvaluationContext context) { XmlElement elem; if (context.Evaluate (Element, out elem)) EvaluatedElement = elem; else EvaluatedElement = null; } } public class MSBuildItemGroup: MSBuildObject { MSBuildProject parent; internal MSBuildItemGroup (MSBuildProject parent, XmlElement elem): base (elem) { this.parent = parent; } public MSBuildItem AddNewItem (string name, string include) { XmlElement elem = AddChildElement (name); MSBuildItem it = parent.GetItem (elem); it.Include = include; return it; } public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (XmlNode node in Element.ChildNodes) { XmlElement elem = node as XmlElement; if (elem != null) yield return parent.GetItem (elem); } } } internal override void Evaluate (MSBuildEvaluationContext context) { foreach (var item in Items) item.Evaluate (context); } } public class MSBuildEvaluationContext: IExpressionContext { Dictionary properties = new Dictionary (); bool allResolved; MSBuildProject project; public MSBuildEvaluationContext () { } internal void InitEvaluation (MSBuildProject project) { this.project = project; SetPropertyValue ("MSBuildThisFile", Path.GetFileName (project.FileName)); SetPropertyValue ("MSBuildThisFileName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (project.FileName)); SetPropertyValue ("MSBuildThisFileDirectory", Path.GetDirectoryName (project.FileName) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); SetPropertyValue ("MSBuildThisFileExtension", Path.GetExtension (project.FileName)); SetPropertyValue ("MSBuildThisFileFullPath", Path.GetFullPath (project.FileName)); SetPropertyValue ("VisualStudioReferenceAssemblyVersion", project.ToolsVersion + ".0.0"); } public string GetPropertyValue (string name) { string val; if (properties.TryGetValue (name, out val)) return val; else return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable (name); } public void SetPropertyValue (string name, string value) { properties [name] = value; } public void ClearPropertyValue (string name) { properties.Remove (name); } public bool Evaluate (XmlElement source, out XmlElement result) { allResolved = true; result = (XmlElement) EvaluateNode (source); return allResolved; } XmlNode EvaluateNode (XmlNode source) { var elemSource = source as XmlElement; if (elemSource != null) { var elem = source.OwnerDocument.CreateElement (elemSource.Prefix, elemSource.LocalName, elemSource.NamespaceURI); foreach (XmlAttribute attr in elemSource.Attributes) elem.Attributes.Append ((XmlAttribute)EvaluateNode (attr)); foreach (XmlNode child in elemSource.ChildNodes) elem.AppendChild (EvaluateNode (child)); return elem; } var attSource = source as XmlAttribute; if (attSource != null) { bool oldResolved = allResolved; var att = source.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute (attSource.Prefix, attSource.LocalName, attSource.NamespaceURI); att.Value = Evaluate (attSource.Value); // Condition attributes don't change the resolution status. Conditions are handled in the property and item objects if (attSource.Name == "Condition") allResolved = oldResolved; return att; } var textSource = source as XmlText; if (textSource != null) { return source.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode (Evaluate (textSource.InnerText)); } return source.Clone (); } public bool Evaluate (string str, out string result) { allResolved = true; result = Evaluate (str); return allResolved; } string Evaluate (string str) { int i = str.IndexOf ("$("); if (i == -1) return str; int last = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); do { sb.Append (str, last, i - last); i += 2; int j = str.IndexOf (")", i); if (j == -1) { allResolved = false; return ""; } string prop = str.Substring (i, j - i); string val = GetPropertyValue (prop); if (val == null) { allResolved = false; return ""; } sb.Append (val); last = j + 1; i = str.IndexOf ("$(", last); } while (i != -1); sb.Append (str, last, str.Length - last); return sb.ToString (); } #region IExpressionContext implementation public string EvaluateString (string value) { if (value.StartsWith ("$(") && value.EndsWith (")")) return GetPropertyValue (value.Substring (2, value.Length - 3)) ?? value; else return value; } public string FullFileName { get { return project.FileName; } } #endregion } }